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Laboratory experiments were conducted to elucidate the allelopathic effects of exudates from the aquatic macrophyte Stratiotes aloides on the growth and morphology of the green alga Scenedesmus obliquus. Both water originating from a S. aloides culture and water that had not been in contact with S. aloides was simultaneously inoculated with S. obliquus cells. In all experiments we observed a highly significant inhibitory effect of Stratiotes water on the green alga. The duration of the lag phase as well as the initial biovolume doubling time of S. obliquus were extended. The growth rate of S. obliquus was only significantly inhibited by the younger Stratiotes plants. Furthermore, the mean particle volume (MPV) of Scenedesmus increased significantly in the presence of Stratiotes water in all three experiments. Microscopic analyses confirmed that S. obliquus forms more colonies in the presence of water from a S. aloides culture. Colonies of phytoplankton have higher sinking rates than single phytoplankton cells of the same species and disappear faster from the upper water layers, reducing the competition for light between algae and macrophytes.  相似文献   

Aquatic plants differing in morphology and metabolic products make unequal changes in the habitat of hydrobionts. The development of zooplankton in monospecies and mixed phytocenoses of the water soldier Stratiotes aloides L. and arrowhead Sagittaria sagittifolia L. has been studied in microcosms. In monospecies phytocenoses of different plants, the preferential development of one or another species of littoral Cladocera is found. The number of predators and species diversity increase in zooplankton as the spatial organization becomes more complex. Zooplankton in the phytocenosis, formed simultaneously by two species of plants, has features characteristic of monospecies phytocenoses, as well as its own peculiarities, primarily related to the development of euplankton species. It is assumed that aquatic plants indirectly affect zooplankton via changes in the quantitative ratio of different groups of food organisms.  相似文献   

Nine vegetation types were distinguished using cluster analysis within Molinion meadows in Slovakia. Vegetation of cluster 1 occurs on most acidic soils and is characterized by the occurrence of species of the Caricion fuscae alliance and of the Nardus grasslands. Vegetation of cluster 2 is also found on rather acidic soils but in contrast to cluster 1 vegetation it contains species of base-rich sites, such as Betonica officinalis, Galium boreale or Serratula tinctoria. Vegetation of cluster 3 occurs in wet base-rich habitats and often contains species of the Caricion davallianae alliance. Species of dry and Nardus grasslands are typical for vegetation of cluster 4, which is found at the driest sites and is confined to oligotrophic sandy soils. Vegetation of clusters 5 and 6 occurs on moist mesotrophic soils. Their species composition is quite similar, the main difference being that the former includes species-poor relevés and the latter includes species-rich relevés. Relevés of cluster 7 include species of dry grasslands and some ruderal species and represent degraded types of inundated floodplain meadows of the Deschampsion alliance. Vegetation of clusters 8 is characterized by species of the Phragmito-Magnocaricetea class and of the Deschampsion alliance, and occurs in wet nutrient-rich habitats. Vegetation of cluster 9, which usually develops from vegetation of cluster 8 due to decrease in the ground-water table, often contains species of dry grasslands and mesic meadows. Except for relevés of clusters 1 and 7, all others can be assigned to the Molinietum caeruleae Koch 1926 association. Cluster 1 corresponds to the Junco effusi-Molinietum caeruleae Tüxen 1954 association. Average Ellenberg indicator values for relevés, which were passively projected on the ordination biplot of detrended correspondence analysis, showed that the first ordination axis correlates with nutrients, soil base status and temperature, and second axis with moisture.  相似文献   

The marshland vegetation of the class Phragmito-Magnocaricetea in Croatia is presented in a single place for the first time. All the available relevés from the literature have been assembled and supplemented with the results of field research. Thirty-three communities have been established, shown in a synoptic table drawn up on the basis of 486 relevés. The communities are understood according to the traditional syntaxonomic system based on the dominant or diagnostic species. For the purposes of comparison, the marshland vegetation is classified using numerical methods as well. The results obtained show that most clusters correspond to specific associations, but do not confirm the division into vegetation alliances and orders. The marshland communities with the most relevés in the dataset, and that therefore can be considered the most widespread in Croatia, are: Phragmitetum australis, Caricetum gracilis, and Galio palustris-Caricetum ripariae. The marshland vegetation is also analysed from the standpoint of nature conservation. In the dataset studied, 59 taxa from the Red Book of Vascular Flora of Croatia are identified as threatened, the 15 most endangered marshland communities are separated, and 10 neophytes and one neophyte association are registered. The diversity of marshland vegetation, and of the associated plant species, is considerably higher in inland Croatia than along the Adriatic coast, which is probably a result of the geological bedrock, climate and, in some places, halophile conditions.  相似文献   

