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The ATPase (EC activity of 30 S dynein from Tetrahymena cilia was remarkably stimulated by porcine brain tubulin at pH 10. The activity increased with increasing concentration of tubulin until the molar ratio of tubulin dimer to 30 S dynein reached approx. 10. The optimum of the ATPase activity of 30 S dynein in the presence of tubulin was 1-2 mM for MgCl2 and 2 mM for CaCl2. Increasing ionic strength gradually inhibited the stimulation effects of tubulin. Activation energies of 30 S dynein in the presence and absence of tubulin were almost the same. At the temperatures beyond 25 degrees C stimulation effects of tubulin disappeared. ATP was a specific substrate even in the presence of tubulin. In kinetic investigations parallel reciprocal plots were observed in a constant ratio of divalent cations to ATP of 2, indicating that tubulin was less tightly bound to 30 S dynein in the presence of ATP than the absence. The similar results were obtained at pH 8.2. 14 S dynein and the 12 S fragment which have poor ability to recombine with outer fibers were also activated with brain tubulin.  相似文献   

Minoru Hoshino 《BBA》1977,462(1):49-62
The ATPase (EC activity of 30 S dynein from Tetrahymena cilia was remarkably stimulated by porcine brain tubulin at pH 10. The activity increased with increasing concentration of tubulin until the molar ratio of tubulin dimer to 30 S dynein reached approx. 10. The optimum of the ATPase activity of 30 S dynein in the presence of tubulin was 1?2 mM for MgCl2 and 2 mM for CaCl2. Increasing ionic strength gradually inhibited the stimulation effects of tubulin. Activation energies of 30 S dynein in the presence and absence of tubulin were almost the same. At the temperatures beyond 25 °C stimulation effects of tubulin disappeared. ATP was a specific substrate even in the presence of tubulin. In kinetic investigations parallel reciprocal plots were observed in a constant ratio of divalent cations to ATP of 2, indicating that tubulin was less tightly bound to 30 S dynein in the presence of ATP than in the absence. The similar results were obtained at pH 8.2. 14 S dynein and the 12 S fragment which have poor ability to recombine with outer fibers were also activated with brain tubulin.  相似文献   

30-S dynein ATPase from Tetrahymena cilia was digested with trypsin (dynein: trypsin = 20:1, by weight) at 25 degrees C for 20 min, resulting in the release of a 12-S fragment possessing ATPase activity. The 12-S ATPase fraction obtained by sucrose gradient centrifugation contained several polypeptide chains as indicated by SDS gel electrophoresis. The largest chain was smaller than the subunit of 30-S dynein and almost the same size as 14-S dynein. On the other hand, when 14-S dynein was digested in a similar manner, its sedimentation value changed from 14 to 12 S, but the peak of ATPase activity was retained at 14 S, suggesting differences in amino acid sequences between the 30 and 14-S dyneins. When the time course of tryptic digestion of 30-S dynein was investigated in a trypsin:dynein ratio of 1:200, discrete fragmentation took place, producing an intermediate fragment of 24 S and the 12-S fragment. The 24-S fragment recombined with outer fibers to some extent, while the 12-S fragment lacked this ability. However, the 12-S fragment was somewhat stimulated to recombine with outer fibers in the presence of other components involved in the trypsin digest. The enzymatic characteristics of the 12-S fraction were different from those of 30-S dynein, especially the activity dependence on pH showing a typical bell-shaped curve.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic dynein is a microtubule-associated motor that utilizes ATP hydrolysis to conduct minus-end directed transport of various organelles. Dynactin is a multisubunit complex that has been proposed to both link dynein with cargo and activate dynein motor function. The mechanisms by which dynactin regulates dynein activity are not clear. In this study, we examine the role of dynactin in regulating dynein ATPase activity. We show that dynein-microtubule binding and ATP-dependent release of dynein from microtubules are reduced in dynactin null mutants, Deltaro-3 (p150(Glued)) and Deltaro-4 (Arp1), relative to wild-type. The dynein-microtubule binding activity, but not the ATP-dependent release of dynein from microtubules, is restored by in vitro mixing of extracts from dynein and dynactin mutants. Dynein produced in a Deltaro-3 mutant has approximately 8-fold reduced ATPase activity relative to dynein isolated from wild-type. However, dynein ATPase activity from wild-type is not reduced when dynactin is separated from dynein, suggesting that dynein produced in a dynactin mutant is inactivated. Treatment of dynein isolated from the Deltaro-3 mutant with lambda protein phosphatase restores the ATPase activity to near wild-type levels. The reduced dynein ATPase activity observed in dynactin null mutants is mainly due to altered affinity for ATP. Radiolabeling experiments revealed that low molecular mass proteins, particularly 20- and 8-kDa proteins, that immunoprecipitate with dynein heavy chain are hyperphosphorylated in the dynactin mutant and dephosphorylated upon lambda protein phosphatase treatment. The results suggest that cytoplasmic dynein ATPase activity is regulated by dynactin-dependent phosphorylation of dynein light chains.  相似文献   

