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The development of T cells results in a concordance between the specificity of the TCR for MHC class I and class II molecules and the expression of CD8 and CD4 coreceptors. Based on analogy to simple metazoan models of organ development and lineage commitment, we sought to determine whether extracellular signal-related kinase (Erk) mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway signaling acts as an inductive signal for the CD4 lineage. Here, we show that, by altering the intracellular signaling involving the Erk/MAP kinase pathway, T cells with specificity for MHC class I can be diverted to express CD4, and, conversely, T cells with specificity for MHC class II can be diverted to express CD8. Furthermore, we find that activation of the src-family tyrosine kinase, p56lck is an upstream mediator of lineage commitment. These results suggest a simple mechanism for lineage commitment in T cell development.  相似文献   

Although the thymic microenvironment provides the necessary elements for T-cell differentiation, the precise role of individual components remains to be determined. In this paper, attempts were made to address the possibility that CD4 or CD8 single-positive (SP) thymocytes could be developed from immature CD4+CD8+ (double-positive; DP) thymocytes in a suspension culture in the presence of soluble factors. We observed that IL-4 and IFN-gamma weakly induced DP cells to differentiate to CD4 cells, but not to CD8. In contrast, IL-2 weakly induced differentiation to CD8. Interestingly, Con A sup strongly induced differentiation to CD8 SP from the purified DP thymocytes prepared from C57BL/6 or LCMV TCRtg mice. In particular, it was found that thymocyte culture with Con A sup generated CD69+DP cells, and the CD69+DP differentiated to CD8 SP under the suspension culture with soluble factors. Thus, Con A sup or combinations of IL-2, IL-4 and IL-7 strongly induced differentiation of CD69+DP to CD8 SP, whereas individual cytokines did not. These results suggest that soluble factors like cytokines play an important role in the generation of SP thymocytes in the absence of thymic stromal cells, at least from a distinctive subpopulation like CD69+DP thymocytes, and perhaps from those of broader range when in conjunction with TCR/MHC interaction.  相似文献   

MEKK2, MEK5, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 5 (ERK5) are members of a three-kinase cascade for the activation of ERK5. MEK5 is the only MAP2K to express a PB1 domain, and we have shown that it heterodimerizes with the PB1 domain of MEKK2. Here we demonstrate the MEK5 PB1 domain is a scaffold that also binds ERK5, functionally forming a MEKK2-MEK5-ERK5 complex. Reconstitution assays and CFP/YFP imaging (fluorescence resonance energy transfer [FRET]) measuring YFP-MEKK2/CFP-MEK5 and CFP-MEK5/YFP-ERK5 interactions define distinct MEK5 PB1 domain binding sites for MEKK2 and ERK5, with a C-terminal extension of the PB1 domain contributing to ERK5 binding. Stimulus-dependent CFP/YFP FRET in combination with mutational analysis was used to define MEK5 PB1 domain residues critical for the interaction of MEKK2/MEK5 and MEK5/ERK5 required for activation of the ERK5 pathway in living cells. Fusion of the MEK5 PB1 domain to the N terminus of MEK1 confers ERK5 regulation by a MAP2K normally regulating only ERK1/2. The MEK5 PB1 domain confers stringent MAP3K regulation of ERK5 relative to more promiscuous MAP3K control of ERK1/2, JNK, and p38.  相似文献   

Thymic stromal cell clone, TNC-R3.1 cell, was established from spontaneous AKR/J mouse thymoma. TNC-R3.1 cell, which has the similar properties to thymic nurse cells, formed a unique complex with normal thymocyte subpopulations. Flow cytometry analysis demonstrated that CD4+8+ and CD4-8- immature thymocytes preferentially interacted with TNC-R3.1 stromal cell clone. CD4+8+ thymocytes, which interacted with TNC-R3.1 stromal cell clone, contained a higher proportion of large size and cycling T cells than did noninteracting CD4+8+ thymocytes. As is generally accepted, CD4+8+ thymocytes did not respond to any stimulation such as IL-2, anti-CD3 mAb (2C11), or IL-2 plus 2C11. However, culture of isolated CD4+8+ thymocytes on TNC-R3.1 stromal cell monolayer in the presence of suboptimal dose of IL-2 induced a significant cell growth. Moreover, the addition of 2C11 and IL-2 into this coculture system resulted in a dramatic increase of the proliferative response of thymocytes. Flow cytometry analysis showed the proliferating cells on TNC-R3.1, which originated from CD4+8+ thymocytes, were mostly TCR-alpha beta+ CD3+CD4-8+ T cells. These results provide in vitro evidence that CD4+8+ thymocytes are at an intermediate stage of T cell maturation and TNC-R3.1 stromal cell clone induces the growth and differentiation of CD4+8+ thymocytes into CD4-8+ T cells.  相似文献   

