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We have investigated the effects of different among-site rate variation models on the estimation of substitution model parameters, branch lengths, topology, and bootstrap proportions under minimum evolution (ME) and maximum likelihood (ML). Specifically, we examined equal rates, invariable sites, gamma-distributed rates, and site-specific rates (SSR) models, using mitochondrial DNA sequence data from three protein-coding genes and one tRNA gene from species of the New Zealand cicada genus Maoricicada. Estimates of topology were relatively insensitive to the substitution model used; however, estimates of bootstrap support, branch lengths, and R-matrices (underlying relative substitution rate matrix) were strongly influenced by the assumptions of the substitution model. We identified one situation where ME and ML tree building became inaccurate when implemented with an inappropriate among-site rate variation model. Despite the fact the SSR models often have a better fit to the data than do invariable sites and gamma rates models, SSR models have some serious weaknesses. First, SSR rate parameters are not comparable across data sets, unlike the proportion of invariable sites or the alpha shape parameter of the gamma distribution. Second, the extreme among-site rate variation within codon positions is problematic for SSR models, which explicitly assume rate homogeneity within each rate class. Third, the SSR models appear to give severe underestimates of R-matrices and branch lengths relative to invariable sites and gamma rates models in this example. We recommend performing phylogenetic analyses under a range of substitution models to test the effects of model assumptions not only on estimates of topology but also on estimates of branch length and nodal support.  相似文献   

Summary The maximum likelihood (ML) method for constructing phylogenetic trees (both rooted and unrooted trees) from DNA sequence data was studied. Although there is some theoretical problem in the comparison of ML values conditional for each topology, it is possible to make a heuristic argument to justify the method. Based on this argument, a new algorithm for estimating the ML tree is presented. It is shown that under the assumption of a constant rate of evolution, the ML method and UPGMA always give the same rooted tree for the case of three operational taxonomic units (OTUs). This also seems to hold approximately for the case with four OTUs. When we consider unrooted trees with the assumption of a varying rate of nucleotide substitution, the efficiency of the ML method in obtaining the correct tree is similar to those of the maximum parsimony method and distance methods. The ML method was applied to Brown et al.'s data, and the tree topology obtained was the same as that found by the maximum parsimony method, but it was different from those obtained by distance methods.  相似文献   

An important issue in the phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequence data using the maximum likelihood (ML) method is the underlying evolutionary model employed. We consider the problem of simultaneously estimating the tree topology and the parameters in the underlying substitution model and of obtaining estimates of the standard errors of these parameter estimates. Given a fixed tree topology and corresponding set of branch lengths, the ML estimates of standard evolutionary model parameters are asymptotically efficient, in the sense that their joint distribution is asymptotically normal with the variance–covariance matrix given by the inverse of the Fisher information matrix. We propose a new estimate of this conditional variance based on estimation of the expected information using a Monte Carlo sampling (MCS) method. Simulations are used to compare this conditional variance estimate to the standard technique of using the observed information under a variety of experimental conditions. In the case in which one wishes to estimate simultaneously the tree and parameters, we provide a bootstrapping approach that can be used in conjunction with the MCS method to estimate the unconditional standard error. The methods developed are applied to a real data set consisting of 30 papillomavirus sequences. This overall method is easily incorporated into standard bootstrapping procedures to allow for proper variance estimation.  相似文献   

