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The crystal structure of the variant-3 protein neurotoxin from the scorpion Centruroides sculpturatus Ewing has been refined at 1.2 A resolution using restrained least-squares. The final model includes 492 non-hydrogen protein atoms, 453 protein hydrogen atoms, eight 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol (MPD) solvent atoms, and 125 water oxygen atoms. The variant-3 protein model geometry deviates from ideal bond lengths by 0.024 A and from ideal angles by 3.6 degrees. The crystallographic R-factor for structure factors calculated from the final model is 0.192 for 17,706 unique reflections between 10.0 to 1.2 A. A comparison between the models of the initial 1.8 A and the 1.2 A refinement shows a new arrangement of the previously poorly defined residues 31 to 34. Multiple conformations are observed for four cysteine residues and an MPD oxygen atom. The electron density indicates that disulfide bonds between Cys12 and Cys65 and between Cys29 and Cys48 have two distinct side-chain conformations. A molecule of MPD bridges neighboring protein molecules in the crystal lattice, and both MPD enantiomers are present in the crystal. A total of 125 water molecules per molecule of protein are included in the final model with B-values ranging from 11 to 52 A2 and occupancies from unity down to 0.4. Comparisons between the 1.2 A and 1.8 A models, including the bound water structure and crystal packing contacts, are emphasized.  相似文献   

3 beta, 17 beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3 beta 17 beta HSDH) is an NAD-dependent dehydrogenase which has a double specificity for the 3- and 17-positions on the steroid skeleton. When dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is used as steroid substrate, and the assay coupled with ketosteroid-isomerase, the two reactions occur alternately and each reaction on the 3-position produces a chromophoric molecule. These two reactions can follow one another without dissociation of the coenzyme from the enzyme binding site. This is confirmed by competition experiments with another dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Zhorov BS  Lin SX 《Proteins》2000,38(4):414-427
17 beta-Estradiol (E2) is a potent stimulator of certain forms of breast cancer. The final step of E2 biosynthesis is catalyzed by the estrogenic 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17 beta-HSD1), which is an important target for anti-cancer drugs. X-ray crystallography indicated that the binding site for the steroids has a tunnel-like shape. We have used a Monte Carlo-Minimization (MCM) protocol to explore possibilities of interactions of E2 with the binding site tunnel of 17 beta-HSD1. The enzyme was represented by flexible residues having at least one atom within 6 A from either E2 or NADP (as seen in a crystal ternary complex) and by rigid residues having at least one atom within 10 A from E2 or NADP. Special constraints were used to pull the substrate 10 A along the tunnel with 1 A step; the complex was MCM-optimized at each position of the steroid. The optimal binding mode of E2 in 17 beta-HSD agrees with the crystallographic data; however, wide and flat minima of the MCM profile suggest alternative modes of the steroid binding. The advance of the steroid along the tunnel is accompanied by essential conformational rearrangements of the enzyme side chains, noticeable rotation of the substrate along its longitudinal axis, and certain conformational deformations of the substrate. The contributions of the enzyme residues and of the steroid atoms to the intermolecular energy were estimated.  相似文献   

Steroid hormones share a very similar structure, but they behave distinctly. We present structures of human estrogenic 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17beta-HSD1) complexes with dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT), providing the first pictures to date of DHEA and DHT bound to a protein. Comparisons of these structures with that of the enzyme complexed with the most potent estrogen, estradiol, revealed the structural basis and general model for sex hormone recognition and discrimination. Although the binding cavity is almost entirely composed of hydrophobic residues that can make only nonspecific interactions, the arrangement of residues is highly complementary to that of the estrogenic substrate. Relatively small changes in the shape of the steroid hormone can significantly affect the binding affinity and specificity. The K(m) of estrone is more than 1000-fold lower than that of DHEA and the K(m) of estradiol is about 10 times lower than that of DHT. The structures suggest that Leu-149 is the primary contributor to the discrimination of C-19 steroids and estrogens by 17beta-HSD1. The critical role of Leu-149 has been well confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis experiments, as the Leu-149 --> Val variant showed a significantly decreased K(m) for C-19 steroids while losing discrimination between estrogens and C-19 steroids. The electron density of DHEA also revealed a distortion of its 17-ketone toward a beta-oriented form, which approaches the transition-state conformation for DHEA reduction.  相似文献   

