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香草醛对杉木幼苗养分吸收的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
 通过模拟实验研究了不同浓度的香草醛对杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)幼苗养分吸收和根系活力的影响,结果发现,当浓度为1 mmol·L-1时,香草醛能够显著抑制杉木幼苗对NO-3、NH+4、SO24-及HPO24-离子的吸收和根系活力(p<0.01),而浓度为1×10-2 mmol·L-1时香草醛却促进了杉木幼苗对HPO24-离子的吸收(p<0.01)。这说明高浓度的香草醛能够通过化感作用对杉木幼苗产生影响,降低杉木幼苗的根系活力,进而减少了杉木幼苗对养分离子的吸收,从而影响了杉木幼苗的生长。  相似文献   

香草醛和对羟基苯甲酸对杉木幼苗生理特性的影响   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:24  
采用盆栽模拟实验 ,研究了不同浓度的香草醛和对羟基苯甲酸对杉木幼苗生理特性的影响 .结果表明 ,当浓度为 10mmol·L-1和 1mmol·L-1时显著抑制了杉木幼苗的叶绿素含量、光合作用、根系活力等生理指标 ,并且随着浓度的增加 ,对生理活性的抑制作用增大 .其中 ,用香草醛处理的杉木幼苗的净光合速率分别降低 37.0 %、2 5 .1% ;蒸腾速率分别降低 37.0 %、2 0 .3% ;气孔导度分别降低 4 6 .8%、33.7% ;根系活力分别降低 78.8%、5 1.6 % .连栽杉木林土壤中积累的香草醛、对羟基苯甲酸等酚类化合物能够对杉木幼苗产生化感作用 ,这是导致连栽杉木生产力降低的一个不可忽视的因素 .  相似文献   

连栽土壤对杉木幼苗生长影响的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
连栽土壤对杉木幼苗生长影响的研究马越强廖利平杨跃军汪思龙高洪陈楚莹(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,110015)刘更有(湖南省会同县林科所,418307)EfectsofReplantSoilontheGrowthofC.lanceolataSedl...  相似文献   

为研究氮沉降对植物养分平衡的影响,对1a生杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata(Lamb.)Hook.)幼苗进行了室内模拟试验。以NH4NO3作为外加氮源,设计了N0(0 g N m-2?a-1)、N1(6 g N m-2?a-1)、N2(12 g N m-2?a-1)、N3(24 g N m-2?a-1)和N4(48g N m-2?a-1)等5种氮沉降水平,每处理重复6次。通过1a的试验发现,杉木幼苗叶、茎、粗根和细根中的N、K、Mg含量随氮处理水平的增加而上升,但Ca在各器官中的含量则呈下降趋势;中低氮(N1,N2)对叶、茎和粗根中P的含量表现为促进作用,而高氮(N3,N4)则表现为抑制作用。幼苗各器官中的N与其他养分元素的比值随氮处理水平的增加而普遍升高,但粗根中的N/K、N/Mg则表现为下降。与对照(N0)相比,在N1、N2、N3、N4处理中,幼苗对外加氮素的表观利用率分别为60.7%、57.9%、43.3%和27.9%,随氮处理水平增加,利用率呈明显下降趋势。随着氮处理水平的增加,幼苗体内的氮分配到叶和细根中的比例增加,而分配到茎和粗根中的比例下降。因此,氮沉降明显增加了杉木幼苗各器官的氮含量,影响了幼苗的养分平衡。  相似文献   

酚类物质对杉木幼苗15N养分吸收、分配的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
 应用15N同位素示踪技术,通过盆栽实验研究了香草醛和对羟基苯甲酸对杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)幼苗N素养分吸收、分配的影响,结果发现香草醛及其与对羟基苯甲酸的混合物(浓度比1∶1)明显抑制了杉木幼苗的生长和对15NO3-离子的吸收,10 mmol·L-1的香草醛使杉木幼苗根、茎、叶生物量分别下降了25.3%、13.5%、5.7%,15N吸收量分别减少了38.5%、48.1%、46.5%;10 mmol·L-1的混合物使杉木幼苗根、茎、叶生物量分别下降了33.5%、36.0%、21  相似文献   

