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Radiation-induced early transient incapacitation (ETI) is accompanied by severe systemic hypotension, during which arterial blood pressure often decreases to less than 50 per cent of normal. One haemodynamic compensatory mechanism is increased peripheral resistance due to vasoconstriction. This vasoconstriction in the small intestine of dogs is disproportionately increased during haemorrhagic or endotoxic shock, and intestinal ischaemia is frequent. In an attempt to elucidate mechanisms underlying radiation-induced ETI and the gastrointestinal radiation syndrome, canine intestinal submucosal blood flow was measured by the hydrogen polarographic technique, both before and after exposure to gamma radiation. Systemic blood pressures, blood gases and haematocrits were determined simultaneously. Data obtained from 12 sham-irradiated dogs and 12 irradiated dogs indicated that 90 Gy, whole-body, gamma radiation produced a 31 per cent decrease in systemic mean blood pressure beginning within 20 min post-irradiation and lasting for at least 90 min. However, the intestinal submucosal blood flow did not decrease as anticipated, but it exhibited an actual post-irradiation increase. This increase in post-irradiation intestinal submucosal blood flow began within 5 min after irradiation and lasted for at least 90 min. Post-irradiation haematocrits were 10.5 per cent higher than those obtained before irradiation and those obtained from sham-irradiated subjects. Histopathological examination of ileal mucosa revealed significant pathologic lesions in some irradiated animals within two hours after exposure.  相似文献   

The pressure at zero flow was examined using three independent techniques in island epigastric skin flaps in dogs under sodium pentobarbital anesthesia. (i) The flap was perfused from a reservoir which was varied in height to supply a range of pressures. The corresponding flows were measured by electromagnetic blood flowmetry and the pressure at zero flow was determined by extrapolation to zero flow. (ii) Arterial inflows as low as 2.2 microL/min were delivered by a Harvard pump and corresponding pressures were measured. The pressure at zero flow was determined by inspection. (iii) The artery supplying the flap was occluded with a microclip and the plateau following the decay of pressure was read as the pressure at zero flow. The pressure decay technique was the simplest, most reproducible method and was verified by the other two methods. It gave a pressure at zero flow of 5.8 +/- 0.4 mmHg (0.77 +/- 0.05 kPa). The critical closing pressure is discussed and related to the pressure at zero flow.  相似文献   

Regional variations of laser Doppler blood flow in ischemic skin flaps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An island skin flap was designed on the left inferior epigastric neurovascular bundle of anesthetized male rats. Blood flow was measured in situ with a laser Doppler flowmeter at 20 discrete points on a grid system (5 points in each quadrant of the flap) before and after surgery, or before vascular occlusion, during reperfusion, and 48 to 72 hours later. Two series of experiments were performed. In the first series, the raised flap was placed in a bath containing heated Ringer's solution and the left pedicle was cross-clamped. After 30 minutes, adenosine at a concentration that produced supramaximal vasodilatation, or its vehicle, was added to the bath. After 1 hour total occlusion time, the vascular clamp was released and adenosine treatment was continued for the first 30 minutes of reperfusion. In the second series, the protocol was similar except that adenosine, or its vehicle, was infused into the ischemic flap by means of the distal stump of the right inferior epigastric artery. After 48 to 72 hours, fluorescein was injected IV. The data showed a significant regional variation in baseline laser Doppler blood flow that was further altered by surgically raising the flap. Whereas proximal axial laser Doppler blood flow was essentially unchanged from the preoperative baseline, distal axial laser Doppler blood flow decreased 10 to 50 percent, and proximal and distal dependent laser Doppler blood flow decreased 50 to 80 percent. Thus no single value accurately reflected total flap perfusion. Necrosis occurred only in the dependent flap regions, which confirmed previous work. In the dependent regions, especially along the incision line, postoperative laser Doppler blood flow was lowest.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Human volunteer blood donor programs are commonplace, but the concept of nonhuman animal blood banking is relatively new. Few studies exist regarding efficacy, donor screening, and safety for volunteer companion animals. This retrospective study evaluated a nonprofit, community-based canine volunteer donor program using community blood drives. Of 98 potential donors, 14 were ineligible to donate, including 4 who tested seropositive for blood-borne pathogens. Of 84 donors, 45 were Dog Erythrocyte Antigen (DEA) 1.1 positive and 39 were DEA1.1 negative. Donations totaling 143 included 29 repeat donors (35%). No serious adverse events occurred. Minor adverse events included acute donor reaction (2.8%), hematoma (4.2%), rebleeding (2.1%), and skin irritation (0.7%). Adverse event rates were comparable to data for human blood donations. A substantial fraction of donors donated multiple times, suggesting that volunteer donors and their guardians perceived the donation process to be safe and effective. This article discusses the issue of donor consent and use of the term volunteer. This study indicates that nonprofit, community-based canine volunteer donor programs for animal blood banks can be successful while maintaining high safety standards and ethical treatment of volunteers.  相似文献   