We use public records from 1980 to 2014 to analyse survival of the EU Annex IV species Aeshna viridis in Sweden, a dragonfly strongly associated with the plant Stratiotes aloides. We clustered localities with S. aloides based on assumed dispersal abilities of A. viridis, using a dispersing radius of 2–100 km, calculating the proportion of sites with S. aloides that A. viridis is able to reach. If mean dispersal capability is high (40 km or above) 92.6 % or more of the localities are connected. For a good disperser, the probability of long-time survival is good. We further analysed the species richness of other Odonata and aquatic plants at 98 localities from the dataset. A. viridis co-occurred with more Odonata in the presence of S. aloides and running water but not in lakes. S. aloides sites had a higher number of other aquatic plants. Area had no impact on the occurrence of the species. For the present situation we surveyed 32 localities with known occurrence of the species. Only half of the sites for S. aloides contained any specimens while A. viridis occurred in the same number of sites. The species co-occurred in only 8 of 32 sites. In four sites A. viridis larvae appeared among Menyanthes trifoliata, Phragmites australis, Potamogeton natans and Sphagnum spp., indicating that at high latitudes A. viridis breeds among other species. Indirect monitoring based only on S. aloides would underestimate the number of populations of the dragonfly.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the geographic distribution and biodiversity of the Chlorococcales in Patagonian lakes, covering a latitudinal transect. Two different approaches are considered (a) a review of the historical records of Chlorococcales in Patagonia and (b) the analysis of the morphology-based species diversity, ecological remarks, and geographic distribution of the chlorococcalean species recorded in 33 aquatic environments during surveys 2007 and 2008. A total of 308 chlorococcalean species were recorded throughout a 60-year period in Patagonian freshwater systems, encountering the highest chlorococcalean richness in lakes and shallow lakes located in the more intensively sampled areas. In our surveys 2007–2008, 72 chlorococcalean taxa were registered, among which 80% are worldwide distributed, about 19% are restricted to cold temperate areas in both hemispheres and one species (Pediastrum patagonicum) is one of the taxa probably endemic for Patagonia. The chlorococcalean richness in relation to the environmental factors, revealed that it is directly correlated with the trophic status of the water bodies (chl a: r = 0.52 and DIN: r = 0.47; P < 0.05). The latitude was inversely correlated with the species richness (r = −0.40; P < 0.05), and the chlorococcalean biodiversity of the Andean lakes (mean value: 3.64) was significantly lower (P = 0.0022) than that of the lakes from the Patagonian Plateau (mean value: 9.62). In this study we observed a decreasing trend in the biodiversity of Chlorococcales with increasing latitude, which fits in the existing ecological pattern described for different groups of organisms.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of intraguild predation (IGP) and interference competition on an endangered dragonfly, Aeshna viridis Eversm. (Odonata: Anisoptera). A. viridis is rare in Europe due to the decrease in suitable habitats harboring the macrophyte Stratiotes aloides L. Stratiotes plants are the principal oviposition substrate for A. viridis females and protect the larvae of A. viridis from fish predation. In our study lakes A. viridis larvae are sympatric with larvae of Aeshna grandis and Aeshna juncea. The susceptibility of A. viridis larvae to IGP by similar-sized larvae of A. grandis and A. juncea was tested in a laboratory predation experiment. Microhabitat use of A. viridis and A. grandis was studied in the laboratory to determine the possible effects of interference competition on the spatial distribution of A. viridis larvae. Our results show that at least in laboratory conditions, A. viridis is susceptible to IGP and interference competition. In competition, A. grandis larvae dominated the middle and outer portion of S. aloides rosettes whereas A. viridis stayed in the inner parts. When A. grandis larvae were absent, A. viridis colonized the middle and outer parts of the rosettes. We conclude that asymmetric predation between odonate larvae of equal size can be intense, and that both IGP and interference competition affect A. viridis. Although natural habitat complexity diminishes their impact, these interactions may nevertheless influence the distribution of A. viridis in S. aloides waters and restrict its microhabitat use in S. aloides rosettes.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates how conventional ecological knowledge on species together with models resulting from functional traits can be tested and refined by tapping large data sources that have been made available through recent electronic compilations. The study is based on the comparison of three rare, closely related flood-meadow violet species, which have been supposed to have similar ecological behaviour and niche occupation. In contrast, the analysis of 335 Central European relevés using different methods of numerical ordination, classification and calibration revealed distinct differences in habitat preferences between the three species. Detrended correspondence analysis ordination, and multiple-response permutation procedures and TWINSPAN classification displayed the separation ofViola persicifolia fromV. elatior andV. pumila along a moisture and base-richness gradient, while the latter two differed mostly in terms of mowing compatibility. Although the three violets are considered to be weak competitors they may be found under nutrient-poor as well as nutrient-rich site conditions. The distribution of C-S-R strategy types in relevés supported the hypothesis that at more fertile sites the violets crucially depend on disturbance by management or flooding events that create gaps and weaken strong competitors, while at less productive sites they may persist for a long time even under fallow conditions. The S/R strategy is shared by all three violets. Problems and perspectives arising with the use of phytosociological databanks as a source of ecological information are discussed.  相似文献   