Stimulation of the costimulatory receptor CD27 by its ligand CD70 has proved important for the generation of primary and memory CD8(+) T cell responses in various models of antigenic challenge. CD27/CD70-mediated costimulation promotes the survival of primed T cells and thereby increases the size of effector and memory populations. In this paper, we reveal molecular mechanisms underlying the prosurvival effect of CD27. CD27 signaling upregulated expression of the antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family member Bcl-x(L). However, genetic reconstitution of Cd27(-/-) CD8(+) T cells with Bcl-x(L) alone or in combination with the related protein Mcl-1 did not compensate for CD27 deficiency in the response to influenza virus infection. This suggested that CD27 supports generation of the CD8(+) effector T cell pool not only by counteracting apoptosis via Bcl-2 family members. Genome-wide mRNA expression profiling indicated that CD27 directs expression of the Pim1 gene. Pim-1 is a serine/threonine kinase that sustains survival of rapidly proliferating cells by antiapoptotic and prometabolic effects that are independent of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway. In TCR-primed CD8(+) T cells, CD27 could increment Pim-1 protein expression and promote cell survival throughout clonal expansion independent of the mTOR and IL-2R pathways. In addition, introduction of the Pim1 gene in Cd27(-/-) CD8(+) T cells partially corrected their defect in clonal expansion and formation of an effector pool. We conclude that CD27 may contribute to the survival of primed CD8(+) T cells by the upregulation of antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family members but also calls the Pim-1 kinase survival pathway into action.  相似文献   

Although extracellular signal-regulated kinase (Erk) activation influences IL-4 production in various experimental systems, its role during Th differentiation is unclear. In this study, we show that Erk plays a critical role in IL-4 expression during TCR-induced Th differentiation of naive CD4(+) T cells. Stimulation of CD4(+) T cells with a high affinity peptide resulted in sustained Erk activation and Th1 differentiation. However, reduction of Erk activity led to a dramatic increase in IL-4 production and Th2 generation. Analysis of RNA and nuclear proteins of CD4(+) T cells 48 h after stimulation revealed that this was due to early IL-4 expression. Interestingly, transient Erk activation resulted in altered AP-1 DNA binding activity and the induction of an AP-1 complex that was devoid of Fos protein and consisted of Jun-Jun dimers. These data show that in the presence of a strong TCR signal, IL-4 expression can be induced in naive CD4(+) T cells by altering the strength of Erk activation. In addition, these data suggest that TCR-induced Erk activation is involved in the regulation of IL-4 expression by altering the composition of the AP-1 complex and its subsequent DNA binding activity.  相似文献   

During thymic development, T cell progenitors undergo positive selection based on the ability of their T cell Ag receptors (TCR) to bind MHC ligands on thymic epithelial cells. Positive selection determines T cell fate, in that thymocytes whose TCR bind MHC class I (MHC-I) develop as CD8-lineage T cells, whereas those that bind MHC class II (MHC-II) develop as CD4 T cells. Positive selection also induces migration from the cortex to the medulla driven by the chemokine receptor CCR7. In this study, we show that CCR7 is up-regulated in a larger proportion of CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes undergoing positive selection on MHC-I compared with MHC-II. Mice bearing a mutation of Th-POK, a key CD4/CD8-lineage regulator, display increased expression of CCR7 among MHC-II-specific CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes. In addition, overexpression of CCR7 results in increased development of CD8 T cells bearing MHC-II-specific TCR. These findings suggest that the timing of CCR7 expression relative to coreceptor down-regulation is regulated by lineage commitment signals.  相似文献   

