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Keshan disease is a cardiomyopathy restricted to the endemic areas of China and seen in residents having an extremely low selenium (Se) status. Prophylactic administration of sodium selenite has been shown to decrease significantly the incidence of acute and subacute cases. The aim of the study was to assess the relative bioavailability of selenite versus organic Se-yeast in a Se-deficient area in China with a randomized double-blind double-dummy design. Healthy children (n=30) between 14 and 16 yr of age were randomized into three equal groups receiving either 200 μg/d selenite Se or 200 μg/d Se-yeast or placebo for 12 wk. Blood was drawn at baseline, 4, 8, and 12 wk and 4 wk postsupplementation. The plasma Se concentration (mean ± SD) was 0.16±0.03 μmol/L at baseline. Selenite and Se-yeast supplementation increased plasma Se to plateau values, 1.0±0.2 and 1.3±0.2 μmol/L, respectively. In red cells, Se-yeast increased the selenium level sixfold and selenite threefold compared to placebo. The relative bioavailability of Se-yeast versus selenite measured as glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) activity was similar in plasma, red blood cells, and platelets. GSHPx activity reached maximal levels in plasma and platelets of 300% and 200%, respectively, after 8 wk compared to the placebo group, but continued to increase in red cells for 16 wk. Our study showed that although both forms of Se were equally effective in raising GSHPx activity, Se-yeast provided a longer lasting body pool of Se. Se-yeast may be a better alternative to selenite in the prophylaxis of Keshan disease with respect to building up of body stores.  相似文献   

Selenium repletion of selenium-deficient rats with 20 μg selenium/kg body weight as Na2SeO3 was used as a model to investigate the mechanisms that control the distribution of the trace element to specific selenoproteins in liver and thyroid. Cytosolic glutathione peroxidase (cGSHPx), phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGSHPx), and iodothyronine 5′-deiodinase (IDI) activities were all transiently increased in liver 16 to 32 h after ip injection with selenium. However, only cGSHPx and PHGSHPx activities increased in the thyroid where IDI activity was already increased by selenium deficiency. These responses were owing to synthesis of the seleoproteins on newly synthesised and/or existing mRNAs. The selenoprotein mRNAs in the thyroid gland were increased two- and threefold after the transitory increases in selenoprotein activity. In contrast, there were parallel changes in selenoprotein mRNAs and enzyme activities in the liver, with no prolonged rises in mRNA levels. The organ differences suggest that increased thryotrophin (TSH) concentrations, which are known to induce thyrodial IDI and mRNA, may control the mRNAs for all the thyroidal selenoproteins investigated and be a major mechanism for the preservation of thyroidal selenoproteins when selenium supplies are limited.  相似文献   

To clarify the mineral status in selenium (Se)-deficient rats fed a vitamin-free casein (VFC)-based or torula yeast (TY)-based diet, 24 weanling male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups fed diets using VFC or TY as the protein source and containing Se at sufficient (0.5 μg/g,+Se) or deficient (0.019 μg/g for VFC-based and <0.005 μg/g for TY-based diets,Se) level for 8 wk. TY supplied a larger amount of extra minerals (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu) except Se than VFC. Se concentration and glutathione peroxidase activity were significantly lower in TY-fed rats than in VFC-fed rats, as well as inSe rats compared to+Se rats. Compared to+Se rats, Fe concentration was higher in liver and muscle ofSe rats fed the VFC-based diet and in plasma, heart, liver, and tibia ofSe rats fed the TY-based diet. Compared to+Se rats, decreases of Mn concentration appeared in plasma, heart, and tibia of VFC-fedSe rats and in brain, heart, liver and tibia of TY-fedSe rats. There was also a little imbalance in Ca, Mg, Na, K, and Cu caused by Se deficiency. The results indicated that Se deficiency induced the mineral imbalance in rats, especially an increase in Fe and decrease in Mn, which was more severe in TY-fed rats than VFC-fed rats. However, TY cannot be used as a model for both Se and other mineral deficiency because of the extra minerals except Se found in TY. Instead, VFC can be employed, which contains fewer minerals except Se than TY and also can produce a severe degree of Se deficiency.  相似文献   

