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X-linked forms of retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) are among the most severe, because of their early onset, often leading to significant vision loss before the 4th decade. Previously, the RP15 locus was assigned to Xp22, by linkage analysis of a single pedigree with "X-linked dominant cone-rod degeneration." After clinical reevaluation of a female in this pedigree identified her as affected, we remapped the disease to a 19.5-cM interval (DXS1219-DXS993) at Xp11.4-p21.1. This new interval overlapped both RP3 (RPGR) and COD1. Sequencing of the previously published exons of RPGR revealed no mutations, but a de novo insertion was detected in the new RPGR exon, ORF15. The identification of an RPGR mutation in a family with a severe form of cone and rod degeneration suggests that RPGR mutations may encompass a broader phenotypic spectrum than has previously been recognized in "typical" retinitis pigmentosa.  相似文献   

Retinitis pigmentosa is the name given to a heterogeneous group of hereditary retinal degenerations characterized by progressive visual field loss, pigmentary changes of the retina, abnormal electroretinograms, and, frequently, night blindness. In this study, we investigated a family with dominant cone-rod degeneration, a variant form of retinitis pigmentosa. We used microsatellite markers to test for linkage to the disease locus and excluded all mapped autosomal loci. However, a marker from the short arm of the X chromosome, DXS989, showed 0% recombination to the disease locus, with a maximum lod (log-odds) score of 3.3. On the basis of this marker, the odds favoring X-linked dominant versus autosomal dominant inheritance are > 10(5):1. Haplotype analysis using an additional nine microsatellite markers places the disease locus in the Xp22.13-p22.11 region and excludes other X-linked disease loci causing retinal degeneration. The clinical expression of the retinal degeneration is consistent with X-linked dominant inheritance with milder, variable effects of Lyonization affecting expression in females. On the basis of these data we propose that this family has a novel form of dominant, X-linked cone-rod degeneration with the gene symbol "RP15."  相似文献   

Linkage data between X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) and nine X-chromosomal markers are reported. To test the assignment of XLRP to the Xp21 region (as considered at Human Gene Mapping 8), an analysis of XLRP and six markers flanking this region was undertaken. The XLRP locus was found to be excluded from the chromosome distal to ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) (P = 6.5 X 10(-5]. Further data were accumulated with three more probes proximal to DXS7 (L1.28), the closest linked probe. Multipoint analysis of these data suggests a posterior probability of .94 that XLRP is proximal to DXS7 (L1.28), which has been mapped to the region Xp11.3.  相似文献   

X-linked cone-rod dystrophy (COD1) is a retinal disease that primarily affects the cone photoreceptors; the disease was originally mapped to a limited region of Xp11.4. We evaluated the three families from our original study with new markers and clinically reassessed all key recombinants; we determined that the critical intervals in families 2 and 3 overlapped the RP3 locus and that a status change (from affected to probably unaffected) of a key recombinant individual in family 1 also reassigned the disease locus to include RP3 as well. Mutation analysis of the entire RPGR coding region identified two different 2-nucleotide (nt) deletions in ORF15, in family 2 (delAG) and in families 1 and 3 (delGG), both of which result in a frameshift leading to altered amino acid structure and early termination. In addition, an independent individual with X-linked cone-rod dystrophy demonstrated a 1-nt insertion (insA) in ORF15. The presence of three distinct mutations associated with the same disease phenotype provides strong evidence that mutations in RPGR exon ORF15 are responsible for COD1. Genetic heterogeneity was observed in three other families, including the identification of an in-frame 12-nt deletion polymorphism in ORF15 that did not segregate with the disease in one of these families.  相似文献   

The gene-rich region of Xp11.4-Xp11.3 was characterized by increasing the physical marker density. Sequence tags (STSs) were generated by IRS- and DOP-PCR techniques, subsequent cloning, sequencing, and creation of primer pairs for single-copy sites. A total of 224 novel STSs were collected, providing an average marker density of 18 kb in the Xp11.4-Xp11.3 region which is assumed to be approximately 4 Mb in size. Sequence analysis of generated and established STSs via data base searches identified a novel gene highly homologous with the protein phosphatase 1 inhibitor 2 (IPP-2) and two pseudogenes; all of which map to the approximately 1.5 Mb proximal region of the critical region for X-linked congenital stationary night blindness type I (CSNB1) between markers DXS993 and DXS228. Using well-defined DNA panels, 69 STSs were fine-mapped to this approximately 1.5 Mb region, providing a marker coverage of one marker per 22 kb. No allelic loss was observed when the total STS content was applied to patient DNAs by PCR-mediated amplification. However, given the association of this region with a number of inherited ocular diseases, the data presented here provide valuable tools for genetic linkage and large-scale association studies.  相似文献   

