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报道了一种利用单一波长激发的同时产生光声和荧光信号的显微成像系统,本成像系统具有超高的成像分辨率(<6μm)。借助外源的造影剂在近红外的吸收特性,利用光声-荧光显微成像系统对活体肿瘤进行光声/荧光成像。实验结果表明,光声-荧光显微镜在早期肿瘤的成像和检测等方面具有潜在的应用价值。因此,通过研究和选择适当的双模态造影剂,该系统在不同病理模型中可以提供更准确的组织信息及生理参数。  相似文献   

传统光声成像外源对比剂的光吸收主要集中在可见光区和传统近红外区(NIR,750~900 nm),开发具有更高光学组织穿透能力的近红外二区(NIR-Ⅱ,1 000~1 700 nm)光吸收外源对比剂对活体深层组织光声成像具有重要意义。本文中,作者选取了光吸收峰在1 000 nm左右的半导体型单壁碳纳米管为近红外二区光学吸收外源对比剂,测试了其在近红外二区激光激发下能够产生较强的光声效应。进一步地,作者通过将该纳米材料包埋在仿体组织的不同深度的位置,获得了仿体组织的深层光声成像,成像深度可达1.5 cm。试验结果表明,具有近红外二区光吸收能力的半导体型单壁碳纳米管在活体深层组织光声成像中有很大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

石玉娇  崔丹丹 《激光生物学报》2019,28(4):330-335,342
构建高转化效率的功能纳米探针是推动光声分子成像发展的关键。随着光声分子成像技术的发展,具有非线性增强光声转换效率的自组装纳米探针逐渐成为研究热点,然而有关其非线性增强的定量研究尚未见报道。本文以纳米金球为例,利用有限元仿真定量探究金属纳米探针自组装诱导的非线性光热及光声效应,揭示自组装纳米探针光声效应增强规律,为构建具备高转换效率的光声自组装纳米探针奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

光声结构与功能成像技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
光声成像技术利用短脉冲激光激发产生光声信号,可重建出组织的光吸收分布图像,它结合了纯光学成像的高对比度和纯声学成像的高分辨率特性.光声成像技术不仅能够有效的刻画生物组织结构,还能够精确实现无损功能成像,为研究生物组织的形态结构,生理、病理特征,代谢功能等提供了全新手段.本文简要分析了光声信号产生的机理,总结报道了目前实验室几套典型的成像系统及其最新应用进展,指出光声成像作为一种新型的生物医学成像方法,可望引发生物医学影像领域的一次革新.  相似文献   

光声成像及其在生物医学中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
光声成像是一种新近迅速发展起来、基于生物组织内部光学吸收差异、以超声作媒介的无损生物光子成像方法,它结合了纯光学成像的高对比度特性和纯超声成像的高穿透深度特性的优点,以超声探测器探测光声波代替光学成像中的光子检测,从原理上避开了光学散射的影响,可以提供高对比度和高分辨率的组织影像,为研究生物组织的结构形态、生理特征、代谢功能、病理特征等提供了重要手段,在生物医学临床诊断以及在体组织结构和功能成像领域具有广泛的应用前景.对光声成像技术的机理、光声成像技术和方法、光声图像重建算法以及光声成像在生物医学上的应用情况作一个简单介绍,希望有助于推动我国在该领域的科研和开发应用工作的迅速发展.  相似文献   

光声成像技术是近年来发展的一种新型的无损医学成像技术,它是以脉冲激光作为激发源,以检测的声信号为信息载体,通过相应的图像重建算法重建组织内部结构和功能信息的成像方法。该方法结合了光学成像和声学成像的特点,可提供深层组织高分辨率和高对比度的组织层析图像,在生物医学临床诊断以及在体成像领域具有广泛的应用前景。目前光声成像的扫描方式主要有基于步进电机扫描方式和基于振镜的扫描方式,本文针对目前步进电机扫描速度慢(10 mm×10 mm;0.001帧/s),振镜扫描范围小(1 mm2)的不足,发展了基于直线电机扫描的大视场快速光声显微成像系统。同一条扫描线过程中直线电机速度最高可达200 mm/s。该技术采用逐线采集光声信号的方式,比逐点采集光声信号的步进电机快800倍。该系统对10 mm×10 mm全场扫描的扫描速度为0.8帧/s。最大可扫描视场范围可以达到50 mm×50 mm。大视场快速光声显微成像系统的发展将为生物医学提供新的成像工具。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于非线性热扩散效应的光声二次谐波显微SH-PAM成像技术,用于实现亚衍射极限光声成像。生物组织受到强度调制的高斯激光束辐射时,组织吸收光子形成高斯分布的温度场,由于热扩散系数非线性热效应引起的非线性光声PA效应,从而产生光声二次谐波信号。模拟和试验结果均表明,重建后的光声二次谐波成像的横向分辨率超过了传统光学成像分辨率。本文通过仿体样品验证了该方法的可行性,并且对人表层皮肤细胞进行了成像,以证明其对生物样品的成像能力。该方法扩展了传统光声成像的范围,为超分辨成像开辟了新的可能性,为生物医学成像和材料检测提供了新的方法。  相似文献   