The vegetation of the aquatic and marshland habitats of the Orava region (north of Slovakia) was studied in 2009, using traditional phytosociological methods. Sixteen aquatic and eighteen marsh plant communities were described within 96 phytosociological relevés by using TWINSPAN with the application of the dominance principle. Three associations, Potametum alpini, Potametum zizii and Ranunculo-Juncetum bulbosi, were found as new communities for Slovakia. Myriophylletum verticillati, Potametum nodosi, Potametum graminei and Alisma gramineum community were recorded in the northernmost localities in Slovakia. Among marsh communities, Calletum palustris is very rare, both in the Orava region and in Slovakia as a whole. According to Ellenberg’s indicator values (EIV), moisture was evaluated as the main ecological gradient. Plant communities are ordered along the first Detrended Correspodence Analysis (DCA) axis in a typical hydroseries (Potametea → Lemnetea → Phragmition communis → Phalaridion arundinaceae, Oenanthion aquaticae and Sparganio-Glycerion → Magnocaricion elatae). The second DCA axis was most correlated with EIV for nutrients. Among the five directly measured ecological characteristics (temperature, pH and conductivity of water, water depth, and substrate type), conductivity of water (0.44, P < 0.01) and substrate type (0.32, P < 0.05) were the statistically significant variables explaining the variability along the first DCA axis.  相似文献   

Karel Boublík 《Biologia》2010,65(5):822-831
A phytosociological classification of silver fir (Abies alba) forests in the Czech Republic was carried out using the Braun-Blanquet approach. It is based on the formalized and supervised Cocktail classification method. The definitions of associations were created by combinations of sociological species groups using logical operators. Dominance of single species was included in the definitions of associations. All relevés with at least 50% cover of silver fir in tree layer available from the Czech Republic were used for analysis. Three associations within two classes were distinguished. Vaccinio vitis-idaeae-Abietetum albae (Vaccinio-Piceetea, Piceion excelsae) is an oligotrophic, species-poor spruce-pine-fir forest dominated by Vaccinium myrtillus in the herb layer occurring mostly on podzols. Luzulo-Abietetum albae (Querco-Fagetea, Luzulo-Fagion) is an oligo-mesotrophic spruce-fir forest characterized by the dominance of graminoids (Luzula luzuloides, Calamagrostis arundinacea) in the herb layer. It occurs especially on cambisols. Nutrient-demanding species are typical of the stands of herb-rich mesotrophic Galio rotundifolii-Abietetum albae (Querco-Fagetea, Fagion sylvaticae, Galio rotundifolii-Abietenion) that occurs also mostly on cambisols. Soil nutrients and soil reaction (represented by Ellenberg indicator values) were determined as the most important ecological gradients affecting the variation of the vegetation in these communities.  相似文献   

