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Li D  Xiong J  Qu A  Xu T 《Biophysical journal》2004,87(3):1991-2001
Deconvolution wide-field fluorescence microscopy and single-particle tracking were used to study the three-dimensional mobility of single secretory granules in live PC12 cells. Acridine orange-labeled granules were found to travel primarily in random and caged diffusion, whereas only a small fraction of granules traveled in directed fashion. High K(+) stimulation increased significantly the percentage of granules traveling in directed fashion. By dividing granules into the near-membrane group (within 1 microm from the plasma membrane) and cytosolic group, we have revealed significant differences between these two groups of granules in their mobility. The mobility of these two groups of granules is also differentially affected by disruption of F-actin, suggesting different mechanisms are involved in the motion of the two groups of granules. Our results demonstrate that combined deconvolution and single-particle tracking may find its application in three-dimensional tracking of long-term motion of granules and elucidating the underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   



Live-cell fluorescence microscopy (LCFM) is a powerful tool used to investigate cellular dynamics in real time. However, the capacity to simultaneously measure DNA content in cells being tracked over time remains challenged by dye-associated toxicities. The ability to measure DNA content in single cells by means of LCFM would allow cellular stage and ploidy to be coupled with a variety of imaging directed analyses. Here we describe a widely applicable nontoxic approach for measuring DNA content in live cells by fluorescence microscopy. This method relies on introducing a live-cell membrane-permeant DNA fluorophore, such as Hoechst 33342, into the culture medium of cells at the end of any live-cell imaging experiment and measuring each cell’s integrated nuclear fluorescence to quantify DNA content. Importantly, our method overcomes the toxicity and induction of DNA damage typically caused by live-cell dyes through strategic timing of adding the dye to the cultures; allowing unperturbed cells to be imaged for any interval of time before quantifying their DNA content. We assess the performance of our method empirically and discuss adaptations that can be implemented using this technique.


Presented in conjunction with cells expressing a histone 2B-GFP fusion protein (H2B-GFP), we demonstrated how this method enabled chromosomal segregation errors to be tracked in cells as they progressed through cellular division that were later identified as either diploid or polyploid. We also describe and provide an automated Matlab-derived algorithm that measures the integrated nuclear fluorescence in each cell and subsequently plots these measurements into a cell cycle histogram for each frame imaged. The algorithm’s accurate assessment of DNA content was validated by parallel flow cytometric studies.


This method allows the examination of single-cell dynamics to be correlated with cellular stage and ploidy in a high-throughput fashion. The approach is suitable for any standard epifluorescence microscope equipped with a stable illumination source and either a stage-top incubator or an enclosed live-cell incubation chamber. Collectively, we anticipate that this method will allow high-resolution microscopic analysis of cellular processes involving cell cycle progression, such as checkpoint activation, DNA replication, and cellular division.

The presence of various antigens in two types of isolated endocrine vesicles (chromaffin granules and secretory vesicles of thyroid parafollicular cells) was investigated by immunoblotting. The two types of vesicles have three common secretory proteins: chromogranin A, chromogranin B and secretogranin II. Furthermore, six common membrane antigens were found: cytochrome b-561, carboxypeptidase H, glycoprotein II, glycoprotein III, synaptin/synaptophysin and SV 2. These results demonstrate that vesicles obtained from neural crest-derived endocrine cells not only share several common secretory peptides and proteins, but also have common properties as far as their membrane antigens are concerned.  相似文献   

Dynamin proteins have been implicated in many aspects of endocytosis, including clathrin-mediated endocytosis, internalization of caveolae, synaptic vesicle recycling, and, more recently, vesicular trafficking to and from the Golgi complex. To provide further insight into the function(s) of dynamin in neuroendocrine cells, we have examined its intracellular distribution in cultured chromaffin cells by subcellular fractionation, immunoreplica analysis, and confocal immunofluorescence. We found that dynamin, presumably the dynamin-2 isoform, is associated specifically with the membrane of purified secretory chromaffin granules. Oligomerization state analysis by sucrose density velocity gradients indicated that the granule-associated dynamin is in a monomeric form. Immunoprecipitation experiments coupled to double-labeling immunofluorescence cytochemistry revealed that the granular dynamin is associated with a syntaxin component that is not involved in the granule-bound SNARE complex. The possibility that dynamin participates in the coupling of the exocytotic and endocytotic reaction through the building of a granular membrane subset of proteins is discussed.  相似文献   