A novel 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17beta-HSD) chronologically named type 12 17beta-HSD (17beta-HSD12), that transforms estrone (E1) into estradiol (E2) was identified by sequence similarity with type 3 17beta-HSD (17beta-HSD3) that catalyzes the formation of testosterone from androstenedione in the testis. Both are encoded by large genes spanning 11 exons, most of them showing identical size. Using human embryonic kidney-293 cells stably expressing 17beta-HSD12, we have found that the enzyme catalyzes selectively and efficiently the transformation of E1 into E2, thus identifying its role in estrogen formation, in contrast with 17beta-HSD3, the enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of the androgen testosterone in the testis. Using real-time PCR to quantify mRNA in a series of human tissues, the expression levels of 17beta-HSD12 as well as two other enzymes that perform the same transformation of E1 into E2, namely type 1 17beta-HSD and type 7 17beta-HSD, it was found that 17beta-HSD12 mRNA is the most highly expressed in the ovary and mammary gland. To obtain a better understanding of the structural basis of the difference in substrate specificity between 17beta-HSD3 and 17beta-HSD12, we have performed tridimensional structure modelization using the coordinates of type 1 17beta-HSD and site-directed mutagenesis. The results show the potential role of bulky amino acid F234 in 17beta-HSD12 that blocks the entrance of androstenedione. Overall, our results strongly suggest that 17beta-HSD12 is the major estrogenic 17beta-HSD responsible for the conversion of E1 to E2 in women, especially in the ovary, the predominant source of estrogens before menopause.  相似文献   

Increasing doses of estradiol-17 beta added to in vitro incubations inhibited pregnenolone-induced germinal vesicle breakdown in Rana pipiens ovarian follicles. The inhibition was reversed with increasing concentrations or pregnenolone added to the medium. Because no evidence of estradiol-17 beta inhibition or interaction with progesterone-induced GVBD was observed, the effect of estradiol-17 beta on the conversion of 3H-pregnenolone to 3H-progesterone was investigated. Estradiol-17 beta in doses as low as 10(-7) M significantly inhibited the conversion of 3H-pregnenolone to 3H-progesterone in follicles incubated in vitro. It is suggested that estradiol-17 beta is a feedback inhibitor of 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-isomerase, the enzyme complex that converts pregnenolone to progesterone, a necessary step in the initiation of GVBD.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that the native 7alpha-hydroxy-dehydroepiandrosterone (7alpha-hydroxy-DHEA) is a substrate for the human 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1) which converts the 7alpha- into the 7beta-epimer through an oxido-reduction process. Research on the 11beta-HSD1 has investigated its function and structure through using native glucocorticoid substrates and known inhibitors. Other steroid substrates are also of interest. Among testosterone metabolites, 5alpha-androstane-3beta,17beta-diol (Adiol) is a substrate for the cytochrome P450 7B1 which produces 5alpha-androstane-3beta,7alpha,17beta-triol (7alpha-Adiol). This steroid may be a substrate for the 11beta-HSD1. We used recombinant yeast-expressed 11beta-HSD1 with NADP(H)-regenerating systems for examining the products obtained after incubation with 7alpha-Adiol, 7beta-Adiol or 7-oxo-Adiol. Oxidative conditions for the 11beta-HSD1 provided no trace of 7-oxo-Adiol but the inter-conversion of 7alpha- and 7beta-hydroxy-Adiol with V(max)/K(M) (pmol min(-1) microg(-1)/microM) values of 2 and 0.5, respectively. This state was maintained under reductive conditions. The use of a 7-oxo-Adiol substrate under reductive conditions led to the production of both 7alpha- and 7beta-hydroxy-Adiol with V(max)/K(M) values of 3.43 and 0.22, respectively. These findings support the hypothesis that the oxido-reductase and epimerase activities of 11beta-HSD1 depend on the positioning of the steroid substrates within the active site and may provide insight into its fine structure and mechanism of action.  相似文献   

