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The design of the scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) has been conceived to optimize its detection efficiency of the different elastic and inelastic signals resulting from the interaction of the high energy primary electrons with the specimen. Its potential use to visualize and measure biological objects was recognized from the first studies by Crewe and coworkers in the seventies. Later the real applications have not followed the initial hopes. The purpose of the present paper is to describe how the instrument has practically evolved and recently begun to demonstrate all its potentialities for quantitative electron microscopy of a wide range of biological specimens, from freeze-dried isolated macromolecules to unstained cryosections. Emphasis will be put on the mass-mapping, multi-signal and elemental mapping modes which are unique features of the STEM instruments.  相似文献   

Scanning and transmission electron microscopy was applied for a morphological study of three strains of Bifidobacterium grown on solid or liquid media. The pronounced pleomorphism of the cultures previously observed by light microscopy was confirmed. A possible sequence of the morphological events during transformation from one to another pleomorphic form is proposed for B. bifidum and B. longum. Ultrastructural differences such as the formation of extensive mesosomal complexes in B. longum and characteristic plasmalemma particles only observed in the B. bifidum mutant are described and discussed.  相似文献   

The oocyst wall of Isospora lacazei from sparrows was studied with scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy. In TEM, the oocyst wall consisted of four distinct layers (L1-4). The innermost layer, L1, was moderately electron-lucent and 240--285 nm thick; L2 was electron-dense and 210--240 nm thick; L3 was moderately electron-lucent and 15--150 nm thick; L4, the outer most layer, was discontinuous and consisted of electron-dense discoid bodies which measured 180--220 nm x 320--840 nm. The discoid bodies of L4 as seen by TEM appeared spheroid in shape when observed by SEM. One or two membranes were situated on or between various layers of the oocyst wall. One such membrane occurred on the inner margin of L1, two closely applied membranes were interposed between L1 and L2, one membrane occurred between L2 and L3, and one membrane on the outer margin of L3.  相似文献   

The exine stereostructure (scanning electron microscopy) and ultrastructure (transmission electron microscopy) of pollen of seven grass species, is related to the allergens extracted from these pollen grains. The heterogeneity of the allergens was studied by the immunoprint technique and revealed by labelling the binding of grass pollen sensitive patients IgE antibodies. Using patient sera recognizing a very restricted number of allergens, we showed that a group of pollen had a great number of allergens in common (Dactylis, Agrostis, Festuca, Lolium, Holcus) and, in decreasing cross reactivities order, we found Avena and, finally, Zea mays. The tectum stereostructure shows presence of insulae in all pollen grains except in Zea mays which has small isolated spinules. These insulae are separated by very wide and deep interinsular spaces in Avena sativa with connections between insulae. In the remaining species, no connections were seen between the insulae. These observations were in good correlation with the immunological cross-reactivity of the allergens present in the pollen. In all species, there are microperforations in the bottom of the interinsular spaces, which are the opening of the tectal microchannels.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy of Drosophila   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

In order to study the morphological aspects of endothelial regeneration and vascular wall reaction after microvascular anastomosis, rat femoral arteries were sectioned and successively sutured (end-to-end anastomosis) with microsurgical techniques. Control arteries and anastomosed vessels (recovered after 1, 4, 7, 14, 21, 30, 60, 120, 180 and 360 days) were studied by means of scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The reendothelialization phenomena started after 7 days and were mainly evident at 21 days. Areas of subendothelial connective tissue with fibrin deposition remained exposed to the blood stream up to 21-30 days. Thrombus formations or post-anastomotic stenosis have been occasionally observed. Regenerating endothelium showed evident morphological differences from the control. These changes mainly consisted of shortened cell length, absence of pinocytotic vesicles, presence of cytoplasmic prolongations, and microvillous proliferations. The arterial wall showed subintimal thickening. The anastomotic site appeared completely covered by new endothelium after 30-60 days. Subintimal vascular wall changes (thickening of the media) as well as slight alterations of endothelial cells (shortened length, reduced number of pinocytotic vesicles) were evident in 60-day vessels. Lumen reduction, due to the protruding of endothelial-covered sutures, was occasionally observed in 60- to 120-day arteries. Endothelial cell morphology normalized after 60-120 days. However, thickening of the media and occasional lumen reduction were observed also after 180-360 days. Although the endothelial regeneration phenomena were clearly evident after 2 weeks, nevertheless the reestablishment of arterial wall took longer time.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Researchers have used transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to make contributions to cell biology for well over 50 years, and TEM continues to be an important technology in our field. We briefly present for the neophyte the components of a TEM-based study, beginning with sample preparation through imaging of the samples. We point out the limitations of TEM and issues to be considered during experimental design. Advanced electron microscopy techniques are listed as well. Finally, we point potential new users of TEM to resources to help launch their project.Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been an important technology in cell biology ever since it was first used in the early 1940s. The most frequently used TEM application in cell biology entails imaging stained thin sections of plastic-embedded cells by passage of an electron beam through the sample such that the beam will be absorbed and scattered, producing contrast and an image (see
Beem capsulePlastic forms that hold samples in resin during polymerization
Blocks (bullets)Polymerized samples in plastic removed from the Beem capsule and ready to section
Block faceSmall surface trimmed on a block before sectioning
BoatWater reservoir in which sections float after being cut by a knife
CLEMCorrelative light and electron microscopy
DehydrationRemoval of water from a sample by replacement with solvent
Electron tomography (ET)A method to image thick sections (200–300 nm) and produce three-dimensional images
EmbeddingProcess of infiltrating the sample with resin
FixationSample preservation with low temperature and/or chemicals to maintain sample integrity
GridSmall metal support that holds the sections for viewing in the electron microscope
HPF/FSHigh-pressure freezing/freeze substitution sample preparation technique
Immuno-EMDetection of proteins in EM samples using antibodies
In-FXXKing credible!!!!Actual user quote in response to particularly beautiful sample. You may embellish with your own words.
KnifeA very sharp edge, either glass or diamond, used to slice off resin-embedded samples into sections
Pre-embedding labelingApplication of antibodies before fixation and embedding
Post-embedding labelingApplication of antibodies to sections on the grid
PoststainingStaining with heavy metals of sections on a grid
ResinLiquid form of the plastics used for embedding
RibbonCollection of serial sections placed on the grid
Serials sectionsOne-after-the-other thin sections in a ribbon
TEMTransmission electron microscopy
Thin sectionsThe 60- to 70-nm sections cut from the samples in blocks
TrimmingProcess of cutting away excess resin to create a block face
UltramicrotomeInstrument used to cut sections
Vitrification/vitreous iceUnordered ice in which samples can be viewed without fix or stain
Open in a separate windowTEM has proven valuable in the analysis of nearly every cellular component, including the cytoskeleton, membrane systems, organelles, and cilia, as well as specialized structures in differentiated cells, such as microvilli and the synaptonemal complex. There is simply no way to visualize the complexity of cells and see cellular structures without TEM. Despite its power, the use of TEM does have limitations. Among the limitations are the relatively small data set of cells that can be imaged in detail, the obligate use of fixed—therefore deceased—cells, and the ever-present potential for fixation and staining artifacts. However, many of these artifacts are well known and have been catalogued (e.g., Bozzola and Russell, 1999 ; Maunsbach and Afzelius, 1999) .A typical TEM experiment consists of two phases: the live-cell experiment, in which a cell type, possibly a mutant, is grown under given conditions for analysis, followed by preparation of the specimen and imaging by TEM. Specimen preparation for conventional TEM is comprehensively reviewed in Hayat (1970) and briefly described here (Figure 1).Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1:A brief flowchart showing the work to be done with different types of sample preparation for conventional electron microscopy (yellow background). The advanced cryo-EM techniques are shown with a blue background. For immuno-EM, the samples can be stained before embedding (pre-embedding staining) or the sections can be stained (post-embedding staining).  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis     
C. R. Vieira e Silva  M. C. F. de Iwama Mattos  K. Fujimore 《Mycopathologia》1974,54(2):235-251

