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Firefly luciferase as a tool in molecular and cell biology   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The unique properties of firefly luciferase and the cloning of the gene for this enzyme have spawned a number of novel applications of this protein. We summarize a few of these applications including its use as a reporter gene, as a model for the study of protein import into peroxisomes, and as a component of a heterologous gene expression system.  相似文献   

Muscle cell culture as a tool in animal growth research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Muscle cell culture techniques have been used for several years in research on muscle growth and development. Several types of culture systems have been devised, including primary cultures from embryonic or postnatal muscle and myogenic cell lines. In addition, serum-free and serum-containing media have been developed to address specific muscle development questions. Many of these questions center around muscle cell differentiation and muscle cell physiology; and, more recently, muscle cell cultures have been used as bioassay tools for examining growth physiology in domestic animals. In our laboratory, skeletal muscle satellite cells have been studied in vitro to evaluate the effect of several protein hormones and growth factors on satellite cell proliferation and differentiation. Of the hormones examined, only the insulin-like growth factors/somatomedins and fibroblast growth factor have been shown to have a stimulatory effect on proliferation that could be physiologically significant. None of the major anterior pituitary hormones interacted directly with satellite cells to stimulate proliferation. With advances in serum-free medium formulations and cell separation techniques, more information can be obtained from experiments with muscle cell cultures. With appropriate design and interpretation, our knowledge of muscle growth in domestic animals will be expanded.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cells: a promising tool for cell replacement therapy   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Embryonic stem (ES) cells are revolutionizing the field of developmental biology as a potential tool to understand the molecular mechanisms occurring during the process of differentiation from the embryonic stage to the adult phenotype. ES cells harvested from the inner cell mass (ICM) of the early embryo can proliferate indefinitely in vitro while retaining the ability to differentiate into all somatic cells. Emerging results from mice models with ES cells are promising and raising tremendous hope among the scientific community for the ES-cell based cell replacement therapy (CRT) of various severe diseases. ES cells could potentially revolutionize medicine by providing an unlimited renewable source of cells capable of replacing or repairing tissues that have been damaged in almost all degenerative diseases such as diabetes, myocardial infarction and Parkinson's disease. This review updates the progress of ES cell research in CRT, discusses about the problems encountered in the practical utility of ES cells in CRT and evaluates how far this approach is successful experimentally.  相似文献   

The identification of new chemical repellents for wildlife damage management is impeded by the need to perform cumbersome and expensive behavioral tests. Here, we report the development of in vitro cell culture methods to increase the speed and efficiency of repellent screening while reducing costs, as well as the number of animals necessary for research. Our methods exploit the fact that effective primary repellents depend on the stimulation of pain receptors. We cultured trigeminal nociceptors (pain receptors) from Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus, laboratory strain), white leghorn chicken (Gallus gallus), coyote (Canis latrans), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and Canada goose (Branta canadensis), and then applied digital fluorescence microscopy to measure changes in intracellular calcium (an index of cellular activation) in response to applications of known and effective repellents. Capsaicin, bradykinin and acetylcholine were more effective stimuli for rat, coyote, and deer neurons than cells from chicken.  相似文献   

In the few short years since its discovery, RNA interference (RNAi) has revolutionized the functional analysis of genomes: both technical and conceptual approaches to the investigation of gene function are being transformed as a result of this new technology. Genome-scale RNAi analyses have already been performed in the model organisms Caenorhabditis elegans (in vivo) and Drosophila melanogaster (in cell lines), ushering in a new era of RNAi-based approaches to probing the inner workings of the cell. The transformation of complex phenotypic data into mineable 'digitized' formats is fostering the emergence of a new area of bioinformatics related to the phenome.  相似文献   

Phylogenetics has inherent utility in evolutionary developmental biology (EDB) as it is an established methodology for estimating evolutionary relationships and for making comparisons between levels of biological organization. However, explicit phylogenetic methods generally have been limited to two levels of organization in EDB-the species and the gene. We demonstrate that phylogenetic methods can be applied broadly to other organizational levels, such as morphological structures or cell types, to identify evolutionary patterns. We present examples at and between different hierarchical levels of organization to address questions central to EDB. We argue that this application of "hierarchical phylogenetics" can be a unifying analytical approach to the field of EDB.  相似文献   

