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利用植物毒性试验和紫外吸收光谱法, 研究了经光物理过程修饰后的多环芳烃蒽和荧蒽对陆生单子叶植物黍的暗毒性, 以及光修饰物紫外吸收光谱的变化与植物毒性之间的关系。结果表明,在光修饰96h 范围内,蒽对黍发芽率、根长、根重、芽重的影响逐渐增大,荧蒽对黍影响的变化则不明显。利用光谱法测定蒽和荧蒽光修饰液紫外光谱的结果表明,蒽和荧蒽被光修饰的方式不同,这可能与二者的毒性变化不同相关。该结果证明,多环芳烃光毒性与在光修饰中形成毒性更强的中间化合物有关。其毒性的大小可因不同多环芳烃所具有的特定光修饰方式而改变。  相似文献   

跑道池式光生物反应器中的叶轮叶片形状对于藻液的混合效果和反应器的功耗有很大的影响,利用计算流体力学方法对某后折型叶片的结构参数进行了优化,首先通过流动模拟的结果和已有的实验数据的对比,验证了模拟方法及模型的可靠性,随后运用响应面分析方法综合分析了两个叶片结构参数(叶片弯折比L_1/L_2和叶片弯折角α)对该反应器单位功耗光梯度方向上混合性能的影响。结果表明,当L_1/L_2等于1,且α等于90°时,反应器单位功耗混合性能参数η呈最大值,即在此叶片结构参数下,当叶轮输入功率一定时,该反应器内部藻液光梯度方向上的混合性能最好,对比未改变叶片结构参数情况下的跑道池式光生物反应器,其η值增大到2.64倍。  相似文献   

本文研究了紧聚焦的双环径向偏振(R-TEM*11)涡旋光束对瑞利粒子的捕获特性。通过调节R-TEM*11涡旋光束的截断参数β,可以在焦点附近得到中心强度较大的三维亮斑和面积较小而且被亮场包围的三维暗斑。基于瑞利散射理论,研究了该光束作用在金属微粒和空气泡粒子上的梯度力、吸收力和散射力的分布特点,讨论了粒子捕获的稳定性。结果表明:调节R-TEM*11涡旋光束的截断参数β,当β=1.1时,产生的亮焦斑可以稳定地捕获折射率较大的金属粒子;当β=1.6时,产生的暗焦斑可以稳定地捕获折射率较小的空气泡粒子。  相似文献   

本文基于不同的技术方式设计形成CPC设计、V型导光槽设、直筒型导光槽三种不同结构的导光槽,并设置特殊的光能条件,对其在固定光能条件下的导光性能进行对比分析,以期为太阳能内光源光生物反应器的实际应用性能提升提供导光槽性能分析支持。  相似文献   

古尔班通古特沙漠植被与环境的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对古尔班通古特沙漠进行了纵向及横向的路线调查,植被测度和土壤理化性质分析。对比发现该沙漠地貌形态纵、横向上的显著差异,使沙漠植被分布格局存在着异质性,即植物群落的物种多样性、优势度及盖度在纵、横向上明显不同。CCA排序结果显示,土壤的有机质含量、全盐含量、分选系数、含水量和pH值等微生境使植被沿其变化梯度以不甚耐盐碱的短命、类短命草本和小半灌木、半灌木为主的群落逐渐向耐盐碱的灌木、小乔木类群落转变。地形和土壤质地可使横向上相当数量的植物种产生空间分化,而这种分化在纵向上不明显。沙漠植被物种在各生境梯度作用下形成3类组合,其在横向上对应3个地段,但在纵向上没有清晰的对应空间(除南北边缘区外),原因是多数植物的生境处于沙漠纵向微生境梯度的中间序位。  相似文献   