Ozone exposure effect on free radical-catalyzed oxidation products of lipids, proteins, and DNA in the plasma and urine of rats was studied as a continuation of the international Biomarker of Oxidative Stress Study (BOSS) sponsored by NIEHS/NIH. The goal was to identify a biomarker for ozone-induced oxidative stress and to assess whether inconsistent results often reported in the literature might be due to the limitations of the available methods for measuring the various types of oxidative products. The time- and dose-dependent effects of ozone exposure on rat plasma lipid hydroperoxides, malondialdehyde, F2-isoprostanes, protein carbonyls, methionine oxidation, and tyrosine- and phenylalanine oxidation products, as well as urinary malondialdehyde and F2-isoprostanes were investigated with various techniques. The criterion used to recognize a marker in the model of ozone exposure was that a significant effect could be identified and measured in a biological fluid seen at both doses at more than one time point. No statistically significant differences between the experimental and the control groups at either ozone dose and time point studied could be identified in this study. Tissue samples were not included. Despite all the work accomplished in the BOSS study of ozone, no available product of oxidation in biological fluid has yet met the required criteria of being a biomarker. The current negative findings as a consequence of ozone exposure are of great importance, because they document that in complex systems, as the present in vivo experiment, the assays used may not provide meaningful data of ozone oxidation, especially in human studies.  相似文献   

Transient increases in triglycerides and cholesterol were found in rat liver immediately after birth. Plasma VLDL and HDL increased after birth and reached a plateau after one week of life. The content of cholesterol ester was low at birth in all lipoproteins and increased in LDL and HDL during the first week of life. After birth, VLDL became enriched in apolipoproteins C and E, whereas HDL was enriched in apolipoprotein C and depressed in apolipoprotein E. The developmental changes in plasma lipoprotein levels and compositions in rats during the first week of life are comparable to those described in humans.  相似文献   

Diazinon (DZN) is one of the most organophosphate insecticides that widely used in agriculture and industry. Selenium is generally recognized to be a trace mineral of great importance for human health, protecting the cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. Therefore, the present study was carried out to investigate the alterations in biochemical parameters, free radicals and enzyme activities induced by diazinon in male rat serum, and the role of selenium in alleviating the negative effects of DZN. Animals were divided into four groups of seven rats each; the first group was used as control. Groups 2, 3 and 4 were treated with selenium (Se; 200 μg/kg BW), diazinon (DZN; 10 mg/kg BW) and diazinon plus selenium, respectively. Rats were orally administered their respective doses daily for 30 days. Results obtained showed that DZN significantly induced thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and decreased the activities of glutathione S-transferase (GST), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione reductase (GR) and the levels of reduced glutathione (GSH) in rat sera. Aminotransferases (AST, ALT), phosphatases (AlP, AcP) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities were significantly increased while acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was decreased due to DZN administration. Also, DZN treatment caused significant perturbations in lipids profile and serum biochemical parameters. On the other hand, Se alone significantly decreased the levels of TBARS, total lipids, cholesterol, urea and creatinine, while increased the activities of antioxidant enzymes and glutathione content, total protein (TP) and albumin. In addition, Se in combination with DZN partially or totally alleviated its toxic effects on the studied parameters. In conclusion, Se has beneficial effects and could be able to antagonize DZN toxicity.  相似文献   