Marshland vegetation of the class Phragmito-Magnocaricetea in the Krapina river valley was investigated during 2006 and 2007, and some sporadic investigations were made earlier. Phytosociological studies were carried out in accordance with the standard Braun-Blanquet methodology. As a result of the field work, and a small amount of data from the literature, 120 relevés were collected and 18 communities were established. For the purposes of comparison, the relevés were also classified using numerical methods. The clusters obtained mostly correspond to specific associations, but do not confirm the division into traditional vegetation alliances and orders. In the analysis of the ecological factors it is established that separation of the relevés is influenced by nutrient content, soil reaction, soil moisture, depth of water, and type of management. Analysis of the plant life forms shows, in all marshland communities, a prevalence of hemicryptophytes, geophytes and hydrophytes. The most widespread marshland communities of the investigated area are: Phalaridetum arundinaceae, Phragmitetum australis and Galio palustris-Caricetum ripariae. Furthermore, Carex randalpina community is recorded for the first time in Croatia. The most threatened marshland communities could be considered to be: Carex randalpina community, Caricetum vesicariae, Leersietum oryzoidis and Oenantho-Rorippetum. They are selected because of their very small surfaces in the investigated area and the small number of known localities within the territory of Croatia. The most invasive alien plant species in the Krapina river valley is Solidago gigantea. It spreads in potential habitats of marshland vegetation, and it is recorded in the species composition of many marshland communities. For the preservation of marshland vegetation, and especially threatened types, it is necessary to maintain the water regime of the habitats, to not remove natural plant cover due to spreading of neophytes, and to provide occasional mowing and burning.  相似文献   

The structure and demographic processes were compared in shrub communities to test the effects of vegetation succession on population growth, fecundity and abundance of the dwarf birch (Betula nana L.), which is a rare and endangered plant species in Poland and a glacial relict in Central Europe. The effects of Ledum palustre L. and Vaccinium uliginosum L. were studied in the Linje nature reserve in Chełmińskie Lake District (northern Poland), in three permanent plots on a peat bog. Vegetative growth and reproduction of B. nana were lower in plant communities dominated by L. palustre and V. uliginosum, than in a reference site. Fecundity was also lower, despite the fact that the percentage share of potentially fertile age groups was similar in all study sites. Mortality of ramets was independent of vegetation, both for juvenile and mature stages. The results confirm that B. nana is intolerant of shade, and it is more abundant in vegetation without competitors. Light limitation can lead to its decline, primarily by a decrease in vegetative growth. Sexual reproduction may be negatively affected by shade, but it plays only small role in population growth. Butterfly larvae can destroy inflorescences, and thus contribute to low effectiveness of sexual reproduction. Increasing density of shrubs and trees in peat bogs can reduce the abundance of dwarf birch, and can lead to the extinction of its local populations.  相似文献   

Summary  Seven new names at species rank are proposed in Memecylon sect. Afzeliana Jacq.-Fél., a group of forest shrubs and small trees confined to Guineo-Congolian Africa. The group is centred in Cameroon, where 17 of the 20 species occur. A new flower type, the “star-flower” in Memecylon is revealed, and its taxonomic and ecological importance discussed. Three new, locally endemic species from the South West Province of Cameroon are described, mapped and illustrated: M. kupeanum R. D. Stone, Ghogue & Cheek, M. bakossiense R. D. Stone, Ghogue & Cheek, and M. rheophyticum R. D. Stone, Ghogue & Cheek. Two new names, M. accedens R. D. Stone, Ghogue & Cheek and M. hyleastrum R. D. Stone & Ghogue and one new combination, M. mamfeanum (Jacq.-Fél.) R. D. Stone, Ghogue & Cheek are provided at species level for three taxa originally proposed as varieties of M. afzelii G. Don. The taxon M. arcuatomarginatum var. simulans Jacq.-Fél. is also elevated to species status, as M. simulans (Jacq.-Fél.) R. D. Stone & Ghogue. Conservation assessments are provided for all the newly named taxa. A key is provided to the species of Memecylon sect. Afzeliana.  相似文献   