The relative efficiencies of the maximum-likelihood (ML), neighbor- joining (NJ), and maximum-parsimony (MP) methods in obtaining the correct topology and in estimating the branch lengths for the case of four DNA sequences were studied by computer simulation, under the assumption either that there is variation in substitution rate among different nucleotide sites or that there is no variation. For the NJ method, several different distance measures (Jukes-Cantor, Kimura two- parameter, and gamma distances) were used, whereas for the ML method three different transition/transversion ratios (R) were used. For the MP method, both the standard unweighted parsimony and the dynamically weighted parsimony methods were used. The results obtained are as follows: (1) When the R value is high, dynamically weighted parsimony is more efficient than unweighted parsimony in obtaining the correct topology. (2) However, both weighted and unweighted parsimony methods are generally less efficient than the NJ and ML methods even in the case where the MP method gives a consistent tree. (3) When all the assumptions of the ML method are satisfied, this method is slightly more efficient than the NJ method. However, when the assumptions are not satisfied, the NJ method with gamma distances is slightly better in obtaining the correct topology than is the ML method. In general, the two methods show more or less the same performance. The NJ method may give a correct topology even when the distance measures used are not unbiased estimators of nucleotide substitutions. (4) Branch length estimates of a tree with the correct topology are affected more easily than topology by violation of the assumptions of the mathematical model used, for both the ML and the NJ methods. Under certain conditions, branch lengths are seriously overestimated or underestimated. The MP method often gives serious underestimates for certain branches. (5) Distance measures that generate the correct topology, with high probability, do not necessarily give good estimates of branch lengths. (6) The likelihood-ratio test and the confidence-limit test, in Felsenstein's DNAML, for examining the statistical of branch length estimates are quite sensitive to violation of the assumptions and are generally too liberal to be used for actual data. Rzhetsky and Nei's branch length test is less sensitive to violation of the assumptions than is Felsenstein's test. (7) When the extent of sequence divergence is < or = 5% and when > or = 1,000 nucleotides are used, all three methods show essentially the same efficiency in obtaining the correct topology and in estimating branch lengths.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)   相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses frequently rely on models of sequence evolution that detail nucleotide substitution rates, nucleotide frequencies, and site-to-site rate heterogeneity. These models can influence hypothesis testing and can affect the accuracy of phylogenetic inferences. Maximum likelihood methods of simultaneously constructing phylogenetic tree topologies and estimating model parameters are computationally intensive, and are not feasible for sample sizes of 25 or greater using personal computers. Techniques that initially construct a tree topology and then use this non-maximized topology to estimate ML substitution rates, however, can quickly arrive at a model of sequence evolution. The accuracy of this two-step estimation technique was tested using simulated data sets with known model parameters. The results showed that for a star-like topology, as is often seen in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) subtype B sequences, a random starting topology could produce nucleotide substitution rates that were not statistically different than the true rates. Samples were isolated from 100 HIV-1 subtype B infected individuals from the United States and a 620 nt region of the env gene was sequenced for each sample. The sequence data were used to obtain a substitution model of sequence evolution specific for HIV-1 subtype B env by estimating nucleotide substitution rates and the site-to-site heterogeneity in 100 individuals from the United States. The method of estimating the model should provide users of large data sets with a way to quickly compute a model of sequence evolution, while the nucleotide substitution model we identified should prove useful in the phylogenetic analysis of HIV-1 subtype B env sequences. Received: 4 October 2000 / Accepted: 1 March 2001  相似文献   

Development of methods for estimating species trees from multilocus data is a current challenge in evolutionary biology. We propose a method for estimating the species tree topology and branch lengths using approximate Bayesian computation (ABC). The method takes as data a sample of observed rooted gene tree topologies, and then iterates through the following sequence of steps: First, a randomly selected species tree is used to compute the distribution of rooted gene tree topologies. This distribution is then compared to the observed gene topology frequencies, and if the fit between the observed and the predicted distributions is close enough, the proposed species tree is retained. Repeating this many times leads to a collection of retained species trees that are then used to form the estimate of the overall species tree. We test the performance of the method, which we call ST-ABC, using both simulated and empirical data. The simulation study examines both symmetric and asymmetric species trees over a range of branch lengths and sample sizes. The results from the simulation study show that the model performs very well, giving accurate estimates for both the topology and the branch lengths across the conditions studied, and that a sample size of 25 loci appears to be adequate for the method. Further, we apply the method to two empirical cases: a 4-taxon data set for primates and a 7-taxon data set for yeast. In both cases, we find that estimates obtained with ST-ABC agree with previous studies. The method provides efficient estimation of the species tree, and does not require sequence data, but rather the observed distribution of rooted gene topologies without branch lengths. Therefore, this method is a useful alternative to other currently available methods for species tree estimation.  相似文献   

An improved Bayesian method is presented for estimating phylogenetic trees using DNA sequence data. The birth-death process with species sampling is used to specify the prior distribution of phylogenies and ancestral speciation times, and the posterior probabilities of phylogenies are used to estimate the maximum posterior probability (MAP) tree. Monte Carlo integration is used to integrate over the ancestral speciation times for particular trees. A Markov Chain Monte Carlo method is used to generate the set of trees with the highest posterior probabilities. Methods are described for an empirical Bayesian analysis, in which estimates of the speciation and extinction rates are used in calculating the posterior probabilities, and a hierarchical Bayesian analysis, in which these parameters are removed from the model by an additional integration. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo method avoids the requirement of our earlier method for calculating MAP trees to sum over all possible topologies (which limited the number of taxa in an analysis to about five). The methods are applied to analyze DNA sequences for nine species of primates, and the MAP tree, which is identical to a maximum-likelihood estimate of topology, has a probability of approximately 95%.   相似文献   



