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A new species of Carabus (Lamprostus) from the province of Gilan, Iran, is described and illustrated: Carabus (Lamprostus) staveni sp. nov., Carabus (Pachystus) rechingerae Mandl, 1972, is considered a junior synonym of Carabus (Lamprostus) calleyi nigrinus Motschulsky, 1865. The specific status of Carabus (Sphodristocarabus) korgei Heinz, 1970, is restored (stat. rev.) and Carabus separatus delirensis Deuve, 2000, is considered to be a junior synonym of it. Carabus (Megodontus) stroganowi javahardensis Deuve, 2000, is considered to be a synonym of Carabus (Megodontus) heinrichi Mandl, 1966; both taxa are from the same type locality.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):93-96

Taxilejeunea furcicornuta sp.nov. from Madagascar and Réunion is described and figured in detail. Its affinities to T. conformis (Nees & Mont.) Steph. and Stenolejeunea Schust. are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es werden 4 neue, zur Gattung Chytriomyces gehörende Arten und 16 nicht sicher bestimmbare Formen von Rhizophydium, Phlyctochytrium, Rhizophlyctis, Chytridium, Hyphochytrium, Monoblepharis und Saprolegniaceen beschrieben.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers for 81 different taxa ofRubiaceae from Africa, Madagascar and Mauritius are presented. 52 taxa, including 11 genera, have been counted for the first time. The results are listed, compared with available literature data and discussed in regard to their systematic significance.

Zusammenfassung Beschreibung der 4 neuen Chytridineen Phlyctochytrium kniepii, Phl. africanum, Phl. palustre und Rhizophidium racemosum.Teilergebnis der Dissertation von A. Gaertner Über das Vorkommen einiger niederer Phycomyceten in Bodenproben aus Afrika, Deutschland und Schweden der mathemat.-naturwissensch. Fakultät in Göttingen.  相似文献   

Saponaria stenopetala sp.n. in Eastern Afghanistan is close toS. pachyphylla Rech. f. andS. subrosularis Rech. f.—The nearest allies ofS. makranica sp.n. from Western Pakistan and Southeastern Iran areS. kermanensis Bornm. andS. floribunda (Kar. & Kir.)Boiss.
Flora Iranicae praecursores 36–37. — Praecursores praecurrentes in Pl. Syst. Evol.139, 313–317 (1982).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe verschiedener Präparationsmethoden wurde aus dem Mycel und der Nährlösung des Basidiomyceten Phellinus igniarius eine Peroxidase (EC gewonnen.Das Enzym ist gegenüber äußeren Einflüssen (pH, Salzkonzentration, Temperatur) bemerkenswert stabil. Sein pH-Optimum liegt im sauren Bereich. Zwei Isoenzyme wurden gefunden. Die Molmasse, der isoelektrische Punkt, die Michaelis-Menten-Konstante, die Indolessigsäure-Oxidase-Aktivität sowie verschiedene spektrale und analytische Eigenschaften dieser Peroxidase wurden bestimmt. Die Aktivität des Enzyms läßt sich durch Effektoren sowohl hemmen als auch verstärken. Es ist anzunehmen, daß das Enzym einen intra- und einen extracellulären Wirkbereich hat.
Purification and characterization of peroxidase from Phellinus igniarius
A Peroxidase (EC of the basidiomycet Phellinus igniarius was derived from mycel and a medium containing glucose and extract of yeast by using various methods of preparation.The enzyme resists extreme conditions (pH, temperature, salt concentration). Its optimum pH for activities is in the acid range. Two isoenzymes were found. The molecular weight, isoelectric point, Michaelis-Menten constant, indolacetic acid oxidase activity and spectral and analytical properties of this peroxidase were determined. It is assumed that the enzyme has an intracellular as well as an extracellular field of activity.

The chromosome numbers of several Greece species of the genusSilene L. from natural habitats are reported for the first time:S. sieberi, S. niederi, S. radicosa subsp.rechingeri, S. oligantha, S. skorpilii, S. schwarzenbergeri andS. fruticulosa. All species are diploid with 2n = 24 chromosomes, including 0, 2 or 4 SAT-chromosomes;S. niederi has B-chromosomes.

The investigations of the Salzhausen (Vogelsberg/Western Germany) brown coal materials held in some museums have shown new and interesting species which complete the picture of an autochthonous Mastixioidea-flora from the middle Miocene age. Fruits and seeds of the families Ulnaceae, Moraceae, Betulaceae, Actinidiaceae, Tiliaceae, Rosaceae, Lythraceae, Cornaceae, Nyssaceae, Mastixiaceae, Rhamnaceae, Vitaceae, and Araceae have been described. New species are Gironniera verrucata Mai, Morus germanica Mai, Swida discimontana Mai, Ziziphus striata (Ludwig) Mai et Gregor, Ampelopsis malvaeformis (Schlotheim) Mai, Parthenocissus langsdorfii Mai, Epipremnum avimontanum Gregor, and E. salzhausense Gregor. A revised register of the fossil flora contains about 60 species positively idenitfied. Particular ecological conditions the “carpolithes coal”-formation with its accumulation of fruits and seeds have brought into effect, whereas the dysodil-like brown coal is discernable as a stillwater formation.  相似文献   

Agauopsis pteropes sp.n., from the Mediterranean, and A. okinavensis sp.n., from the West Pacific, are described. Nine natural groups of closely related species are distinguished on the basis of the spines on leg I and the chaetotaxy of the tarsi and the palps. Most of the species known are placed within one of these groups. The geographical distribution of the natural groups is outlined.  相似文献   

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