The microtubule-based motor molecule cytoplasmic dynein has been proposed to be regulated by a variety of mechanisms, including phosphorylation and specific interaction with the organelle-associated complex, dynactin. In this study, we examined whether the intermediate chain subunits of cytoplasmic dynein are involved in modulation of ATP hydrolysis, and thereby affect motility. Treatment of testis cytoplasmic dynein under hypertonic salt conditions resulted in separation of the intermediate chains from the remainder of the dynein molecule, and led to a 4-fold enhancement of ATP hydrolysis. This result suggests that the accessory subunits act as negative regulators of dynein heavy chain activity. Comparison of ATPase activities of dyneins with differing intermediate chain isoforms showed significant differences in basal ATP hydrolysis rates, with testis dynein 7-fold more active than dynein from brain. Removal of the intermediate chain subunits led to an equalization of ATPase activity between brain and testis dyneins, suggesting that the accessory subunits are responsible for the observed differences in tissue activity. Finally, our preparative procedures have allowed for the identification and purification of a 1:1 complex of dynein with dynactin. As this interaction is presumed to be mediated by the dynein intermediate chain subunits, we now have defined experimental conditions for further exploration of dynein enzymatic and motility regulation.  相似文献   

Kinetic measurement of the reaction of dynein ATPase (ATP phosphohydrolase, EC extracted from the gills of Mytilus edulis shows that in the presence of Mg2+ there is a very rapid initial liberation of Pi from the dynein-ATP system, followed by a slower liberation in the steady state. In view of following results, we have confirmed that this phenomenon is not due to the accumulation of end products, a fall in substrate concentration, nor to the presence of labile impurities in ATP but is due to the catalytic activity of dynein ATPase. 1. The replacement of native dynein by heat denatured dynein or other kinds of Mg2+-ATPase could not produce such a burst phenomenon under the same condition. 2. Both the rate of initial burst and that of steady state were proportional to enzyme content over a wide range under our standard condition. 3. Initial burst was also observed under the constant ATP level by using a ATP generate system. 4. Preincubation of dynein with Pi prior to initiation of the reaction did not eliminate the initial burst. Some properties of the initial rapid liberation of dynein ATPase were also examined. These are shown below. 5. The free ADP liberation did not show any initial burst though the Pi liberation did in the initial phase and the rate of free ADP liberation was almost equal to that of Pi liberation of the steady state. 6. Mg2+ was more effective than Ca2+ for the appearance of the initial burst while the liberation of Pi in the steady state was activated more by Ca2+ than by Mg2+. The addition of K+ in the presence of Mg2+ resulted in a marked increase of Pi liberation in the steady state but not in the initial state. 7. The activation energy of the initial burst was 9.7 kcal, which is slightly smaller than that of myosin ATPase.  相似文献   

