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Chromosome banding patterns in an infant with 13q minus syndrome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

We report a 6-year-old patient with hemophilia A, who also exhibited clinical features typical of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22qDS). The specific traits were mild mental retardation, speech delay, hypernasal speech, deficits in voice quality and articulation, narrow palpebral fissures, broad and depressed nasal root, high-arched palate, microstomia, and overfolded ears. The patient had no associated congenital cardiac or palatal malformations. It can be particularly difficult to identify this syndrome in newborns and infants without congenital heart defects. This case underlines that microdeletion of chromosome 22q11.2 should be considered in any patient who exhibits typical clinical features of 22qDS, regardless of whether they have another single-gene disorder.  相似文献   

A 40 year-old dysmorphic and mentally retarded female is reported with a de novo unbalanced chromosomal rearrangement (karyotype: 46,XX,der(8)t(8;13)(p23;q123),idic(13)(pter-->q123: q123-->pter) resulting in an isodicentric chromosome 13 and a double aneusomy including partial trisomy 13 (13pter-q123) and distal monosomy 8p (8pter-p23). The main clinical findings consist of developmental/mental retardation, behavioural disturbances and minor congenital defects, not consistent with the clinical pattern of either of the two aneusomies. A mechanism for the chromosome rearrangement is proposed and the absence of specific physical findings in the present patient is discussed in the light of the available literature data.  相似文献   



Down syndrome (DS) is the most common aneuploidy in live-born individuals and it is well recognized with various phenotypic expressions. Although an extra chromosome 21 is the genetic cause for DS, specific phenotypic features may result from the duplication of smaller regions of the chromosome and more studies need to define genotypic and phenotypic correlations.

Case report

We report on a 26 year old male with partial trisomy 21 presenting mild clinical symptoms relative to DS including borderline intellectual disability. In particular, the face and the presence of hypotonia and keratoconus were suggestive for the DS although the condition remained unnoticed until his adult age array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) revealed a 10.1 Mb duplication in 21q22.13q22.3 and a small deletion of 2.2 Mb on chromosomal band 7q36 arising from a paternal translocation t(7;21). The 21q duplication encompasses the gene DYRK1.


Our data support the evidence of specific regions on distal 21q whose duplication results in phenotypes recalling the typical DS face. Although the duplication region contains DYRK1, which has previously been implicated in the causation of DS, our patient has a borderline IQ confirming that their duplication is not sufficient to cause the full DS phenotype.  相似文献   

Summary The abortus of a woman who had had three miscarriages and no normal pregnancies had a 46,XX,D-,t(DqDq)+karyotype. The mother was shown to carry the translocation in balanced state; Giemsa banding demonstrated the abnormal chromosome to be t(13q13q)
Zusammenfassung Die Abortfrucht einer Frau mit 3 Fehlgeburten und keiner normal ausgetragenen Schwangerschaft hat einen Karyotyp 46,XX,D-,t(DqDq)+.Die Mutter hat die gleiche Translokation im balancierten Zustand. Mit Hilfe der Giemsafärbung erwies sich das abnorme Chromosom als t(13q13q).

Turner syndrome is a condition caused by numeric and structural abnormalities of the X chromosome, and is characterized by a series of clinical features, the most common being short stature and gonadal dysgenesis. An increased frequency of autoimmune diseases as well as an elevated incidence of autoantibodies has been observed in Turner patients.  相似文献   

A newborn male patient with a partial trisomy 13q22----qter, derived from a maternal translocation (13;15)(q22;p11) is reported. This non-frequent chromosomal anomaly leads to a characteristic phenotype easily recognizable from other craniosynostosis syndromes, in which the cranial malformation is often associated with auricular and limb defects. This phenotype includes: cranial malformation, characteristic facies, mental and developmental retardation, urologic and genital anomalies, polydactily, abnormal muscular tonicity and convulsive status. Our patient, a "pure" partial trisomy, without other associated chromosomal anomaly, is compared with the published cases.  相似文献   

The 22q distal trisomy syndrome in a recombinant child   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A 4-month-old male infant with 22q distal trisomy and karyotype 46,XY,rec(22), dup q,inv(22)(q13q12)mat is reported. This and six previous similar instances are compared, and a distinct syndrome is delineated as follows: growth and psychomotor retardation, microcephaly or hydrocephaly, brain malformation, defective skull ossification, hypertelorism, narrow palpebral fissures, short broad nose, cleft palate with or without lip involvement, short neck, cardiac defect, renal and genital hypoplasia, osteoarticular abnormalities (mostly clubfoot), and poor survival. In addition, this syndrome is distinct from other duplications of chromosome 22, namely the complete trisomy, the proximal trisomy, and the cat-eye phenotype.  相似文献   