凋落叶多样性对杉木幼苗生长及吸收15N标记硫铵的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用15N硫铵研究了凋落叶多样性对杉木幼苗生长及养分吸收的影响 .结果表明 ,凋落叶多样性的增加有利于盆栽杉木幼苗的生长 .杉木、火力楠、红栲和刺楸 4种凋落叶混合处理后 ,杉木幼苗的生长量最大 ;杉木、火力楠、刺楸 3种凋落叶混合处理后的杉木幼苗生长量次之 ,其它依次为杉木、火力楠、红栲 3种凋落叶混合处理 >杉木和刺楸凋落叶处理 >杉木和红栲凋落叶处理 >对照 >杉木和火力楠 2种凋落叶混合处理 >杉木凋落叶处理 .就杉木幼苗对硫铵氮的吸收率而言 ,不作任何处理的杉木幼苗吸收率最高 ,其次为杉木、火力楠、红栲和刺楸 4种凋落叶混合处理 ,其它依次为杉木、火力楠、刺楸 3种凋落叶混合处理和杉木、火力楠、红栲 3种凋落叶混合处理 >杉木和刺楸凋落叶处理 >杉木和红栲凋落叶处理>杉木和火力楠 2种凋落叶混合处理 >杉木凋落叶处理 .另外 ,用凋落叶处理后 ,土壤中硫铵氮的残留量比不作凋落叶处理的土壤多 ,硫铵氮的总回收量也比不作凋落叶处理的土壤大幅增加 ,而且凋落叶多样性的增加也会增加硫铵氮的残留量 .  相似文献   

设置不同光强梯度(透光率分别为100%、40%、20%、10%和5%,光照强度PPFD分别为201.3、77.0、37.5、19.2、9.8 μmol·m-2·s-1),研究光对杉木种子萌发和幼苗早期生长的影响,分析杉木种子萌发、幼苗存活、生长、形态响应、生物量积累及其分配格局对不同光环境的响应策略.结果表明: 杉木种子的萌发率、存活率、建植率和萌发指数在不同光强梯度下均有显著差异,且40%的透光率是种子最适萌发条件,萌发率最高,而全光照下存活率和建植率最高;随光照强度的减弱,杉木幼苗茎长增大,根长、子叶长、子叶厚、真叶数呈降低趋势,而基径在各光照强度间无显著差异;总生物量、根生物量、茎生物量、叶生物量均表现为全光照下最大.随着光照强度的减弱,光合组织与非光合组织生物量比、叶生物量比呈降低趋势,茎生物量比呈增加趋势,根冠比和根生物量比无显著差异.弱光环境促进杉木种子萌发,不利于杉木幼苗存活和生长.在弱光环境下,杉木幼苗通过增大茎生物量来提高对弱光环境的耐受力.  相似文献   

利用15N硫铵研究了凋落叶多样性对杉木幼苗生长及养分吸收的影响.结果表明,凋落叶多样性的增加有利于盆栽杉木幼苗的生长.杉木、火力楠、红栲和刺楸4种凋落叶混合处理后,杉木幼苗的生长量最大;杉木、火力楠、刺楸3种凋落叶混合处理后的杉木幼苗生长量次之,其它依次为杉木、火力楠、红栲3种凋落叶混合处理>杉木和刺楸凋落叶处理>杉木和红栲凋落叶处理>对照>杉木和火力楠2种凋落叶混合处理>杉木凋落叶处理.就杉木幼苗对硫铵氮的吸收率而言,不作任何处理的杉木幼苗吸收率最高,其次为杉木、火力楠、红栲和刺楸4种凋落叶混合处理,其它依次为杉木、火力楠、刺楸3种凋落叶混合处理和杉木、火力楠、红栲3种凋落叶混合处理>杉木和刺楸凋落叶处理>杉木和红栲凋落叶处理>杉木和火力楠2种凋落叶混合处理>杉木凋落叶处理.另外,用凋落叶处理后,土壤中硫铵氮的残留量比不作凋落叶处理的土壤多,硫铵氮的总回收量也比不作凋落叶处理的土壤大幅增加,而且凋落叶多样性的增加也会增加硫铵氮的残留量.  相似文献   