A genetic locus (RP3) for X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) has been assigned to Xp21 by genetic linkage studies and has been supported by two Xp21 male deletion patients with XLRP. RP3 appears to be the most centromeric of several positioned loci, including chronic granulomatous disease (CGD), McLeod phenotype (XK), and Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). In one patient, BB, the X-chromosome deletion includes RP3 and extends to within the DMD locus. Using a DMD cDNA, the centromeric endpoint of this patient was cloned and used as a starting point for chromosome walking along a normal X chromosome. A single-copy probe, XH1.4, positioned near the centromeric junction but deleted in BB, was used along with a CGD cDNA probe to establish a refined long-range physical map. Both probes recognized a common SfiI fragment of 205 kb. As the CGD gene covers approximately 30-60 kb, the RP3 locus has been restricted to approximately 150-170 kb. A CpG island, potentially marking a new gene, was identified within the SfiI fragment at a position approximately 35 kb from the deletion endpoint in BB.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the chromosomal location of the disease-causing gene in a family apparently segregating X-linked optic atrophy. A large family of 45 individuals with a four-generation history of X-linked optic atrophy was reexamined in a full ophthalmic as well as electrophysiological examination. A DNA linkage analysis of the family was undertaken in order to identify the chromosomal location of the disease-causing gene. Linkage analysis was performed with 26 markers that spanned the entire X chromosome. The affected males showed very early onset and slow progression of the disease. Ophthalmic study of the female carriers did not reveal any abnormalities. Close linkage without recombination was found at the MAOB locus (maximum LOD score [Zmax] 4.19). The Zmax - 1 support interval was found at a recombination fraction of .076 distal and .018 proximal to MAOB. Multipoint linkage analysis placed the optic atrophy-causing gene in the Xp11.4-p11.21 interval between markers DXS993 and DXS991, whereas any other localization along the X chromosome could be excluded.  相似文献   

FG syndrome (FGS, MIM 305450) is a rare X-linked recessive disorder comprising mental retardation and multiple malformations. Various families have been described to date, increasing our knowledge of the phenotype variability and making the clinical diagnosis complex, especially in sporadic patients. The first locus for FG syndrome (FGS1) was linked to chromosome region Xq12-q21.31, but other families have been excluded from this locus. The genetic heterogeneity of FG syndrome has been confirmed by analysis of an X chromosome inversion [inv(X)(q11q28)] in an affected boy and in his mentally retarded maternal uncle, suggesting that an additional locus for FG syndrome (FGS2, MIM 300321) is located at either Xq11 or Xq28. Recently, a third locus (FGS3) has been mapped to Xp22.3. We have identified and clinically characterized an Italian FG family, including 31 members with three affected males in two generations and two obligate carriers. We have excluded linkage to known FGS loci, whereas an extensive study of the whole X chromosome has yielded a maximum LOD score (Z(max)) of 2.66 (recombination fraction=0) for markers between DXS8113 and sWXD805. This new locus for FG syndrome corresponds to a region of approximately 4.6 Mb on the X chromosome.  相似文献   

We here report linkage studies in a family suffering from a recently described hereditary muscle disease named X-linked myopathy with excessive autophagy (XMEA). Significant lod scores excluding linkage to the Duchenne-Becker muscular dystrophy locus were found. Several other loci on the short and long arms of the X chromosome produced negative lod scores, whereas probe DX13-7 defining locus DXS15 showed no recombinants and a lod score of z = 0.903 at theta = .0. Further studies should be done to determine whether the gene for XMEA is (1) located at Xq and (2) caused by a mutation of the Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy gene, which has been assigned to the same region.  相似文献   

Linkage relationships of X-linked choroideremia to DXYS1 and DXS3   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Choroideremia is a distinct blinding condtion with an X-linked pattern of inheritance. We have analyzed two RFLPs, DXS3 and DXYS1, for linkage with the choroideremia locus (TCD) within three kindreds. A maximum LOD score of 3.98 was obtained at . Contrary to previous reports, the present data demonstrate that these two RFLPs are not tightly linked to the choroideremia gene locus.  相似文献   

