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Dr. Alfred Pochmann 《Planta》1953,42(6):478-548
Ohne ZusammenfassungMit 42 Textabbildungen.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungExperimentelle Untersuchungen über die Wirkung von Wirbeltierhormonen auf Wirbellose. Von B.Romeis. 3. Mitteilung.Ausgeführt mit Unterstützung der Notgemeinschaft der deutschen Wissenschaft.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungExperimentelle Untersuchungen über die Wirkung von Wirbeltierhormonen auf Wirbellose. Von B.Romeis. 4. Mitteilung.Ausgeführt mit Unterstützung der Notgemeinschaft der deutschen Wissenschaft.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. Eine Methode wird beschrieben, siebröhrensaugende Aphiden an einem vollsynthetischen, sterilen Medium über mindestens 10 Generationen zu züchten, was die permanente Trennung eines obligaten Parasiten von seinem pflanzlichen Wirt ermöglicht. 2. Fehlen Eisen, Zink, Mangan, Kupfer und Calcium in der Nahrung, dann ist die Reproduktion der I. Generation sehr stark reduziert und die zweite bleibt steril. 3. Durch Einzelzusatz der Elemente zur Nahrung werden die für optimales Wachstum der Aphiden erforderlichen Konzentrationen mit 460 g Pe, 220 g Mn, 190 g Zn, 850 g Ca und 100 g Cu pro 100 ml Medium ermittelt. 4. Zusatz von Eisen und Zink verdreifacht die Gewichtszunahme der Aphiden in der 1. Generation und hebt die Reproduktionsrate beträchtlich. Pehlen beide, so ist spätestens die 3. Generation steril. 5. Manganmangel verringert erst in der 2. Generation Wachstum und Fertilität und ruft schließlich in der vierten Sterilität hervor. Zwischen Zink und Mangan besteht eine synergistische Wirkung. 6. Pehlen von Calcium bedingt zunehmend geringeres Wachstum der Aphiden von der 1. bis zur 3. Generation, stark reduzierte Pertilität in der 2. und Abgabe nicht lebensfähiger Larven in der 3. Generation. Calcium wirkt antagonistisch gegenüber Zink und Mangan. 7. Ohne Kupfer in der Nahrung ist den Tieren eine Reproduktion nur bis zur 5. Generation möglich. Das Wachstum nimmt dabei von der 2. bis zur 5. Generation kontinuierlich ab. 8. Mit Pe, Zn, Mn, Cu und Ca im Medium erreichen die Aphiden der 1. Generation gleiche Körpergewichte und Reproduktionsraten wie an Vicia faba ernährte. In der 2. Generation am Medium sind Wachstum und Pertilität um 10% reduziert, bleiben dann aber bis zur zehnten konstant. 9. Bei Ernährung der Aphiden ohne Spurenelemente degenerieren ihre Symbionten. Die Mycetocyten der Tiere der 2. Generation sind dann frei von Symbionten. 10. Die Symbionten reagieren auf Zugabe von Spurenelementen zur Nahrung ihres Wirtes. Durch stufenweise Zugabe der einzelnen Elemente wird der Symbiontenzerfall zeitlich verzögert. So sind Eisen und Zink für einen normalen Symbiontenbestand der 2. Generation erforderlich. Erst bei Anwesenheit aller Elemente verändern sich die Symbionten nicht mehr. Sie gleichen auch in der 10. künstlich ernährten Generation denen natürlich ernährter Aphiden völlig.
The effect of some trace elements on growth, reproduction, and symbionts of artificially fed neomyzus circumflexus Buckt. (Aphidae, homoptera, insecta)
Summary 1. A method is described for rearing a sieve tube sucking aphid, N. circumflexus, for at least 10 generations on a totally synthetic, sterile diet. 2. Without addition of iron, zinc, manganese, copper, and calcium to the diet the reproduction of first generation aphids is greatly reduced. Second generation aphids are sterile. 3. Adding the trace elements individually, concentrations for optimal growth of first generation aphids were determined with: 460 g Fe, 220 g Mn, 190 g Zn, 850 g Ca, and 100 g Cu (per 100 ml diet). 4. Addition of iron and zinc to the food increased aphid weights three times and reproduction rates considerably. Lack of both caused total sterility in the third generation. 5. Omission of manganese decreased growth and reproduction of the aphids in the second generation, and caused sterility in the fourth. Zinc acts as a Synergist to manganese. 6. Deprivation of calcium reduced aphid growth more and more from the first to the third generation. The fertility in the second generation was considerably decreased and malformed larvae deposited in the third. Calcium acts as an antagonist to zinc and manganese. 7. A deficiency of copper became apparent in the second generation, causing reduced growth and fertility from this to the fifth generation up to total sterility in the sixth. 8. If all trace metals are included in the diet growth and reproduction of first generation aphids are equal to those on Vicia faba. Both is reduced to 90% in second generation aphids on the diet, but remaining constant in all subsequent generations. 9. The intracellular symbionts of aphids fed on diets lacking trace elements show typical degenerations. Finally, the mycetocytes of second generation aphids are free of symbionts. 10. The microorganisms show a reaction on the addition of trace metals to the aphids food. The degeneration is delayed by gradually adding individual metals. For example, iron and zinc are necessary for maintaining a normal supply of symbionts in second generation aphids. If all elements are added to the diet, no alterations occur. Then, the supply of symbionts of tenth generation aphids on the diet is the same like that of naturally fed aphids.