The 5-hydroxytryptamine(4) (5-HT(4)) receptors have recently emerged as key modulators of learning, memory, and cognitive processes. In neurons, 5-hydroxytryptamine(4) receptors (5-HT(4)Rs) activate cAMP production and protein kinase A (PKA); however, nothing is known about their ability to activate another key signaling pathway involved in learning and memory: the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway. Here, we show that 5-HT(4)R stimulation, in primary neurons, produced a potent but transient activation of the ERK pathway. Surprisingly, this activation was mostly PKA independent. Similarly, using pharmacological, genetic, and molecular tools, we observed that 5-HT(4)Rs in human embryonic kidney 293 cells, activated the ERK pathway in a G(s)/cAMP/PKA-independent manner. We also demonstrated that other classical G proteins (G(q)/G(i)/G(o)) and associated downstream messengers were not implicated in the 5-HT(4)R-activated ERK pathway. The 5-HT(4)R-mediated ERK activation seemed to be dependent on Src tyrosine kinase and yet totally independent of beta-arrestin. Immunocytofluorescence revealed that ERK activation by 5-HT(4)R was restrained to the plasma membrane, whereas p-Src colocalized with the receptor and carried on even after endocytosis. This phenomenon may result from a tight interaction between 5-HT(4)R and p-Src detected by coimmunoprecipitation. Finally, we confirmed that the main route by which 5-HT(4)Rs activate ERKs in neurons was Src dependent. Thus, in addition to classical cAMP/PKA signaling pathways, 5-HT(4)Rs may use ERK pathways to control memory process.  相似文献   

The heat-stable antigen (HSA), recognized by the monoclonal antibodies M1/69, B2A2, and J11d, is low or absent on the surface of most murine peripheral T cells but present on all but 3% of thymocytes. The CD4-CD8+ and CD4+CD8- or "single positive" thymic populations may be divided into further subgroups based on surface HSA expression. One group, CD4-CD8+ and expressing very high levels of HSA (HSA++), is an immature, T cell antigen receptor (TcR) negative, outer cortical blast cell. However, a further subdivision of CD4-CD8+ and CD4+CD8- single positives may be made, into those negative to low for HSA (HSA-) and those expressing moderate amounts of HSA (HSA+). The proportion of HSA- single positives is low in the thymus of young mice, whereas the proportion of HSA+ single positives is similar to that of the adult. Both the HSA- and the HSA+ subsets of single positive thymocytes from adult mice are CD3+ and express the normal peripheral T cell incidence of V beta 8 determinants on the TcR. On stimulation with concanavalin A in limit-dilution culture both HSA- and HSA+ subsets of single positive thymocytes give a high frequency of proliferating clones, and the clones from both HSA- and HSA+ subsets of CD4-CD8+ thymocytes are cytotoxic. Thus both HSA- and HSA+ single positive thymocytes are functionally mature. The HSA- subsets of single positive thymocytes differ from the HSA+ subsets in being slightly larger in size, in expressing higher levels of MEL-14, in binding more peanut agglutinin, and in including a proportion of cells expressing high levels of the Pgp-1 glycoprotein. It is suggested that HSA- CD4-CD8+ and HSA- CD4+CD8- thymocytes are more mature than their HSA+ counterparts, and might represent a previously activated or "memory" thymic subpopulation.  相似文献   

Efficient T cell activation requires at least two signals, one mediated by the engagement of the TCR-CD3 complex and another one mediated by a costimulatory molecule. We recently showed that CD46, a complement regulatory receptor for C3b as well as a receptor for several pathogens, could act as a potent costimulatory molecule for human T cells, highly promoting T cell proliferation. Indeed, we show in this study that CD46/CD3 costimulation induces a synergistic activation of extracellular signal-related kinase mitogen-activated protein kinase. Furthermore, whereas T lymphocytes primarily circulate within the bloodstream, activation may induce their migration toward secondary lymphoid organs or other tissues to encounter APCs or target cells. In this study, we show that CD46/CD3 costimulation also induces drastic morphological changes of primary human T cells, as well as actin relocalization. Moreover, we show that the GTP/GDP exchange factor Vav is phosphorylated upon CD46 stimulation alone, and that CD46/CD3 costimulation induces a synergistic increase of Vav phosphorylation. These results prompted us to investigate whether CD46/CD3 costimulation induced the activation of GTPases from the Rho family. Indeed, we report that the small GTPase Rac is also activated upon CD46/CD3 costimulation, whereas no change of Rho and Cdc42 activity could be detected. Therefore, CD46 costimulation profoundly affects T cell behavior, and these results provide important data concerning the biology of primary human T cells.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway in the differentiation of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells by looking specifically at the effects of inhibitors of MAPK-activating enzyme, MAPK/extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK) kinase (MEK), during the positive selection step from double-positive to single-positive (SP) thymocytes. Using a variety of transgenic/knockout mouse strain combinations that fail to differentiate individual lineages of SP thymocytes together with genetically engineered F(ab')2 reagents that induce maturation preferentially to either the CD4 or CD8 subpopulations, we show that induction of CD4 differentiation cells is highly sensitive to levels of MEK inhibition that have no effect on CD8 maturation. In addition, the presence of MEK inhibitor is able to modify signals that normally induce CD4 differentiation to instead promote CD8 differentiation. Finally, we show that continuous culture in the presence of inhibitor interferes with TCR up-regulation in SP thymocytes, suggesting that MAPK signaling may be involved in final maturation steps for both lineages. These data indicate that there is discrimination in the biochemical pathways that are necessary to specify CD4 and CD8 lineage commitment and can reconcile previously conflicting reports on the influence of MAPK activation in commitment and maturation of thymocytes.  相似文献   