Summary A young female was diagnosed as having X-linked muscular dystrophy of the Duchenne type. Chromosome studies, including trypsin-Giemsa banding, Quinacrine fluorescence, and nucleolus organizer region (NOR) silver staining revealed an X-autosome reciprocal translocation t(X;21) (p21;p12). Utilizing both [3H] thymidine autoradiography and the BrdU-Hoechst 33258-Giemsa technique, lymphocytes and fibroblasts were found to show a preferential inactivation of the normal X suggesting the presence of a single mutant gene on the translocated X. This patient is one of seven reported cases of an X-linked muscular dystrophy associated with an X-autosome translocation. In all seven cases the exchange point in the X chromosome is in band p21 at or near the site of the Duchenne gene.  相似文献   

Kallmann syndrome is a genetically heterogeneous disease characterized by hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and anosmia. Six families in which the disorder followed an X-linked inheritance were investigated by linkage analysis. Diagnostic criteria were uniformly applied and included tests for hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and anosmia. Close linkage was found by using the hypervariable repeated sequence CRI-S232 (DXS278) previously mapped to Xp22.3. At a maximum lod score of 6.5, the recombination fraction was calculated as .03. Of 30 fully informative meioses, one recombination between the disease locus and the loci recognized by probe CRI-S232 was observed. When an independent approach is used, these results confirm the X-linked Kallmann syndrome assignment previously made by deletion mapping, and allow definitive localization of the syndrome assignment previously made by deletion mapping, and allow definitive localization of the syndrome to the Xp22.3 region. This opens the way to carrier detection and to the identification of a gene responsible for this disorder.  相似文献   

A physical map internal to the markers DXS1368 and DXS228 was developed for the p11.4 region of the human X chromosome. Twenty-four BACs and 10 PACs with an average insert size of 149 kb were aligned to form a contig across an estimated 1.4 Mb of DNA. This contig, which has on average fourfold clone coverage, was assembled by STS and EST content analysis using 46 markers, including 8 ESTs, two retinally expressed genes, and 22 new STSs developed from BAC- and PAC-derived DNA sequence. The average intermarker distance was 30 kb. This physical map provides resources for high-resolution mapping as well as suitable clones for large-scale sequencing efforts in Xp11.4, a region known to contain the gene for complete X-linked congenital stationary night blindness.  相似文献   

Linkage of a gene for macular corneal dystrophy to chromosome 16.   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Autosomal recessive macular corneal dystrophy (MCD) is a heterogeneous disorder leading to visual impairment. Sixteen American and Icelandic families (11 type I and 5 type II) were analyzed for linkage, by use of 208 polymorphic microsatellite markers. A significant maximum LOD score Zmax of 7.82 at a maximum recombination fraction (thetamax) of .06 was found with the 16q22 locus D16S518 for MCD type I. In addition, a peak LOD score of 2.50 at a recombination fraction of .00 was obtained for the MCD type II families, by use of the identical marker. These findings raise the possibility that MCD type II may be due to the same genetic locus that is involved in MCD type I.  相似文献   

The beta-lactamase gene from the RP1 plasmid transposes into at least two Pseudomonas putida degradative plasmids. Donor strains that carry RP1 (bla+ tet+ aphA+) and a degradative plasmid yield transconjugants that have only the bla+ marker of RP1. This occurs in up to 80% of all bla+ transconjugants. Segregation of the bla+ marker requires the presence of a degradative plasmid in the donor and is only observed in transconjugants that have received degradative markers. The bla+ tet aphA transconjugants show 100% linkage of bla+ to degradative markers in conjugation,transduction, and transformation crosses. A transduction cross of an (RP1), (SAL) donor shows that 8% of all SAL plasmids also carry the transposed bla+ marker. Tn401 is the name we assign to the bla+ transposon from RP1 observed in Pseudomonas. Its identity with the RP1 bla+ transposon observed in Escherichia coli is not known. In four cases, Tn401 has inserted into the camphor genes of the CAM-OCT plasmid.  相似文献   

Keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans (KFSD) is a rare X-chromosomal disorder. It consists of follicular hyperkeratosis of the skin, scarring alopecia of the scalp, absence of the eyebrows, and corneal degeneration. There is photophobia in childhood, but the symptoms tend to diminish after puberty, and prognosis for vision is good. Some heterozygotes do show clinical symptoms. In a large Dutch pedigree we performed DNA analysis in order to localize the KFSD gene. In 54 individuals, including 21 affected males, RFLP analysis was done using DNA probes covering the X chromosome. Two-point linkage analyses with 19 informative DNA markers revealed significant linkage to DNA probes on Xp21.1-p22.3. The highest lod scores of 5.70 and 4.38 were obtained with DXS41 and DXS16 at a recombination fraction of zero and 4 cM, respectively. Multipoint linkage data place KFSD between DXS16 and DXS269. Our data confirm X linkage of KFSD in this family and tentatively map the gene on Xp22.2-p21.2. Combined with clinical investigation, RFLP analysis may become an important tool in carrier detection.  相似文献   

