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Depending on the organization of their receptive fields and character of their responses to shaped visual stimuli the following main groups of visual cortical neurons were distinguished in the squirrelSciurus vulgaris: nonselective for direction of movement and orientation of stimuli (14%); selective for direction of movement (30%) and selective for line orientation (49%); 7% of neurons were not classified. Cells selective for direction of movement and some nonselective cells exhibited specific sensitivity to high speeds of stimulus movement (optimal velocities of the order of hundreds of degrees per second). Neurons selective for line orientation differed in the degree of overlapping of their on- and off-zones; they could include analogs of simple and complex neurons.A. N. Severtsov Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology of Animals, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 125–231, March–April, 1981.  相似文献   

Characteristics of temporal summation in neurons of area 17 of the visual cortex in acute experiments on unanesthetized, immobilized cats. During light adaptation, extracellular spike responses of these neurons to optimal local photic stimuli of varied duration — from 5 to 1000 msec — were studied. The critical duration of temporal summation of excitation, determined by the supraliminal method using the criterion of maximal discharge frequency in the first volley of the spike response, varied in different cells from 5 to 100 msec; neurons with summation lasting 15–100 msec (mean 31.45±5.67 msec) were found most frequently. Neurons with central receptive fields differed significantly from cellswith peripheral fields in the shorter critical duration of temporal summation, the lower frequency of spontaneous discharges, and the shorter duration of the first volley of the response. Summation time in neurons with simple receptive fields was significantly shorter than in neurons with complex receptive fields. The results of these experiments are compared with data in the literature obtained by the study of retinal and lateral geniculate neurons in cats and are discussed from the stand-point of division of ascending afferent projections in the visual system into X-and Y-groups (Ia and Ib).Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 345–352, July–August, 1981.  相似文献   

Orientation tuning of 148 primary visual cortical neurons was studied in acute experiments on unanesthetized, curarized cats by analysis of their spike responses to flashes in a receptive field of a bar of light of optimal size. Orientation tuning of 88 neurons (59%) was found to be bimodal: Besides the principal preferred orientation there was a second, making an angle with the first. The second tuning maximum in some cases (64%) was exhibited only with a change in stimulus intensity or background brightness. Analysis of orientation tuning by the time-slice method, i.e., on the basis of individual cuts of the spike trace, showed double tuning to be present in 69% of cases only at certain moments after the beginning of stimulation. The results of analysis of the model showed that the double orientation tuning effect may be the result of the specific configuration of the receptive field, the use of a stimulus longer than the receptive field, the presence of a series of alternating excitatory and inhibitory zones in the receptive field, and also of end inhibitory zones on the narrow ends of the field. The unequal change in zones of the receptive fields in time explains the appearance of double orientation tuning in individual fragments of the spike trace. The functional role of double, "cross-wise" tuning in some primary visual cortical neurons and their role in the detection of the features of visual patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

Orientational tuning of primary visual cortical unit activity was investigated in acute experiments on cats immobilized by a muscle relaxant, by the time slices method. Poststimulus histograms of responses of a neuron to presentation of a flashing bar of light in the center of its receptive field, with different orientations, were plotted; graphs of orientational tuning with respect to mean discharge frequency in consecutive time cuts of the responses with a 10 or 20 msec step were then plotted. Orientational tuning in all cortical neurons studied exhibited considerable dynamic changes in sharpness and preferred orientation. In two thirds of cells an effect of scanning a certain part of the range of orientations was observed, in the form of a successive shift of the maximum of the orientational tuning curve from some preferred orientations to others was discovered. The possible functional significance of spike discharges of visual cortical neurons is discussed.Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 451–459, September–October, 1981.  相似文献   

A group of functional characteristics of 103 neurons in visual cortical area 17 was investigated in acute experiments on curarized, light-adapted cats during a change in various parameters of the local photic stimuli. The average threshold sensitivity of the neuron population was 32 dB (0.052 nit), the sharpness of orientation tuning was 37°, the critical summation time was 57 msec, and the reactivity recovery time 190 msec. Photic sensitivity was lower during light adaptation than during dark adaptation, orientation selectivity of the neurons was increased, temporal summation was lengthened, and the time required by the neuron to recovery from after-inhibition was shortened. Several properties of the cortical neurons depended on the accentricity of their receptive fields: Cells with centrally localized receptive fields on average had lower thresholds and shorter summation time and they recovered their reactivity more quickly; their activity was of a higher frequency and they more often generated short phasic discharges than neurons with receptive fields in the peripheral part of the visual field. The mechanisms responsible for changes in the properties of neurons in the central and peripheral visual channels during dark and light adaptation are discussed. The presence of several inhibitory subsystems in the cortex regulating unit activity in the primary visual projection area is postulated.  相似文献   

The receptive fields of complex neurons within area 18 of the cerebral cortex of the cat were determined by a computer-assisted method using a moving light bar substantially shorter than the long diameter of the receptive field as a visual stimulus. The visual cells repeatedly generated nerve impulses when the stimulus crossed well-defined active points within their receptive fields. Outside of these active points, the cells remained silent. It is suggested that the receptive fields are formed by a discontinuous accumulation of such active points. When the electrical activities of two neighbouring visual neurons are recorded simultaneously, their active points do not coincide. In addition, some active points were located outside the most prominent excitatory part of the receptive field of the studied cells. Individual visual cells typically differ in the number and distribution of active points. Since these cells best respond to a stimulus moving in a certain direction, it is suggested that they may act as direction of movement and/or velocity detectors. Alternate firing of a number of neighboring cells connected to a distributed pattern of peripheral receptors may form a system which is able to code for velocity and direction of the moving stimulus.  相似文献   