Scanning electron microscopy of Toxoplasma gondii   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A S Klainer  J L Krahenbuhl  J S Remington 《Journal of general microbiology》1973,75(1):111-118

Scanning electron microscopy of Onchocerca sweetae     
P A Holdsworth 《International journal for parasitology》1988,18(4):561-563

Scanning electron microscopy of chloroplast ultrastructure     
《Micron and Microscopica Acta》1984,15(3):187-194
A range of fracturing and sectioning techniques are now available which permit intracellular structures to be observed in the scanning electron microscope. One such technique, based on the method of Tanaka (1981), has been used to study chloroplast ultrastructure in Japan laurel, Aucuba japonica. Small pieces of leaves were fixed, fractured whilst frozen and transferred to a dilute solution of osmium tetroxide in which cytoplasmic maceration took place. Specimens were dehydrated, critical point dried and examined was required to remove the stroma from fractured chloroplasts. Following this treatment details of the chloroplast envelope, frets, grana and plastoglobuli could be observed. The results were compared with conventionally prepared thin sections examined in the transmission electron microscope and with the three dimensional reconstructions described in the literature.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy of Penicillium conidia     
A. T. Martinez  M. A. Calvo  C. Ramirez 《Antonie van Leeuwenhoek》1982,48(3):245-255
The morphology of conidia in 211 species and 12 varieties belonging to the genus Penicillium Link ex Gray have been studied and compared.According to surface ornamentation, conidia have been classified into six groups: A, smooth-walled (7% of the species); B, delicately roughened (13%); C, warty (28%); D, echinate (10%); E, striate with low irregular ridges (36%); and F, striate with scarce high ridges or bars (6%). Whereas the first two groups are closely related in both shape and average size, a gradual reduction was observed in size and in the length/width (l/w) ratio in the remaining groups. Echinate conidia were globose, having the largest average size. Only four species produced conidia not surpassing 2 m in diameter. Maximum length observed was 8 m, and most elongated conidia had a l/w ratio of 3.5. Forty per cent of the species studied had globose conidia.Conidia of the monoverticillate species were generally smaller, more globose and frequently with ridges. In the Asymmetrica, the conidia were generally larger, and showed ridges in comparatively few species. Conidia of the Symmetrica, which were frequently striate with ridges, presented the most elongated forms. The largest average size was found in the conidia of the Polyverticillata which were generally warty. Finally, we have considered the variations in surface ornamentation of conidia during the evolution of the genus Penicillium and drawn attention to their possible relationship with certain habitats and ways of conidial dispersion.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy of lamellar bone     
A. Boyde  M. H. Hobdell 《Cell and tissue research》1968,93(2):213-231

Scanning electron microscopy of koilocytotic atypia     
L Recher 《Acta cytologica》1984,28(4):516-517

Scanning electron microscopy of barley protoplasts     
Hughes  Bronwyn G.  White  Fred G.  Smith  Marvin A. 《Protoplasma》1976,90(3-4):399-405
Summary Scanning electron micrographs of barley protoplasts were compared using various preparatory techniques. Numerous features were observed which turned out to be artifactual characteristics of the processing procedure used in collecting and dehydrating the samples. The most successful technique gave protoplasts which presumably maintained their natural structural integrity, as judged by retention of sphericity and absence of holes in the plasma membrane. The relative numbers of fragmented protoplasts and cellular organelles was also greatly reduced.  相似文献   

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