Durchgeführt mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft. Frau U. Schlauss danke ich für wertvolle Hilfe bei der Durchführung der Versuche.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. Der Einfluß einmaliger Röntgenbestrahlungen auf die Häutungs-, Ovipositions-, und Produktionsraten an Eiern und Jungtieren wurde an Weibchen vonGammarus duebeni Lilljeborg bei einer konstanten Temperatur von 15° C und einem Salzgehalt von 10 untersucht.2. 220 R oder höhere Dosen haben eine verringerte Eiproduktionsrate zur Folge.3. Bei 330 R oder höheren Dosen ist sowohl ein Ausfall an Ovipositionen wie auch eine reduzierte Wurfgröße zu beobachten.4. Eine Bestrahlung mit 220 R hat lediglich eine reduzierte Wurfgröße zur Folge.5. Unterschiede zwischen der Zahl der in das Marsupium abgelegten Eier und der Zahl der aus dem Marsupium entlassenen Jungtiere treten bei 490 R oder höheren Dosen auf.6. 147 R oder niedrigere Dosen haben keinen erkennbaren Einfluß auf die Produktionsrate an Eiern und Jungtieren.7. 220 R oder niedrigere Dosen können eine sogenannte stimulierende Wirkung haben, die sich in einer höheren Überlebensrate ausdrückt. Die eventuell reduzierte Produktionsrate an Eiern und Jungtieren kann mehr als kompensiert werden durch die höhere Zahl lebender Weibchen und die resultierende höhere Zahl an erzeugten Eiern und Jungtieren.
Effects of single X-irradiation on the reproductive performance of females inGammarus duebeni (crustacea, amphipoda)
Effects of single exposures of X-radiation on moulting, oviposition and production of eggs and young inGammarus duebeni females were studied under constant conditions of temperature (15° C) and salinity (10 ). Groups of fifty females were each irradiated with doses of 2,500, 1,670, 1,110, 740, 490, 330, 220, 147, 98 and 65 R. Reduced egg-production rate could be established at doses down to 220 R; this is caused both by omitted ovipositions (down to 330 R) and by reduced brood size (down to 220 R). Differences were found between the number of eggs laid and the number of young discharged from the brood-chamber at doses down to 490 R. After irradiation with 147 R or lower, no effect on fecundity or fertility could be established. Irradiation doses of 220 R or lower have a so-called beneficial effect, distinguishable by the irradiated specimens' higher survival rate, whereby the eventually reduced egg-production rate can be more than compensated by the higher number of live females and the resulting larger total amount of eggs produced.

