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基于rDNA ITS序列对绒泡菌目黏菌系统发育的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李倩  闫淑珍  陈双林 《菌物学报》2015,34(3):424-433
绒泡菌目Physarida是黏菌纲Myxogastria最大的一个目,对其系统发育关系的研究一直是根据形态特征。为了从分子水平探讨绒泡菌目乃至黏菌纲的系统发育关系,以黏菌r DNA ITS通用引物对绒泡菌目5属8种黏菌的r DNA ITS进行扩增和测序,结合Gen Bank中已有的黏菌r DNA ITS序列,利用贝叶斯推断法(Bayesian inference,BI)和最大似然法(Maximum likelihood,ML)构建系统发育树。结果表明:绒泡菌目不同物种的r DNA ITS区在碱基组成和长度上差异明显,长度为777–1 445bp,G+C mol%在53.4%–61.9%之间。绒泡菌目与发网菌目Stemonitida聚类为两个明显的分支,在绒泡菌目分支上,绒泡菌科Physaraceae和钙皮菌科Didymiaceae各聚为一支,支持了形态学上以孢丝是否具有石灰质为依据区分这两个科的观点。由多份不同地理来源的鳞钙皮菌Didymium squamulosum材料组成的钙皮菌科又形成3个分支,证实了这个形态种是由地域来源广泛、繁殖亲和性各异和遗传变异较大的不同生物种组成的复合体。  相似文献   

基于18S rDNA的蝗总科分子系统发育关系研究及分类系统探讨   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
刘殿锋  蒋国芳 《昆虫学报》2005,48(2):232-241
将自测的我国直翅目蝗总科7科7种和从GenBank中下载的17种直翅目昆虫的18S rDNA序列片段进行了同源性比较,用似然比检验的方法对序列比对结果进行了碱基替代模型的选择,以蚱总科的Paratettix cucullatus和蜢总科的Stiphra robusta作外群,用NJ、MP、ML和贝叶斯法构建了分子系统树。在获得的1 849 bp的序列中,有205个变异位点,74个简约信息位点; A、T、C和G的碱基平均含量分别为23.9%、24.3%、23.8%和28.0%,碱基组成基本上无偏异。分子系统树表明:所研究的内群聚为4支,锥头蝗科、瘤锥蝗科、斑腿蝗科、网翅蝗科、槌角蝗科和剑角蝗科都不是单系。建议将蝗总科分为4科,即锥头蝗科、大腹蝗科、癞蝗科和蝗科。  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of one of the largest nonlichen-forming ascomycetous groups, the Leotiomycetes, were inferred from genes encoding three rDNA regions (SSU+LSU+5.8S rDNA). A dataset was prepared with rDNA sequences data from 108 isolates, among which we sampled 85 taxa representing four orders and 16 families in the Leotiomycetes. Equally weighted parsimony and Bayesian analyses were performed. Bootstrap proportion and Bayesian posterior probability under the GTR+gamma+iota model were estimated along the branches. Based on our results the Leotiomycetes is relatively well defined as a class and it includes the Cyttariales, Erysiphales, Helotiales, Rhytismatales and two families of uncertain position, Myxotrichaceae and Pseudeurotiaceae. The placements of the Thelebolales and Ascocorticiaceae are not examined and are accepted as tentative in the Leotiomycetes. Our results agree with previous studies to remove the Geoglossaceae, including Geoglossum, Trichoglossum and Sarcoleotia, from the Leotiomycetes. Positions of the Erysiphales and Rhytismatales in the Leotiomycetes are confirmed. The Helotiales and Myxotrichaceae are paraphyletic. Close relationships are supported strongly among the Hemiphacidiaceae, Rutstroemiaceae and Sclerotiniaceae, among Loramycetaceae, the northern hemisphere Vibrisseaceae, the Dark Septate Endophyte fungus Phialocephala fortinii and Mollisia cinerea, and between species of Bulgaria and Phadidiopycnis. Sequence data of rDNA regions are not adequate to resolve the relationships among major groups of the Leotiomycetes.  相似文献   