Tibial muscular dystrophy (TMD) is a rare autosomal dominant distal myopathy with late adult onset. The phenotype is relatively mild: muscle weakness manifests in the patient's early 40s and remains confined to the tibial anterior muscles. Histopathological changes in muscle are compatible with muscular dystrophy, with the exception that rimmed vacuoles are a rather common finding. We performed a genomewide scan, with 279 highly polymorphic Cooperative Human Linkage Center microsatellite markers, on 11 affected individuals of one Finnish TMD family. The only evidence for linkage emerged from markers in a 43-cM region on chromosome 2q. In further linkage analyses, which included three other Finnish TMD families and which used a denser set of markers, a maximum two-point LOD score of 10.14 (recombination fraction of .05) was obtained with marker D2S364. Multipoint likelihood calculations, combined with the haplotype and recombination analyses, restricted the TMD locus to an approximately 1-cM critical chromosomal region without any evidence of heterogeneity. Since all the affecteds share one core haplotype, the dominance of one ancestor mutation is obvious in the Finnish TMD families. The disease locus that was found represents a novel muscular dystrophy locus, providing evidence for the involvement of one additional gene in the distal myopathy group of muscle disorders.  相似文献   

X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous degenerative disease of the retina. At least five loci have been mapped for XLRP; of these, RP2 and RP3 account for 10%-20% and 70%-90% of genetically identifiable disease, respectively. However, mutations in the respective genes, RP2 and RPGR, were detected in only 10% and 20% of families with XLRP. Mutations in an alternatively spliced RPGR exon, ORF15, have recently been shown to account for 60% of XLRP in a European cohort of 47 families. We have performed, in a North American cohort of 234 families with RP, a comprehensive screen of the RP2 and RPGR (including ORF15) genes and their 5' upstream regions. Of these families, 91 (39%) show definitive X-linked inheritance, an additional 88 (38%) reveal a pattern consistent with X-linked disease, and the remaining 55 (23%) are simplex male patients with RP who had an early onset and/or severe disease. In agreement with the previous studies, we show that mutations in the RP2 gene and in the original 19 RPGR exons are detected in <10% and approximately 20% of XLRP probands, respectively. Our studies have revealed RPGR-ORF15 mutations in an additional 30% of 91 well-documented families with X-linked recessive inheritance and in 22% of the total 234 probands analyzed. We suggest that mutations in an as-yet-uncharacterized RPGR exon(s), intronic changes, or another gene in the region might be responsible for the disease in the remainder of this North American cohort. We also discuss the implications of our studies for genetic diagnosis, genotype-phenotype correlations, and gene-based therapy.  相似文献   

Summary X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) is a series of hereditary dystrophic diseases of the retina that occur in three clinically distinguishable variants: the classic form (McK-31360), a type known as choroidoretinal dystrophy (McK-30330), and a variant with golden-metallic or tapetal reflex in the heterozygote (McK30320). Controversy exists as to whether these phenotypic differences are due to clinical variability in disease expression, heterogeneity in disease alleles at a single locus, or a multiplicity of loci for XLRP. We have studied a single large kindred segregating for XLRP with the metallic fundus reflex in the heterozygote with restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) from the short arm of the human X chromosome, and found measurable linkage to DXS7 (=12.5 cMorgans at LOD=2.5), the same RFLP previously shown by others to be tightly linked to the other forms of XLRP at =3cM. Although these estimates appeared to be different, each fell just within the 95% probability interval of the other and, therefore, were insufficient to prove or disprove that the metallic sheen form of XLRP is allelic with other forms of XLRP. Additional RFLPs at the DXS43 and the ornithine transcarbamoylase loci provided three-point crosses for determining the relative positions of DXS7 and XLRP, and supported an order that placed this form of XLRP distal to DXS7 on the Xp. Until the question of genetic heterogeneity is resolved, careful phenotypic characterization of the clinical type of XLRP present in families being used for linkage analyses is advisable.Presented in part at the American Society of Human Genetics meeting, Toronto, Canada, November 1, 1984  相似文献   

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