Partial trisomy 9q: a new syndrome.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two unrelated patients with a strikingly similar phenotype (low birth weight and poor thriving; mental retardation; dolichocephaly; beaked nose; deeply set eyes; prominent maxilla and receding small chin; long fingers with a peculiar clench) were partially trisomic for two different segments of 9q. The segment found to be trisomic in both patients is small and corresponds to the q31q32 region. This new syndrome is compared to observations of trisomy 9 reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Clinical features of the 13q deletion syndrome are difficult to define and include retinoblastoma, mental and growth retardation, craniofacial abnormalities, brain, gastrointestinal, renal and heart malformations, anal atresia and limb and digit malformations. The critical region for development of major organ systems has been defined in 13q32 between the proximal marker 13S132 and distal marker D13S147. We report a severely mentally retarded male patient with a deletion of the distal part of chromosome 13 (13q32.3-->qter) without major organ malformations.  相似文献   

Summary Anatomical and histopathological findings in 12 cases of trisomy 13 syndrome (nine with classic full trisomy and three with trisomy 13 and an unbalanced Robertsonian 13/13 translocation) are reported. Emphasis is on the brain defects, cardiovascular anomalies, and histological organ dysplasia. Eight patients showed abnormal development of the forebrain and midline facial structures (holoprosencephaly). Cardiovascular malformations were invariably present, the leading malformation being an infundibular ventricular septal defect often in combination with dextroposition of the aorta and abnormalities of the semilunar valves. Histological abnormalities giving evidence of organ dysplasia were observed in the central nervous system, eyes, pancreas, kidneys, and ovaries. Mild cystic renal dysplasia was a constant feature. Foci of persistent nodular renal blastema were found in six cases. The pancreatic dysplasia appears to be pathognomonic for trisomy 13. These observations illustrate the importance of pathological studies in the recognition of chromosome abnormalities and, more specifically, of trisomy 13 syndrome. Based on autopsy data, trisomy 13 can be diagnosed — or ruled out — with certainty, even in the absence of karyotyping.  相似文献   

We report a case of partial proximal trisomy of the long arm of chromosome 10 confirmed by fluorescence in situ hibridization (FISH) performed with whole chromosome 10 specific painting and specific yac clones. The phenotypic findings, compared to those found in other published cases with the same karyotype, support the recognition of a distinctive partial proximal trisomy 10q syndrome (10q11-->q22).  相似文献   

This report includes a patient with an inherited pericentric inversion of chromosome No. 2 in addition to a Robertsonian translocation resulting in trisomy for chromosome 13q. The chromosomal constitution of the proband was 46,XX,inv(2) (pter leads to p11 : : q14 leads to p11 : : q14 leads to qter); t(13,14) (13qter leads to 13p11 : : 14q11 leads to 14qter). Sequential QFQ, RFA and GTG banding techniques were employed on the chromosomes of all family members. The chromosomal constitutions of the father and his first child were normal while the mother had an inversion of chromosome No. 2 [46,XX,inv(2) (pter leads to p11 : : q14 leads to p11 : : q14 leads to qter)]. The proband inherited this abnormal chromosome. In addition, she had a de novo Robertsonian translocation involving chromosomes 13q and 14q resulting in trisomy of chromosome 13q.  相似文献   

A female with a de novo tandem duplication of 9q22.2-q31.1 is presented. Molecular delineation of the breakpoints was made by microarray CGH and fluorescent in situ hybridisation. Involvement of 9q22.2-q31.1 seems to be sufficient to produce the characteristic phenotype of partial trisomy 9q syndrome. A discussion on the recognizable clinical features of the condition is presented.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes a case of partial trisomy of almost the entire long arm of chromosome 18 in a newborn with classic trisomy-18 phenotype, resulting from a de novo unbalanced 18q/21p translocation: karyotype: 46,XX,-21,t(18;21)(18qter18q11::21p1221qter). A review of the other reported cases of partial trisomy 18 suggests that a critical segment in chromosome 18, corresponding to bands q11-q12, might be responsible for most of the signs of trisomy 18, including failure to thrive and early death.  相似文献   

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