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Using the definitions of protein folds encoded in a text string, a dynamic programming algorithm was devised to compare these and identify their largest common substructure and calculate the distance (in terms of the number of edit operations) that this lay from each structure. This provided a metric on which the folds were clustered into a 'phylogenetic' tree. This construction differs from previous automatic structure clustering algorithms as it has explicit representation of the structures at 'ancestral' branching nodes, even when these have no corresponding known structure. The resulting tree was compared with that compiled by an 'expert' in the field and while there was broad agreement, differences were found that resulted from differing degrees of emphasis being placed on the types of operations that can be used to transform structures. Some concluding speculations on the relationship of such trees to the evolutionary history and folding of the proteins are advanced.  相似文献   

Protein fold recognition using sequence-derived predictions.   总被引:18,自引:9,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
In protein fold recognition, one assigns a probe amino acid sequence of unknown structure to one of a library of target 3D structures. Correct assignment depends on effective scoring of the probe sequence for its compatibility with each of the target structures. Here we show that, in addition to the amino acid sequence of the probe, sequence-derived properties of the probe sequence (such as the predicted secondary structure) are useful in fold assignment. The additional measure of compatibility between probe and target is the level of agreement between the predicted secondary structure of the probe and the known secondary structure of the target fold. That is, we recommend a sequence-structure compatibility function that combines previously developed compatibility functions (such as the 3D-1D scores of Bowie et al. [1991] or sequence-sequence replacement tables) with the predicted secondary structure of the probe sequence. The effect on fold assignment of adding predicted secondary structure is evaluated here by using a benchmark set of proteins (Fischer et al., 1996a). The 3D structures of the probe sequences of the benchmark are actually known, but are ignored by our method. The results show that the inclusion of the predicted secondary structure improves fold assignment by about 25%. The results also show that, if the true secondary structure of the probe were known, correct fold assignment would increase by an additional 8-32%. We conclude that incorporating sequence-derived predictions significantly improves assignment of sequences to known 3D folds. Finally, we apply the new method to assign folds to sequences in the SWISSPROT database; six fold assignments are given that are not detectable by standard sequence-sequence comparison methods; for two of these, the fold is known from X-ray crystallography and the fold assignment is correct.  相似文献   

The biological role, biochemical function, and structure of uncharacterized protein sequences is often inferred from their similarity to known proteins. A constant goal is to increase the reliability, sensitivity, and accuracy of alignment techniques to enable the detection of increasingly distant relationships. Development, tuning, and testing of these methods benefit from appropriate benchmarks for the assessment of alignment accuracy.Here, we describe a benchmark protocol to estimate sequence-to-sequence and sequence-to-structure alignment accuracy. The protocol consists of structurally related pairs of proteins and procedures to evaluate alignment accuracy over the whole set. The set of protein pairs covers all the currently known fold types. The benchmark is challenging in the sense that it consists of proteins lacking clear sequence similarity.Correct target alignments are derived from the three-dimensional structures of these pairs by rigid body superposition. An evaluation engine computes the accuracy of alignments obtained from a particular algorithm in terms of alignment shifts with respect to the structure derived alignments. Using this benchmark we estimate that the best results can be obtained from a combination of amino acid residue substitution matrices and knowledge-based potentials.  相似文献   

胡始昌  江弋  林琛  邹权 《生物信息学》2012,10(2):112-115
蛋白质折叠问题被列为"21世纪的生物物理学"的重要课题,他是分子生物学中心法则尚未解决的一个重大生物学问题,因此预测蛋白质折叠模式是一个复杂、困难、和有挑战性的工作。为了解决该问题,我们引入了分类器集成,本文所采用的是三种分类器(LMT、RandomForest、SMO)进行集成以及188维组合理化特征来对蛋白质类别进行预测。实验证明,该方法可以有效表征蛋白质折叠模式的特性,对蛋白质序列数据实现精确分类;交叉验证和独立测试均证明本文预测准确率超过70%,比前人工作提高近10个百分点。  相似文献   