Receptive fields of auditory cortical neurons were studied by electrical stimulation of nerve fibers in different parts of the cochlea in cats anesthetized with pentobarbital. The dimensions of the receptive fields were shown to depend on the topographic arrangement of the neuron in the auditory cortex. The more caudad the neuron on the cortical projection of the cochlea in the primary auditory cortex, the more extensive its receptive field. The receptive fields were narrowest in the basal turn of the cochlea and were symmetrical with respect to their center. It is suggested that the region of finest discrimination of acoustic stimuli in cats is located in the basal region of the cochlea, i.e., in that part of its receptor system which has the narrowest receptive field and is represented by significantly more (than the middle and apical regions of the cochlea) nerve cells in the primary auditory cortex [1].A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 467–473, September–October, 1981.  相似文献   

We investigated the impulse activity of 103 neurons in cats anesthetized with a mixture of chloralose and urethane. The following response characteristics were studied in detail: 1) the latent period of the first impulse as a function of tone intensity; 2) threshold as a function of duration; 3) the frequency-threshold curves under the action of short (1–2 msec) and long (100–200 msec) tones; 4) the discharge "pattern" and the number of impulses under the action of signals with different durations and intensities. We demonstrated that the temporal characteristics of different neurons exhibit substantial differences. The high positive correlation among the temporal characteristics investigated enabled us to distinguish three groups of neurons. The first group was characterized by the following properties: a) short latent periods with a threshold tone intensity; 2) a short summation time (or none at all); 3) similarity of the frequency-threshold curves for short and long signals; 4) an initial on-discharge of 1–3 impulses. The second group was characterized by: 1) long latent periods with a threshold tone intensity; 2) pronounced temporal summation; 3) steeper frequency-threshold curves when the tone duration was increased; 4) prolonged discharge.I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 137–146, September–October, 1969.  相似文献   

Depression of the cat cortical visual evoked potential by soman   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of intravenous administration of the anticholinesterase agent soman (pinacolyl methylphosphonofluoridate, 3-15 micrograms/kg) on the visual evoked potential (VEP) were examined in cats using phase-reversed sine wave grating stimuli of different spatial frequencies and contrasts. Doses of 5-7 micrograms/kg caused a depression of the VEP across all spatial frequencies in an abrupt, non-graded fashion. Studies in which contrast was varied showed that VEP depression resulted primarily from a decrease in the system gain rather than a change in the contrast sensitivity, and that response depression increased with increasing contrast. The dominant changes in gain revealed by these studies are consistent with a modulation of potassium conductance in the cell membrane which previous studies have shown to be dependent on a cholinergic mechanism.  相似文献   

Responses of 246 auditory cortical neurons to paired and repetitive stimulation of geniculo-cortical fibers were studied in experiments on cats immobilized with tubocurarine. The refractory period (RP) varied from 1 to 200 msec in different neurons. For neurons excited antidromically it varied from 1 to 3 msec. Among neurons excited monosynaptically there were some with a short (1.3–6 msec), medium, (8–16 msec) or long (30–100 msec) refractory period. Most neurons excited polysynaptically had a RP of mean length. RPs 30–200 msec in length were due to inhibition arising in the neuron after conditioning stimulation. In some neurons, after a short (1.5–2.0 msec) initial period of refractoriness there was a temporary (for 2–3 msec) recovery of responsiveness, followed by another period of ineffectiveness of the testing stimulus lasting 30–100 msec. Barbiturates selectively inhibited long-latency unit responses in the auditory cortex and during their action the number of responding neurons with a mean RP decreased sharply. The results demonstrate functional heterogeneity of auditory cortical neurons responding to an incoming volley of afferent impulses.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 236–245, May–June, 1973.  相似文献   

Activity of 28 identified neurones of the visual cortex was recorded in cats immobilized by d-tubocurarine. Stimulation of the callosal body with a single stimulus or high-frequency train elicited a short-latency antidromic reaction of neurones in the visual cortex whose axons constitute the main part of the large cerebral commissure. Some commissural neurones responded to a single callosal stimulation by two action potentials the first one being antidromic, the second one being of long-latency postsynaptic origin. The second action potential was generated as a result of activation of axonal collaterals of the same neurone or the neighboring callosal neurones. More than a half of callosal neurones responded to a single stimulation of the lateral geniculate body by short-latency antidromic discharges and by long-latency postsynaptic reactions. These data indicate the existence of the systems of two-way neuronal connections, i.e. calloso-geniculate and geniculo-callosal ones.  相似文献   

The mouse is emerging as an important model for understanding how sensory neocortex extracts cues to guide behavior, yet little is known about how these cues are processed beyond primary cortical areas. Here, we used two-photon calcium imaging in awake mice to compare visual responses in primary visual cortex (V1) and in two downstream target areas, AL and PM. Neighboring V1 neurons had diverse stimulus preferences spanning five octaves in spatial and temporal frequency. By contrast, AL and PM neurons responded best to distinct ranges of stimulus parameters. Most strikingly, AL neurons preferred fast-moving stimuli while PM neurons preferred slow-moving stimuli. By contrast, neurons in V1, AL, and PM demonstrated similar selectivity for stimulus orientation but not for stimulus direction. Based on these findings, we predict that area AL helps guide behaviors involving fast-moving stimuli (e.g., optic flow), while area PM?helps guide behaviors involving slow-moving objects.  相似文献   

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