Phylogenetic comparative methods are often improved by complete phylogenies with meaningful branch lengths (e.g., divergence dates). This study presents a dated molecular supertree for all 34 world pinniped species derived from a weighted matrix representation with parsimony (MRP) supertree analysis of 50 gene trees, each determined under a maximum likelihood (ML) framework. Divergence times were determined by mapping the same sequence data (plus two additional genes) on to the supertree topology and calibrating the ML branch lengths against a range of fossil calibrations. We assessed the sensitivity of our supertree topology in two ways: 1) a second supertree with all mtDNA genes combined into a single source tree, and 2) likelihood-based supermatrix analyses. Divergence dates were also calculated using a Bayesian relaxed molecular clock with rate autocorrelation to test the sensitivity of our supertree results further.  相似文献   

The maximum-likelihood (ML) solution to a simple phylogenetic estimation problem is obtained analytically The problem is estimation of the rooted tree for three species using binary characters with a symmetrical rate of substitution under the molecular clock. ML estimates of branch lengths and log-likelihood scores are obtained analytically for each of the three rooted binary trees. Estimation of the tree topology is equivalent to partitioning the sample space (space of possible data outcomes) into subspaces, within each of which one of the three binary trees is the ML tree. Distance-based least squares and parsimony-like methods produce essentially the same estimate of the tree topology, although differences exist among methods even under this simple model. This seems to be the simplest case, but has many of the conceptual and statistical complexities involved in phylogeny estimation. The solution to this real phylogeny estimation problem will be useful for studying the problem of significance evaluation.  相似文献   

Simultaneous molecular dating of population and species divergences is essential in many biological investigations, including phylogeography, phylodynamics and species delimitation studies. In these investigations, multiple sequence alignments consist of both intra‐ and interspecies samples (mixed samples). As a result, the phylogenetic trees contain interspecies, interpopulation and within‐population divergences. Bayesian relaxed clock methods are often employed in these analyses, but they assume the same tree prior for both inter‐ and intraspecies branching processes and require specification of a clock model for branch rates (independent vs. autocorrelated rates models). We evaluated the impact of a single tree prior on Bayesian divergence time estimates by analysing computer‐simulated data sets. We also examined the effect of the assumption of independence of evolutionary rate variation among branches when the branch rates are autocorrelated. Bayesian approach with coalescent tree priors generally produced excellent molecular dates and highest posterior densities with high coverage probabilities. We also evaluated the performance of a non‐Bayesian method, RelTime, which does not require the specification of a tree prior or a clock model. RelTime's performance was similar to that of the Bayesian approach, suggesting that it is also suitable to analyse data sets containing both populations and species variation when its computational efficiency is needed.  相似文献   

Comparison of the performance and accuracy of different inference methods, such as maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference, is difficult because the inference methods are implemented in different programs, often written by different authors. Both methods were implemented in the program MIGRATE, that estimates population genetic parameters, such as population sizes and migration rates, using coalescence theory. Both inference methods use the same Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm and differ from each other in only two aspects: parameter proposal distribution and maximization of the likelihood function. Using simulated datasets, the Bayesian method generally fares better than the ML approach in accuracy and coverage, although for some values the two approaches are equal in performance. MOTIVATION: The Markov chain Monte Carlo-based ML framework can fail on sparse data and can deliver non-conservative support intervals. A Bayesian framework with appropriate prior distribution is able to remedy some of these problems. RESULTS: The program MIGRATE was extended to allow not only for ML(-) maximum likelihood estimation of population genetics parameters but also for using a Bayesian framework. Comparisons between the Bayesian approach and the ML approach are facilitated because both modes estimate the same parameters under the same population model and assumptions.  相似文献   