秦岭火地塘林区土壤大孔隙分布特征及对导水性能的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
陆斌  张胜利  李侃  马国栋 《生态学报》2014,34(6):1512-1519
大孔隙广泛分布于森林土壤中,是定量研究与土壤水分运动有关的重要因素,其研究可深化森林涵养水源机理的认识。基于田间持水量到饱和含水量之间的土壤孔隙作为大孔隙的标准,利用土壤水分穿透曲线和Poiseulle方程研究了秦岭火地塘林区森林土壤大孔隙分布特征及其对土壤饱和导水率的影响。结果表明,林区土壤大孔隙当量孔径主要分布在0.3—3.8 mm之间;当量孔径1.5 mm的大孔隙密度较小,其数量仅占大孔隙总数量的5.37%;各当量孔径的大孔隙密度随土层分布基本呈现为上层大、下层小的特点,且垂直分布差异显著,其与有机质含量分布有极显著的相关性。0—60 cm土层大孔隙平均面积比顺序为:针阔混交林油松林落叶阔叶林华山松林。不同当量孔径的大孔隙密度与饱和导水率呈显著正相关关系,当量孔径大于1.5 mm的大孔隙密度决定了饱和导水率84%的变异;大孔隙率平均在1.6%—13.3%之间,当其小于5%时,饱和导水率随着大孔隙率增大而增大。  相似文献   

环形RNA是一种广泛存在于真核细胞的内源性RNA,由前体RNA反向剪接而成,不具有5’末端帽子和3’末端poly(A)尾巴,呈封闭环状结构。环形RNA通过miRNA海绵结合等方式参与基因表达调控等许多重要的生物学过程。环形RNA可以通过可变剪接产生不同的环形RNA转录本,因此获取环形RNA转录本内部全长序列信息以及对环形RNA内部可变剪接产物进行精确定量是揭示环形RNA调控功能的前提。生物信息学工具能够高效便捷的处理高通量测序数据,被普遍用来鉴别和分析环形RNA。本文介绍了环形RNA的产生机制以及功能特性,对环形RNA检测、全长序列组装以及定量相关计算工具进行综述。  相似文献   

通过构建濒危植物桫椤(Alsophila spinulosa)个体生态场梯度模型,研究桫椤个体生态场梯度的变化特征.随着与场源距离的增加,桫椤个体生态场梯度先逐渐升高,达到最大值后又逐渐降低并收敛于零,其变化形式符合Rayleigh分布.不同地段的桫椤种群个体场梯度大小变化幅度不同,最大场梯度值以及出现最大场梯度时的作用妹距离亦不相同.随作用距离增加,场梯度的收敛速度差异增大.  相似文献   

在研究新发现化石材料及对已有标本重新观察的基础上,讨论中国晚中新世至早上新世原大羚(?Protoryx)的系统分类位置。依据头骨、角心和牙齿等方面所具有的独特性状,建议把发现于中国北方曾归入?Protoryx的种类从旧大陆同时代或时代稍早的Protoryx Major, 1891中分出,另立2个新属:以?Protoryx yushensis Teilhard&Trassaert,1938为属型种的华北羚(Huabeitragus gen.nov.)和以?Protoryx shansiensis Bohlin,1935为属型种的粗壮羚(Macro- tragus gen.nov.)。华北羚体型中等大小,头骨窄长,颅轴与面轴夹角近直角,弯曲发生在角前的额部,眶上孔小,分开远,脑颅部短窄,间顶骨长方形,基枕骨方形,没有中纵沟或中嵴,角心长而纤细,基部靠近,向上分散度大,基部横断面近三角形,具前棱。Macrotragus头骨大而粗壮,其弯曲发生在角心基部之间的额面,弯曲度大于直角;角基之间的额中缝隆起呈脊;脸部宽;眶前窝浅;眶下孔后缘位于P3之上。眼眶向头骨两侧突出不明显,其前缘位于M3后缘之后;脑颅部短宽,呈简状,背面稍凸;枕面高、呈半圆形;基枕部为长方形或梯形,具中纵沟和弱的中纵脊;卵圆孔大,面向侧方;角心大而粗壮,内外侧扁,无棱,基部紧靠,向上的分散度小,基部横切面为椭圆形。无角后窝。前臼齿列退化。这两个属之间的主要不同在于前者的个体较小;角心较细弱,向上分散度大(前面观),具前棱,基部横切面呈次三角形;头骨窄,其弯曲位置靠前,弯曲接近90°;脑颅部窄;枕面平,为低矮的长方形;基枕部呈方形,面平,无中纵沟和中纵脊,前、后节结不发育和卵圆孔相对小等。在系统位置上,它们可能属于山羊亚科(Caprinae)。  相似文献   

