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重金属镉与铜在棕尾别麻蝇体内的积累和排泄研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了研究镉(Cadmium,Cd)和铜(Copper,Cu)在棕尾别麻蝇Boettcherisca peregrina (Diptera:Sarcophagidae)生长发育过程中积累和排泄的动态变化,在室内给棕尾别麻蝇初产幼虫连续饲喂含不同浓度Cd2'或Cu2+的人工饲料,每隔24 h测定幼虫对Cd2+或Cu2+积累和排泄及变态过程中的变化.结果表明:棕尾别麻蝇幼虫取食含有Cd2+的饲料后,大部分Cd2+积累在体内,少部分通过排泄系统排出.Cd2+在幼虫体内的积累量随着取食时间的延长而增加,幼虫取食含200 μg/g Cd2+饲料后,体内Cd2+积累量高于取食含100 μg/g、400 μg/g和800 μg/g Cd2+饲料后体内Cd2+积累量,幼虫对Cd2+排泄量亦有相同的规律.Cd2+在幼虫、蛹和刚羽化成虫中的含量依次降低.棕尾别麻蝇幼虫取食含Cu2+的饲料后,其体内Cu2+积累量小于排泄量,而且体内积累量和排泄量随着取食时间的延长而增加,Cu2+积累量和排泄量与取食饲料中的Cu2+浓度均不成正比.在变态过程中,Cu2+也不断被排泄,体内Cu2+含量随之下降. 相似文献
从以富含纤维蛋白的血凝块为食物的棕尾别麻蝇幼虫肠道浸提液中分离纯化出3种具有溶纤活性的蛋白酶,分别命名为BPGFP1,BPGFP2和BPGFP3。其中,BPGFP1由两个分子量分别为32000和30000的亚基组成。BPGFP2和BPGFP3均为单体,分子量分别为40000和28000。这三种蛋白酶具有相似的底物特异性和抑制剂特性。三种蛋白酶均能降解溶纤活性蛋白酶的特异底物纤维蛋白,Chromzym,P,Chromzym UK和S-2288。三种酶还能够强烈降解类胰蛋白酶专一底物Bz-Phe-Val Arg NA,cBz Gly-Pro-Arg NA,Bz-Pro-Phe-Arg NA和Bz-Val-Gly-Arg NA.PMSF,STI,LBTI和SBBI能够对三种蛋白酶活怀有极强的抑制作用。三种溶纤活性蛋白酶均在pH9.0-10.0范围内表现出较高活性。 相似文献
免疫亲和层析法纯化棕尾别麻蝇(Sarcophagaperegrina)幼虫血淋巴凝集素 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
报道了利用免疫亲和层析法纯化棕尾别麻蝇幼虫血淋巴凝集素的结果.哺乳动物红细胞能够特异地吸附凝集素.用兔红细胞与麻蝇幼虫血淋巴凝集素形成的复合体免疫供血家兔,得到麻蝇幼虫血淋巴凝集素的抗体.再利用抗体制备亲和吸附柱,通过免疫亲和层析一次性纯化了麻蝇幼虫血淋巴凝集素. S D S P A G E结果显示,该凝集素的分子量约为73 k D.这一结果,与用对麻蝇幼虫血淋巴凝集素有抑制作用的糖蛋白—胎球蛋白和甲状腺球蛋白为配基,亲和层析纯化的结果完全相同,表明用这种免疫亲和层析法纯化凝集素是可行的.为不清楚专一性识别糖或专一性识别糖不典型,难于用普通亲和层析纯化的凝集素,提供了一种有效的纯化方法. 相似文献
棕尾别麻蝇(Sarcophaga peregrina)幼虫与蛹血淋巴凝集素的纯化与特性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
用亲和层析法纯化了棕尾别麻蝇幼虫和蛹血淋巴凝集素。以兔红细胞吸附幼虫血淋巴凝集素为抗原制备的抗体、球球蛋白和甲状腺蛋白等三种亲和层析吸附剂纯化得到的幼虫凝集素是相同的,其分子量73kD左右。用甲状腺球蛋白为亲和配基纯化的蛹血淋巴凝集素由二种亚基组成,其分子量分别为30和32kD。幼虫和蛹血淋巴凝集素活性的抑制糖明显不同:乳糖、岩藻糖和N-乙酰半乳糖胺对幼虫血淋巴凝集素活性有抑制作用;而甘露糖胺、半乳糖胺和葡萄糖胺则对蛹血淋巴集素有一定抑制。而且,用兔红细胞吸附幼虫血淋巴凝集素为抗原制备的抗血清对蛹的凝集素活性无交叉反应,表明这两种凝集素是不相同的。虽然本文所纯化的麻蝇蛹血淋巴凝集素的分子量和Komano等报道的麻蝇蛹以及幼虫体壁 伤害诱导的凝集素SPL相同,但其糖的抑制特性有明显差异。 相似文献
取食重金属铜对棕尾别麻蝇亲代及子代生长发育与繁殖的影响 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
为了评估取食含重金属铜饲料对棕尾别麻蝇Boettcherisca peregrine亲代及子代的生长发育与繁殖的影响,在室内给棕尾别麻蝇初产幼虫饲喂含不同浓度(200, 400,800和1 600 µg/g)Cu2+的饲料直至化蛹,并对亲代和子代的生长发育和繁殖有关指标进行了观察和分析。结果表明:低浓度的Cu2+(200 µg/g)对其体重和体长起促进作用,但对幼虫历期、化蛹率、蛹历期、羽化率、性比、交配率和产仔量无显著作用;较高浓度的Cu2+ 则有抑制作用,且Cu2+处理浓度越高,亲代幼虫、蛹和雌雄成虫的体重越轻,幼虫和蛹的体长越短,化蛹率、羽化率、交配率和产仔量越低,幼虫历期和蛹期越长,成虫寿命越短。但Cu2+处理对成虫性比则无显著的影响。相比之下,经Cu2+处理后雌虫所产的子代若不再经Cu2+处理,其子代生存、生长发育与繁殖则基本不受影响,说明Cu2+对亲代的影响不能遗传至子代。此外,还探讨了该蝇亲代与子代体内Cu2+含量在其变态过程中的变化。 相似文献
一株棕尾别麻蝇胚胎细胞系的建立及其特性分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
双翅目昆虫细胞系广泛应用于遗传学、发育生物学、分子生物学、人和动物体病原学以及昆虫抗微生物肽的研究。本研究建立了一株新的棕尾别麻蝇Sarcophaga peregrina胚胎细胞系。该细胞系的原代培养始于2008年11月17日, 取材于棕尾别麻蝇晚期胚胎组织, 在Shields & Sang M3昆虫培养基中于28℃恒温培养, 在第26天进行第1次传代, 至今已历时21个月, 传代72次, 生长状态稳定, 被命名为Sp-E-HNU11。该细胞系的细胞形态主要呈梭形和近圆形, 杂以少量巨型细胞, 紧密贴壁生长。细胞群体倍增时间为42 h。染色体数目一般为10条或12条, 为二倍体或亚二倍体细胞系; 除一对颗粒状微型染色体外, 其他染色体呈短杆状。细胞系的β-萘酯酶和谷草转氨酶同工酶谱上分别显示出1条和3条酶带。随机引物扩增多态性 (random amplified polymorphic DNA, RAPD) 分析结果显示, 该细胞系与小菜蛾细胞系Px-E-HNU12、草地贪夜蛾细胞系IPLB-Sf-9和家蚕细胞系Bm-21E-HNU5呈现明显不同的带型特征。 Sp-E-HNU11细胞系的建立为昆虫抗微生物肽及其他相关的研究工作增添了新的研究工具和生产载体。 相似文献