The structure of holo-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from Bacillus stearothermophilus has been crystallographically refined at 1.8 A resolution using restrained least-squares refinement methods. The final crystallographic R-factor for 93,120 reflexions with F greater than 3 sigma (F) is 0.177. The asymmetric unit of the crystal contains a complete tetramer, the final model of which incorporates a total of 10,272 unique protein and coenzyme atoms together with 677 bound solvent molecules. The structure has been analysed with respect to molecular symmetry, intersubunit contacts, coenzyme binding and active site geometry. The refined model shows the four independent subunits to be remarkable similar apart from local deviations due to intermolecular contacts within the crystal lattice. A number of features are revealed that had previously been misinterpreted from an earlier 2.7 A electron density map. Arginine at position 195 (previously thought to be a glycine) contributes to the formation of the anion binding sites in the active site pocket, which are involved in binding of the substrate and inorganic phosphates during catalysis. This residue seems to be structurally equivalent to the conserved Arg194 in the enzyme from other sources. In the crystal both of the anion binding sites are occupied by sulphate ions. The ND atom of the catalytically important His176 is hydrogen-bonded to the main-chain carbonyl oxygen of Ser177, thus fixing the plane of the histidine imidazole ring and preventing rotation. The analysis has revealed the presence of several internal salt-bridges stabilizing the tertiary and quaternary structure. A significant number of buried water molecules have been found that play an important role in the structural integrity of the molecule.  相似文献   

Isoflavones and others phytoestrogens have been suggested to be anticarcinogenic. Anti-aromatase, antiestrogenic or antiproliferative actions of these compounds have been postulated and related to the observation that there is a reduced incidence of breast cancer associated with diet. In this study, we explored some mechanisms by which they can exert cancer-preventive effects. Phytoestrogens were tested for estimating anti-aromatase, anti-3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase delta5/delta4 isomerase (3beta-HSD) and anti-17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17beta-HSD) activities in human placental microsomes. We found that isoflavonoids and compounds which presented the phenolic B ring in the 3 position on the pyran ring preferentially inhibited 3beta-HSD and/or 17beta-HSD activities than aromatase activity. We also evaluated their interactions with the estrogen receptor using a stably transfected human breast cancer cell line (MVLN). On the other hand phytoestrogens were evaluated for their effects on the proliferation in estrogen-dependent (MCF-7) and independent (MDA-MB231) human breast cancer cells. We established a relationship structure-activity and determined regions or/and substituents essential for these different activities. However, at high concentrations it seems that some phytoestrogens exert their protection against breast cancer through other estrogen-independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

When a crude extract of Pseudomonas testosteroni induced with testosterone was subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, six bands that stained for 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity was observed. A protein fraction containing the enzyme corresponding to the fastest migrating band and devoid of the other hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activities has been obtained. This preparation appears to be distinct from the previously isolated 3(17) beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (EC in its chromatography properties on DEAE-cellulose, substrate and cofactor specificity, immunological properties and heat stability. The preparation appears devoid of 3alpha-, 3beta-, 11beta-, 17alpha-, 20alpha-, and 20beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activities. The enzyme transfers th 4-pro-S-hydrogen of NADH from estradiol-17beta (1,3,5(10)estratriene-3,17beta-diol) to estrone (3-hydroxy-1,3,5(10)-estratriene-17-one).  相似文献   

3 beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/steroid isomerase has been purified to homogeneity from bovine adrenal glands. A single protein of molecular weight 42,090 +/- 40 containing both enzyme activities has been isolated. Approximately 86% of the amino acid sequence of the bovine adrenal 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/steroid isomerase has been obtained by sequencing peptides isolated from digests with trypsin and lysyl endopeptidase and by chemical cleavage with CNBr. The sequence obtained is identical with that of the deduced amino acid sequence of the bovine ovarian 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/steroid isomerase [Zhao et al. (1989) FEBS Lett. 259, 153-157], with the exception that the N-terminal methionine residue found in the bovine ovarian sequence is not present in the mature bovine adrenal enzyme. On the basis of the primary structure and comparisons with other NAD+ binding proteins, we propose a structural model of the bovine adrenal 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/steroid isomerase localizing the NAD+ binding site as well as the membrane-anchoring segment.  相似文献   