Homology detection and protein structure prediction are central themes in bioinformatics. Establishment of relationship between protein sequences or prediction of their structure by sequence comparison methods finds limitations when there is low sequence similarity. Recent works demonstrate that the use of profiles improves homology detection and protein structure prediction. Profiles can be inferred from protein multiple alignments using different approaches. The "Conservatism-of-Conservatism" is an effective profile analysis method to identify structural features between proteins having the same fold but no detectable sequence similarity. The information obtained from protein multiple alignments varies according to the amino acid classification employed to calculate the profile. In this work, we calculated entropy profiles from PSI-BLAST-derived multiple alignments and used different amino acid classifications summarizing almost 500 different attributes. These entropy profiles were converted into pseudocodes which were compared using the FASTA program with an ad-hoc matrix. We tested the performance of our method to identify relationships between proteins with similar fold using a nonredundant subset of sequences having less than 40% of identity. We then compared our results using Coverage Versus Error per query curves, to those obtained by methods like PSI-BLAST, COMPASS and HHSEARCH. Our method, named HIP (Homology Identification with Profiles) presented higher accuracy detecting relationships between proteins with the same fold. The use of different amino acid classifications reflecting a large number of amino acid attributes, improved the recognition of distantly related folds. We propose the use of pseudocodes representing profile information as a fast and powerful tool for homology detection, fold assignment and analysis of evolutionary information enclosed in protein profiles.  相似文献   

D J Ayers  T Huber  A E Torda 《Proteins》1999,36(4):454-461
We describe two ways of optimizing score functions for protein sequence to structure threading. The first method adjusts parameters to improve sequence to structure alignment. The second adjusts parameters so as to improve a score function's ability to rank alignments calculated in the first score function. Unlike those functions known as knowledge-based force fields, the resulting parameter sets do not rely on Boltzmann statistics, have no claim to representing free energies and are purely constructions for recognizing protein folds. The methods give a small improvement, but suggest that functions can be profitably optimized for very specific aspects of protein fold recognition. Proteins 1999;36:454-461.  相似文献   

Dong E  Smith J  Heinze S  Alexander N  Meiler J 《Gene》2008,422(1-2):41-46
BCL::Align is a multiple sequence alignment tool that utilizes the dynamic programming method in combination with a customizable scoring function for sequence alignment and fold recognition. The scoring function is a weighted sum of the traditional PAM and BLOSUM scoring matrices, position-specific scoring matrices output by PSI-BLAST, secondary structure predicted by a variety of methods, chemical properties, and gap penalties. By adjusting the weights, the method can be tailored for fold recognition or sequence alignment tasks at different levels of sequence identity. A Monte Carlo algorithm was used to determine optimized weight sets for sequence alignment and fold recognition that most accurately reproduced the SABmark reference alignment test set. In an evaluation of sequence alignment performance, BCL::Align ranked best in alignment accuracy (Cline score of 22.90 for sequences in the Twilight Zone) when compared with Align-m, ClustalW, T-Coffee, and MUSCLE. ROC curve analysis indicates BCL::Align's ability to correctly recognize protein folds with over 80% accuracy. The flexibility of the program allows it to be optimized for specific classes of proteins (e.g. membrane proteins) or fold families (e.g. TIM-barrel proteins). BCL::Align is free for academic use and available online at http://www.meilerlab.org/.  相似文献   