Conventionally, plasmonic lenses introduce a phase delay distribution across their surfaces by modulating the dimensions of nanostructures within a metal film. However, there is very limited modulation of the phase delay due to the small dependence of the mode propagation constant on the structure dimensions. In this paper, a novel design of plasmonic zone plate lenses (PZPL) with both slit width and refractive index modulation is proposed to enable integrating more slits in a fixed lens aperture with the extended phase delay range and, therefore, greatly enhance the performance of the devices. More than three-time enhancement of the light intensity at the focus is achieved compared to the structure with only slit width modulation. Like a conventional immersion system, a PZPL embedded in a dielectric is found to have a further improved focusing performance, where light is focused down to a 0.44λ spot using a PZPL with an aperture of 12λ and a focal length of 6λ. Dispersive light-focusing behaviour is also analysed and the modulation of the focal length by colour has a potential application in stacked image sensors and multi-dimensional optical data storage.  相似文献   

The ability of curved gratings as sectors of concentric circular gratings to couple linearly polarised light into focused surface plasmons is investigated by theory, simulation, and experiment. The experimental and simulation results show that increasing the sector angle of the curved gratings decreases the width of the lateral distribution of surface plasmons resulting in focusing of surface plasmons, which is analogous to the behaviour of classical optical lenses. We also show that two faced curved gratings, with their groove radius mismatched by half of the plasmon wavelength (asymmetric configuration), can couple linearly polarised light into a single focal spot of concentrated surface plasmons with smaller depth of focus and higher intensity in comparison to single curved gratings. The major advantage of these structures is the coupling of linearly polarised light into focused surface plasmons with access to, and control of, the plasmon focal spot, which facilitate their potential applications in sensing, detection, and nonlinear plasmonics.  相似文献   

The focal length of the vertebrate eye is a function of wavelength, i.e. the eye suffers from longitudinal chromatic aberration. Chromatic defocus is a particularly severe problem in eyes with high light-gathering ability, since depth of field is small due to a pupillary opening that is large in relation to the focal length of the eye. Calculations show that in such eyes only a narrow spectral band of light can be in focus on the retina. For the major part of the visual spectrum, spatial resolution should be limited by the optics of the eye and far lower than the resolving power achievable by the retinal cone photoreceptor mosaic. To solve this problem, fishes with irises unresponsive to light have developed lenses with multiple focal lengths. Well-focused images are created at the wavelengths of maximum absorbance of all spectral cone types. Multifocal lenses also appear to be present in some terrestrial species. In eyes with mobile irises, multifocal lenses are correlated with pupil shapes that allow all zones of the lens, with different refractive powers, to participate in the imaging process, irrespective of the state of pupil constriction. Accepted: 6 November 1998  相似文献   