To determine the site of insulin exocytosis in the pancreatic beta cell plasma membrane, we analyzed the interaction between the docking/fusion of green fluorescent protein-tagged insulin granules and syntaxin 1 labeled by TAT-conjugated Cy3-labeled antibody (Ab) using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM). Monoclonal Ab against syntaxin 1 was labeled with Cy3 then conjugated with the protein transduction domain of HIV-1 TAT. TAT-conjugated Cy3-labeled anti-syntaxin 1 Ab was transduced rapidly into the subplasmalemmal region in live MIN6 beta cells, which enabled us to observe the spatial organization and distribution of endogenous syntaxin 1. TIRFM imaging revealed that syntaxin 1 is distributed in numerous separate clusters in the intact plasma membrane, where insulin secretory granules were docked preferentially to the sites of syntaxin 1 clusters, colocalizing with synaptosomal-associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25) clusters. TIRFM imaging analysis of the motion of single insulin granules demonstrated that the fusion of insulin secretory granules stimulated by 50 mm KCl occurred exclusively at the sites of the syntaxin 1 clusters. Cholesterol depletion by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin treatment, in which the syntaxin 1 clusters were disintegrated, decreased the number of docked insulin granules, and, eventually the number of fusion events was significantly reduced. Our results indicate that 1) insulin exocytosis occurs at the site of syntaxin 1 clusters; 2) syntaxin 1 clusters are essential for the docking and fusion of insulin granules in MIN6 beta cells; and 3) the sites of syntaxin 1 clusters are distinct from flotillin-1 lipid rafts.  相似文献   

Summary Chromaffin granules from bovine adrenal medullary chromaffin cells have been found to contain small vesicular structures bounded by unit membranes. Detection of these intragranular vesicles within intact cells requires the use of quick-freezing methods. The intragranular vesicles are labile to fixation by aldehydes which explains why they have not been described in intact cells until now. They are found in approximately 60% of the dense-core chromaffin granules in cells and 85% of isolated granules. They are usually clustered in groups of one to as many as five between the core and the inner surface of the granule membrane. The intragranular vesicles are independent vesicles in that they do not appear as simple invaginations of the granule membrane in either serial thin-section or freeze-etch views. Furthermore, they are released from the cell along with granule contents during nicotine-induced secretion of catecholamines. The structural heterogeneity provided by the intragranular vesicles may be related to the functional heterogeneity of granule contents observed in many recent biochemical studies.  相似文献   

The presence of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in chromaffin granules has been controversial for a long time. We therefore undertook a study of AChE molecular forms in chromaffin cells and of their distribution during subcellular fractionation. We characterized four main AChE forms, three amphiphilic forms (Ga1, Ga2 and Ga4), and one non-amphiphilic form (Gna4). Each form shows the same molecular characteristics (sedimentation, electrophoretic migration, lectin interactions) in the different subcellular fractions. All forms are glycosylated and seem to possess both N-linked and O-linked carbohydrate chains. There are differences in the structure of the glycans carried by the different forms, as indicated by their interaction with some lectins. Glycophosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipases C converted the Ga2 form, but not the other amphiphilic forms, into non-amphiphilic derivatives. The distinct patterns of AChE molecular forms observed in various subcellular compartments indicate the existence of an active sorting process. Gna4 was concentrated in fractions of high density, containing chromaffin granules. We obtained evidence for the existence of a lighter fraction also containing chromogranin A, tetrabenazine-binding sites and Gna4 AChE, which may correspond to immature, incompletely loaded granules or to partially emptied granules. The distribution of Gna4 during subcellular fractionation suggested that this form is largely, but not exclusively, contained in chromaffin granules, the membranes of which may contain low levels of the three amphiphilic forms.  相似文献   