We introduce an energy function for contact maps of proteins. In addition to the standard term, that takes into account pair-wise interactions between amino acids, our potential contains a new hydrophobic energy term. Parameters of the energy function were obtained from a statistical analysis of the contact maps of known structures. The quality of our energy function was tested extensively in a variety of ways. In particular, fold recognition experiments revealed that for a fixed sequence the native map is identified correctly in an overwhelming majority of the cases tested. We succeeded in identifying the structure of some proteins that are known to pose difficulties for such tests (BPTI, spectrin, and cro-protein). In addition, many known pairs of homologous structures were correctly identified, even when the two sequences had relatively low sequence homology. We also introduced a dynamic Monte Carlo procedure in the space of contact maps, taking topological and polymeric constraints into account by restrictive dynamic rules. Various aspects of protein dynamics, including high-temperature melting and refolding, were simulated. Perspectives of application of the energy function and the method for structure checking and fold prediction are discussed. Proteins 26:391–410 © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Protein fold recognition is an important step towards understanding protein three-dimensional structures and their functions. A conditional graphical model, i.e., segmentation conditional random fields (SCRFs), is proposed as an effective solution to this problem. In contrast to traditional graphical models, such as the hidden Markov model (HMM), SCRFs follow a discriminative approach. Therefore, it is flexible to include any features in the model, such as overlapping or long-range interaction features over the whole sequence. The model also employs a convex optimization function, which results in globally optimal solutions to the model parameters. On the other hand, the segmentation setting in SCRFs makes their graphical structures intuitively similar to the protein 3-D structures and more importantly provides a framework to model the long-range interactions between secondary structures directly. Our model is applied to predict the parallel beta-helix fold, an important fold in bacterial pathogenesis and carbohydrate binding/cleavage. The cross-family validation shows that SCRFs not only can score all known beta-helices higher than non-beta-helices in the Protein Data Bank (PDB), but also accurately locates rungs in known beta-helix proteins. Our method outperforms BetaWrap, a state-of-the-art algorithm for predicting beta-helix folds, and HMMER, a general motif detection algorithm based on HMM, and has the additional advantage of general application to other protein folds. Applying our prediction model to the Uniprot Database, we identify previously unknown potential beta-helices.  相似文献   

Protein sequence comparison methods have grown increasingly sensitive during the last decade and can often identify distantly related proteins sharing a common ancestor some 3 billion years ago. Although cellular function is not conserved so long, molecular functions and structures of protein domains often are. In combination with a domain-centered approach to function and structure prediction, modern remote homology detection methods have a great and largely underexploited potential for elucidating protein functions and evolution. Advances during the last few years include nonlinear scoring functions combining various sequence features, the use of sequence context information, and powerful new software packages. Since progress depends on realistically assessing new and existing methods and published benchmarks are often hard to compare, we propose 10 rules of good-practice benchmarking.  相似文献   

A new approach based on the implementation of support vector machine (SVM) with the error correcting output codes (ECOC) is presented for recognition of multi-class protein folds. The experimental show that the proposed method can improve prediction accuracy by 4%-10% on two datasets containing 27 SCOP folds.  相似文献   

We present a fast method for finding optimal parameters for a low-resolution (threading) force field intended to distinguish correct from incorrect folds for a given protein sequence. In contrast to other methods, the parameterization uses information from >10(7) misfolded structures as well as a set of native sequence-structure pairs. In addition to testing the resulting force field's performance on the protein sequence threading problem, results are shown that characterize the number of parameters necessary for effective structure recognition.  相似文献   

One of the key components in protein structure prediction by protein threading technique is to choose the best overall template for a given target sequence after all the optimal sequence-template alignments are generated. The chosen template should have the best alignment with the target sequence since the three-dimensional structure of the target sequence is built on the sequence-template alignment. The traditional method for template selection is called Z-score, which uses a statistical test to rank all the sequence-template alignments and then chooses the first-ranked template for the sequence. However, the calculation of Z-score is time-consuming and not suitable for genome-scale structure prediction. Z-scores are also hard to interpret when the threading scoring function is the weighted sum of several energy items of different physical meanings. This paper presents a support vector machine (SVM) regression approach to directly predict the alignment accuracy of a sequence-template alignment, which is used to rank all the templates for a specific target sequence. Experimental results on a large-scale benchmark demonstrate that SVM regression performs much better than the composition-corrected Z-score method. SVM regression also runs much faster than the Z-score method.  相似文献   