将棕尾别麻蝇Boettcherisca peregrina幼虫置于含800 μg/g CdCl2的食物中取食48 h后,可诱导金属硫蛋白(MT)的合成。诱导处理后的幼虫匀浆上清液经Sephadex G-50分子筛柱、UNOTM Q1阴离子交换柱和Bio-Gel P-6脱盐柱层析,纯化得到2个亚型,即MT-Ⅰ和MT-Ⅱ。MT-Ⅰ和MT-Ⅱ的分子量均为9 kD,每蛋白分子均含7个Cd和20个巯基,且具254 nm的Cd-SH特征吸收肩。两者的氨基酸组成中,以半胱氨酸含量最高,分别为36.6%和31.8%;而芳香族氨基酸和组氨酸含量甚少,约1%~2%。 相似文献
为研究不同金属离子对黑水虻幼虫生长的影响及在虫体和虫粪中的积累分布规律,通过在黑水虻幼虫饲料中加入不同浓度的Cu~(2+)、Zn~(2+)、Cd~(2+),分析观测了幼虫增重、虫体和虫粪中金属含量等情况。结果表明,适量的Cu~(2+)、Zn~(2+)、Cd~(2+)可以促进黑水虻幼虫的生长,Zn~(2+)浓度在400 mg/kg时黑水虻幼虫的体重最高。Cu~(2+)、Zn~(2+)、Cd~(2+)在黑水虻幼虫体内和虫粪中的残留随着饲料中Cu~(2+)、Zn~(2+)、Cd~(2+)浓度的升高而增加。Cu~(2+)、Zn~(2+)在虫体中的残留比例都小于50%,大部分残留在虫粪中,Cd~(2+)在10、20、40 mg/kg处理中虫体的残留比例大于50%,最高达到了91.3%,而在80、160 mg/kg处理中虫体残留量比例小于50%。各重金属在虫粪中的残留主要以残渣态存在,且各形态的含量顺序在高浓度处理中都为残渣态酸溶态水溶态碱溶态。说明饲料中适量金属离子的添加有利于黑水虻幼虫生长,但过量的添加会抑制黑水虻幼虫生长,并造成金属离子的积累。 相似文献
Purification of lectin induced in the hemolymph of Sarcophaga peregrina larvae on injury 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
A lectin was purified from the hemolymph of Sarcophaga peregrina larvae, obtained after injury of their body wall. This lectin agglutinated sheep red blood cells markedly and the hemagglutinating activity was inhibited by galactose and lactose. The active lectin was found to have a molecular weight of 190,000 and to consist of four alpha subunits and two beta subunits, with molecular weights of 32,000 and 30,000, respectively. During the early pupal stage, similar hemagglutinating activity in the hemolymph increased to several times than in larval hemolymph. This activity was completely inhibited by the antibody prepared against the lectin purified from the hemolymph of injured larvae. Thus, the same protein having lectin activity is apparently induced under two different physiological conditions: injury of the body wall of larvae and during pupation. The biological significance of this lectin is discussed. 相似文献
GUO-XING WU GONG-YIN YE CUI HU JIA-AN CHENG 《Insect Science》2006,13(1):31-39
Newly emerged larvae of the fleshfly, Boettcherisca peregrina were exposed to two different CdCl2 concentrations of 100μg/g and 400 mg/g diet fresh weight (DFW). They were administered in the diets until the end of larval stage. Cd-exposed larvae accumulated significant amounts of Cd and this accumulation increased with the exposure dose and time. The body weights were lightened and lengths of larvae were shortened considerably after Cd exposure, especially at the higher Cd concentration. The total larval duration was also extremely affected due to Cd exposure. The average duration was prolonged significantly by 14 h at the lower Cd concentration, while it was increased by 33.7 h over controls at the higher Cd concentration. A significant decrease in contents of either soluble proteins, total lipids or caloric