DNA sequence data from plastid matK and trnL-F regions were used in phylogenetic analyses of Diurideae, which indicate that Diurideae are not monophyletic as currently delimited. However, if Chloraeinae and Pterostylidinae are excluded from Diurideae, the remaining subtribes form a well-supported, monophyletic group that is sister to a "spiranthid" clade. Chloraea, Gavilea, and Megastylis pro parte (Chloraeinae) are all placed among the spiranthid orchids and form a grade with Pterostylis leading to a monophyletic Cranichideae. Codonorchis, previously included among Chloraeinae, is sister to Orchideae. Within the more narrowly delimited Diurideae two major lineages are apparent. One includes Diuridinae, Cryptostylidinae, Thelymitrinae, and an expanded Drakaeinae; the other includes Caladeniinae s.s., Prasophyllinae, and Acianthinae. The achlorophyllous subtribe Rhizanthellinae is a member of Diurideae, but its placement is otherwise uncertain. The sequence-based trees indicate that some morphological characters used in previous classifications, such as subterranean storage organs, anther position, growth habit, fungal symbionts, and pollination syndromes have more complex evolutionary histories than previously hypothesized. Treatments based upon these characters have produced conflicting classifications, and molecular data offer a tool for reevaluating these phylogenetic hypotheses.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of the Arecoid Line (sensu Moore) of palms was conducted using 7 kb of coding and noncoding plastid DNA sequence data. Recovered maximum-parsimony and maximum-likelihood phylogenies support monophyly for the Arecoid Line relative to the rest of the family but paraphyly for subfamily Arecoideae and polyphyly for subfamily Ceroxyloideae (sensu Dransfield and Uhl). Tribes Cocoeae, Geonomeae, Hyophorbeae, and Iriarteae and subfamily Phytelephantoideae were identified as monophyletic as were subfamily Phytelephantoideae + Ravenea (tribe Ceroxyleae of Ceroxyloideae), Podococcus (tribe Podococceae of Arecoideae) + Pseudophoenix (tribe Cyclospatheae of Ceroxyloideae), Reinhardtia (tribe Malortieinae) + tribe Cocoeae (both of Arecoideae), and a clade containing all IndoPacific pseudomonomerous genera of tribe Areceae (Arecoideae). A few taxa show spurious resolution with noncoding plastid DNA data but noncoding data are generally congruent with protein-coding data. Biogeographic interpretation suggests a Gondwanan origin for the Arecoid Line with several lineages found on more than one fragment of the former supercontinent and primary diversification in these groups possibly due to continental breakup vicariance. Three groups involving Cocos, Orania, and the IndoPacific clade demonstrate independent dispersals into the IndoPacific region from a Gondwanan origin.  相似文献   