We here exploit two large datasets on zooplankton in Norwegian lakes, spanning a wide range of geographical, physical, chemical and biological properties, to assess the ecological niches and habitats of Bythotrephes longimanus and Leptodora kindtii. The species overlapped geographically, yet co-occurred only in a limited number of lakes. Bythotrephes inhabited virtually all types of lakes, except alpine localities and productive lakes dominated by cyprinid communities where the hyaline Leptodora was most abundant. The zooplankton communities also differed in Bythotrephes and Leptodora lakes, probably both reflecting different predatory regimes, but also water quality and other lake-specific properties. We found no evidence for species being excluded by the presence of Bythotrephes, rather the diversity in general was higher in lakes with these predators present compared with those without. We found, however, a very close association between Bythotrephes and Daphnia galeata and to some extent also between Bythotrephes and D. longispina, suggesting that these species also may benefit from Bythotrephes invasion. Both Bythotrephes and Leptodora species occur naturally in this region, and knowledge about the ecological preferences and the zooplankton community composition in Bythotrephes—and Leptodora lakes will provide valuable information about the long-term effects of Bythotrephes invasion and potential interaction with of Leptodora as top invertebrate predator.  相似文献   

Summary  A new and probably endemic species of Cambessedesia DC. is described from campo rupestre vegetation, as part of a floristic survey of Melastomataceae from the S?o José mountain range, Tiradentes District, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Miscellaneous  Accepted for publication April 2008.  相似文献   

Summary  Two new combinations, one new and one resurrected name in Plectranthus L’Hér. are provided for species formerly placed in Leocus A. Chev.; conservation assessments are made for five species.  相似文献   

An ecobiomorphological profile of the water soldier Stratiotes aloides L. has been established based on materials obtained in the western Siberian part of the species range. This species has been found to be a perennial (vegetatively-oligenial) polycarpic rooted rosulate stolon-turion vegetatively-mobile surface-blossoming mesotrophic conditionally limnetic detritus-pelophilic hydatophyte.  相似文献   

Ant-gardens represent a special type of association between ants and epiphytes. Frequently, two ant species can share the same nest in a phenomenon known as ‘parabiosis’, but the exact nature (i.e., mutualistic or parasitic) of this interaction is the subject of debate. We thus attempted to clarify the mutual costs and benefits for each partner (ants and plants) in the Crematogaster levior/Camponotus femoratus ant-garden parabiosis. The ants’ response to experimental foliar damage to the epiphytes and to the host tree as well as their behavior and interactions during prey capture were investigated to see if the purported parasitic status of Cr. levior could be demonstrated in either the ant-ant or in the ant-plant interactions. The results show that both species take part in protecting the epiphytes, refuting the role of Cr. levior as a parasite of the ant-garden mutualism. During capture of large prey Ca. femoratus took advantage from the ability of Cr. levior to discover prey; by following Cr. levior trails Ca. femoratus workers discover the prey in turn and usurp them during agonistic interactions. Nevertheless, the trade-off between the costs and benefits of this association seems then to be favorable to both species because it is known that Cr. levior benefits from Ca. femoratus building the common carton nests and furnishing protection from vertebrates. Consequently, parabiosis can then be defined as the only mutualistic association existing between ant species, at least in ant-gardens. Received 31 August 2006 ; revised 8 December 2006 ; accepted 12 December 2006  相似文献   

Summary  Described and illustrated is Warneckea austro-occidentalis R. D. Stone, an endemic of tropical forests in Cameroon’s South West Province and adjacent Nigeria. The name W. mangrovensis (Jacq.-Fél.) R. D. Stone is also proposed at species level for the taxon originally described as W. fascicularis var. mangrovensis Jacq.-Fél. An IUCN (2001) status of endangered is assigned for both W. austro-occidentalis and W. mangrovensis.  相似文献   

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