Cadmium is an environmental toxic metal implicated in human diseases. In the present study, the effect of diphenyl diselenide, (PhSe)(2), on sub-chronic exposure with cadmium chloride (CdCl(2)) was investigated in rats. Male adult Swiss albino rats received CdCl(2) (10 micromol/kg, orally) and (PhSe)(2) (5 micromol/kg, orally) for a period of 30 days. A number of parameters were examined as indicators of toxicity, including hepatic and renal damage, glucose and glycogen levels and markers of oxidative stress. Cadmium content, liver histology, delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase (delta-ALA-D) activity, metallothionein (MT) levels were also evaluated. Cadmium content determined in the tissue of rats exposed to CdCl(2) provides evidence that the liver is the major cadmium target where (PhSe)(2) acts. The concentration of cadmium in liver was about three fold higher than that in kidney, and (PhSe)(2) reduced about six fold the levels of this metal in liver of rats exposed. Rats exposed to CdCl(2) showed histological alterations abolished by (PhSe)(2) administration. (PhSe)(2) administration ameliorated plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) activities increased by CdCl(2) exposure. Urea and bilirubin levels increased by CdCl(2) exposure were also reduced by (PhSe)(2). In conclusion, this study demonstrated that co-treatment with (PhSe)(2) ameliorated hepatotoxicity and cellular damage in rat liver after sub-chronic exposure with CdCl(2). The proposed mechanisms by which (PhSe)(2) acts in this experimental protocol are its antioxidant properties and its capacity to form a complex with cadmium.  相似文献   

We assessed the bioavailability of selenium (Se) from a protein isolate and tofu (bean curd) prepared from naturally produced high-Se soybeans. The Se concentrations of the soybeans, the protein isolate and tofu were 5.2 ± 0.2, 11.4 ± 0.1 and 7.4 ± 0.1 mg/kg, respectively. Male weanling Sprague–Dawley rats were depleted of Se by feeding them a 30% Torula yeast-based diet (4.1 μg Se/kg) for 56 days, and then they were replenished with Se for an additional 50 days by feeding them the same diet containing 14, 24 or 30 μg Se/kg from the protein isolate or 13, 23 or 31 μg Se/kg from tofu, respectively. l-Selenomethionine (SeMet) was used as a reference. Selenium bioavailability was determined on the basis of the restoration of Se-dependent enzyme activities and tissue Se concentrations in Se-depleted rats, comparing those responses for the protein isolate and tofu to those for SeMet by using a slope-ratio method. Dietary supplementation with the protein isolate or tofu resulted in linear or log-linear, dose-dependent increases in glutathione peroxidase activities in blood and liver and in thioredoxin reductase activity in liver. Furthermore, supplementation with the protein isolate or tofu resulted in linear or log-linear, dose-dependent increases in the Se concentrations of plasma, liver, muscle and kidneys. These results indicated an overall bioavailability of approximately 101% for Se from the protein isolate and 94% from tofu, relative to SeMet. We conclude that Se from naturally produced high-Se soybeans is highly bioavailable in this model and that high-Se soybeans may be a good dietary source of Se.  相似文献   

Mercury exposure is second-most common cause of metal poisoning which is quite stable and biotransformed to highly toxic metabolites thus eliciting biochemical alterations and oxidative stress. The aim of present study describes the protective effect of selenium either alone or in combination with N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) against acute mercuric chloride poisoning. The experiment was carried out in male albino Sprague Dawley rats (n = 30) which was divided into five groups. Group 1 served as control. Groups 2–5 were administered mercuric chloride (HgCl2: 12 mol/kg, i.p.) once only, group 2 served as experimental control. Animals of groups 3, 4 and 5 were received N-acetyl cysteine (NAC: 0.6 mg/kg, i.p.) and selenium (Se: 0.5 mg/kg, p.o.) and NAC with Se in combination. Acute HgCl2 toxicity caused significant rise in serum alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase, albumin, bilirubin, γ-glutamyl transpeptidase, cholesterol, triglycerides, protein, urea, creatinine, uric acid and blood urea nitrogen content. Animals also showed significantly higher mercury content in liver and kidney, significant rise in lipid peroxidation level with concomitant decrease in reduced glutathione content and the antioxidant enzyme activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase after HgCl2 exposure. Results of the present investigation clearly showed that combination therapy with NAC + Se provide maximum protection against mercury toxicity than monotherapy (alone treated groups) by preventing oxidative degradation of biological membrane from metal mediated free radical attacks.  相似文献   