Immature thymocytes, which coexpress CD4 and CD8, give rise to mature CD4+CD8- and CD4-CD8+ T cells. Only those T cells that recognize self-MHC are selected to mature, a process known as positive selection. The specificity of the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) for class I or class II MHC influences the commitment to a CD4 or CD8 lineage. This may occur by a directed mechanism or by stochastic commitment followed by a selection step that allows only CD8+, class I-specific and CD4+, class II-specific cells to survive. We have generated a mouse line expressing a CD8 transgene under the control of the T cell-specific CD2 regulatory sequences. Although constitutive CD8 expression does not affect thymic selection of CD4+ cells, selection of a class I-specific TCR in the CD8 subset is substantially improved. This outcome is consistent with a model for positive selection in which selection occurs at a developmental stage in which both CD4 and CD8 are expressed, and positive selection by class I MHC generates an instructive signal that directs differentiation to a CD8 lineage.  相似文献   

Effector memory T cells (T(EM)) have an important role in immunity against infection. However, little is known about the factors regulating T(EM) maintenance and proliferation. In this study, we investigated the role of direct interactions between CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells (TC) for human T(EM) expansion. Proliferation of separated or mixed CD4(+) and CD8(+)T(EM) populations was analyzed after polyclonal stimulation in vitro. Compared to each isolated subset mixed T(EM) populations showed increased proliferation and expansion of both CD4(+) and CD8(+)T(EM) subpopulations. Combined activation of CD4(+) and CD8(+) memory T cells (Tmem) induced an increased expression of CD40L and CD40 on both populations. Subsequently, CD40/CD40L caused a bi-directional stimulation of CD40(+)CD4(+)T(EM) by CD40L(+)CD8(+)T(EM) and of CD40(+)CD8(+)T(EM) by CD40L(+)CD4(+)T(EM). Blocking of CD40L on activated CD8(+)T(EM) selectively inhibited proliferation of CD4(+)T(EM), while blocking of CD40L on CD4(+)T(EM) abrogated proliferation of CD8(+)T(EM). Taken together, we demonstrate for the first time that the expression of CD40L is exploited on the one hand by CD8(+)T(EM) to increase the proliferation of activated CD4(+)T(EM) and on the other hand by CD4(+)T(EM) to support the expansion of activated CD8(+)T(EM). Thus, efficient T(EM) expansion requires bi-directional interactions between CD4(+) and CD8(+)T(EM) cells.  相似文献   

CD4/CD8 lineage commitment of thymocytes is controlled by the T cell receptor-mediated signals and is mimicked in vitro by a long-pulse stimulation of isolated CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes with proper combinations of phorbol myristate acetate and the calcium ionophore ionomycin. CD4 lineage commitment required higher intracellular Ca(2+) levels than CD8 lineage commitment in this culture system. The calcineurin inhibitor FK506 at 1nM inhibited the development of thymocytes to either lineage, but 0.3nM FK506 significantly switched the development from the CD4 cell fate to the CD8 cell fate. The switch in lineage commitment was also observed when 1nM FK506 was added 8h after the start of the culture. Delayed addition of 20microM U0126, an Mek (Erk kinase) inhibitor, also induced the switch. These results suggest that the intensity of calcineurin activity and the duration of both calcineurin and Erk pathway activation are crucial for thymocyte lineage commitment.  相似文献   

