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A new generation of mobile terminals, communicators and smartphones, designed for general public, are emerging from the mobile phone revolution. Their distinctive features include enhanced data capabilities and the ability to locate the user. These features make these new types of applications, location-based and location-aware services, suitable for mobile users. In addition to location-based information access they also provide excellent means for data collection about the mobile users themselves, yielding valuable dynamic and geographic personal data. This type of data has never been available to such an extent before. Availability of such data would result in new opportunities for potential users: in commerce, in the public sector and even for private use. It is also a great challenge to the information systems: in data collection, management and analysis. Privacy protection is maybe the most serious problem to be found in this context. The objective of this paper is to present the opportunities and challenges provided by dynamic geographic personal data in the context of emerging location-aware mobile networks. Here a new service is outlined in parallel with existing and planned location-based services. The new service, designed for collecting, managing and releasing dynamic geographic population data, is called Dynamic Geographic Data Service (DGDS).  相似文献   

Photoinhibition – a historical perspective   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Photoinhibition is a state of physiological stress that occurs in all oxygen evolving photosynthetic organisms exposed to light. The primary damage occurs within the reaction center of Photosystem II (PS II). While irreversible photoinduced damage to PS II occurs at all light intensities, the efficiency of photosynthetic electron transfer decreases markedly only when the rate of damage exceeds the rate of its repair, which requires de novo PS II protein synthesis. Photoinhibition has been studied for over a century using a large variety of biochemical, biophysical and genetic methodologies. The discovery of the light induced turnover of a protein, encoded by the plastid psbA gene (the D1 protein), later identified as one of the photochemical reaction center II proteins, has led to the elucidation of the underlying mechanism of photoinhibition and to a deeper understanding of the PS II `life cycle.' This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Patent Update is a regular column dedicated to the complex issues that affect patents in the genomics and proteomics field. In each issue, there are two sections compiled by patent attorneys. The first section, Patents – a Practical Perspective, is a commentary on current issues, landmark patents, useful patent resources and how to search them, and legislative changes that impact the pharma and biotech industries. The second section, Patent News, provides brief synopses of recently issued patents and other patent events, and their significance to drug discovery R&D.  相似文献   

Control of fermenters – a review   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Fermenter control has been an active area of research and has attracted more attention in recent years. This is due to the new developments in other related areas which can be exploited to overcome the inherent difficulties in fermenter control. Beginning with conventional regulatory control of operating variables such as temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen concentration, research in fermenter control has undergone significant changes including the recent neural network based approaches. The objective of the paper is to focus the attention of the researchers to the developments in the control of batch, fed-batch and continuous fermenters over the past few years.  相似文献   



BLAST is a widely used genetic research tool for analysis of similarity between nucleotide and protein sequences. This paper presents a software application entitled "Squid" that makes use of grid technology. The current version, as an example, is configured for BLAST applications, but adaptation for other computing intensive repetitive tasks can be easily accomplished in the open source version. This enables the allocation of remote resources to perform distributed computing, making large BLAST queries viable without the need of high-end computers.  相似文献   



Pattern matching is the core of bioinformatics; it is used in database searching, restriction enzyme mapping, and finding open reading frames. It is done repeatedly over increasingly long sequences, thus codes must be efficient and insensitive to sequence length. Such patterns of interest include simple motifs with IUPAC degeneracies, regular expressions, patterns allowing mismatches, and probability matrices.  相似文献   

Fungal protoplast fusion – a revisit   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Protoplast fusion is a non-specific recombination technique used for transfer of cytosolic organelles including genetic material. The process involves cell wall breakdown, regeneration of protoplasts, chemofusion and electrofusion. This review article discusses all the stages involved in fusion of protoplasts and some of the applications of protoplast fusion technique in fungal systems.  相似文献   



The signal peptide plays an important role in protein targeting and protein translocation in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. This transient, short peptide sequence functions like a postal address on an envelope by targeting proteins for secretion or for transfer to specific organelles for further processing. Understanding how signal peptides function is crucial in predicting where proteins are translocated. To support this understanding, we present SPdb signal peptide database , a repository of experimentally determined and computationally predicted signal peptides.  相似文献   