Unconjugated bilirubin (UCB) is a powerful antioxidant and a modulator of cell growth through the interaction with several signal transduction pathways. Although newborns develop a physiological jaundice, in case of severe hyperbilirubinemia UCB may become neurotoxic causing severe long‐term neuronal damages, also known as bilirubin encephalopathy. To investigate the mechanisms of UCB‐induced neuronal toxicity, we used the human neuroblastoma cell line SH‐SY5Y as an in vitro model system. We verified that UCB caused cell death, in part due to oxidative stress, which leads to DNA damage and cell growth reduction. The mechanisms of cytotoxicity and cell adaptation to UCB were studied through a proteomic approach that identified differentially expressed proteins involved in cell proliferation, intracellular trafficking, protein degradation and oxidative stress response. In particular, the results indicated that cells exposed to UCB undertake an adaptive response that involves DJ‐1, a multifunctional neuroprotective protein, crucial for cellular oxidative stress homeostasis. This study sheds light on the mechanisms of bilirubin‐induced neurotoxicity and might help to design a strategy to prevent or ameliorate the neuronal damages leading to bilirubin encephalopathy.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of three cucurbitacins (Cuc) E, D and I on the bilirubin-albumin binding, both in human serum albumin (HSA) and in plasma. Bilirubin-HSA solution and plasma free of cucurbitacins were prepared as well as others containing serial concentrations of cucurbitacins. The concentration of unbound bilirubin was determined in bilirubin-HSA solution and the direct and total bilirubin concentrations were measured in plasma (with normal or elevated bilirubinemia) by Jendrassik and Grof method. In the conditions we adopted Cuc E and D (to a lesser extent), decreased the levels of unbound bilirubin in bilirubin-HSA solution and decreased direct bilirubin concentration and total bilirubin concentration in plasma in a dose-dependent manner while Cuc I had no effect. The effect of Cuc is related to the presence of native HSA. Thus, when albumin was absent or has been denatured by heating or by urea, Cuc E did not modify bilirubin levels, suggesting that the native structure of albumin is essential for such activity. The interaction of HSA with Cuc E was investigated by fluorescence spectroscopy. Cuc E increased the intrinsic fluorescence of the protein and the magnitude of fluorescence intensity of bilirubin-albumin complex. We concluded that Cuc E and D produced a rearrangement in the structure of albumin, particularly in the domain-II, resulting in an increase in the binding of bilirubin to albumin regardless to whether it's conjugated to glucuronic acid or unconjugated.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of smoke induced acute lung injury (S-ALI), extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and transfusion on oxidative stress and plasma selenium levels. Forty ewes were divided into (i) healthy control (n = 4), (ii) S-ALI control (n = 7), (iii) ECMO control (n = 7), (iv) S-ALI + ECMO (n = 8) and (v) S-ALI + ECMO + packed red blood cell (PRBC) transfusion (n = 14). Plasma thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), selenium and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity were analysed at baseline, after smoke injury (or sham) and 0.25, 1, 2, 6, 7, 12 and 24 h after initiation of ECMO. Peak TBARS levels were similar across all groups. Plasma selenium decreased by 54% in S-ALI sheep (1.36 ± 0.20 to 0.63 ± 0.27 μmol/L, p < 0.0001), and 72% in sheep with S-ALI + ECMO at 24 h (1.36 ± 0.20 to 0.38 ± 0.19, p < 0.0001). PRBC transfusion had no effect on TBARS, selenium levels or glutathione peroxidase activity in plasma. While ECMO independently increased TBARS in healthy sheep to levels which were similar to the S-ALI control, the addition of ECMO after S-ALI caused a negligible increase in TBARS. This suggests that the initial lung injury was the predominant feature in the TBARS response. In contrast, the addition of ECMO in S-ALI sheep exacerbated reductions in plasma selenium beyond that of S-ALI or ECMO alone. Clinical studies are needed to confirm the extent and duration of selenium loss associated with ECMO.  相似文献   

