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Eukaryotic DNA-binding proteins can be detected by a filter binding assay combining protein blotting on nitrocellulose, incubation with DNA by filtration, and the application of radioactively or nonradioactively labeled DNA probes. Basic nuclear and non-nuclear standard proteins are assayed in dot blots as well as in Western blots from sodium dodecyl sulfate gels. The DNA-binding ability of fractionated proteins is compared employing two different blotting techniques, conventional electro-transfer and protein-renaturating capillary transfer. Biotinylated DNA probes exhibit high sensitivity and a distinct discrimination of detection signals corresponding only to defined DNA-binding proteins. In contrast, phosphorus-labeled DNA probes show higher sensitivity, but less effective resolving power, especially for bands localized close to each other. Using the DNA-incubation procedure described, biotinylated DNA probes are preferable to radioactively-labeled probes for screening DNA-binding proteins in complex protein fractions.  相似文献   

Since its discovery, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been used for different purposes in the field of DNA research. We tested the PCR for the diagnosis of HTLV-I/-II infections. PCR was used to amplify 141- and 149-base pair regions from the HTLV-I and HTLV-II virus genomes, respectively. The annealing temperature in the PCR amplification was optimized using 20% polyacrylamide gels and silver staining. Even a slight change (3 degrees C) in the annealing temperature had an effect on the specificity of the reaction. The PCR products were detected with biotin and Eu-labeled oligonucleotide probes in a solution hybridization format. The linearity of the assay was tested with serial dilutions of purified chromosomal DNA containing integrated HTLV-II sequences. The linearity was found to be dependent on the number of cycles used in the PCR amplification. The best linearity, at a target level of a few copies, was achieved using a low number of cycles. The specificity of the assay was tested using HTLV-I and HTLV-II-infected lymphocytes from the cell lines Hut102 and MO480, respectively. No cross reactivity between these analytes was observed.  相似文献   

The structural study of transient nucleoprotein complexes by electron microscopy is hampered by the coexistence of multiple interaction states leading to an heterogeneous image population. To tackle this problem, we have investigated the controlled immobilization of double stranded DNA molecules and of nucleoprotein complexes onto a support suitable for cryo-electron microscopy observation. The DNA was end-labeled with a biotin moiety in order to decorate, or to be incorporated into, two-dimensional streptavidin crystals formed in contact of a biotinylated lipid layer. The binding specificity and efficiency were examined by radioactively labeled oligonucleotides and by direct visualization of unstained and hydrated nucleic acid molecules in cryo-electron microscopy. By using RNA polymerase we further show that, once immobilized, femtomolar amounts of DNA template are suitable to interact with the enzyme. The image analysis of the RNA polymerase-DNA complexes showed that a three-dimensional model can be retrieved from such samples.  相似文献   

Streptavidin substituted with mannose residues increased by 20-fold the intracellular concentration of a biotinylated dodecakis(alpha-deoxythymidylate) in macrophages by comparison with the uptake of free oligodeoxynucleotide. Streptavidin, the bacterial homologue of the very basic avidin, which does not contain any carbohydrate moieties and is a neutral protein, was substituted with 12 mannose residues in order to be recognized and internalized by mannose-specific lectins on the surface of macrophages. A 3'-biotinylated and 5'-fluoresceinylated dodecakis (alpha-deoxythymidylate) was synthesized and bound onto mannosylated streptavidin. The conjugate was isolated, and by using flow cytometry, it was shown that the uptake of fluoresceinylated oligodeoxynucleotides bound to mannosylated streptavidin by macrophages is 20-fold higher than that of free oligodeoxynucleotides and that the uptake was competively inhibited by mannosylated serum albumin. Glycosylated streptavidin conjugates recognizing specific membrane lectins on different cells provide the possibility to target biotinylated antisense oligodeoxynucleotides and to increase the biological effect of these chemotherapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Recent studies using biotinylated in situ hybridization (ISH) have utilized a wide range of detection protocols for the biotinylated hybrids, leading to conflicting reports in the literature regarding sensitivity. In this study we compared 11 different detection protocols for biotinylated ISH using a measles virus-specific RNA probe on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded central nervous system tissue infected with measles virus. Maximum sensitivity was achieved with five-step detection protocols incorporating the use of a monoclonal antibody to biotin. Single-step detection protocols were found to be insensitive, as shown by their failure to detect viral nucleic acid in infected white-matter cells. Only by increasing the number of steps in the detection protocols were these infected cells demonstrable. Unless pre-hybridization, hybridization, and detection protocols are optimized, the results obtained in pathogenicity studies using ISH could be misinterpreted, leading to false conclusions about nucleic acid distribution. This also applies to the ever-increasing use of ISH for diagnostic purposes.  相似文献   