The internal transcribed spacer region of the 18S–25S nuclear ribosomal DNA repeat was sequenced from 28 populations of the aureoidSenecio complex as well as two populations from the Lugentes group and one from the Tephroseroid group. Divergence levels for populations within the aureoid complex are very low (0.0 to 4.1%). Phylogenetic trees generated from the sequence data provide no support for the recognition of Aurei, Tomentosi and Lobati subgroups within the aureoid complex. With two Lugentes and one Tephroseroid species as outgroups,Senecio glabellus is the sister group of the rest of the aureoids. The high level of divergence between the aureoids and the three outgroup species indicates that the Lugentes and the Tephroseroids may not be closely related to the aureoids.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of 22 species of Coelopidae are reconstructed based on a data matrix consisting of morphological and DNA sequence characters (16S rDNA, EF-1alpha). Optimal gap and transversion costs are determined via a sensitivity analysis and both equal weighting and a transversion cost of 2 are found to perform best based on taxonomic congruence, character incongruence, and tree support. The preferred phylogenetic hypothesis is fully resolved and well-supported by jackknife, bootstrap, and Bremer support values, but it is in conflict with the cladogram based on morphological characters alone. Most notably, the Coelopidae and the genus Coelopa are not monophyletic. However, partitioned Bremer Support and an analysis of node stability under different gap and transversion costs reveal that the critical clades rendering these taxa non-monophyletic are poorly supported. Furthermore, the monophyly of Coelopidae and Coelopa is not rejected in analyses using 16S rDNA that was manually aligned. The resolution of the tree based on this reduced data sets is, however, lower than for the tree based on the full data sets. Partitioned Bremer support values reveal that 16S rDNA characters provide the largest amount of tree support, but the support values are heavily dependent on analysis conditions. Problems with direct comparison of branch support values for trees derived using fixed alignments with those obtained under optimization alignment are discussed. Biogeographic history and available behavioral and genetic data are also discussed in light of this first cladogram for Coelopidae based on a quantitative phylogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis ofPanax was performed using restriction site variations of eight PCR-amplified chloroplast regions. Twenty populations were examined, representing 13 of the 14 species ofPanax. Aralia cordata was used as the outgroup. The 11 restriction endonucleases produced a total of 105 restriction sites and length variations from the large single-copy region of cpDNA. Forty restriction variations are polymorphic. The cpDNA tree is largely congruent with the nuclear ribosomal ITS phylogeny. Similar to the ITS tree, the cpDNA dataset suggests the following relationships: (1)P. trifolius from eastern North America is sister to the clade consisting of all otherPanax species; (2)P. ginseng andP. japonicus from eastern Asia form a clade withP. quinquefolius from eastern North America; (3) the HimalayanP. pseudoginseng is most closely related toP. stipuleanatus of southwestern China; and (4) the medicinally importantP. notoginseng forms a clade with the closely relatedP. bipinnatifidus, P. ginseng, P. japonicus, P. major, P. quinquefolius, P. sinensis, P. wangianus, andP. zingiberensis. Two biogeographic disjunctions are detectable withinPanax. One is the connection of the eastern North AmericanP. trifolius with the rest ofPanax species. The other is the more recent disjunction between the North AmericanP. quinquefolius and the eastern AsianP. ginseng andP. japonicus. The active orogenies caused by the collision of the Indian Plate with Asia may have facilitated the diversification ofPanax taxa in Asia in the late Tertiary.  相似文献   

Marin B  Palm A  Klingberg M  Melkonian M 《Protist》2003,154(1):99-145
Sequence comparisons and a revised classification of the Euglenophyceae were based on 92 new SSU rDNA sequences obtained from strains of Euglena, Astasia, Phacus, Trachelomonas, Colacium, Cryptoglena, Lepocinclis, Eutreptia, Eutreptiella and Tetreutreptia. Sequence data also provided molecular signatures for taxa from genus to class level in the SSU rRNA secondary structure, revealed by a novel approach (search for non-homoplasious synapomorphies) and used for taxonomic diagnoses. Photosynthetic euglenoids and secondary heterotrophs formed a clade, designated as Euglenophyceae (emend.) with two orders: Euglenales and Eutreptiales. The mostly marine Eutreptiales (Eutreptia, Eutreptiella; not Distigma) comprised taxa with two or four emergent flagella (the quadriflagellate Tetreutreptia was integrated within Eutreptiella). The Euglenales (freshwater genera with < or = one emergent flagellum) formed nine clades and two individual branches (single strains); however, only two clades were congruent with traditional genera: Trachelomonas (incl. Strombomonas) and Colacium. Euglena was polyphyletic and diverged into four independent clades (intermixed with Astasia, Khawkinea and Lepocinclis) and two individual branches (e.g. E. polymorpha). Phacus was also subdivided into Phacus s. str. and two combined lineages (mixed with Lepocinclis spp. or Cryptoglena). In consequence, Euglena (s. str.), Phacus and other genera were emended and one lineage (mixed Phacus/Lepocinclis-clade) was recognized as the previously neglected genus Monomorphina Mereschkowsky (1877). The sister clade of Phacus s. str. (mixed Euglena/Lepocinclis-clade) was identified as Lepocinclis Perty (emended).  相似文献   