A short review is given of the potential role of selenium deficiency and selenium intervention trials in atherosclerotic heart disease. Selenium is an essential constituent of several proteins, including the glutathione peroxidases and selenoprotein P. The selenium intake in Europe is generally in the lower margin of recommendations from authorities. Segments of populations in Europe may thus have a deficient intake that may be presented by a deficient anti-oxidative capacity in various illnesses, in particular atherosclerotic disease, and this may influence the prognosis of the disease.Ischemic heart disease and heart failure are two conditions where increased oxidative stress has been convincingly demonstrated. Some of the intervention studies of anti-oxidative substances that have focused on selenium are discussed in this review. The interrelationship between selenium and coenzyme Q10, another anti-oxidant, is presented, pointing to a theoretical advantage in using both substances in an intervention if there are deficiencies within the population. Clinical results from an intervention study using both selenium and coenzyme Q10 in an elderly population are discussed, where reduction in cardiovascular mortality, a better cardiac function according to echocardiography, and finally a lower concentration of the biomarker NT-proBNP as a sign of lower myocardial wall tension could be seen in those on active treatment, compared to placebo.  相似文献   


Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase is upregulated in a variety of tissues in obesity. It is still unclear as to whether NADPH oxidase upregulation in a specific tissue is part of a systemic response. Here we analyzed the expression pattern of NADPH oxidase in vascular, adipose, and kidney tissues in a rat model of diet-induced obesity. After weaning, rats were fed either a normal or high-fat diet for 12 weeks. The high-fat diet resulted in 20% increased body weight. In the aorta, Nox4 expression was increased by three-fold in obese rats. Upregulations of p22phox and p47phox in adipose, and Nox4, p22phox, and p47phox in kidney were observed in obesity. Marked increases in plasma leptin and insulin were observed, with more modest changes in adiponectin in obese rats. The average systolic blood pressure in the obese group was 11 mmHg higher than that of lean rats (P < 0.005). There was a significant correlation between blood pressure and aortic Nox4 expression (P < 0.01). In cultured vascular smooth muscle cells, adiponectin reduced the expression of Nox4 in a protein kinase A-dependent manner. Our results suggest that upregulation of NADPH oxidase in multiple tissues during obesity appears to be a systemic response. At least in vitro, adiponectin may have a protective antioxidant role by suppressing vascular NADPH oxidase expression. The association between NADPH oxidase Nox4 expression in the vasculature and the elevated blood pressure in obesity requires further investigation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess plasma selenium levels in an Australian blood donor population and measure extra-cellular selenium levels in fresh manufactured blood components. Selenium levels were measured using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with Zeeman background correction. The mean plasma selenium level in healthy plasmapharesis donors was 85.6 ± 0.5 μg/L and a regional difference was observed between donors in South East Queensland and Far North Queensland. Although participants had selenium levels within the normal range (55.3–110.5 μg/L), 88.5% had levels below 100 μg/L, a level that has been associated with sub-optimal activity of the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase (GPx). Extra-cellular selenium levels in clinical fresh frozen plasma (cFFP) and apheresis-derived platelets (APH Plt) were within the normal range. Packed red blood cells (PRBC) and pooled buffy coat-derived platelets (BC Plt) had levels at the lower limit of detection, which may have clinical implications to the massively transfused patient.  相似文献   

Gut regulatory peptides bombesin (BBS) and neurotensin (NT) exert a wide spectrum of biological actions on gastrointestinal tissues and we have previously shown that they improve intestinal barrier function and oxidative stress in experimentally jaundiced rats. In the present study, we explored their potential action on liver histology and oxidative status in bile duct ligated rats. Seventy male Wistar rats were randomly divided into five groups: controls, sham operated, bile duct ligated (BDL), BDL+BBS (10 μg/kg, s.c. ×3), BDL+NT (300 μg/kg, i.p.). At the end of the experiment, on day 10, serum total bilirubin and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels were determined and endotoxin was measured in portal and aortic blood. Liver tissue samples were examined histologically for evaluation of the ratio of portal tracts presenting changes of obstructive cholangiopathy and neutrophils' number in portal tracts. In addition, hepatic oxidative status was estimated on liver homogenates by measurements of lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde), protein oxidation (protein carbonyl groups) and thiol redox state [reduced glutathione (GSH), oxidized glutathione (GSSG), total non-protein mixed disulfides (NPSSR) and protein thiols (PSH)]. Administration of BBS or NT significantly reduced portal and aortic endotoxaemia observed in obstructive jaundice. Both agents significantly ameliorated liver injury, as demonstrated by improvement of obstructive cholangiopathy and reduction of ALT. This effect was accompanied by prevention of lipid peroxidation, protein oxidation and decrease of the oxidized forms GSSG and NPSSR. Moreover, neutrophil accumulation in portal tracts was significantly decreased. In conclusion, this study shows that gut regulatory peptides BBS and NT reduce cholestatic liver injury, exerting protective effects on portal tract architecture, neutrophil infiltration and hepatic oxidative stress in bile duct ligated rats.  相似文献   