Protein structure alignment by deterministic annealing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MOTIVATION: Protein structure alignment is one of the most important computational problems in molecular biology and plays a key role in protein structure prediction, fold family classification, motif finding, phylogenetic tree reconstruction and so on. From the viewpoint of computational complexity, a pairwise structure alignment is also a NP-hard problem, in contrast to the polynomial time algorithm for a pairwise sequence alignment. RESULTS: We propose a method for solving the structure alignment problem in an accurate manner at the amino acid level, based on a mean field annealing technique. We define the structure alignment as a mixed integer-programming (MIP) problem. By avoiding complicated combinatorial computation and exploiting the special structure of the continuous partial problem, we transform the MIP into a reduced non-linear continuous optimization problem (NCOP) with a much simpler form. To optimize the reduced NCOP, a mean field annealing procedure is adopted with a modified Potts model, whose solution is generally identical to that of the MIP. There is no 'soft constraint' in our mean field model and all constraints are automatically satisfied throughout the annealing process, thereby not only making the optimization more efficient but also eliminating many unnecessary parameters that depend on problems and usually require careful tuning. A number of benchmark examples are tested by the proposed method with comparisons to several existing approaches.  相似文献   

The prediction experiment reveals that fold recognition has become a powerful tool in structural biology. We applied our fold recognition technique to 13 target sequences. In two cases, replication terminating protein and prosequence of subtilisin, the predicted structures are very similar to the experimentally determined folds. For the first time, in a public blind test, the unknown structures of proteins have been predicted ahead of experiment to an accuracy approaching molecular detail. In two other cases the approximate folds have been predicted correctly. According to the assessors there were 12 recognizable folds among the target proteins. In our postprediction analysis we find that in 7 cases our fold recognition technique is successful. In several of the remaining cases the predicted folds have interesting features in common with the experimental results. We present our procedure, discuss the results, and comment on several fundamental and technical problems encountered in fold recognition. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BCL::Align is a multiple sequence alignment tool that utilizes the dynamic programming method in combination with a customizable scoring function for sequence alignment and fold recognition. The scoring function is a weighted sum of the traditional PAM and BLOSUM scoring matrices, position-specific scoring matrices output by PSI-BLAST, secondary structure predicted by a variety of methods, chemical properties, and gap penalties. By adjusting the weights, the method can be tailored for fold recognition or sequence alignment tasks at different levels of sequence identity. A Monte Carlo algorithm was used to determine optimized weight sets for sequence alignment and fold recognition that most accurately reproduced the SABmark reference alignment test set. In an evaluation of sequence alignment performance, BCL::Align ranked best in alignment accuracy (Cline score of 22.90 for sequences in the Twilight Zone) when compared with Align-m, ClustalW, T-Coffee, and MUSCLE. ROC curve analysis indicates BCL::Align's ability to correctly recognize protein folds with over 80% accuracy. The flexibility of the program allows it to be optimized for specific classes of proteins (e.g. membrane proteins) or fold families (e.g. TIM-barrel proteins). BCL::Align is free for academic use and available online at http://www.meilerlab.org/.  相似文献   



Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) is a feature extraction method that has the property of intuitive part-based representation of the original features. This unique ability makes NMF a potentially promising method for biological sequence analysis. Here, we apply NMF to fold recognition and remote homolog detection problems. Recent studies have shown that combining support vector machines (SVM) with profile-profile alignments improves performance of fold recognition and remote homolog detection remarkably. However, it is not clear which parts of sequences are essential for the performance improvement.  相似文献   

Protein structure alignment   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
A new method of comparing protein structures is described, based on distance plot analysis. It is relatively insensitive to insertions and deletions in sequence and is tolerant of the displacement of equivalent substructures between the two molecules being compared. When presented with the co-ordinate sets of two structures, the method will produce automatically an alignment of their sequences based on structural criteria. The method uses the dynamic programming optimization technique, which is widely used in the comparison of protein sequences and thus unifies the techniques of protein structure and sequence comparison. Typical structure comparison problems were examined and the results of the new method compared to the published results obtained using conventional methods. In most examples, the new method produced a result that was equivalent, and in some cases superior, to those reported in the literature.  相似文献   

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