Testicular blood flow was measured by a radioactive microsphere technique. A significant correlation, rs equal to 0.82, was found between testicular blood flow and testosterone outflow in the spermatic venous blood, indicating that factors which affect the testicular circulation may influence testicular endocrine function.  相似文献   

Arteriovenous (AV) grafts and fistulas used for hemodialysis frequently develop intimal hyperplasia (IH) at the venous anastomosis of the graft, leading to flow-limiting stenosis, and ultimately to graft failure due to thrombosis. Although the high AV access blood flow has been implicated in the pathogenesis of graft stenosis, the potential role of needle turbulence during hemodialysis is relatively unexplored. High turbulent stresses from the needle jet that reach the venous anastomosis may contribute to endothelial denudation and vessel wall injury. This may trigger the molecular and cellular cascade involving platelet activation and IH, leading to eventual graft failure. In an in-vitro graft/needle model dye injection flow visualization was used for qualitative study of flow patterns, whereas laser Doppler velocimetry was used to compare the levels of turbulence at the venous anastomosis in the presence and absence of a venous needle jet. Considerably higher turbulence was observed downstream of the venous needle, in comparison to graft flow alone without the needle. While turbulent RMS remained around 0.1 m/s for the graft flow alone, turbulent RMS fluctuations downstream of the needle soared to 0.4-0.7 m/s at 2 cm from the tip of the needle and maintained values higher than 0.1 m/s up to 7-8 cm downstream. Turbulent intensities were 5-6 times greater in the presence of the needle, in comparison with graft flow alone. Since hemodialysis patients are exposed to needle turbulence for four hours three times a week, the role of post-venous needle turbulence may be important in the pathogenesis of AV graft complications. A better understanding of the role of needle turbulence in the mechanisms of AV graft failure may lead to improved design of AV grafts and venous needles associated with reduced turbulence, and to pharmacological interventions that attenuate IH and graft failure resulting from turbulence.  相似文献   

David Mailman 《Life sciences》1984,34(14):1309-1315
The possibility of tonic autonomic control over intestinal Na and H2O absorption and whether the cardiovascular system was involved was tested by administration of atropine or guanethidine. 3H2O and 22Na in saline perfused through the lumen were used to calculate unidirectional fluxes and total and absorptive site blood flow in canine ileum. Both atropine and guanethidine had qualitatively similar effects on absorption and blood flow with atropine being quantitatively greater. Net Na and H2O absorption were not increased significantly but their absorptive and secretory unidirectional fluxes were increased significantly. Total blood flow was not affected but absorptive site blood flow was increased and resistance decreased. The absorptive site blood flow was correlated with the absorptive Na fluxes similarly in all groups. The secretory fluxes of Na and H2O were correlated with estimated capillary pressure when all three groups were considered together. It was concluded that there is tonic cholinergic control over intestinal absorption which is mediated, in part, through cardiovascular effects. The findings were consistent with tonic parasympathetic activity having primarily a direct effect on gut absorption and blood flow but tonic sympathetic activity primarily modulating the direct effects of other regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