The dynamics of blood plasma volume were studied for the first time in rats during ontogenesis. The significance of blood plasma volume is estimated in the transport of physiologically active substances to cells and target organs during development. The blood plasma volume was measured in male and female rats during embryogenesis on day 18 (E18), perinatal development on E21 and day 3 of postnatal development (P3), and postnatal development on P15 and P30. Blood plasma volume was measured using Evans Blue dye method. Body mass was determined in the same animals and correlation was estimated between the blood plasma volume and body mass. The plasma volume increased 1.9-fold from E18 to E21, 1.4-fold from E21 to P3, 2.1-fold from P3 to P15, and 3.4-fold from P15 to P30. The body mass increased 5-fold from E18 to E21, 2-fold from E21 to P3, 2.3-fold from P3 to P15, and 3.2-fold from P15 to P30. The ratio of blood plasma to body mass was the highest on E18 (19%) and decreased twice by E21. This index varied from 5.4 to 4.8% during postnatal development. No sex-related differences in these indices were found in rats. The results obtained make it possible to determine the total content of physiologically active substances on the basis of their plasma concentration and, thereby, estimate the efficiency of secretory organs.  相似文献   

BackgroundHigher environmental temperature is a major abiotic stress factor for animals and human beings. The selenium (Se) is an important trace mineral having diverse health promoting effects under stress conditions. However, studies on dietary requirement of selenium under prolonged heat stress condition are lacking. Present study discern the effect of higher dietary Se levels on antioxidant, cytokine, haemato-biochemical profile, and immune response, and the selenoproteins mRNA expression in rats under prolonged heat stress (HS) condition.MethodsWeaned Wistar rats (4 wk age; 67.6 ± 1.53 g BW; n = 72) housed under thermoneutral (TN) or HS conditions and fed with purified diets containing three graded Se levels were divided in six experimental groups. The groups were 1) TN control with 138 ppb Se (TN_CON), 2) HS control with 138 ppb Se (HS_CON), 3) TN with higher Se @ 291 ppb (TN_Se1), 4) HS with higher Se @ 291 ppb (HS_Se1) 5) TN with higher Se @ 460 ppb (TN_Se2), 6) HS with higher Se @ 460 ppb (HS_Se2). Rats in all the six groups were maintained in TN environmental conditions (57.3 ± 0.22 temperature humidity index; THI) for initial 28 days period. Subsequently, rats of HS groups were exposed to 77.0 ± 0.11 THI for 6 h/d in a psychrometric chamber for last fourteen days.ResultsHigher dietary Se (291 and 460 ppb) significantly improved the blood hemoglobin concentration and reduced serum alanine aminotransferase activity of rats under HS conditions. The serum triiodothyronine and insulin levels were significantly higher in high dietary Se groups irrespective of the environmental conditions. Similarly, the serum reduced glutathione levels, and catalase and superoxide dismutase enzyme activity were increased and malondialdehyde levels were reduced in high dietary Se groups irrespective of stress conditions. The glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity was significantly higher in 460 ppb dietary Se groups as compared to other groups. The serum pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)− 1 was declined, whereas the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 level was increased in high dietary Se fed rats under both HS and TN conditions with 460 ppb dietary Se groups showing pronounced effects. Further, there was heat stress- and dietary Se level dependent- up regulation in hepatic GPx and iodothyronine deiodinase-II mRNA expression and similar pattern was noticed in hepatic thioredoxin reductase mRNA expression. The selenoprotein-P mRNA expression was up regulated in 460 ppb Se fed HS group as compared to CON and Se1_C groups. High dietary Se improved the humoral immune response 7d after antigen inoculation under HS conditions whereas cell-mediated immune response was augmented in rats fed higher Se under TN condition.ConclusionIt is concluded that under prolonged heat stress conditions the dietary requirement of Se may be increased to 460 ppb for improving the antioxidant status and humoral immune response, cytokine levels, modulating the thyroid and insulin hormone, and the selenoproteins mRNA expression of rats.  相似文献   