Demembranated cilia of Tetrahymena pyriformis were extracted with KCl or Tris-EDTA and the crude dyneins from each resolved by sucrose density gradient sedimentation into 14S-K, 30S-K, 14S-E and 30S-E dyneins, respectively. The calmodulin activation ratio (ATPase activity in presence of added calmodulin/ATPase activity in absence of added calmodulin) did not vary across the 30S dynein fractions regardless of the method of extraction nor did it vary across the 14S-E region. However, in going from the “heavy” fractions to the “light” fractions of the 14S-K region, it increased markedly. The concentration of calmodulin required for half-maximal activation did not differ appreciably in the “light” versus the “heavy” fractions of the 14S-K region, suggesting that the affinity for calmodulin does not vary in these fractions. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis studies showed the presence of several polypeptides that varied in a systematic fashion across the 14S-K region and hence may be involved in regulating the sensitivity of 14S-K dynein ATPase activity to added calmodulin.  相似文献   

ATPase activity of Tetrahymena cilia before and after extraction of dynein   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cilia from Tetrahymena pyriformis were extracted twice with Tris-EDTA. The first extraction increased the total ATPase activity by about one-third. No increase in activity occurred as a result of the second extraction, but 40% of the original ATPase activity remained in the pellet. The activity remaining in the pellet differed in its substrate specificity, its thermostability, and its sensitivity to monovalent cation chlorides from the solubilized dynein. Several of the properties of the ATPase activity of whole cilia differed from those computed for a mixture of 40% pellet ATPase + 60% solubilized dynein ATPase. From these differences it was deduced that dynein in situ is more thermostable than is solubilized dynein and, in contrast to solubilized dynein, is slightly inhibited by KCl, NaCl, LiCl, and NH4Cl. The increase in total activity upon solubilization of the dynein and the changes in thermostability and in sensitivity to monovalent cations indicates that dynein ATPase in situ is modified by interaction with other components of the axonemal bend generating system.The pellet remaining after extraction of dynein by two dialyses against Tris-EDTA was treated with 0.4% Triton X-100 to solubilize ciliary membranes. Less than half of the ATPase activity was solubilized by this treatment. The possibility that the activity remaining in the Tris-EDTA- and Triton X-100-extracted residue represents an additional ATPase of cilia is discussed.  相似文献   

When 21S dynein ATPase [EC] from sea urchin sperm flagellar axonemes was mixed with the salt-extracted axonemes, the ATPase activity was much higher than the sum of ATPase activities in the two fractions, as reported previously (Gibbons, I.R. & Fronk, E. (1979) J. Biol. Chem. 254, 187-196). This high ATPase level was for the first time demonstrated to be due to the activation of the 21S dynein ATPase activity by the axonemes. The mode of the activation was studied to get an insight into the mechanism of dynein-microtubule interaction. The salt-extracted axonemes caused a 7- to 8-fold activation of the 21S dynein ATPase activity at an axoneme : dynein weight ratio of about 14 : 1. The activation was maximal at a low ionic strength (no KCl) at pH 7.9-8.3. Under these conditions, 21S dynein rebound to the salt-extracted axonemes. The maximal binding ratio of 21S dynein to the axonemes was the same as that observed in the maximal activation of 21S dynein ATPase. The sliding between the outer doublet microtubules in the trypsin-treated 21S dynein-rebound axonemes took place upon the addition of 0.05-0.1 mM ATP in the absence of KCl. During the sliding, the rate of ATP hydrolysis was at the same level as that of the 21S dynein activated by the salt-extracted axonemes. However, it decreased to the level of 21S dynein alone after the sliding. These results suggested that an interaction of the axoneme-rebound 21S dynein with B-subfibers of the adjacent outer doublet microtubules in the axoneme causes the activation of the ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Dynein is a minus-end-directed microtubule-associated motor protein involved in cargo transport in the cytoplasm. African swine fever virus (ASFV), a large DNA virus, hijacks the microtubule motor complex cellular transport machinery during virus infection of the cell through direct binding of virus protein p54 to the light chain of cytoplasmic dynein (LC8). Interaction of p54 and LC8 occurs both in vitro and in cells, and the two proteins colocalize at the microtubular organizing center during viral infection. p50/dynamitin, a dominant-negative inhibitor of dynein-dynactin function, impeded ASFV infection, suggesting an essential role for dynein during virus infection. A 13-amino-acid domain of p54 was sufficient for binding to LC8, an SQT motif within this domain being critical for this binding. Direct binding of a viral structural protein to LC8, a small molecule of the dynein motor complex, could constitute a molecular mechanism for microtubule-mediated virus transport.  相似文献   