values in the hemolymph occurred due to Cd exposure throughout the entire tested period but after 120 h of Cd exposure. In contrast, when exposed to Cd with its higher concentration, total sugar contents in the hemolymph were increased strikingly over the whole tested time, except after 96 h of Cd exposure, while they were not apparently altered except after 24 h of Cd exposure at the lower concentration. Thus, it is suggested that Cd exposure shows significant adverse impact on the growth and development, as well as metabolism, in larvae of this fleshfly, depending on its exposure time and dose. 相似文献
Aerobic granules are microbial aggregates with a strong and compact structure. This study looked into the feasibility of aerobic granules as a novel type of biosorbent for the removal of individual Cd(2+), Cu(2+) and Zn(2+) from aqueous solution. Based on the thermodynamics of biosorption reaction, a general model was developed to describe the equilibrium biosorption of individual Cd(2+), Cu(2+) and Zn(2+) by aerobic granules. This model provides good insights into the thermodynamic mechanisms of biosorption of heavy metals. The model prediction was in good agreement with the experimental data obtained. It was further demonstrated that the Langmuir, Freundlich and Sips or Hill equations were particular cases of the proposed model. The biosorption capacity of individual Cd(2+), Cu(2+) and Zn(2+) on aerobic granules was 172.7, 59.6 and 164.5 mgg(-1), respectively. These values may imply that aerobic granules are effective biosorbent for the removal of Cd(2+), Cu(2+) and Zn(2+) from industrial wastewater. 相似文献
Light induced proton efflux in intact cells ofAnabaena flos-aquae is inhibited by the heavy metals Hg2+ and Cd2+. Furthermore, Hg2+ and Cd2+ reduced the14CO2 fixation, oxygen evolution and carbonic anhydrase activity responsible for H+ efflux. 相似文献
pH effects on the removal of Cu2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+ from aqueous solution by waste brewery biomass 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
P. A. S. S. Marques M. F. Rosa H. M. Pinheiro 《Bioprocess and biosystems engineering》2000,23(2):135-141
An industrial strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae collected from the waste of a brewing industry was used to remove lead, cadmium and copper from aqueous solutions (1?mm). Metal removal efficiency by using either biomass suspension directly diluted into the metal solutions or biomass previously incubated and washed in distilled water was compared. In all experiments with unwashed biomass a shift in the medium pH from 4.5 to a final value in the 7.0–8.0 range occurred. This pH increase was responsible for a metal precipitation effect associated to the metal biosorption. A very different pH profile was observed when washed biomass was used leading to different