Poly-(ADP-ribose) polymerase-2 (PARP-2) belongs to a large family of enzymes that synthesize and transfer ADP-ribose polymers to acceptor proteins, modifying their functional properties. PARP-2-deficient (Parp-2-/-) cells, similar to Parp-1-/- cells, are sensitive to both ionizing radiation and alkylating agents. Here we show that inactivation of mouse Parp-2, but not Parp-1, produced a two-fold reduction in CD4+CD8+ double-positive (DP) thymocytes associated with decreased DP cell survival. Microarray analyses revealed increased expression of the proapoptotic Bcl-2 family member Noxa in Parp-2-/- DP thymocytes compared to littermate controls. In addition, DP thymocytes from Parp-2-/- have a reduced expression of T-cell receptor (TCR)alpha and a skewed repertoire of TCRalpha toward the 5' Jalpha segments. Our results show that in the absence of PARP-2, the survival of DP thymocytes undergoing TCRalpha recombination is compromised despite normal amounts of Bcl-xL. These data suggest a novel role for PARP-2 as an important mediator of T-cell survival during thymopoiesis by preventing the activation of DNA damage-dependent apoptotic response during the multiple rounds of TCRalpha rearrangements preceding a positively selected TCR.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which CD4/CD8 lineage choice is coordinated with TCR specificity during positive selection remains an unresolved problem in immunology. The stochastic/selection model proposes that CD4/CD8 lineage choice in TCR-signaled CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes occurs randomly and therefore is highly error-prone. This perspective is strongly supported by "coreceptor rescue" experiments in which transgenic CD4 coreceptors were ectopically expressed on thymocytes throughout their development and caused significant numbers of cells bearing MHC-II-specific TCR to differentiate into mature, CD8 lineage T cells. However, it is not known if forced coreceptor expression actually rescued positively selected thymocytes making an incorrect lineage choice or if it influenced developing thymocytes into making an incorrect lineage choice. We have now reassessed coreceptor rescue and the concept that lineage choice is highly error-prone with a novel CD4 transgene (referred to as E8(I)-CD4) that targets expression of transgenic CD4 coreceptors specifically to thymocytes that have already undergone positive selection and adopted a CD8 lineage fate. Unlike previous CD4 transgenes, the E8(I)-CD4 transgene has no effect on early thymocyte development and cannot itself influence CD4/CD8 lineage choice. We report that the E8(I)-CD4 transgene did in fact induce expression of functional CD4 coreceptor proteins on newly arising CD8 lineage thymocytes precisely at the point in thymic development that transgenic CD4 coreceptors would putatively rescue MHC-II-specific thymocytes that incorrectly adopted the CD8 lineage. However, the E8(I)-CD4 transgene did not reveal any MHC-II-selected thymocytes that adopted the CD8 lineage fate. These results demonstrate that CD4/CD8 lineage choice is neither error-prone nor stochastic.  相似文献   

Thymic nurse cells (TNC) contain 20-200 thymocytes within specialized vacuoles in their cytoplasm. The purpose of the uptake of thymocytes by TNCs is unknown. TNCs also have the capacity to present self-antigens, which implies that they may serve a function in the process of thymic education. We have recently reported the development of thymic nurse cell lines that have the ability to bind and internalize T cells. Here, we use one of these TNC lines to identify the thymocyte subpopulation(s) involved in this internalization process. TNCs exposed to freshly isolated thymocytes bind and internalize CD4 and CD8 expressing thymocytes (CD4+CD8+ or double positives) exclusively. More specifically, a subset of the double-positive thymocyte population displayed binding capacity. These double-positive cells express cell surface alpha beta type T cell antigen receptor (TCR), as well as CD3 epsilon. Binding was not inhibited in the presence of antibodies against CD3, CD4, CD8, Class I antigens, or Class II antigens. These results describe two significant events in T cell development. First, TNCs exclusively bind and internalize a subset of alpha beta TCR expressing double-positive T cells. Also, binding is facilitated through a mechanism other than TCR recognition of major histocompatibility complex antigens. This suggests that thymocyte internalization may be independent of the process used by TNCs to present self-antigen.  相似文献   

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