Localization of the SM alpha family of repeated DNA and the rDNA repeat on the chromosomes of Schistosoma mansoni by in situ hybridization is presented. Biotinylated DNA was hybridized to target chromosomes and hybridization was detected using either alkaline phosphatase-labeled avidin or fluorescein-labeled avidin and biotinylated anti-avidin antibody. Hybridization detection using a fluorescein conjugate was more specific and sensitive with less background noise than detection with alkaline phosphatase conjugates. SM alpha hybridizing sequences were found dispersed throughout the genome, hybridizing to the sex chromosomes and autosomes. The SM alpha probe showed specific hybridization to the euchromatic gap region within the large heterochromatic block of the short arm of the W chromosome. This specific hybridization coupled with the lack of chiasma formation in this region of the ZW bivalent (presumably due to the heterochromatinization of this region) may explain the pattern of sex-specific hybridization reported for the SM alpha family. The rDNA repeat was localized to the secondary constriction of the short arm of chromosome 3. Specifically, the rDNA probe hybridized with the stalk of the secondary constriction and with parts of both side regions, the satellite and the short arm proper.  相似文献   

A sensitive method for detecting biotinylated DNA probes on dot and Southern blots is described which is based on the principle outlined by Leary et al (1). This system has two main components: detection of biotinylated DNA by a two-step procedure with streptavidin and poly(alkaline phosphatase); and blocking background with Tween 20. 32fg and 80fg of lambda phage DNA was detected on dot and Southern blot hybridizations respectively. 150fg of beta-globin was detected on Southern blots of genomic DNA. This method is fast, reproducible and can detect single copy genes in 0.25 micrograms genomic DNA on Southern blots.  相似文献   

Use of biotinylated DNA probes in colony hybridization.   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文

We report a method of in situ hybridization (ISH) of 10-year-old archival cervical smears with a cocktail of nick-translated human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA types 6, 11, 16, 18, and 31. The method, which does not require destaining, results in excellent preservation of morphological detail with only 2% cell loss. Methods of smear treatment and detection of the biotinylated probe with a multistep avidin-biotin-immunoperoxidase method are described. Biotinylated PBR 322 plasmid and biotinylated human DNA were used as negative and positive controls in each run. Twenty-nine of 50 smears (58%) showing changes consistent with CIN I-II were positive for HPV. Fourteen corresponding cervical biopsies were also studied by ISH, seven corresponding to HPV-positive smears and seven to HPV-negative smears. HPV DNA was demonstrated in six of seven biopsies (87%) from the positive group but none could be demonstrated in the negative group. We conclude that retrospective study can be performed on routine alcohol-fixed, Papanicolaou-stained cervical smears with biotinylated HPV probes with excellent cell preservation, minimal cell loss, and high degrees of specificity.  相似文献   

Time-resolved fluorometry was applied in the detection of RT-PCR amplified mRNAs for the Th1 and Th2 cell-derived cytokines interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) and interleukin (IL-)4, respectively. RNA stimulated cells was reverse transcribed and the cDNAs for the cytokine mRNAs and the constantly expressed beta-actin (beta-ACT) mRNA were simultaneously amplified in one multiplex PCR reaction. The PCR conditions were optimized to minimize mutual inhibition of individual amplifications. One of the PCR primers in each primer pair was biotinylated, and the PCR products were captured onto streptavidin-coated microtitre plates. The three PCR products were detected with three different lanthanide labelled target-specific probes in solution hybridization. IFN-gamma, IL-4 and beta-ACT were detected with europium (Eu), terbium (Tb) and samarium (Sm) labelled probes, respectively, using time-resolved fluorometry. Small cell numbers used in microtitre plate cultures were sufficient to detect cytokine messages after mitogen stimulation. This sequence-based method provides a sensitive, specific, fast and nonisotopic alternative to conventional blotting and hybridisation with radioactive probes. In addition, the multiplex fluorogenic dye detection facilitates relative quantification of target mRNAs.  相似文献   

