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Gonad formation requires specific interactions between germ cells and specialized somatic cells, along with the elaborate morphogenetic movements of these cells to create an ovary or testis. We have identified mutations in the fear of intimacy (foi) gene that cause defects in the formation of the embryonic gonad in DROSOPHILA: foi is of particular interest because it affects gonad formation without affecting gonad cell identity, and is therefore specifically required for the morphogenesis of this organ. foi is also required for tracheal branch fusion during tracheal development. E-cadherin/shotgun is similarly required for both gonad coalescence and tracheal branch fusion, suggesting that E-cadherin and FOI cooperate to mediate these processes. foi encodes a member of a novel family of transmembrane proteins that includes the closely related human protein LIV1. Our findings that FOI is a cell-surface protein required in the mesoderm for gonad morphogenesis shed light on the function of this new family of proteins and on the molecular mechanisms of organogenesis.  相似文献   

During development, directed cell migration is crucial for achieving proper shape and function of organs. One well-studied example is the embryonic development of the larval tracheal system of Drosophila, in which at least four signaling pathways coordinate cell migration to form an elaborate branched network essential for oxygen delivery throughout the larva. FGF signaling is required for guided migration of all tracheal branches, whereas the DPP, EGF receptor, and Wingless/WNT signaling pathways each mediate the formation of specific subsets of branches. Here, we characterize ribbon, which encodes a BTB/POZ-containing protein required for specific tracheal branch migration. In ribbon mutant tracheae, the dorsal trunk fails to form, and ventral branches are stunted; however, directed migrations of the dorsal and visceral branches are largely unaffected. The dorsal trunk also fails to form when FGF or Wingless/WNT signaling is lost, and we show that ribbon functions downstream of, or parallel to, these pathways to promote anterior-posterior migration. Directed cell migration of the salivary gland and dorsal epidermis are also affected in ribbon mutants, suggesting that conserved mechanisms may be employed to orient cell migrations in multiple tissues during development.  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster bristle is a highly polarized cell that builds specialized cytoskeletal structures. Whereas actin is required for increasing bristle length, microtubules are essential for bristle axial growth. To identify new proteins involved in cytoskeleton organization during bristle development, we focused on identifying and characterizing the javelin (jv) locus. We found that in a jv mutant, the bristle tip is swollen and abnormal organization of bristle grooves is seen over the entire bristle. Using confocal and electron microscopy, we found that in jv mutant bristles, actin bundles do not form properly due to a loss of actin filaments within the bundle. We show that jv is an allele of the predicted CG32397 gene that encodes a protein with no homologs outside insects. Expression of the Jv protein fused to a green fluorescent protein (GFP) shows that the protein is colocalized with actin bundles in the bristle. Moreover, expression of Jv-GFP within the germ line led to the formation of ectopic actin bundles that surround the nucleus of nurse cells. Thus, we report that Jv is a novel actin-associated protein required for actin assembly during Drosophila bristle development.  相似文献   

Traits with a common genetic basis frequently display correlated phenotypic responses to selection or environmental conditions. In Drosophila melanogaster, pigmentation of the abdomen and a trident‐shaped region on the thorax are genetically correlated. Here, we used a pooled replicated genomewide association approach (Pool‐GWAS) to identify the genetic basis of variation in thoracic trident pigmentation in two Drosophila melanogaster populations. We confirmed the previously reported large effect of ebony and the association of the cosmopolitan inversion In(3R)Payne. For the first time, we identified tan as another major locus contributing to variation in trident pigmentation. Intriguingly, the regulatory variants of tan that were most strongly associated with female abdominal pigmentation also showed a strong association with trident pigmentation. We validated this common genetic basis in transgenic assays and found qualitatively similar effects on trident and abdominal pigmentation. Further work is required to determine whether this genetic correlation is favoured by natural selection or reflects a neutral by‐product of a shared regulatory architecture.  相似文献   

Afshar K  Gönczy P  DiNardo S  Wasserman SA 《Genetics》2001,157(3):1267-1276
A number of fundamental processes comprise the cell division cycle, including spindle formation, chromosome segregation, and cytokinesis. Our current understanding of these processes has benefited from the isolation and analysis of mutants, with the meiotic divisions in the male germline of Drosophila being particularly well suited to the identification of the required genes. We show here that the fumble (fbl) gene is required for cell division in Drosophila. We find that dividing cells in fbl-deficient testes exhibit abnormalities in bipolar spindle organization, chromosome segregation, and contractile ring formation. Cytological analysis of larval neuroblasts from null mutants reveals a reduced mitotic index and the presence of polyploid cells. Molecular analysis demonstrates that fbl encodes three protein isoforms, all of which contain a domain with high similarity to the pantothenate kinases of A. nidulans and mouse. The largest Fumble isoform is dispersed in the cytoplasm during interphase, concentrates around the spindle at metaphase, and localizes to the spindle midbody at telophase. During early embryonic development, the protein localizes to areas of membrane deposition and/or rearrangement, such as the metaphase and cellularization furrows. Given the role of pantothenate kinase in production of Coenzyme A and in phospholipid biosynthesis, this pattern of localization is suggestive of a role for fbl in membrane synthesis. We propose that abnormalities in synthesis and redistribution of membranous structures during the cell division cycle underlie the cell division defects in fbl mutant cells.  相似文献   