Lobster apo-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was prepared by first lowering the pH to 4.8, thus reducing the NAD binding energy, and then separating the enzyme and coenzyme on a Sephadex column. Triclinic crystals were grown from an ammonium sulfate solution at pH 6.2. The apo-structure was initially determined approximately by comparison with the known hologlyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase molecule. The former was then refined using the 222 molecular symmetry with the molecular replacement technique. Only minor conformational differences were observed between apo and holo-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Trp193 in the “S loop” and the adenine-binding pocket showed the most significant changes.  相似文献   

Trilostan (240, 360 and 480 mg/day administered p.o. to healthy men) induced an increase (P less than 0.05) in the urinary excretion rates of DHEA, androstenediol and pregnenolone but failed to influence the excretion rates of cortisol, aldosterone, and of the four glucocorticoid metabolites, THF, allo-THF, THE and allo-THE. A rise in plasma renin concentrations was seen in the initial phase of the trial. Administration of dexamethasone in addition to trilostan suppressed plasma and urinary concentrations of cortisol and the excretion rates of all estimated steroid metabolites but did not modify the relative abundance in the excretion rates of DHEA, androstenediol and pregnenolone. These results confirm that trilostan interferes with the activity of 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in man. However, under physiological conditions production of cortisol and aldosterone is kept at a constant level, most likely by compensatory stimulation of the secretion of ACTH and renin.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase, the most abundant aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) of cod liver, has been determined at 2.1 A resolution by the X-ray crystallographic method of molecular replacement. This enzyme represents a novel structure of the highly multiple ALDH, with at least 12 distinct classes in humans. This betaine ALDH of class 9 is different from the two recently determined ALDH structures (classes 2 and 3). Like these, the betaine ALDH structure has three domains, one coenzyme binding domain, one catalytic domain, and one oligomerization domain. Crystals grown in the presence or absence of NAD+ have very similar structures and no significant conformational change occurs upon coenzyme binding. This is probably due to the tight interactions between domains within the subunit and between subunits in the tetramer. The oligomerization domains link the catalytic domains together into two 20-stranded pleated sheet structures. The overall structure is similar to that of the tetrameric bovine class 2 and dimeric rat class 3 ALDH, but the coenzyme binding with the nicotinamide in anti conformation, resembles that of class 2 rather than of class 3.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of quinoprotein methylamine dehydrogenase from Thiobacillus versutus has been determined at 2.25 A resolution by a combination of multiple isomorphous replacement, phase extension by solvent flattening and partial structure phasing using molecular dynamics refinement. In the resulting map, the polypeptide chain for both subunits could be followed and an X-ray sequence was established. The tetrameric enzyme, made up of two heavy (H) and two light (L) subunits, is a flat parallellepiped with overall dimensions of approximately 76 x 61 x 45 A. The H subunit, comprising 370 residues, is made up of two distinct segments: the first 31 residues form an extension which embraces one of the L subunits; the remaining residues are found in a disc-shaped domain. This domain is formed by a circular arrangement of seven topologically identical four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheets, with approximately 7-fold symmetry. In spite of distinct differences, this arrangement is reminiscent of the structure found in influenza virus neuraminidase. The L subunit consists of 121 residues, out of which 53 form a beta-sheet scaffold of a central three-stranded antiparallel sheet flanked by two shorter two-stranded antiparallel sheets. The remaining residues are found in segments of irregular structure. This subunit is stabilized by six disulphide bridges, plus two covalent bridges involving the quinone co-factor and residues 57 and 107 of this subunit. The active site is located in a channel at the interface region between the H and L subunits, and the electron density in this part of the molecule suggests that the co-factor of this enzyme is not pyrrolo quinoline quinone (PQQ) itself, but might be instead a precursor of PQQ.  相似文献   

The 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (17beta-HSDs) catalyze the interconversion between the oxidized and reduced forms of androgens and estrogens at the 17 position. The 17beta-HSD type 1 enzyme (17beta-HSD1) catalyzes the reduction of estrone (E1) to estradiol and is expressed in malignant breast cells. Inhibitors of this enzyme thus have potential as treatments for hormone dependent breast cancer. Syntheses and biological evaluation of novel non-steroidal inhibitors designed to mimic the E1 template are reported using information from potent steroidal inhibitors. Of the templates investigated biphenyl ethanone was promising and led to inhibitors with IC(50) values in the low micromolar range.  相似文献   

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