Passerine birds comprise over half of avian diversity, but have proved difficult to classify. Despite a long history of work on this group, no comprehensive hypothesis of passerine family-level relationships was available until recent analyses of DNA-DNA hybridization data. Unfortunately, given the value of such a hypothesis in comparative studies of passerine ecology and behaviour, the DNA-hybridization results have not been well tested using independent data and analytical approaches. Therefore, we analysed nucleotide sequence variation at the nuclear RAG-1 and c-mos genes from 69 passerine taxa, including representatives of most currently recognized families. In contradiction to previous DNA-hybridization studies, our analyses suggest paraphyly of suboscine passerines because the suboscine New Zealand wren Acanthisitta was found to be sister to all other passerines. Additionally, we reconstructed the parvorder Corvida as a basal paraphyletic grade within the oscine passerines. Finally, we found strong evidence that several family-level taxa are misplaced in the hybridization results, including the Alaudidae, Irenidae, and Melanocharitidae. The hypothesis of relationships we present here suggests that the oscine passerines arose on the Australian continental plate while it was isolated by oceanic barriers and that a major northern radiation of oscines (i.e. the parvorder Passerida) originated subsequent to dispersal from the south.  相似文献   

Fusarium pseudograminearum causes crown rot of wheat in Australia and most other wheat growing regions, but its evolutionary history is largely unknown. We demonstrate for the first time that F. pseudograminearum is a single phylogenetic species without consistent lineage development across genes. Isolates of F. pseudograminearum, F. graminearum sensu lato, and F. cerealis, were collected from four countries and four single copy, nuclear genes were partially sequenced, aligned with previously published sequences of these and related species, and analysed by maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference. Evolutionary divergence varied between genes, with high phylogenetic incongruence occurring between the gene genealogies. The absence of geographic differentiation between isolates indicates that the introduction of new fungal strains to a region has the potential to introduce new pathogenic and toxigenic genes into the native population through sexual recombination.  相似文献   

蒋日红  向睿晨  张宪春 《广西植物》2023,43(10):1759-1783
马尾杉属植物因含治疗阿尔茨海默症的特效药成分石杉碱甲而具有重要的经济价值和保护价值,全属为国家重点保护植物。该文基于形态学、生态学和地理学等证据,对中国分布的马尾杉属植物进行了分类修订,承认我国有马尾杉属植物21种,将该属植物划分为4个单系的组,即金丝条马尾杉组(Sect.Fargesiani X. C. Zhang&R. H. Jiang, sect. nov.)、喜马拉雅马尾杉组(Sect.Hamiltoniani C. Y. Yang, emend. X. C. Zhang&R. H. Jiang)、马尾杉组(Sect.Phlegmariurus)和粗糙马尾杉组[Sect.Squarrosurus(Herter) X. C. Zhang&R. H. Jiang, comb.&stat. nov.],并将Huperzia medogensis、Phlegmariurus austrosinicus、P.changii、P.nylamensis、P.cancellatus var.minor、P.qiongzhongensis和P.shangsiens...  相似文献   



Molecular phylogenetic methods are based on alignments of nucleic or peptidic sequences. The tremendous increase in molecular data permits phylogenetic analyses of very long sequences and of many species, but also requires methods to help manage large datasets.  相似文献   