Focusing of light by leaf epidermal cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Leaf epidermal cells from a wide variety of plants focus light to surprisingly high levels. Using image analysis, the concentration and distribution of light was measured after it passed through epidermal cells within peels and epidermal cells attached to palisade cells in partially dissected leaves. In peels taken from Medicago sativa, Zea mays , and Impatiens sp., light was concentrated 15- to 20-fold by individual epidermal cells. When left attached to the mesophyll, which attenuated focusing by absorption and scattering, light was focused up to 5 times. The position of the focal spot beneath each epidermal cell was affected by the direction at which the light struck the cell. When the light was perpendicular to the leaf surface, individual focal spots fell beneath each epidermal cell. When the incident light was oblique, the focal spot shifted laterally and was positioned closer to the anticlinal cell wall. Focusing was observed when leaves were irradiated with collimated light but not with diffuse light. Focal lengths were relatively independent of wavelength within the visible region of the spectrum and there were only slight differences between focusing of blue vs red light. Epidermal lens properties can affect chlorophyll fluorescence and the photosynthetic performance of leaves. A survey of 47 species collected from a wide variety of habitats indicates that many plants have leaf epidermal cells with lens properties. The ability to measure epidermal focusing makes it possible to examine the adaptive and physiological significance of epidermal lens effects in plants.  相似文献   

Summary Two-dimensional prothallia of Adiantum capillus-veneris always expanded in a plane which was at a right angle to any given direction of irradiation with continuous white light. The expansion began with a longitudinal division of the apical cell, in the filamentous protonema, and the orientation of the mitotic cell plate of this first longitudinal division as well as the subsequent divisions was always parallel to the direction of the incident light. When three irradiations with white light, interrupted by periods of darkness, were given, two transverse and one subsequent longitudinal division were induced. When the last two irradiations were given from the same direction, the cell plate of the first longitudinal division in most protonemata was oriented parallel to the direction of light. However, when the direction of light during the third irradiation was at right angle to that during the second, the frequency of the longitudinal division greatly decreased but that of the third transverse division increased. Thus, the orientation of the first longitudinal division appeared to be controlled in some way not only by the irradiation which actually induced the third division but also by that inducing the preceding transverse division, while the direction of light for the first transverse division had little effect on the orientation of the third division.  相似文献   

K. Fischer  P. Schopfer 《Protoplasma》1997,196(1-2):108-116
Summary Changes in the orientation of cortical microtubules (longitudinal vs. transverse with respect to the long cell axis) at the outer epidermal wall of maize coleoptile segments were induced by auxin, red or blue light, and mechanical stresses (cell extension or compression produced by bending). Immunofluorescent techniques were used for the quantitative determination of frequency distributions of microtubule orientation. Detailed kinetic studies showed that microtubule reorientations are temporally correlated with the simultaneously measured changes in growth rate elicited by auxin, red light, or blue light. Growth inhibition induced by depletion of endogenous auxin produces a longitudinal microtubule pattern that can be changed into a transverse pattern in a dose-dependent manner by applying exogenous auxin. A mid-point pattern with equal frequencies of longitudinal and transverse microtubules was adjusted at 2 mol/1 auxin. Bending stress applied under these conditions adjusts permanent, maximally longitudinal and transverse microtubule orientations at the compressed and extended segment sides, respectively, quantitatively mimicking the responses to differential flank growth during phototropic and gravitropic curvature. During tropic curvature the changes in microtubule pattern reflect the distribution of growth rather than the distribution of auxin. The microtubule pattern responds to auxin-dependent growth changes and mechanical stress in a synergistic manner, confirming the functional equivalence of these factors in affecting microtubule orientation. Similar results were obtained when segment growth was altered by blue or red light instead of auxin in the presence or absence of mechanical stress. It is concluded from these results that growth changes, elicited by auxin, light, etc., and mechanical stress affect microtubule orientation through a common signal perception and transduction chain.Abbreviations IAA indole-3-acetic acid (auxin) - MT cortical microtubule  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Light- and electronmicroscopic studies of noncontracted and contracted regions of Nematocystis magna Schmidt (Gregarinida) trophozoites revealed that their peristalsis-like movements are accompanied by conformational changes in the folded limiting membrane and underlying layer of transverse fibrils. Noncontracted and contracted regions of individual trophozoites had “folded'’and “superfolded'’configurations respectively. Measurements of periodicity and through-focus studies, together with the sequential use of the same Araldite sections for light and electron microscopy, aided in identification of longitudinal fibrils of varying sizes (light microscopy) with specific conformations of the epicytary folds (electron microscopy) in contracted and noncontracted states.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the focusing properties of a plasmonic lens with multiple-turn spiral nano-structures, and analyze its field enhancement effect based on the phase matching theory and finite-difference time-domain simulation. The simulation result demonstrates that a left-hand spiral plasmonic lens can concentrate an incident right-hand circular polarization light into a focal spot with a high focal depth. The intensity of the focal spot could be controlled by altering the number of turns, the radius and the width of the spiral slot. And the focal spot is smaller and has a higher intensity compared to the incident linearly polarized light. This design can also eliminate the requirement of centering the incident beam to the plasmonic lens, making it possible to be used in plasmonic lens array, optical data storage, detection, and other applications.  相似文献   