This study had two objectives: (a) to determine whether biotinylated DNA probes could be substituted for32P-labeled DNA probes to detect the presence of the TEM-1 -lactamase gene in crude bacterial preparations, and (b) to evaluate two commercial detection systems for biotinylated probes—an alkaline phosphatase kit produced by Bethesda Research Laboratories (BRL) and an acid phosphatase kit produced by Enzo Biochem. Both the kits produced nonspecific reactions with TEM-1-negative organisms. Treatment with chloroformphenol and proteinase K did not remove these nonspecific reactions. When plasmid DNA was purified by electrophoresis and transferred to nitrocellulose filters by the Southern blot method, there was no qualitative difference between the biotinylated and radioactive probes. However, the32P-labeled probes were quantitatively 100 times more sensitive than the biotinylated probes. In addition, the Enzo Biochem kit and the32P-labeled probes could be used with charged nylon membranes, whereas the BRL kit could be used only with nitrocellulose filters.  相似文献   

Two Pseudomonas strains were engineered to contain the nptII gene and plasmid vector sequences in their chromosomes. After incubation of these strains in nonsterile soil, total bacterial DNA was isolated and analyzed by Southern blot hybridization with the nptII gene and the plasmid vector as probes. In addition to the expected bands of hybridization, a new band corresponding to the loss of vector sequences from the chromosome while retaining the nptII gene was observed for one of the strains. The more stressful conditions encountered in soil appeared to increase the frequency of loss of the vector sequences from this strain.  相似文献   

RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends) is commonly used for identification and isolation of 3'and 5'termini of cDNA. We developed an improvement of the RACE-method that allows the enrichment of wanted fragments. The important new feature is the purification of the amplified products by biotinylated oligonucleotides that hybridize internally. Hybrids are isolated by streptavidin coated magnetic particles.  相似文献   

The detection of foodborne microorganisms has traditionally been done using microbiologically based methods. Such “gold standard” methods are generally reliable but have the disadvantages of being labor intensive, subjective, and time consuming. Over the last several years, the development of DNA probe-based methods has simplified the methods used to detect organisms such asSalmonella, Listeria, andE. coli by targeting the unique DNA or RNA sequences of these organisms using DNA probes and nonradioactive detection.  相似文献   

A modified procedure for in situ hybridization of biotinylated probes to meiotic chromosomes of cotton has been developed with high retention of squashed cells on slides, preservation of acid-fixed chromosome morphology, exceptionally low levels of background precipitate at nonspecific hybridization sites and improved photomicrographic recording. Salient features of the techniques include pretreatment of slides before squashing, cold storage of squash preparations, and use of interference filters for distinguishing precipitate from chromatin. A cloned 18S/28S ribosomal DNA fragment from soybean was biotinylated via nick-translation and hybridized to microsporocyte meiotic chromosomes of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. and G. hirsutum L. X G. barbadense L.). Enzymatically formed precipitate from streptavidin-bound peroxidase marked the in situ hybridization. In situ hybridization of biotinylated probes to cotton meiotic chromosomes adds the specificity and resoltion of in situ hybridization to the chromosomal and genomic perspectives provided by meiotic cytogenetic analyses. Molecular cytogenetic analyses of meiotic cells offer certain inherent analytical advantages over analyses of somatic cells, e.g., in terms of mapping, and for studying fundamental biological and genetic problems, particularly for organisms that are not amenable to somatic karyotypic analysis.  相似文献   

Streptavidin forms two-dimensional crystals when specifically bound to layers of biotinylated lipids at the air/water interface. The three-dimensional structure of streptavidin determined from the crystals by electron crystallography corresponds well with the structure determined by x-ray crystallography. Comparison of the electron and x-ray crystallographic structures reveals the occurrence of free biotin-binding sites on the surface of the two-dimensional crystals facing the aqueous solution. The free biotin-binding sites could be specifically labeled with biotinylated ferritin. The streptavidin/biotinylated lipid system may provide a general approach for the formation of two-dimensional crystals of biotinylated macromolecules.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization with a cloned human Y-specific repeat, pY3.4, derived from the 3.4-kb HaeIII repetitive sequences, is useful in identifying Yq-autosome translocations. In this study nonradioactive procedures were also employed to detect the sites of hybridization. Using a biotinylated probe and either immunofluorescence or horseradish peroxidase reaction, the chromosomes of three probands and members of their families with probable Y-autosome translocations were examined. It was found that not all such translocations can be correctly diagnosed based on conventional banding analysis. The present data indicate the importance of chromosome-specific probes in studying chromosome rearrangements in man.  相似文献   

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