In recent years, the increasing availability of genomic resources has provided an opportunity to develop phylogenetic markers for phylogenomics. Efficient methods to search for candidate markers from the huge number of genes within genomic data are particularly needed in the era of phylogenomics. Here, rather than using the traditional approach of comparing genomes of two distantly related taxa to develop conserved primers, we take advantage of the multiple genome alignment resources from the the University of California-San Cruz Genome Browser and present a simple and straightforward bioinformatic approach to automatically screen for candidate nuclear protein-coding locus (NPCL) markers. We tested our protocol in tetrapods and successfully obtained 21 new NPCL markers with high success rates of polymerase chain reaction amplification (mostly over 80%) in 16 diverse tetrapod taxa. These 21 newly developed markers together with two reference genes (RAG1 and mitochondrial 12S-16S) are used to infer the higher level relationships of tetrapods, with emphasis on the debated position of turtles. Both maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian analyses on the concatenated data combining the 23 markers (21,137 bp) yield the same tree, with ML bootstrap values over 95% and Bayesian posterior probability equaling 1.0 for most nodes. Species tree estimation using the program BEST without data concatenation produces similar results. In all analyses, turtles are robustly recovered as the sister group of Archosauria (birds and crocodilians). The jackknife analysis on the concatenated data showed that the minimum sequence length needed to robustly resolve the position of turtles is 13-14 kb. Based on the large 23-gene data set and the well-resolved tree, we also estimated evolutionary timescales for tetrapods with the popular Bayesian method MultiDivTime. Most of the estimated ages among tetrapods are similar to the average estimates of the previous dating studies summarized by the book The Timetree of Life.  相似文献   

Bayesian methods for estimating evolutionary divergence times are extended to multigene data sets, and a technique is described for detecting correlated changes in evolutionary rates among genes. Simulations are employed to explore the effect of multigene data on divergence time estimation, and the methodology is illustrated with a previously published data set representing diverse plant taxa. The fact that evolutionary rates and times are confounded when sequence data are compared is emphasized and the importance of fossil information for disentangling rates and times is stressed.  相似文献   

Bayesian inference (BI) of phylogenetic relationships uses the same probabilistic models of evolution as its precursor maximum likelihood (ML), so BI has generally been assumed to share ML''s desirable statistical properties, such as largely unbiased inference of topology given an accurate model and increasingly reliable inferences as the amount of data increases. Here we show that BI, unlike ML, is biased in favor of topologies that group long branches together, even when the true model and prior distributions of evolutionary parameters over a group of phylogenies are known. Using experimental simulation studies and numerical and mathematical analyses, we show that this bias becomes more severe as more data are analyzed, causing BI to infer an incorrect tree as the maximum a posteriori phylogeny with asymptotically high support as sequence length approaches infinity. BI''s long branch attraction bias is relatively weak when the true model is simple but becomes pronounced when sequence sites evolve heterogeneously, even when this complexity is incorporated in the model. This bias—which is apparent under both controlled simulation conditions and in analyses of empirical sequence data—also makes BI less efficient and less robust to the use of an incorrect evolutionary model than ML. Surprisingly, BI''s bias is caused by one of the method''s stated advantages—that it incorporates uncertainty about branch lengths by integrating over a distribution of possible values instead of estimating them from the data, as ML does. Our findings suggest that trees inferred using BI should be interpreted with caution and that ML may be a more reliable framework for modern phylogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

距离矩阵邻接法、最大简约法和最大似然法是重建生物系统关系的3种主要方法。普遍认为最大似然法在原理上优于前二种方法,但其计算复杂费时。由于现行计算机的能力尚达不到其要求而实用性差,特别是在处理大数据集样本(即大于25个分类单元)时,用此方法几乎不可能。新近提出的贝叶斯法(Bayesianmethod)既保留了最大似然法的基本原理,又引进了马尔科夫链的蒙特卡洛方法,并使计算时间大大缩短。本文用贝叶斯法对硬蜱属(Ixodes)19个种的线粒体16S rDNA片段进行了系统进化分析。从总体上看,分析结果与现有的基于形态学的分类体系基本吻合。但与现存的假说相反,莱姆病的主要宿主蓖籽硬蜱复合种组并非单系。通过比较贝叶斯法与其它三种方法的结果,我们认为贝叶斯法是一种系统进化分析的好方法,它既能根据分子进化的现有理论和各种模型用概率重建系统进化关系,又克服了最大似然法计算速度慢、不适用于大数据集样本的缺陷。贝叶斯法根据后验概率直观地表示系统进化关系的分析结果,不需要用自引导法进行检验。可以预料,贝叶斯法将会被广泛地应用到系统进化分析上[动物学报49(3):380—388,2003]。  相似文献   

The field of phylogenetic tree estimation has been dominated by three broad classes of methods: distance-based approaches, parsimony and likelihood-based methods (including maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian approaches). Here we introduce two new approaches to tree inference: pairwise likelihood estimation and a distance-based method that estimates the number of substitutions along the paths through the tree. Our results include the derivation of the formulae for the probability that two leaves will be identical at a site given a number of substitutions along the path connecting them. We also derive the posterior probability of the number of substitutions along a path between two sequences. The calculations for the posterior probabilities are exact for group-based, symmetric models of character evolution, but are only approximate for more general models.  相似文献   