光声成像突破了传统的光学成像和超声成像在生物组织成像领域的困境,该技术基于光声(Photoacoustic,PA)效应,脉冲激光激励下的生物组织产生超声信号,超声信号被接收后,通过反投影算法将其携带的时间信息和强度信息转化为能够反映生物组织吸收结构和分布的可视化图像。基于不同生物组织的光吸收差异,当激发光强度均匀且稳定时,光声成像反映的就是该物质对于该波长光的吸收特性。本文中,我们基于导管式的血管内光声断层扫描平台结合多波长激发的光声成像算法开发了基于光谱编码的血管内光声组分成像系统,实现了在离体血管斑块中脂质组分的定量成像,高分辨获得了脂质核心的大小形态和边界信息,表征了斑块内的脂质相对含量。  相似文献   

具备高光吸收能力和良好的生物相容性的等离子纳米探针在光声分子成像中得到了广泛应用。理论分析发现,由于纳米探针的小尺寸效应,其比表面积急剧增大,致使其光、热性质及光声能量转换机制对尺寸具有强烈依赖性。本文利用有限元分析的方法,以金纳米球和金纳米棒为例,定量讨论了浸没在水中具有不同尺寸的纳米探针在受到脉冲激光照射时的光学吸收、温度场分布及热膨胀随时间演绎的过程,并获得了尺寸在20-150 nm范围内探针光声转换效率对尺寸的依赖关系。结果表明:纳米探针的光-声转换效率对尺寸有较强的依赖性,金纳米球和金纳米棒在20-150 nm范围内均存在最佳尺寸使得光声转换效率最大。定量评价金纳米粒子光声转换效率的尺寸效应为指导通过优化纳米探针尺寸实现构建高效率光声探针提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

目的 分子成像技术具有“早期检测”的特点,由于分子水平上的畸变早于解剖水平上的变化。本研究采用细胞内光声分子成像(PMI)方法,对靶向到癌细胞上的叶酸-金纳米棒(FA-AuNRs)精确定位成像。方法 本文合成了FA-AuNRs,并对其性质包括形貌、吸收光谱和生物相容性进行了研究。修饰叶酸赋予FA-AuNRs特异性靶向到叶酸受体高表达癌细胞的能力。然后,通过PMI实验研究FA-AuNRs对癌细胞的靶向特异性。结果 FA-AuNRs呈棒状,在~800 nm处有一近红外吸收峰。在癌细胞的细胞质中观察到强光声信号,而在正常细胞中只有弱光声信号,表明FA-AuNRs通过叶酸受体介导的内吞作用被癌细胞选择性摄取。这项研究证明了PMI能够实现对靶向到癌细胞上的FA-AuNRs精确定位成像。结论 借助特异性靶向作用,可以通过PMI获得癌细胞表面分子信息。该方法有望实现在细胞和分子水平上对生物过程进行可视化、表征和量化。  相似文献   

Photoacoustic imaging is a noninvasive imaging technique having the advantages of high‐optical contrast and good acoustic resolution at improved imaging depths. Light transport in biological tissues is mainly characterized by strong optical scattering and absorption. Photoacoustic microscopy is capable of achieving high‐resolution images at greater depth compared to conventional optical microscopy methods. In this work, we have developed a high‐resolution, acoustic resolution photoacoustic microscopy (AR‐PAM) system in the near infra‐red (NIR) window II (NIR‐II, eg, 1064 nm) for deep tissue imaging. Higher imaging depth is achieved as the tissue scattering at 1064 nm is lesser compared to visible or near infrared window‐I (NIR‐I). Our developed system can provide a lateral resolution of 130 μm, axial resolution of 57 μm, and image up to 11 mm deep in biological tissues. This 1064‐AR‐PAM system was used for imaging sentinel lymph node and the lymph vessel in rat. Urinary bladder of rat filled with black ink was also imaged to validate the feasibility of the developed system to study deeply seated organs.   相似文献   

基于样品及点源光声信号逆卷积的光声成像方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
光声成像是一种新的生物组织成像方法,在目前的光声成像中,都是通过样品光声信号和超声探测器的脉冲响应来计算样品光吸收的投影,但是由于无法获得超声探测器较准确的脉冲响应,影响重建图像质量。提出一种新的计算样品光吸收投影的方法,从理论上给出了样品光吸收投影和样品及点源光声信号的关系,由样品及点源光声信号的逆卷积可直接计算样品光吸收的投影,点源光声信号通过聚焦入射激光直接测得。试验结果显示,重建图像和样品的相对位置、形状及尺寸完全吻合,成像系统空间分辨率达到0.3mm,证明这是一种有效的光声成像方法。  相似文献   