Stimulation of the weak ATPase activity of human hsp90 by a client protein.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is a molecular chaperone involved in the folding and assembly of a limited set of "client" proteins, many of which are involved in signal transduction pathways. In vivo, it is found in complex with additional proteins, including the chaperones Hsp70, Hsp40, Hip and Hop (Hsp-interacting and Hsp-organising proteins, respectively), as well as high molecular mass immunophilins, such as FKBP59, and the small acidic protein p23. The role of these proteins in Hsp90-mediated assembly processes is poorly understood. It is known that ATP binding and hydrolysis are essential for Hsp90 function in vivo and in vitro.Here we show, for the first time, that human Hsp90 has ATPase activity in vitro. The ATPase activity is characterised using a sensitive assay based on a chemically modified form of the phosphate-binding protein from Escherichia coli. Human Hsp90 is a very weak ATPase, its activity is significantly lower than that of the yeast homologue, and it has a half-life of ATP hydrolysis of eight minutes at 37 degrees C. Using a physiological substrate of Hsp90, the ligand-binding domain of the glucocorticoid receptor, we show that this "client" protein can stimulate the ATPase activity up to 200-fold. This effect is highly specific and unfolded or partially folded proteins, which are known to bind to Hsp90, do not affect the ATPase activity. In addition, the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, which is related in both sequence and structure to the glucocorticoid receptor but which does not bind Hsp90, has no observable effect on the ATPase activity.We establish the effect of the co-chaperones Hop, FKBP59 and p23 on the basal ATPase activity as well as the client protein-stimulated ATPase activity of human Hsp90. In contrast with the yeast system, human Hop has little effect on the basal rate of ATP hydrolysis but significantly inhibits the client-protein stimulated rate. Similarly, FKBP59 has little effect on the basal rate but stimulates the client-protein stimulated rate further. In contrast, p23 inhibits both the basal and stimulated rates of ATP hydrolysis.Our results show that the ATPase activity of human Hsp90 is highly regulated by both client protein and co-chaperone binding. We suggest that the rate of ATP hydrolysis is critical to the mode of action of Hsp90, consistent with results that have shown that both over and under-active ATPase mutants of yeast Hsp90 have impaired function in vivo. We suggest that the tight regulation of the ATPase activity of Hsp90 is important and allows the client protein to remain bound to Hsp90 for sufficient time for activation to occur.  相似文献   

1. Dynein was extracted with 0.5 M KCl from Tetrahymena axonemes. SDS-gel electrophoresis of the extract indicated that about 50% of the extracted protein had a molecular weight of about 3.5 X 10(5), and that 90% of the proteins with this weight had been extracted. 2. The ATPase [EC] reaction of the KCl-extracted dynein fraction was enhanced by 60-80% by addition of the outer doublet fraction. It showed an initial burst of Pi liberation of about 1 mol per mol of proteins with a molecular weight of 3.5 X 10(5). 3. We examined the interaction of the dynein-tubulin system from Tetrahymena cilia with ten ATP analogs [2'-dATP, 3'-dATP, epsilonATP, FTP, 8-NH(CH3)-ATP, 8,3'-S-cyclo-ATP, 8-Br-ATP, 8-OCH3-ATP, 8-SCH3-ATP, and AMPPNP]. Among them, 2'-dATP and 3'-dATP were good substrates for dynein ATPase, as they induced the dissociation of dynein arms from the B-tubule of outer doublets, the sliding movement between outer doublets, and the bending movement of axonemes. The other analogs did not induce the dissociation or the sliding movement. 4. Among the ATP analogs tested, only 2'-dATP and 3'-dATP induced the reorientation of cilia on the Triton model of Tetrahymena; the reorientation rates were smaller than that induced by ATP.  相似文献   