外源钙、磷、氮对铝胁迫下杉木幼苗生长影响的调控研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
为缓解Al胁迫对杉木人工林更新的影响,本文采用水培模拟Al胁迫,引入Ca、P、NH4+-N、NO3--N营养调控因子,探讨Al胁迫对杉木幼苗根茎生长的影响.结果表明,增加Ca或P浓度,能促进根、茎的正常生长发育,根系的形态特征明显变化,降低组织内MDA含量和POD活性.增加NH4+-N浓度只能促进茎的生长,对根系发育影响不明显.增加NO3--N浓度对根茎生长均无明显的规律性影响.增加NH4+-N和NO3--N浓度,能抑制MDA含量增加,并在一定范围内降低POD活性,但效果不及Ca或P明显.经回归方程拟合,得出本试验条件下营养因子有效缓解Al胁迫的阈值是:Ca/Al≥2.8,P/Al≥4.4,NH4+-N/Al≥4.5(摩尔比).  相似文献   

竹叶对萝卜幼苗生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王淑英  岳永德  汤锋  魏琦  喻谨  王进  姚曦 《生态科学》2010,29(3):221-228
采用琼脂混粉法研究了22属83种竹叶对萝卜幼苗生长的影响,结果表明:在2g·L-1的添加浓度下,供试竹叶对萝卜幼苗表现出不同程度的抑制作用,且对根生长的抑制作用大于对胚轴生长和鲜重的抑制作用。刚竹属、簕竹属、大明竹属、牡竹属中,对根长的抑制率在50%以上的竹种分别占70.83%、71.43%、62.50%、85.71%;其它竹属的30种竹叶,有73.33%的竹种对萝卜幼苗根长的抑制率超过50%。淡竹、桂竹、孝顺竹、宜兴苦竹、长叶苦竹、甜龙竹、铺地竹和铁竹等8种竹叶对萝卜幼苗的抑制作用显著,对萝卜根的抑制率均在80%以上。结果对于竹类植物化感作用研究具有参考作用,对拓展竹叶资源的化学利用途径具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

To study the impact of nitrogen deposition on 1-year-old Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) seedlings in pots, the dissolved NH4NO3 was sprayed on the seedlings every 3 days for 1 year. The simulated elevated N depositions were equivalent to N0(0), N1(6 gN/(m2 a)), N2(12 gN/(m2 a)), N3(24 gN/(m2 a)) and N4(48 gN/(m2 a)). The results indicated that medium N treatments (N2, N3) enhanced growth significantly. The height, stem base diameter and per-seedling biomass of Chinese fir seedlings increased with N loads and decreased in the high N treatments. Compared to N0, the height and per-seedling biomass were highest in N2 treatment and increased by 10.77% and 12.35%, respectively. The stem base diameter was highest in N3 treatment and increased by 8.81% compared to N0. The net photosynthetic rate (Pn) in treatments N1, N2, N3, N4 increased by 1.20%, 9.28%, 24.23% and 4.30%, and the highest photosynthetic rate by 67.09%, 125.32%, 148.10% and 51.90%, respectively. The N1–N3 treatments, especially N2, stimulated light compensation point (LCP) of the seedlings significantly, but N4 exhibited inhibitive effect. Compared with LCP, light saturation point (LSP) showed weaker response to N loads, positive to N2, but negative to all other N treatments. Low-to-medium N treatments (N1, N2) enhanced Chl (a + b) by 2.19% and 37.15%, while medium-to-high N treatments (N3, N4) reduced Chl (a + b) by 7.95% and 15.56%, respectively. Water use efficiency (WUE) and stomatal conductance (C) decreased slightly with N loads.  相似文献   