We report for the first time that morphine-6-glucuronide, a highly analgesic morphine-derived molecule, is present in adrenal chromaffin granules and secreted from chromaffin cells upon stimulation. We also demonstrate that phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein (alternatively named Raf-1 kinase inhibitor protein or RKIP) acts as an endogenous morphine-6-glucuronide-binding protein. An UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B-like enzyme, described to transform morphine into morphine-6-glucuronide, has been immunodetected in the chromaffin granule matrix, and morphine-6-glucuronide de novo synthesis has been characterized, demonstrating the possible involvement of intragranular UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B-like enzyme in morphine-6-glucuronide metabolism. Once secreted into the circulation, morphine-6-glucuronide may mediate several systemic actions (e.g. on immune cells) based on its affinity for mu-opioid receptors. These activities could be facilitated by phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein (PEBP), acting as a molecular shield and preventing morphine-6-glucuronide from rapid clearance. Taken together, our data represent an important observation on the role of morphine-6-glucuronide as a new endocrine factor.  相似文献   

The tagging of genomic loci in living cells provides visual evidence for the study of genomic spatial organization and gene interaction. CRISPR/dCas9(clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/deactivated Cas9) labeling system labels genes through binding of the dCas9/sgRNA/fluorescent protein complex to repeat sequences in the target genomic loci.However, the existence of numerous fluorescent proteins in the nucleus usually causes a high background fluorescent readout.This study aims to limit the number of fluorescent modules entering the nucleus by redesigning the current CRISPR/dCas9-SunTag labeling system consisting of dCas9-SunTag-NLS(target module) and scFv-sfGFP-NLS(signal module). We removed the nuclear location sequence(NLS) of the signal module and inserted two copies of EGFP into the signal module. The ratio of the fluorescent intensity of the nucleus to that of the cytoplasm(N/C ratio) was decreased by 71%, and the ratio of the signal to the background(S/B ratio) was increased by 1.6 times. The system can stably label randomly selected genomic loci with as few as 9 repeat sequences.  相似文献   

About 40-60% of the peptidylglycine alpha-amidating amonooxygenase activity in the lysates of secretory granules from bovine atria and adrenal medulla isolated and lyzed in the presence of pepstatin, phenylmethylsulfonyl gluoride, N-ethylmaleimide and catalase, was found to be in the soluble form. The remaining part bound to the membrane fraction was extracted with Triton X-100. The procedure of purification of the soluble form of peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase from both atrial and chromaffin granules in electrophoretically homogeneous enzyme preparations was developed. The enzyme is made up of a single subunit with a molecular mass of 68 kDa and contains one copper atom per molecule. The EPR spectra of peptidylglycine alpha-amidating amonooxygenase and dopamine beta-monooxygenase were found to be practically identical, thus indicating that the copper environment in the both enzymes is the same. Both peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase and dopamine beta-monooxygenase are inhibited by the neurocuprein apoform, an extremely acidic protein isolated from brain and secretory granules of different endocrine tissues.  相似文献   

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is a cAMP-regulated chloride channel. There is indirect and conflicting evidence about whether CFTR exists in cell membranes as monomers, dimers, or higher order oligomers. We measured fluorescence intensities and photobleaching dynamics of distinct fluorescent spots in cells expressing functional CFTR-green fluorescent protein (GFP) chimeras. Intensity analysis of GFP-labeled CFTR in live cells showed single-component distributions with mean intensity equal to that of purified monomeric GFP, indicating monomeric CFTR in cell membranes. Fluorescent spots showed single-step photobleaching, independently verifying that CFTR is monomeric. Results did not depend on whether GFP was added to the CFTR N terminus or fourth extracellular loop or on whether CFTR chloride conductance was stimulated by cAMP agonists. Control measurements with a CFTR chimera containing two GFPs showed two-step photobleaching and a single-component intensity distribution with mean intensity twice that of monomeric GFP. These results provide direct evidence for monomeric CFTR in live cells.  相似文献   