removal profiles for Cd2+ and Pb2+ and a similar one for Cu2+. In the absence of biomass, medium components and/or the excreted intracellular products proved to interfere in the metal removal and to be responsible for 80% Pb2+ precipitation, in the pH 4.5–5.0 range. To initial metal solution pH, leading to the lowest residual ion concentrations, after 96?h of contact with unwashed biomass and in the absence of pH adjustment, was 4.5–5.0. Continuous or stepwise adjustment of medium pH to this range during the process was unfavourable for metal removal, being the continuous adjustment the worst procedure. In this case, Cd2+ was not biosorbed and Cu2+ removal decreased from 76 to 33%. However, Pb2+ was always extensively removed (89%) and only slightly affected by pH control. The global results suggest different removal mechanisms for each cation. Cu2+ was removed by both metal sorption and precipitation, due to the pH shift that occurred during the process, while Cd2+ removal showed to be completely dependent of this pH shift. Pb2+ was totally and quickly removed, by precipitation, in the presence of the biomass suspension and at pH 4.5. Moreover, the biosorbent changes occurring during the process played an important role in the metal removal when non-viable microbial biomass is used. 相似文献
DNA damage induced by ascorbate in the presence of Cu2+ was investigated by use of bacteriophage phi X174 double-stranded supercoiled DNA and linear restriction fragments as substrates. Single-strand cleavage was induced when supercoiled DNA was incubated with 5 microM-10 mM ascorbate and 50 microM Cu2+ at 37 degrees C for 10 min. The induced DNA damage was analyzed by sequencing of fragments singly labeled at their 5'- or 3'-end. DNA was cleaved directly and almost uniformly at every nucleotide by ascorbate and Cu2+. Piperidine treatment after the reaction showed that ascorbate and Cu2+ induced another kind of DNA damage different from the direct cleavage. The damage proceeded to DNA cleavage by piperidine treatment and was sequence-specific rather than random. These results indicate that ascorbate induces two classes of DNA damage in the presence of Cu2+, one being direct strand cleavage, probably via damage to the DNA backbone, and the other being a base modification labile to alkali treatment. These two classes of DNA damage were inhibited by potassium iodide, catalase and metal chelaters, suggesting the involvement of radicals generated from ascorbate hydroperoxide. 相似文献
John Ejnik James Robinson Jianyu Zhu Holger F?rsterling C Frank Shaw David H Petering 《Journal of inorganic biochemistry》2002,88(2):144-152