杉木人工林种子雨组成和季节动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杉木人工林已成为亚热带森林的重要组成部分,它具有可持续的自然更新能力,是决定杉木林群落演替方向和维持杉木林大面积存在的基础.本文以杉阔混交林和杉木纯林为研究对象,分析其种子雨的物种组成、数量大小和季节动态,以及林分优势物种种子雨数量特征和季节变化,揭示种源条件是否是制约杉木人工林天然更新的主要因素.结果表明:杉阔混交林和杉木纯林分别收集到13科18属21种和12科16属19种的种子.混交林和纯林的所有物种种子雨强度分别为3797和3300粒·m-2.乔木物种种子数量在种子雨中占绝对优势,混交林占89.1%,纯林占86.2%,其中杉木种子数量最多,其完整种子雨强度分别为825和345粒·m-2.两林分种子雨各类型种子所占比例均为完整种子>干瘪或腐烂种子>被取食种子.两林分种子雨均具有明显的季节动态,均在秋季到达高峰,且在落种高峰期种子雨以完整种子为主.无论是杉阔混交林还是杉木纯林都有充足的种源,种源(种子雨)条件不是制约杉木林天然更新的主要因素.  相似文献   

Burned and unburned mineral soils (0–10 cm) from a 40-year-old Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) forest in Nanping, Fujian, China were incubated for 90 days at different temperatures (25 °C and 35 °C) and humidity [25%, 50%, and 75% of water holding capacity (WHC)] conditions. Carbon (C) mineralization of all soils was determined using CO2 respiration method. The results showed that CO2 evolution rates of the burned and control soils exhibited similar temporal patterns, and similar responses to temperature and moisture. CO2 evolution rates for all soil samples decreased with incubation time. At different humidity conditions, average rate of C mineralization and cumulative mineralized C from burned and control soils were significantly higher at 35 °C than at 25 °C. This implied that C mineralization was less sensitive to soil moisture than to temperature. In both soils at 25 °C or 35 °C, the amount of soil evolved CO2 over the 90 days incubation increased with increasing moisture content from 25% to 75% WHC. A temperature coefficient (Q10) varied with soil moisture contents. The maximum values recorded for Q10 were 1.7 in control soil and 1.6 in burned soil both at 25% WHC. However, there were no significant differences in Q10 values between the control and burned soils over all moisture ranges (P > 0.05). The data of cumulative C–CO2 released from control and burned soils were fitted to two different kinetic models. The two simultaneous reactions model described mineralization better than the first-order exponential model, which reflected the heterogeneity of substrate quality. Based on these results, it is possible to conclude that temperature and moisture are important in the controls of C mineralization, and the combined effects of these variables need to be considered to understand and predict the response of CO2 release in subtropical ecosystems to climate change.  相似文献   

Liao Y C  Fan H B  Li Y Y  Liu W F  Yuan Y H 《农业工程》2010,30(3):150-154
To study the impact of nitrogen deposition on 1-year-old Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) seedlings in pots, the dissolved NH4NO3 was sprayed on the seedlings every 3 days for 1 year. The simulated elevated N depositions were equivalent to N0(0), N1(6 gN/(m2 a)), N2(12 gN/(m2 a)), N3(24 gN/(m2 a)) and N4(48 gN/(m2 a)). The results indicated that medium N treatments (N2, N3) enhanced growth significantly. The height, stem base diameter and per-seedling biomass of Chinese fir seedlings increased with N loads and decreased in the high N treatments. Compared to N0, the height and per-seedling biomass were highest in N2 treatment and increased by 10.77% and 12.35%, respectively. The stem base diameter was highest in N3 treatment and increased by 8.81% compared to N0. The net photosynthetic rate (Pn) in treatments N1, N2, N3, N4 increased by 1.20%, 9.28%, 24.23% and 4.30%, and the highest photosynthetic rate by 67.09%, 125.32%, 148.10% and 51.90%, respectively. The N1–N3 treatments, especially N2, stimulated light compensation point (LCP) of the seedlings significantly, but N4 exhibited inhibitive effect. Compared with LCP, light saturation point (LSP) showed weaker response to N loads, positive to N2, but negative to all other N treatments. Low-to-medium N treatments (N1, N2) enhanced Chl (a + b) by 2.19% and 37.15%, while medium-to-high N treatments (N3, N4) reduced Chl (a + b) by 7.95% and 15.56%, respectively. Water use efficiency (WUE) and stomatal conductance (C) decreased slightly with N loads.  相似文献   