Antisense oligodeoxynucleotides have been highly successful agents at modulating gene expression in the adult brain and widely exploited in the field of neuroendocrinology. We have also used this technique in the developing brain to explore the role of select proteins during sensitive periods of development, particularly those influenced by steroid hormones. Presented here are the technical details of using antisense oligodeoxynucleotides in the neonatal brain, as well as a review of some of our successes and failures. Our goal is to illustrate the relative ease of use of this technique in neonates and demonstrate the power such an approach offers so that other investigators will also begin to take advantage of this useful tool.  相似文献   

The past decade has seen an unprecedented data explosion in biology. It has become evident that in order to take full advantage of the potential wealth of information hidden in the data produced by even a single experiment, visual inspection and manual analysis are no longer adequate. To ensure efficiency, consistency, and completeness in data processing and analysis, computational tools are essential. Of particular importance to many modern live-cell imaging experiments is the ability to automatically track and analyze the motion of objects in time-lapse microscopy images. This article surveys the recent literature in this area. Covering all scales of microscopic observation, from cells, down to molecules, and up to entire organisms, it discusses the latest trends and successes in the development and application of computerized tracking methods in cell and developmental biology.  相似文献   

The Mexican tetra Astyanax mexicanus has many of the favorable attributes that have made the zebrafish a model system in developmental biology. The existence of eyed surface (surface fish) and blind cave (cavefish) dwelling forms in Astyanax also provides an attractive system for studying the evolution of developmental mechanisms. The polarity of evolutionary changes and the environmental conditions leading to the cavefish phenotype are known with certainty, and several different cavefish populations have evolved constructive and regressive changes independently. The constructive changes include enhancement of the feeding apparatus (jaws, taste buds, and teeth) and the mechanosensory system of cranial neuromasts. The homeobox gene Prox 1, which is expressed in the expanded taste buds and cranial neuromasts, is one of the genes involved in the constructive changes in sensory organ development. The regressive changes include loss of pigmentation and eye degeneration. Although adult cavefish lack functional eyes, small eye primordia are formed during embryogenesis, which later arrest in development, degenerate, and sink into the orbit. Apoptosis and lens signaling to other eye parts, such as the cornea, iris, and retina, result in the arrest of eye development and ultimate optic degeneration. Accordingly, an eye with restored cornea, iris, and retinal photoreceptor cells is formed when a surface fish lens is transplanted into a cavefish optic cup, indicating that cavefish optic tissues have conserved the ability to respond to lens signaling. Genetic analysis indicates that multiple genes regulate eye degeneration, and molecular studies suggest that Pax6 may be one of the genes controlling cavefish eye degeneration. Further studies of the Astyanax system will contribute to our understanding of the evolution of developmental mechanisms in vertebrates.  相似文献   

T A Slotkin 《Life sciences》1979,24(18):1623-1629
The developmental pattern of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity has proven valuable in elucidating the influence of the perinatal environment on maturation of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Effects of hormones, drugs and maternal-neonatal interactions on ODC can be used to predict subsequent alterations in brain growth, central neurotransmitter systems and ontogeny of sympathetic nerve function.  相似文献   

Cell differentiation, morphology, migration, polarity, intercellular communication and adhesion are all cellular processes that control embryo morphogenesis and lie at the interface of cell and developmental biology. The interface between these two fields is best illustrated, however, in studies of axiation and cytoskeletal remodeling during development. Recent advances reveal novel mechanisms for axiation, including the role of RNA and protein degradation in regulating the timely expression of morphogenetic signals. Significant progress has also been made in identifying components of the cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix that mediate embryonic cell migration and polarity. Cellular processes at the interface of cell and developmental biology are overseen by the Wnt signaling cascade that coordinates both axiation and cytoskeletal remodeling during development.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology is an engineering approach that seeks to design and construct new biological parts, devices and systems, as well as to re-design existing components. However, rationally designed synthetic circuits may not work as expected due to the context-dependence of biological parts. Darwinian selection, the main mechanism through which evolution works, is a major force in creating biodiversity and may be a powerful tool for synthetic biology. This article reviews selection-based techniques and proposes strict Darwinian selection as an alternative approach for the identification and characterization of parts. Additionally, a strategy for fine-tuning of relatively complex circuits by coupling them to a master standard circuit is discussed.  相似文献   

Retinal degenerations are the commonest cause of blindness in the Western world, affecting 5% of the population, yet remain largely untreatable. A better understanding of the mechanisms of disease is needed. Zebrafish fill a gap in the current repertoire of models, offering genetic tractability in a vertebrate. Their retina has many similarities with a human retina. Importantly, unlike rodents, they have rich colour vision, offering the potential to model the macular degenerations. A variety of physiological assays, genetic manipulations and histological tools have been developed and useful models of human disease created.  相似文献   

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