Water homeostasis during fetal development is of crucial physiologic importance. It depends upon maternal fetal fluid exchange at the placenta and fetal membranes, and some exchange between fetus and amniotic fluid can occur across the skin before full keratinization. Lungs only grow and develop normally with fluid secretion, and there is evidence that cerebral spinal fluid formation is important in normal brain development. The aquaporins are a growing family of molecular water channels, the ontogeny of which is starting to be explored. One question that is of particular importance is how well does the rodent (mouse, rat) fetus serve as a model for long-gestation mammals such as sheep and human? This is particularly important for organs such as the lung and the kidney, whose development before birth is very much less in rodents than in the long-gestation species.  相似文献   

In the past decade, podocyte research has been greatly aided by the development of powerful new molecular, cellular and animal tools, leading to elucidation of an increasing number of proteins involved in podocyte function and identification of mutated genes in hereditary glomerulopathies. Accumulating evidence indicates that podocyte disorders may not only underlie these hereditary glomerulopathies but also play crucial role in a broad spectrum of acquired glomerular diseases. Genetic susceptibility, environmental influence and systemic responses are all involved in the mediation of the pathogenesis of podocytopathies. Injured podocytes may predisopose to further injury of other podocytes and other adjacent/distant renal cells in a vicious cycle, leading to inexorable progression of glomerular injury. The classic view is that podocytes have a limited ability to proliferate in the normal mature kidney. However, recent research in rodents has provided suggestive evidence for podocyte regeneration resulting from differentiation of progenitor cells within Bowman's capsule.  相似文献   

Angiotensin-I converting enzyme (ACE, EC is a zinc dependent dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase with an essential role in mammalian blood pressure regulation as part of the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS). As such, it has long been targeted in the treatment of hypertension through the use of ACE inhibitors. Although ACE has been studied since the 1950s, only recently have the full range of functions of this enzyme begun to truly be appreciated. ACE homologues have been found in a host of other organisms, and are now known to be conserved in insects. Insect ACE homologues typically share over 30 % amino acid sequence identity with human ACE. Given that insects lack a mammalian type circulatory system, they must have crucial roles in other physiological processes. The first ACE crystal structures were reported during the last decade and have enabled these enzymes to be studied from an entirely different perspective. Here we review many of these key developments and the implications that they have had on our understanding of the diverse functions of these enzymes. Specifically, we consider how structural information is being used in the design of a new generation of ACE inhibitors with increased specificity, and how the structures of ACE homologues are related to their functions. The Anopheles gambiae genome is predicted to code for ten ACE homologues, more than any genome studied so far. We have modelled the active sites of some of these as yet uncharacterised enzymes to try and infer more about their potential roles at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Prochlorophyta – a matter of class distinctions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Prochloron (a marine symbiont) and Prochlorothrix (from freshwater plankton) contain chlorophylls a and b; Prochlorococcus (common in marine picoplankton) contains divinyl-chlorophylls a and b. Like cyanophytes they are all clearly photosynthetic prokaryotes, but since they contain no blue or red bilin pigment they were assigned to a new algal sub-class, the Prochlorophyta. However, since their possible phylogenetic relationships to ancestral green-plant chloroplasts have not received support from molecular biology, it now seems expedient to consider them as aberrant cyanophytes. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

There is no lack of pretext for reviewing historically how ecologists have striven to gain the respect of scholars in their own and other fields, and to demonstrate the wider public-utility of their science. If self-serving, in terms of securing the scope and resources required to advance their studies in ecology, such activities have also been encouraged, and indeed commissioned, in the belief that a greater awareness and understanding of the natural world is essential for human wellbeing. Illustrative material is drawn from the British experience.  相似文献   

Human colour vision is the result of a complex process involving topics ranging from physics of light to perception. Whereas the diversity of light entering the eye in principle span an infinite-dimensional vector space in terms of the spectral power distributions, the space of human colour perceptions is three dimensional. One important consequence of this is that a variety of colours can be visually matched by a mixture of only three adequately chosen reference lights. It has been observed that there exists one particular set of monochromatic reference lights that, according to a certain definition, is optimal for producing colour matches. These reference lights are commonly denoted prime colours. In the present paper, we intend to rigorously show that the existence of prime colours is not particular to the human visual system as sometimes stated, but rather an algebraic consequence of the manner in which a kind of colorimetric functions called colour-matching functions are defined and transformed. The solution is based on maximisation of a determinant determining the gamut size of the colour space spanned by the prime colours. Cramer’s rule for solving a set of linear equations is an essential part of the proof. By means of examples, it is shown that mathematically the optimal set of reference lights is not unique in general, and that the existence of a maximum determinant is not a necessary condition for the existence of prime colours.  相似文献   

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