The proliferation of gene data from multiple loci of large multigene families has been greatly facilitated by considerable recent advances in sequence generation. The evolution of such gene families, which often undergo complex histories and different rates of change, combined with increases in sequence data, pose complex problems for traditional phylogenetic analyses, and in particular, those that aim to successfully recover species relationships from gene trees. Here, we implement gene tree parsimony analyses on multicopy gene family data sets of snake venom proteins for two separate groups of taxa, incorporating Bayesian posterior distributions as a rigorous strategy to account for the uncertainty present in gene trees. Gene tree parsimony largely failed to infer species trees congruent with each other or with species phylogenies derived from mitochondrial and single-copy nuclear sequences. Analysis of four toxin gene families from a large expressed sequence tag data set from the viper genus Echis failed to produce a consistent topology, and reanalysis of a previously published gene tree parsimony data set, from the family Elapidae, suggested that species tree topologies were predominantly unsupported. We suggest that gene tree parsimony failure in the family Elapidae is likely the result of unequal and/or incomplete sampling of paralogous genes and demonstrate that multiple parallel gene losses are likely responsible for the significant species tree conflict observed in the genus Echis. These results highlight the potential for gene tree parsimony analyses to be undermined by rapidly evolving multilocus gene families under strong natural selection.  相似文献   

The dynamics of species diversification rates are a key component of macroevolutionary patterns. Although not absolutely necessary, the use of divergence times inferred from sequence data has led to development of more powerful methods for inferring diversification rates. However, it is unclear what impact uncertainty in age estimates have on diversification rate inferences. Here, we quantify these effects using both Bayesian and frequentist methodology. Through simulation, we demonstrate that adding sequence data results in more precise estimates of internal node ages, but a reasonable approximation of these node ages is often sufficient to approach the theoretical minimum variance in speciation rate estimates. We also find that even crude estimates of divergence times increase the power of tests of diversification rate differences between sister clades. Finally, because Bayesian and frequentist methods provided similar assessments of error, novel Bayesian approaches may provide a useful framework for tests of diversification rates in more complex contexts than are addressed here.  相似文献   

There has been much work done in nest survival analysis using the maximum likelihood (ML) method. The ML method suffers from the instability of numerical calculations when models having a large number of unknown parameters are used. A Bayesian approach of model fitting is developed to estimate age-specific survival rates for nesting studies using a large class of prior distributions. The computation is done by Gibbs sampling. Some latent variables are introduced to simplify the full conditional distributions. The method is illustrated using both a real and a simulated data set. Results indicate that Bayesian analysis provides stable and accurate estimates of nest survival rates.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to obtain a quantitative assessment of the monophyly of morning glory taxa, specifically the genus Ipomoea and the tribe Argyreieae. Previous systematic studies of morning glories intimated the paraphyly of Ipomoea by suggesting that the genera within the tribe Argyreieae are derived from within Ipomoea; however, no quantitative estimates of statistical support were developed to address these questions. We applied a Bayesian analysis to provide quantitative estimates of monophyly in an investigation of morning glory relationships using DNA sequence data. We also explored various approaches for examining convergence of the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation of the Bayesian analysis by running 18 separate analyses varying in length. We found convergence of the important components of the phylogenetic model (the tree with the maximum posterior probability, branch lengths, the parameter values from the DNA substitution model, and the posterior probabilities for clade support) for these data after one million generations of the MCMC simulations. In the process, we identified a run where the parameter values obtained were often outside the range of values obtained from the other runs, suggesting an aberrant result. In addition, we compared the Bayesian method of phylogenetic analysis to maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony. The results from the Bayesian analysis and the maximum likelihood analysis were similar for topology, branch lengths, and parameters of the DNA substitution model. Topologies also were similar in the comparison between the Bayesian analysis and maximum parsimony, although the posterior probabilities and the bootstrap proportions exhibited some striking differences. In a Bayesian analysis of three data sets (ITS sequences, waxy sequences, and ITS + waxy sequences) no supoort for the monophyly of the genus Ipomoea, or for the tribe Argyreieae, was observed, with the estimate of the probability of the monophyly of these taxa being less than 3.4 x 10(-7).  相似文献   

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