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浸入式虚拟现实技术在心理学研究中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
文章简要介绍了虚拟现实技术的概念、分类以厦构建浸入式虚拟环境的方法。对采用浸入式虚拟现实技术在视空间认知、知觉一运动的协调、心理治疗、社会心理学等领域取得的成果作了简要的评论。讨论了利用虚拟现实技术进行心理学研究的一些独到的优点和局限性,并对未来的研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

介绍虚拟现实技术的发展历程及基本概况,综述VR/AR技术在临床技能培训与教育、康复治疗、心理治疗及远程医疗等方面的应用研究,提出健康医疗领域虚拟技术的应用还处于起步阶段,未来将在疾病诊疗、手术模拟、远程医疗、健康管理监测等方面不断发展,对提高医护工作人员的服务水平、改善患者就医体验有重大的意义。  相似文献   

运用虚拟现实暴露疗法治疗飞行恐惧症的研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虚拟现实暴露疗法是治疗飞行恐惧症的新方法。与传统的暴露疗法相比,虚拟现实暴露疗法集合了实体暴露疗法和想象暴露疗法的优点。避免了二者的不足,具有灵活、高效、安全、可重复和易于操控的特点。研究者们利用数据头盔、双通道立体声耳机、追踪设备、感应器等设备给飞行恐惧症患者呈现实时的计算机动画、双通道立体声和触觉刺激,使之沉浸在虚拟的飞行情景中,从而激发出患者的恐惧情绪。在虚拟现实暴露治疗的过程中,治疗师根据患者的情况使之逐步暴露在不同等级的刺激性情景中,经反复练习逐渐耐受并适应这些情景,最终克服不合理的恐惧。近10年的大量研究表明:虚拟现实暴露疗法能有效地治愈飞行恐惧症,在临床上具有良好的应用前景。今后的研究将进一步比较虚拟现实暴露疗法与其他治疗方法的疗效,并开发出成本更低、临场感更好的虚拟现实设备以扩展虚拟现实暴露疗法在飞行恐惧症治疗中的应用。  相似文献   

黄纯纯  李俊  阳婧  林丹  黄丽妃  韦华  李凤玲  曹聪 《蛇志》2021,(1):98-101
我国正处于人口老龄化阶段,各种病患人群占据比例增加,如急性病、慢性病以及高致残病患群体术后康复需求加剧。住院康复增加了护理人员的劳动强度,患者康复耗时长、费用高等问题,因此社区居家康复成为患者的主要选择。针对目前社区康复方式存在缺乏有效的评估、监督及指导等问题,提出“智能机器人+社区康复”的解决方案。智能机器人具备数据采集、数据分析、控制决策、评估反馈、在线指导、协作康复、交互娱乐等诸多功能,能长时间反复为患者提供满意的康复服务,是社区居家康复的最佳选择。本文旨在提出现有社区康复面临的挑战,指出智能康复机器人发展的风向口,探讨智能康复机器人在推广运用过程中面临的各种挑战及解决方案,并对康复机器人在社区康复中的应用前景做出预判。  相似文献   

目的:探究社区康复护理对心境障碍患者康复效果的影响。方法:对50例同一社区于2011年2月到2013年2月痊愈出院的心境障碍患者为研究对象,进行系统社区康复护理,选取非同一社区内同时间段出院的50例心境障碍患者组成对照组,进行传统式随访护理。结果:两组复发率比较社区护理组低于传统随访组(P<0.05)。结论:社区康复护理能降低心境障碍患者疾病复发率,能提高患者的生活质量。  相似文献   

钟东梅 《蛇志》2017,(3):384-386
<正>脑出血是指非外伤性脑实质内血管破裂引起的出血,其发生的原因主要与脑血管病变有关,即与高血脂、糖尿病、高血压疾病等密切相关。脑出血是危害老年人身体健康的常见疾病之一。中医在脑出血的康复治疗中极具潜力与优势,以其手段丰富、操作简单、疗效明显等特点而受到医学界重视,尤其在配合西医治疗时,对降低患者病死率及致残率,提  相似文献   

随着网络和计算机技术的快速发展,虚拟现实技术作为一种新的技术运用于教学领域,大大弥补了传统教学模式的不足,并在提高教学效率、改善教学评价及教学效果方面有积极影响,本文结合自身教学实践,同时基于涉外导游课程本身所具有的教学特点的分析,探讨虚拟现实技术在旅游专业教学中的应用以及对涉外导游课程实训的影响,并指出了虚拟旅游教学系统应用过程中存在的不足及解决思路。  相似文献   

黄赤艳 《蛇志》2007,19(3):250-252
糖尿病是一种慢性终生性疾病,只能控制不能根治。患者也不可能长年住在医院治疗。因此,对糖尿病患者致其家属从饮食调节、药物治疗、运动疗法、心理疏导、自我监测、防治并发症等几方面进行健康指导,使之掌握在家中防治越病的具体措旗和方法,提高患者的自我护理能力和遵医行为,是使患者达到并维持良好治疗效果的基础.  相似文献   

曾金艳 《蛇志》2017,(2):238-240
<正>脑梗死主要是指患者由于脑部血液循环障碍而诱发的脑组织缺血缺氧障碍综合征,占全部脑血管疾病的70%~([1])。近年来,随着我国社会人口的老龄化及脑卒中发病人群的逐渐年轻化,脑梗死的发病率有逐年上升的趋势。脑梗死具有起病急、恢复慢、至残率高的特点,急性期后存活率为65%~82%,且遗留一定的后遗症,约25%的患者遗留生活不能自  相似文献   