Metal ion binding to the sulfhydryl groups of apometallothionein (apo-MT) causes both the formation of native metal-thiolate clusters and the folding of the polypeptide chain of each domain. Cd2+ and Zn2+ react with apo-MT to form metal-thiolate bonds in reactions that are complete within milliseconds and which are pH-dependent. Dual mixing experiments were conducted that involve the initial reaction of metal ion and apo-MT followed by mixing with 5,5'-N-dithio-bis(2-nitrobenzoate) or EDTA after 26 ms. They showed that structures had formed within the brief reaction period which were resistant to rapid reaction with reagents that interact with sulfhydryl groups or metal ions, respectively. It was concluded that native metallothionein domains had been constituted within this brief period. Apo-MT was also titrated with Co2+ to yield Co(n)-MT (n=1-7). Initially, Co2+ bound to independent, tetrahedral thiolate sites. Spectrophotometric analysis of the titration suggested that the independent Co(II) sites began to coalesce into clusters at n=4 (pH 7.2) or n=5 (pH 8.4). Back titration of free sulfhydryl groups (S) in Co(n)-MT (n=1-7) with iodoacetamide at pH 7.2 confirmed that clustering began at n=4. Upon conversion of these alkylated structures to the corresponding 113Cd2+ species 113Cd NMR spectroscopy established that the location of Co(II) in Co(n)-MT (n=1-3) was non-specific and that at n=4, the only observable structure was Co(II)4S11. The results suggest possible kinetic pathways of folding that are conceptually similar to those hypothesized for other small proteins. 相似文献
Previously we showed that the redox active Cu(2+) was much more effective than Cd(2+) at inducing reactive oxygen species ("ROS") formation in hepatocytes and furthermore "ROS" scavengers prevented Cu(2+)-induced hepatocyte cytotoxicity (Pourahmad and O'Brien, 2000). In the following it is shown that hepatocyte cytotoxicity induced by Cu(2+), but not Cd(2+), was preceded by lysosomal membrane damage as demonstrated by acridine orange release. Cytotoxicity, "ROS" formation, and lipid peroxidation were also readily prevented by methylamine or chloroquine (lysosomotropic agents) or 3-methyladenine (an inhibitor of autophagy). Hepatocyte lysosomal proteolysis was also activated by Cu(2+), but not Cd(2+), as tyrosine was released from the hepatocytes and was prevented by leupeptin and pepstatin (lysosomal protease inhibitors). Cu(2+)-induced cytotoxicity was also prevented by leupeptin and pepstatin. A marked increase in Cu(2+)-induced hepatocyte toxicity also occurred if the lysosomal toxins gentamicin or aurothioglucose were added at the same time as the Cu(2+). Furthermore, destabilizing lysosomal membranes beforehand by preincubating the hepatocytes with gentamicin or aurothioglucose prevented Cu(2+)-induced hepatocyte cytotoxicity. It is proposed that Cu(2+)-induced cytotoxicity involves lysosomal damage that causes the release of cytotoxic digestive enzymes as a result of lysosomal membrane damage by "ROS" generated by lysosomal Cu(2+) redox cycling. 相似文献