In contrast to previously studied ATP analogs, the two-substituted ATP analogs, 2-N3 ATP and 2-Cl ATP were good substrates for dynein ATPase. The Vmax for hydrolysis of both analogs was significantly higher than for ATP and the Km for both analogs was comparable to ATP. The higher hydrolytic rate for the analogs might be explained by a faster dissociation rate of the diphosphate product. This interpretation is supported by measurements of the dissociation rate of the inhibitor, vanadate. The estimate dissociation rate of vanadate with the analogs as substrate is approx. 2-fold higher than with ATP as substrate. These data together with previous studies on a variety of ATP analogs suggest that the 6-amino group on adenine is important for recognition by dynein and that the anti-conformation of the adenine, favored by 2-substituents, is the favored conformation of the nucleotide.  相似文献   

4-Hydroxy-alkenals effect on microtubular system has been investigated, comparing the activity of both biogenic and non-biogenic aldehydes. As these aldehydes react essentially with sulphydryl groups, their action on titratable thiol groups microtubular protein was studied. These compounds evidenced an inhibitory effect on this parameter and on tubulin polymerization, where sulphydryls are essential. 4-Hydroxy-alkenals inhibit tubulin polymerization in a dose-dependent manner (0.1-1 mM), with the exception of 4-hydroxy-octenal, that shows an inhibitory action only in concentrations from 0.5 mM up. Its behaviour is very anomalous: in fact the tubulin-colchicine binding, is stimulated rather than inhibited, whereas such binding is inhibited by the other tested aldehydes. Our present results give then a support for an interaction between 4-hydroxy-alkenals and microtubular protein.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(6):2553-2562
Cytoplasmic microtubule-based motility in Paramecium was investigated using video-enhanced contrast microscopy, the quick-freeze, deep-etch technique, and biochemical isolations. Three distinct vesicle populations were found to be transported unidirectionally along the cytopharyngeal microtubular ribbons. This minus-end-directed movement exhibited unique in vivo features in that the vesicle transport was nonsaltatory, rapid, and predominantly along one side of the microtubular ribbons. To identify candidate motor proteins which may participate in vesicle transport, we prepared cytosolic extracts of Paramecium and used bovine brain microtubules as an affinity matrix. These preparations were found to contain a microtubule-stimulated ATPase which supported microtubule gliding in vitro. This protein was verified as a cytoplasmic dynein based upon its relative molecular mass, sedimentation coefficient of 16S, susceptibility to vanadate photocleavage, elevated CTPase/ATPase ratio, and its typical two-headed dynein morphology. This dynein was directly compared with the axonemal dyneins from Paramecium and found to differ by five criteria: morphology, sedimentation coefficient, CTPase/ATPase ratio, vanadate cleavage patterns, and polypeptide composition. The cytoplasmic dynein is therefore not an axonemal dynein precursor, but rather it represents a candidate for supporting the microtubule-based vesicle transport which proceeds along the microtubular ribbons.  相似文献   

The ATPase dynein forms part of a mechanoohemically active complex responsible for the sliding filament mechanism of ciliary and flagellar motion. Extraction of demembranated cilia from the lamellibranch mollusc Unio or the protozoan Tetrahymena by 0.5 m-KCl solubilizes the outer rows of dynein and, as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, releases the A form (Mr 360,000) of dynein into solution. Negative contrast electron microscopy of the solubilized dynein fraction reveals an homogeneous array of 93 Å particles that we identify as the ATPase dynein in its monomeric form. Because of the method of dynein extraction, the conformation of the molecule, and the size and shape of the outer arms in situ, we suggest that monomeric dynein is only one part of a larger, non-covalently joined molecular complex that forms the entire arm. When KCl-extracted axonemes are viewed by negative contrast but prior to fractionation of the dynein, individual arms can be seen that comprise three to four of the 93 Å subunits, thus suggesting that each arm is a multisubunit polymer of dynein or dynein-like molecules.  相似文献   

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