Tracking chromaffin granules on their way through the actin cortex   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Quantitative time-lapse evanescent-wave imaging of individual fluorescently labelled chromaffin granules was used for kinetic analysis of granule trafficking through a ∼300-nm (1/e2) optical section beneath the plasma membrane. The mean squared displacement (MSD) was used to estimate the three-dimensional diffusion coefficient (D (3)). We calculated the granules' speed, frame-to-frame displacement and direction and their autocorrelation to identify different stages of approach to the membrane. D (3) was about 10,000 times lower than expected for free diffusion. Granules located ∼60 nm beneath the plasma membrane moved on random tracks (D (3)≈10−10 cm2 s−1) with several reversals in direction before they approached their docking site at angles larger than 45. Docking was observed as a loss of vesicle mobility by two orders of magnitude within <100 ms. For longer observation times the MSD saturated, as if the granules' movement was confined to a volume only slightly larger than the granule. Rarely, the local random motion was superimposed with a directed movement in a plane beneath the membrane. Stimulation of exocytosis selectively depleted the immobile, near-membrane granule population and caused a recruitment of distant granules to sites at the plasma membrane. Their absolute mobility levels were not significantly altered. Application of latrunculin or jasplakinolide to change F-actin polymerisation caused a change in D (3) of the mobile granule population as well as a reduction of the rate of release, suggesting that granule mobility is constrained by the filamentous actin meshwork and that stimulation-dependent changes in actin viscosity propel granules through the actin cortex. Received: 18 November 1999 / Revised version: 26 January 2000 / Accepted: 2 February 2000  相似文献   

The green fluorescent protein (GFP) has proven to be an excellent fluorescent marker for protein expression and localisation in living cells [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]. Several mutant GFPs with distinct fluorescence excitation and emission spectra have been engineered for intended use in multi-labelling experiments [6] [7] [8] [9]. Discrimination of these co-expressed GFP variants by wavelength is hampered, however, by a high degree of spectral overlap, low quantum efficiencies and extinction coefficients [10], or rapid photobleaching [6]. Using fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16], four GFP variants were shown to have distinguishable fluorescence lifetimes. Among these was a new variant (YFP5) with spectral characteristics reminiscent of yellow fluorescent protein [8] and a comparatively long fluorescence lifetime. The fluorescence intensities of co-expressed spectrally similar GFP variants (either alone or as fusion proteins) were separated using lifetime images obtained with FLIM at a single excitation wavelength and using a single broad band emission filter. Fluorescence lifetime imaging opens up an additional spectroscopic dimension to wavelength through which novel GFP variants can be selected to extend the number of protein processes that can be imaged simultaneously in cells.  相似文献   

Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRF-Microscopy) allows the observation of individual secretory vesicles in real-time during exocytosis. In contrast to electrophysiological methods, such as membrane capacitance recording or carbon fiber amperometry, TIRF-Microscopy also enables the observation of vesicles as they reside close to the plasma membrane prior to fusion. However, TIRF-Microscopy is limited to the visualization of vesicles that are located near the membrane attached to the glass coverslip on which the cell grows. This has raised concerns as to whether exocytosis measured with TIRF-Microscopy is comparable to global secretion of the cell measured with membrane capacitance recording. Here we address this concern by combining TIRF-Microscopy and membrane capacitance recording to quantify exocytosis from adrenal chromaffin cells. We found that secretion measured with TIRF-Microscopy is representative of the overall secretion of the cells, thereby validating for the first time the TIRF method as a measure of secretion. Furthermore, the combination of these two techniques provides a new tool for investigating the molecular mechanism of synaptic transmission with combined electrophysiological and imaging techniques.  相似文献   