Meinem Lehrer, Herrn Professor Dr.H. Precht, zum 60. Geburtstag in Verehrung und Dankbarkeit gewidmet.  相似文献   

Werner Dirks  Gerhard Richter 《Planta》1973,112(2):101-120
Summary Proresid (podophyllic acid ethylhydrazide; SP-1, Sandoz), a cytostatic drug with rapid but reversible effects on mitosis, inhibits growth, fresh weight increase and chlorophyll synthesis in excised roots of pea seedlings (var. Alaska) cultured in blue light (350–550 nm). Upon transferal of the treated fragments to normal culture medium the activity of these processes is fully restored within a few days. The reactions of intact seedlings on exposure of only the root tip to Proresid indicate that the drug exerts its action indirectly by blocking certain activities of the apical meristem. The important role of the latter in supporting or inhibiting various processes in the root is demonstrated by the observation that removal of the root tip from excised roots reduced the chloroplast differentiation in blue light to a very low yield, but induced cell divisions and lateral root formation. Moreover, there is good evidence that the drug is not actively transported in the root when supplied to the root tip only. Exposure of the whole root of a seedling to Proresid for longer periods does not only prevent its growth and differentiation but also gives rise to the formation of adventitious roots in the epicotyl region of the shoot.  相似文献   

Werner Funke 《Oecologia》1968,2(1):19-142
Summary It is known that numerous gastropods show homing ability. Many limpets return to well defined sites. Patella L. acquires a home spot also on the smooth glass surfaces of aquarium. Before leaving, the limpet scrapes its home, particularly the anterior part of the footprint. After each return it makes characteristic movements with its shell.When homing Patella nearly always retraces its outward track, at least in part; sometimes it reaches its home over the shortest route possible.Site and tracks are marked by chemical substances. The animal orientates itself by contact chemoreception on the track and by distance chemoreception when near its home. Apparently there also exists a kinesthetic mechanism of orientation based on a measurement of distance on the outward journey.At the home spot Patella always manoeuveres exactly into the same position. Often it has to turn or to glide around slightly. It finally settles down with small movements of its shell.The footprint shows chemical differences in a wide marginal zone. Probably, different chemoreceptors on the sole of the foot are associated to the various regions of the footprint.The chemical differentiation of the footprint has the same orientation-value for all individuals of the same size group. In addition there exists an individual marking, shown e.g. by avoidance reactions of alien animals.The individual specificity of the foot's secretum is particularly marked on the tracks, for each Patella follows its own trail only and thus normally reaches its own home. On an uneven substratum this is the only place where the margin of its shell fits the ground exactly.For establishing a home site and keeping to it, several environmental conditions have to be met. Patella settles only on surfaces overgrown with small algae. In an aquarium it favours the sides most exposed to light. On vertical walls the animal is gravity-oriented. Most limpets are attached head-end down. Patella is able to perceive the distance from the water-line, and may orient itself with respect to fixed objects in the aquarium by means of a Ferntastsinn. When first choosing a home spot on an uneven substratum, the limpet often adjusts its position by turning movements, so that the contacts between shell and ground are as close as possible. Selective growth at the shell's margin then results in a perfect fit to the irregularities of the ground.All prerequisites for the establishment of a home site are also determining the animal's keeping to its home. If changes are introduced with respect to the fitting of the shell to the ground, to the position of neighbouring objects, to water-level, light, or direction of gravity, the animal may leave its home site and reorient itself in an equivalent new one. The attractiveness of the chemical markings of the old site nevertheless compete with all these conditions for some time.Rest and activity are controlled by light-dark and tidal cycles. — Inter-and intraspecific differences were obtained under experimental conditions. Almost all individuals were preferentially active in darkness. P. caerulea moved at high tide; P. vulgata was active either at low tide only, or both at high and low tide, or — rarely—at high tide only. All animals reacting to tidal rhythms were synchronized even by unnaturally frequent changes in the water-level. The tidal dependence of the activity of individual P. vulgata may perhaps be interpreted as the persistence of an adaptation to drought and submergence acquired at the original habitat. The reactive ability towards high and low tide can be modified. The activity-phase may be stopped prematurely by changing light or tidal conditions. Animals keeping constantly to their homes returned to them at once, whereas others — having no defined home —generally prolonged their excursions. When light and water-level are kept constant the locomotory activity of P. vulgata and P. caerulea has the characteristics of an endogenous tidal rhythm. Changes in water-level soon approximately catch the freerunning periodicity, alteration of light and darkness synchronize it less readily but more precisely.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungMit 2 AbbildungenHerrn Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c.G. Becker zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

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