手外伤激光照射康复护理观察研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
目的:探讨激光照射对手外伤患者的康复效果。方法:随机选取87例手外伤患者为观察组,采用激光照射与作业疗法,支具、心理疗法相结合;对照组63例,只采用作业疗法、支具及心理疗法。观测伤部疼痛减轻及消退情况,肿胀消退时间,康复治疗2月进行手功能评定。结果:观察组疼痛消失时间,肿胀消退时间,手功能康复均优于对照组,两组比较,差异均具有显著意义。结论:手外伤术后患者激光照射治疗能明显缩短手康复时间,提高康复质量。  相似文献   

网络虚拟实验室为现代医学提供了新的实验和教学手段,虚拟现实软件Virtools为网络虚拟实验室提供了可行的技术支持。文章在介绍了网络虚拟实验室概念、功能、特性和Virtools的使用特点后,提出利用Virtools开发医院网络虚拟实验室的过程和方法。  相似文献   

Background: Therapeutic benefits of Kinect-based virtual reality (VR) game training in rehabilitation encourage its use to improve motor function.

Objective: To assess the effects of Kinect-based VR training on motor recovery of the upper extremity and functional outcomes in patients with chronic stroke.

Methods: In this randomized controlled trial, group A received 20 sessions of physical therapy (PT)?+?20 sessions of Kinect-based VR training and group B received only 20 sessions of PT. Clinical outcome measures were assessed at baseline and at the end of the treatments. Primary outcome measures that assess stroke patients’ motor function included upper extremity (UE) Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA). Secondary outcome measures were Brunnstrom Recovery Stages (BRS), Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS), Box and Block test (BBT), Motricity index (MI), and active range of motion (AROM) measurement.

Results: Statistically significant improvements in game scores (p?p?Conclusions: To conclude, our results suggest that the adjunct use of Kinect-based VR training may contribute to the improvement of UE motor function and AROM in chronic stroke patients. Further studies with a larger number of subjects with longer follow-up periods are needed to establish its effectiveness in neurorehabilitation.  相似文献   

We completed a retrospective review of the effectiveness of multi-site, performance-contingent reward programming on functional change in motor performance of 16 treatment resistant children. Patients were previously treated in physical or occupational therapy for head control, standing balance training, sitting and upper extremity use (brachial plexus injury). They then participated in a program that utilized multiple surface electromyography sites the use of which was rewarded with videos for performing the correct constellation of recruitment pattern (e.g., contracting some muscles while relaxing others). Onset of reward was calibrated for each patient and transfer of skill to outside the clinic was encouraged by linking a verbal cue to the correct motor plan. Fourteen of the 16 patients improved. The implications of the use of this technique in the treatment of motor dysfunction is discussed.  相似文献   

In the Turing test, a computer model is deemed to "think intelligently" if it can generate answers that are not distinguishable from those of a human. However, this test is limited to the linguistic aspects of machine intelligence. A salient function of the brain is the control of movement, and the movement of the human hand is a sophisticated demonstration of this function. Therefore, we propose a Turing-like handshake test, for machine motor intelligence. We administer the test through a telerobotic system in which the interrogator is engaged in a task of holding a robotic stylus and interacting with another party (human or artificial). Instead of asking the interrogator whether the other party is a person or a computer program, we employ a two-alternative forced choice method and ask which of two systems is more human-like. We extract a quantitative grade for each model according to its resemblance to the human handshake motion and name it "Model Human-Likeness Grade" (MHLG). We present three methods to estimate the MHLG. (i) By calculating the proportion of subjects'' answers that the model is more human-like than the human; (ii) By comparing two weighted sums of human and model handshakes we fit a psychometric curve and extract the point of subjective equality (PSE); (iii) By comparing a given model with a weighted sum of human and random signal, we fit a psychometric curve to the answers of the interrogator and extract the PSE for the weight of the human in the weighted sum. Altogether, we provide a protocol to test computational models of the human handshake. We believe that building a model is a necessary step in understanding any phenomenon and, in this case, in understanding the neural mechanisms responsible for the generation of the human handshake.  相似文献   

In recent years, two-photon imaging has become an invaluable tool in neuroscience, as it allows for chronic measurement of the activity of genetically identified cells during behavior1-6. Here we describe methods to perform two-photon imaging in mouse cortex while the animal navigates a virtual reality environment. We focus on the aspects of the experimental procedures that are key to imaging in a behaving animal in a brightly lit virtual environment. The key problems that arise in this experimental setup that we here address are: minimizing brain motion related artifacts, minimizing light leak from the virtual reality projection system, and minimizing laser induced tissue damage. We also provide sample software to control the virtual reality environment and to do pupil tracking. With these procedures and resources it should be possible to convert a conventional two-photon microscope for use in behaving mice.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoking in adolescents is a major public health problem. To address the increasing need for efficacious assessment and treatment methods, we developed and tested a novel virtual reality cue reactivity assessment system. A case study of a controlled virtual reality cue reactivity trial with a 17-year-old adolescent cigarette smoker is presented. During the trial, the participant was exposed to virtual reality (VR) smoking cues and VR neutral cues and assessments of subjective craving and skin conductance response (SCR) were recorded. Upon exposure to VR smoking cues, craving increased. A novel methodology for collecting and analyzing SCR in VR was developed and explored to expand the role of physiological variables in VR research. SCR data indicated specific reactions to smoking cue stimuli, with the subject experiencing increased reactivity to smoking cues (i.e., cigarettes) compared to food or drinks. Based on this case study, further research using VR cue reactivity assessment in adolescent smokers is warranted. The impact of VR in drug research and future applications in research are also discussed.  相似文献   

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