The labeling strategy with gold nanoparticles for the conventional surface plasmon resonance (SPR) signal enhancement has been frequently used for the sensitive determination of small molecules binding to its interaction partners. However, the influence of gold nanoparticles with different size and shape on SPR signal is not known. In this paper, three kinds of gold nanoparticles, namely nanorods, nanospheres, and nanooctahedrons with different size, were prepared and used to investigate their effects on the conventional SPR signal at a fixed excitation wavelength 670 nm. It was found that the SPR signal (i.e., resonant angle shift) was varied with the shapes and sizes of gold nanoparticles in suspension at a fixed concentration due to their different plasmon absorbance bands. For gold nanorods with different longitudinal absorbance bands, three conventional SPR signal regions could be clearly observed when the gold nanorod suspensions were separately introduced onto the SPR sensor chip surface. One region was the longitudinal absorbance bands coinciding with or close to the SPR excitation wavelength that suppressed the SPR angle shift. The second region was the longitudinal absorbance bands at 624 to 639 and 728 to 763 nm that produced a moderate increase on the SPR resonant angle shift. The third region was found for the longitudinal absorbance bands from 700 to 726 nm that resulted in a remarkable increase in the SPR angle shift responses. This phenomenon can be explained on the basis of calculation of the correlation of SPR angle shift response with the gold nanorod longitudinal absorbance bands. For nanospheres and nanooctahedrons, the SPR angle shift responses were found to be particle shape and size dependent in a simple way with a sustaining increase when the sizes of the nanoparticles were increased. Consequently, a guideline for choosing gold nanoparticles as tags is suggested for the SPR determination of small molecules with binding to the immobilized interaction partners.  相似文献   

External forces from our environment impose transverse loads on our muscles. Studies in rats have shown that transverse loads result in a decrease in the longitudinal muscle force. Changes in muscle architecture during contraction may contribute to the observed force decrease. The aim of this study was to quantify changes in pennation angle, fascicle dimensions, and muscle thickness during contraction under external transverse load.Electrical stimuli were elicited to evoke maximal force twitches in the right calf muscles of humans. Trials were conducted with transverse loads of 2, 4.5, and 10 kg. An ultrasound probe was placed on the medial gastrocnemius in line with the transverse load to quantify muscle characteristics during muscle twitches.Maximum twitch force decreased with increased transverse muscle loading. The 2, 4.5, and 10 kg of transverse load showed a 9, 13, and 16% decrease in longitudinal force, respectively. Within the field of view of the ultrasound images, and thus directly beneath the external load, loading of the muscle resulted in a decrease in the muscle thickness and pennation angle, with higher loads causing greater decreases. During twitches the muscle transiently increased in thickness and pennation angle, as did fascicle thickness. Higher transverse loads showed a reduced increase in muscle thickness. Smaller increases in pennation angle and fascicle thickness strain also occurred with higher transverse loads.This study shows that increased transverse loading caused a decrease in ankle moment, muscle thickness, and pennation angle, as well as transverse deformation of the fascicles.  相似文献   

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