Minimally invasive fetal interventions require accurate imaging from inside the uterine cavity. Twin‐to‐twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), a condition considered in this study, occurs from abnormal vascular anastomoses in the placenta that allow blood to flow unevenly between the fetuses. Currently, TTTS is treated fetoscopically by identifying the anastomosing vessels, and then performing laser photocoagulation. However, white light fetoscopy provides limited visibility of placental vasculature, which can lead to missed anastomoses or incomplete photocoagulation. Photoacoustic (PA) imaging is an alternative imaging method that provides contrast for hemoglobin, and in this study, two PA systems were used to visualize chorionic (fetal) superficial and subsurface vasculature in human placentas. The first system comprised an optical parametric oscillator for PA excitation and a 2D Fabry‐Pérot cavity ultrasound sensor; the second, light emitting diode arrays and a 1D clinical linear‐array ultrasound imaging probe. Volumetric photoacoustic images were acquired from ex vivo normal term and TTTS‐treated placentas. It was shown that superficial and subsurface branching blood vessels could be visualized to depths of approximately 7 mm, and that ablated tissue yielded negative image contrast. This study demonstrated the strong potential of PA imaging to guide minimally invasive fetal therapies.   相似文献   

Translating photoacoustic imaging (PAI) into clinical setup is a challenge. Handheld clinical real‐time PAI systems are not common. In this work, we report an integrated photoacoustic (PA) and clinical ultrasound imaging system by combining light delivery with the ultrasound probe for sentinel lymph node imaging and needle guidance in small animal. The open access clinical ultrasound platform allows seamless integration of PAI resulting in the development of handheld real‐time PAI probe. Both methylene blue and indocyanine green were used for mapping the sentinel lymph node using 675 and 690 nm wavelength illuminations, respectively. Additionally, needle guidance with combined ultrasound and PAI was demonstrated using this imaging system. Up to 1.5 cm imaging depth was observed with a 10 Hz laser at an imaging frame rate of 5 frames per second, which is sufficient for future translation into human sentinel lymph node imaging and needle guidance for fine needle aspiration biopsy.   相似文献   

Photoacoustic imaging (PAI) is a hybrid imaging modality with high resolution and sensitivity that can be beneficial for cancer staging. Due to insufficient endogenous photoacoustic (PA) contrast, the development of exogenous agents is critical in targeting cancerous tumors. The current study demonstrates the feasibility of marine‐oriented material, astaxanthin, as a biocompatible PA contrast agent. Both silicon tubing phantoms and ex vivo bladder tissues are tested at various concentrations (up to 5 mg/ml) of astaxanthin to quantitatively explore variations in PA responses. A Q‐switched Nd : YAG laser (λ = 532 nm) in conjunction with a 5 MHz ultrasound transducer is employed to generate and acquire PA signals from the samples. The phantom results presented that the PA signal amplitudes increase linearly with the astaxanthin concentrations (threshold detection = 0.31 mg/ml). The tissue injected with astaxanthin yields up to 16‐fold higher PA signals, compared with that with saline. Due to distribution of the injected astaxanthin, PAI can image the margin of astaxanthin boles as well as quantify their volume in 3D reconstruction. Further investigations on selective tumor targeting are required to validate astaxanthin as a potential biocompatible contrast agent for PAI‐assisted bladder cancer detection.


The transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) holds great promise for the treatment of a plethora of human diseases, but new noninvasive procedures are needed to monitor the cell fate in vivo. Already largely used in medical diagnostics, the fluorescent dye indocyanine green (ICG) is an established dye to track limited numbers of cells by optical imaging (OI), but it can also be visualized by photoacoustic imaging (PAI), which provides a higher spatial resolution than pure near infrared fluorescence imaging (NIRF). Because of its successful use in clinical and preclinical examinations, we chose ICG as PAI cell labeling agent. Optimal incubation conditions were defined for an efficient and clinically translatable MSC labeling protocol, such that no cytotoxicity or alterations of the phenotypic profile were observed, and a consistent intracellular uptake of the molecule was achieved. Suspensions of ICG‐labeled cells were both optically and optoacoustically detected in vitro, revealing a certain variability in the photoacoustic spectra acquired by varying the excitation wavelength from 680 to 970 nm. Intramuscular engraftments of ICG‐labeled MSCs were clearly visualized by both PAI and NIRF over few days after transplantation in the hindlimb of healthy mice, suggesting that the proposed technique retains a considerable potential in the field of transplantation‐focused research and therapy. Stem cells were labeled with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)‐approved fluorescent dye ICG, and detected by both PAI and OI, enabling to monitor the cell fate safely, in dual modality, and with good sensitivity and improved spatial resolution.   相似文献   

提出一种反演生物组织粘弹信息的新型无损光声粘弹显微成像方法,它是以强度调制激光作为激发源,通过检测光声(Photoacoustic,PA)信号的相位重建组织粘弹特性分布的成像方法.实验利用不同浓度的琼脂样品来验证光声粘弹显微测量中相位随浓度变化的依赖关系.利用埋有头发丝的琼脂样品来测试这种显微方法的成像分辨率.利用具有不同粘弹性的离体生物组织来验证系统的成像能力.实验结果表明,这种新方法能够高分辨率和高对比度地重建出具有不同粘弹性的生物组织的光声粘弹显微图像,有望实现组织结晶类病变水平的显微在体检测.  相似文献   

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