Ricefishes, known best by the model organism, the medaka, Oryzias latipes Temminck & Schlegel, 1846, comprise the family Adrianichthyidae, which ranges broadly throughout fresh and brackish waters of Central, South and Southeast Asia and the Indo‐Malay‐Philippines Archipelago as far east as Timor. Twenty‐eight Recent species are recognized here in two monophyletic genera, Adrianichthys and Oryzias. Xenopoecilus and Horaichthys are placed in synonymy of Oryzias for the first time. Adrianichthys comprises four species from Lake Poso, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Oryzias comprises 24 species that live throughout the range of the family. A fossil genus and species, ?Lithopoecilus brouweri from the Miocene of central Sulawesi, is included tentatively in the Adrianichthyidae. Evidence for the sister group relationship of adrianichthyids and exocoetoids is reviewed briefly and that relationship corroborated. Monophyly of adrianichthyids is likewise strongly supported here. Species groups within Oryzias are diagnosed as monophyletic largely based on osteology, colour pattern and meristic variation. They correspond only in part to species groups previously recognized based on chromosome constitution. Miniature species do not comprise a monophyletic group; disjunct absolute size in close relatives has evolved repeatedly. Oryzias latipes is a member of a species complex that includes O. luzonensis, O. curvinotus and the miniatures O. sinensis and O. mekongensis. A new species, Oryzias bonneorum sp. nov. , is described from Lake Lindu, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Lectotypes are designated for Haplochilus celebensis Weber, 1894 and Haplochilus timorensis Weber & de Beaufort, 1922. No claim to original US Government works. Journal compilation © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 154 , 494–610.  相似文献   

菝葜科基于形态学证据的系统发育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对全世界范围分布的菝葜科Smilacaceae的79个代表种(包括了全部的属和组), 以分布于南美洲的Philesia Comm. ex Juss.和Lapageria Ruiz &; Pav.属为外类群, 选取包括花粉和染色体性状在内的47个广义的形态学性状进行了分支分类系统发育分析, 同时以表征分类的方法构建了距离树(NJ)辅助分析, 首次对世界分布的菝葜科各属间及属内的系统发育关系作了探讨。(1)Ripogonum与菝葜属Smilax +肖菝葜属Heterosmilax互为姐妹群, 但是距离较远, 支持将类菝葜属(新拟中文名)Ripogonum独立为科的观点; (2)肖菝葜属在菝葜科内处于较为进化的分支上, 并与菝葜属土茯苓组sect. Coilanthus的部分种组成一个具较高支持率(88%)的单系分支, 分析表明肖菝葜属并非是一个好属, 应归入菝葜属; (3)菝葜属6个组的划分大都没有得到支持, 只有东亚北美间断分布的草本菝葜组sect. Nemexia的单系得到很好的支持(93%); (4)分布于南美洲巴西的种类聚为一个单系类群, 表明它们可能有共同的起源, 但由于取样局限, 南美洲种类的系统地位有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

The tropical Indo-Pacific genus Excoecaria L. (Euphorbiaceae) has several closely related species in Australia whose taxonomic relationships are unclear. The most widely reported species in Australia is the mangrove species Excoecaria agallocha L. (type species), whose taxonomic and geographic limits are difficult to define from its closely related species or sub-species. Two additional taxa have also been described but not clearly differentiated from the type species: Excoecaria dallachyana Baillon and Excoecaria ovalis Endl. This project aimed to determine the taxonomic relationships of the Australian Excoecaria species using both leaf morphological data and DNA sequence data from the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of ribosomal genes. The nucleotide differences in the examined ITS1 region show that E. agallocha from eastern Australia and E. ovalis from Western Australia respectively, are genetically uniform within species but differ from each other consistently, thus supporting species status. The leaf morphological data also support this view: single factor analysis of variance consistently separated E. ovalis from E. agallocha on the basis of leaf width, leaf length and length of petiole. In contrast, E. ovalis from the Gulf of Carpentaria differs only slightly from E. ovalis in Western Australia, but no evidence was found to suggest any leaf morphological differentiation within this species. The analysis also suggests that E. dallachyana is not closely related to either mangrove species E. agallocha or E. ovalis, despite superficial morphological similarities.  相似文献   

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