Majithiya JB  Balaraman R 《Life sciences》2006,78(22):2615-2624
Effect of metformin treatment on blood pressure, endothelial function and oxidative stress in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes in rats was studied. In vitro effect of metformin on vascular reactivity to various agonist in the presence of metformin in untreated nondiabetic and STZ-diabetic rats were also studied. Sprague-Dawley rats were randomized into nondiabetic and STZ-diabetic groups. Rats were further randomized to receive metformin (150 mg/kg) or vehicle for 4 weeks.Metformin treatment reduced blood pressure without having any significant effect on blood glucose level in STZ-diabetic rats. Enhanced phenylephrine (PE)-induced contraction and impaired acetylcholine (Ach)-induced relaxation in STZ-diabetic rats were restored to normal by metformin treatment. Enhanced Ach-induced relaxation in metformin-treated STZ-diabetic rats was blocked due to pretreatment with 100 μM of -nitro-l-arginine-methyl ester (l-NAME) or 10 μM of methylene blue but not 10 μM of indomethacin. Metformin treatment significantly increased antioxidant enzymes and reduced lipid peroxidation in STZ-diabetic rats. In vitro studies in aortic rings of untreated nondiabetic and STZ-diabetic rats showed that the presence of higher concentration of metformin (1 mM and 10 mM) significantly reduced PE-induced contraction and increased Ach-induced relaxation. Metformin per se relaxed precontracted aortic rings of untreated nondiabetic and STZ-diabetic rats in a dose-dependent manner. Pretreatment with l-NAME or removal of endothelium blocked metformin-induced relaxation at lower concentration (up to 30 μM) but not at higher concentration (above 30 μM). Metformin-induced relaxation was blocked in the presence of 1 mM of 4-aminopyridine, or 1 mM of tetraethylammonium but not in the presence of 100 μM of barium ion or 10 μM of glybenclamide. The restored endothelial function along with direct effect of metformin on aortic rings and reduced oxidative stress contributes to reduced blood pressure in STZ-diabetic rats. From the present study, it can be concluded that metformin administration to STZ-diabetic rats lowers blood pressure, and restores endothelial function.  相似文献   

Oxidant and antioxidant activities in childhood meningitis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Animal studies have provided substantial evidence for a key role of reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide and its related compounds in the complex pathophysiology of bacterial meningitis. However, there is little information on changes in the redox status in human meningitis. In the present study, we evaluated the redox status and oxidative stress in the central nervous system of children with meningitis. Oxidant and antioxidant activities were assessed from cerebrospinal fluid levels of acrolein-lysine adducts (a marker of lipid peroxidation), nitrite (a marker of nitric oxide production) and bilirubin derivatives (a marker of antioxidant activity of bilirubin). All these markers were several times higher in children during the early phase of bacterial meningitis compared with those of children without meningitis and patients with aseptic meningitis. In the bacterial meningitis group, the levels of bilirubin derivatives correlated significantly with those of acrolein-lysine adducts and nitrite. Acrolein-lysine adducts and nitrite decreased significantly as the patients started to respond to treatment but bilirubin derivatives remained elevated. In conclusion, our data indicate the enhancement of both oxidant and antioxidant activities in the central nervous system of children with early bacterial meningitis, but not in those with aseptic meningitis. Clinical and laboratory improvement may be associated with a decrease in oxidant activities in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

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