Transcapillary Starling forces in the parietal pleura and the underlying interstitium may potentially contribute to the exchange of fluid across this barrier. However, the extent of blood flow to the parietal pleura has not been measured. Thus, using standard microsphere techniques, we compared blood flow to the parietal pleura, including the subpleural interstitium, with blood flow to the adjacent internal intercostal muscle, as well as with flows to other serous tissues, including mediastinal pleura, pericardium, and parietal peritoneum, in anesthetized dogs that were either breathing spontaneously (n = 9) or ventilated to control arterial PCO2 (n = 5). Blood flow (ml.min-1.g-1) was measured after 20 min of equilibration in four successive body positions: right lateral decubitus, supine, left lateral decubitus, and prone. Overall, flow to parietal pleura was not different in spontaneous [1.07 +/- 0.14 (SE)] and mechanically ventilated animals (0.74 +/- 0.11). Flow to the internal intercostal muscle was significantly less than pleural blood flow, averaging 0.24 +/- 0.03 and 0.16 +/- 0.03 in the same groups, although again there was no effect of ventilation mode. Blood flow to other serous tissues in the thoracic cavity, specifically the mediastinal pleura (0.67 +/- 0.14) and pericardium (0.88 +/- 0.22), was similar to parietal pleural flow, whereas that to the parietal peritoneum was an order of magnitude lower (0.09 +/- 0.02, P less than 0.05). Changing body position had no effect on blood flow to any of the sampled tissues. Blood flow to the dorsal aspect of the chest wall muscle in spontaneously breathing animals tended to be greater than that to lateral or ventral portions of the chest wall.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare two noninvasive techniques, laser Doppler and optical spectroscopy, for monitoring hemodynamic changes in skin flaps. Animal models for assessing these changes in microvascular free flaps and pedicle flaps were investigated. A 2 x 3-cm free flap model based on the epigastric vein-artery pair and a reversed MacFarlane 3 x 10-cm pedicle flap model were used in this study. Animals were divided into four groups, with groups 1 (n = 6) and 2 (n = 4) undergoing epigastric free flap surgery and groups 3 (n = 3) and 4 (n = 10) undergoing pedicle flap surgery. Groups 1 and 4 served as controls for each of the flap models. Groups 2 and 3 served as ischemia-reperfusion models. Optical spectroscopy provides a measure of hemoglobin oxygen saturation and blood volume, and the laser Doppler method measures blood flow. Optical spectroscopy proved to be consistently more reliable in detecting problems with arterial in flow compared with laser Doppler assessments. When spectroscopy was used in an imaging configuration, oxygen saturation images of the entire flap were generated, thus creating a visual picture of global flap health. In both single-point and imaging modes the technique was sensitive to vessel manipulation, with the immediate post operative images providing an accurate prediction of eventual outcome. This series of skin flap studies suggests a potential role for optical spectroscopy and spectroscopic imaging in the clinical assessment of skin flaps.  相似文献   

Blood flow was investigated in 112 skin flaps (84 delayed and 28 undelayed) in 28 pigs. The flow was significantly (P less than 0.001) increased over the control flow with increasing delay intervals, reaching the greatest flow at one week after the delay (paralleling the increase in tissue survival). This increased blood flow persisted after definitive flap raising. The circulatory adjustments within the first week of the delay constitute the delay phenomenon, and they determine the ultimate viability of the skin flap in this model.  相似文献   

Redistribution of blood flow away from resting skeletal muscles does not occur during anemic hypoxia even when whole body oxygen uptake is not maintained. In the present study, the effects of sympathetic nerve stimulation on both skeletal muscle and hindlimb blood flow were studied prior to and during anemia in anesthetized, paralyzed, and ventilated dogs. In one series (skeletal muscle group, n = 8) paw blood flow was excluded by placing a tourniquet around the ankle; in a second series (hindlimb group, n = 8) no tourniquet was placed at the ankle. The distal end of the transected left sciatic nerve was stimulated to produce a maximal vasoconstrictor response for 4-min intervals at normal hematocrit (Hct.) and at 30 min of anemia (Hct. = 14%). Arterial blood pressure and hindlimb or muscle blood flow were measured; resistance and vascular hindrance were calculated. Nerve stimulation decreased blood flow (p less than 0.05) in the hindlimb and muscle groups at normal Hct. Blood flow rose (p less than 0.05) during anemia and was decreased (p less than 0.05) in both groups during nerve stimulation. However, the blood flow values in both groups during nerve stimulation in anemic animals were greater (p less than 0.05) than those at normal Hct. Hindlimb and muscle vascular resistance fell significantly during anemia and nerve stimulation produced a greater increase in vascular resistance at normal Hct. Vascular hindrance in muscle, but not hindlimb, was less during nerve stimulation in anemia than at normal Hct.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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