The female meiotic spindle lacks a centrosome or microtubule-organizing center in many organisms. During cell division, these spindles are organized by the chromosomes and microtubule-associated proteins. Previous studies in Drosophila melanogaster implicated at least one kinesin motor protein, NCD, in tapering the microtubules into a bipolar spindle. We have identified a second Drosophila kinesin-like protein, SUB, that is required for meiotic spindle function. At meiosis I in males and females, sub mutations affect only the segregation of homologous chromosomes. In female meiosis, sub mutations have a similar phenotype to ncd; even though chromosomes are joined by chiasmata they fail to segregate at meiosis I. Cytological analyses have revealed that sub is required for bipolar spindle formation. In sub mutations, we observed spindles that were unipolar, multipolar, or frayed with no defined poles. On the basis of these phenotypes and the observation that sub mutations genetically interact with ncd, we propose that SUB is one member of a group of microtubule-associated proteins required for bipolar spindle assembly in the absence of the centrosomes. sub is also required for the early embryonic divisions but is otherwise dispensable for most mitotic divisions.  相似文献   

A cDNA (Vupat1) encoding a predicted 43 kDa protein was isolated from drought-stressed cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) leaves. It has homology with patatin, a potato tuber storage protein with lipolytic acyl hydrolase activity. The recombinant protein VUPAT1 expressed in the baculovirus system displays preferentially galactolipid acyl hydrolase activity. Phospholipids are very slowly hydrolyzed and apparently triacylglycerols are not deacylated. Vupat1 promoter contains putative drought-inducible sequences. Northern blots showed that gene expression is stimulated by drought stress and is more pronounced in a drought-sensitive cultivar than in a drought-tolerant one. An involvement in drought-induced galactolipid degradation is proposed for VUPAT1.  相似文献   

L Cooley  E Verheyen  K Ayers 《Cell》1992,69(1):173-184
The entire cytoplasmic contents of 15 highly polyploid nurse cells are transported rapidly to the oocyte near the end of Drosophila oogenesis. chickadee is one of a small group of genes whose mutant phenotype includes a disruption of this nurse cell cytoplasm transport. We have cloned the chickadee gene and found that cDNA clones encode a protein 40% identical to yeast and Acanthamoeba profilin. The nurse cells from chickadee egg chambers that lack ovary-specific profilin fail to synthesize cytoplasmic actin networks correctly. In addition, the nurse cell nuclei in chickadee egg chambers become displaced and often partially stretched through the channels leading into the oocyte, blocking the flow of cytoplasm. We suggest that the newly synthesized cytoplasmic actin networks are responsible for maintaining nuclear position in the nurse cells.  相似文献   

J E Hooper  M P Scott 《Cell》1989,59(4):751-765
The patched (ptc) gene is one of several segment polarity genes required for correct patterning within every segment of Drosophila. The absence of ptc gene function causes a transformation of the fate of cells in the middle part of each segment so that they form pattern elements characteristic of cells positioned around the segment border. Analysis of the mutant phenotype demonstrates that both segment and parasegment borders are included in the duplicated pattern of ptc mutants. We have cloned the ptc gene and deduced that the product is a 1286 amino acid protein with at least seven putative transmembrane alpha helices. ptc RNA is expressed in embryos in broad stripes of segmental periodicity that later split into two stripes per segment primordium. The pattern of expression does not directly predict the transformation seen in ptc mutant embryos, suggesting that ptc participates in cell interactions that establish pattern within the segment.  相似文献   

Zygotic expression of the three rows (thr) gene of Drosophila melanogaster is required for normal cell proliferation during embryogenesis. Mitotic defects in thr mutant embryos begin during mitosis 15, and all subsequent divisions are disrupted. Chromosome disjunction and consequently cytokinesis fail during these defective mitoses, although the initial mitotic processes (chromosome condensation, spindle assembly, metaphase plate formation, and cyclin degradation) are not affected. Despite the failure of chromosome disjunction and cytokinesis, later mitotic events (chromosome decondensation) and subsequent cell cycle progression continue. The thr gene has been isolated and shown to encode a 1209 amino acid protein that shares no extended sequence similarity with known proteins. thr mRNA is present as maternal mRNA that degrades at the time of cellularization. At this and all subsequent times during embryogenesis, zygotic expression correlates with mitotic proliferation. These observations, together with the observation that the zygotic phenotype of thr mutant embryos is influenced by the maternal genotype, suggest that the embryonic phenotype results from exhaustion of the maternal thr contribution and does not reflect a developmentally restricted requirement for thr function. Our results indicate that the novel thr product is required specifically for chromosome disjunction during all mitoses.  相似文献   

The anteroposterior and dorsoventral axes of the Drosophila embryo are established during oogenesis through the activities of Gurken (Grk), a Tgfalpha-like protein, and the Epidermal growth factor receptor (Egfr). spn-F mutant females produce ventralized eggs similar to the phenotype produced by mutations in the grk-Egfr pathway. We found that the ventralization of the eggshell in spn-F mutants is due to defects in the localization and translation of grk mRNA during mid-oogenesis. Analysis of the microtubule network revealed defects in the organization of the microtubules around the oocyte nucleus. In addition, spn-F mutants have defective bristles. We cloned spn-F and found that it encodes a novel coiled-coil protein that localizes to the minus end of microtubules in the oocyte, and this localization requires the microtubule network and a Dynein heavy chain gene. We also show that Spn-F interacts directly with the Dynein light chain Ddlc-1. Our results show that we have identified a novel protein that affects oocyte axis determination and the organization of microtubules during Drosophila oogenesis.  相似文献   

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