In chromaffin cells, exocytosis of single granules and properties of the fusion pore--the first connection between vesicular lumen and extracellular space --can be studied by cell-attached patch amperometry, which couples patch-clamp capacitance measurements with simultaneous amperometric recordings of transmitter release. Here we have studied exocytosis of single chromaffin granules and endocytosis of single vesicles in cell-free inside-out membrane patches by patch capacitance measurements and patch amperometry. We excised patches from chromaffin cells by using methods developed for studying properties of single ion channels. With low calcium concentrations in the pipette and bath, the patches showed no spontaneous exocytosis, but exocytosis could be induced in some patches by applying calcium to the cytoplasmic side of the patch. Exocytosis was also stimulated by calcium entry through the patch membrane. Initial conductances of the fusion pore were undistinguishable in cell-attached and excised patch recordings, but the subsequent pore expansion was slower in excised patches. The properties of exocytotic fusion pores in chromaffin cells are very similar to those observed in mast cells and granulocytes. Excised patches provide a tool with which to study the mechanisms of fusion pore formation and endocytosis in vitro.  相似文献   

Rab proteins comprise a complex family of small GTPases involved in the regulation of intracellular membrane trafficking and reorganization. In this study, we identified Rab18 as a new inhibitory player of the secretory pathway in neuroendocrine cells. In adrenal chromaffin PC12 cells and pituitary AtT20 cells, Rab18 is located at the cytosol but associates with a subpopulation of secretory granules after stimulation of the regulated secretory pathway, strongly suggesting that induction of secretion provokes Rab18 activation and recruitment to these organelles. In support of this, a dominant-inactive Rab18 mutant was found to distribute diffusely in the cytosol, whereas a dominant-active Rab18 mutant was predominantly associated to secretory granules. Furthermore, interaction of Rab18 with secretory granules was associated to an inhibition in the secretory activity of PC12 and AtT20 cells in response to stimulatory challenges. Association of Rab18 with secretory granules was also observed by immunoelectron microscopy in normal, non-tumoral endocrine cells (pituitary melanotropes), wherein Rab18 protein content is inversely correlated to the level of secretory activity of cells. Taken together, these findings suggest that, in neuroendocrine cells, Rab18 acts as a negative regulator of secretory activity, likely by impairing secretory granule transport.  相似文献   

Summary Synexin (annexin VII) is a Ca2+- and phospholid-binding protein which has been proposed to play a role in Ca2+-dependent membrane fusion processes. Using a monoclonal antibody against synexin, Mab 10E7, and immunogold, we carried out a semiquantitative localization study of synexin in bovine adrenal medullary chromaffin granules, and in resting and nicotine-stimulated adrenal chromaffin cells. Isolated chromaffin granules contained very little synexin, whereas chromaffin granules aggregated with synexin (24 g/mg) and Ca2+ (1 mM) clearly showed synexin-associated immunogold particles in the vicinity of the granule membrane (1.88 gold particles per granule profile). In isolated, cultured adrenal chromaffin cells, synexin was present in the nucleus (5.5 particles/m2) and in the cytosol (5.3 particles/m2), but mainly around the granule membrane in the granular cell area (11.7 particles/m2). During the active phase of cholinergically stimulated catecholamine secretion, the amount of synexin label was reduced by 33% in the nucleus, by 23% in the cytosol, and by 51% in the granule area. The plasma membrane contained a small amount of synexin, which did not significantly change upon stimulation of the cells. We conclude that synexin is involved in the secretory process in chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

One of the most challenging tasks in microscopy is the quantitative identification and characterization of molecular interactions. In living cells this task is typically performed by fluorescent labeling of the interaction partners with spectrally distinct fluorophores and imaging in different color channels. Current methods for determining colocalization of molecules result in outcomes that can vary greatly depending on signal‐to‐noise ratios, threshold and background levels, or differences in intensity between channels. Here, we present a novel and quantitative method for determining the degree of colocalization in live‐cell fluorescence microscopy images for two and more data channels. Moreover, our method enables the construction of images that directly classify areas of high colocalization. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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