樊后保    刘文飞    徐雷  李燕燕  廖迎春  王启其  张子文 《生态学报》2008,28(6):2546-2546~2553
在12年生的杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)人工林中开展模拟氮沉降试验,分N0(对照)、N1、N2、N3等4种处理,N沉降量依次为0、60、120、240 kg N hm-2 a-1,每处理重复3次.通过2 a的监测和分析发现,经N0、N1、N2、N3处理后,凋落物分解过程中C平均含量分别为46.47%、46.35%、46.79%、46.6%,各处理之间无显著差异,但均随着分解时间的增加呈下降趋势.氮沉降明显增加了凋落物中的N含量,且随着沉降水平的增加而增加.各处理凋落物C的分解系数依次为0.739、0.744、0.936、0.708,周转期为4.26 a、4.26 a、3.46 a、4.41 a;而N的分解系数分别为0.458、0.543、0.776、0.565,周转期为6.26 a、5.44 a、3.91 a、5.20 a.N1处理表现出促进N释放的作用,但对C释放影响不明显;N2处理促进了凋落物C、N元素的释放,而N3处理则表现出一定的抑制作用.氮沉降处理也明显降低了凋落物的C/N比,N1、N2、N3处理使C/N比分别比N0下降8.59%、14.20%和17.54%.  相似文献   

以杉木Cunninghamia lanceolata 6个优良无性系组培移栽苗为试材,对聚乙二醇(PEG-6000)模拟干旱胁迫条件下各无性系针叶淀粉、可溶性糖及非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)总量进行测定。结果显示,干旱胁迫致使杉木无性系针叶淀粉含量下降、可溶性糖含量有所提高,NSC含量呈下降趋势(除T-cF1无性系外)。干旱胁迫条件下,可溶性糖含量与针叶相对含水量、丙二醛含量间呈显著正相关(P<0.05),而淀粉含量、NSC与过氧化氢酶活性间均为显著负相关(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

杉木自毒作用的研究   总被引:92,自引:2,他引:92  
对杉木自毒作用研究表明,杉木纯林中的土壤、枯落叶、半分解枯落叶和杉木鲜叶、枝条、树皮、树根的水浸液及其添加乙烯吡咯啉酮k30(PVP) 的溶液对杉木种子、空心菜种子和萝卜种子的萌发均有影响.所有水浸液均表现出高浓度下抑制种子萌发,随着浓度降低,抑制作用减弱、消失,甚至转变为促进作用的规律;其中根和鲜叶水浸液抑制作用最强,但水浸液添加PVP 后抑制作用明显减弱,且在低浓度时表现出促进作用.  相似文献   

Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.) is the most important conifer species for timber production with huge distribution area in southern China. Accurate estimation of biomass is required for accounting and monitoring Chinese forest carbon stocking. In the study, allometric equation was used to analyze tree biomass of Chinese fir. The common methods for estimating allometric model have taken the classical approach based on the frequency interpretation of probability. However, many different biotic and abiotic factors introduce variability in Chinese fir biomass model, suggesting that parameters of biomass model are better represented by probability distributions rather than fixed values as classical method. To deal with the problem, Bayesian method was used for estimating Chinese fir biomass model. In the Bayesian framework, two priors were introduced: non-informative priors and informative priors. For informative priors, 32 biomass equations of Chinese fir were collected from published literature in the paper. The parameter distributions from published literature were regarded as prior distributions in Bayesian model for estimating Chinese fir biomass. Therefore, the Bayesian method with informative priors was better than non-informative priors and classical method, which provides a reasonable method for estimating Chinese fir biomass.  相似文献   

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