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Job Kuijt 《Brittonia》1976,28(2):231-238
A new genus of small-flowered Loranthaceae,Maracanthus, is described from northernmost Colombia and adjacent Venezuela.Maracanthus has indeterminate, spicate inflorescences with decussate, sessile flowers, each bracteolate. It is most closely related toOryctanthus but differs in being functionally dioecious, in having smooth pollen grains, and in lacking the stellate fiber bundles characteristic ofOryctanthus leaves. There are two species,M. chlamydatus (Rizzini) Kuijt (the type species), andM. pedunculatus Kuijt, a new species.  相似文献   

Liosarcophaga (s. str.) bartaki sp. n. is described from Turkey based on four males collected at three locations in Western Turkey. A morphological study of the genitalia using light and scanning electron microscopy has been carried out. An original key to the 10 species of Liosarcophaga occurring in Turkey is given.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:117C58FC-E957-4A7B-AB4C-B6DB35357763  相似文献   

Turkish representatives of the genus Rhaponticoides Vaill. are examined. A key and distribution map of Rhaponticoides species occurring in Turkey are provided for the first time. R. hierroi Ö. Eren sp. nov., from Bakacak pass in the Western Taurus range, SW Anatolia, allied to R. mykalea (Hub.-Mor.) M. V. Agab. &; Greuter is described as a species new to science and illustrated. Its habitat conditions and conservation status are considered. Pollen micrographs of R. hierroi and R. mykalea are presented using scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Job Kuijt 《Brittonia》1990,42(1):66-69
The combinationLigaria teretiflora (Rizzini) Kuijt is proposed, based onPsittacanthus teretiflorus Rizzini, adding a second species to the genus.Ligaria teretiflora differs fromL. cuneifolia (Ruiz & Pavón) Van Tieghem in having articulated pedicels and obovate leaves which lack a necrotic apex.  相似文献   

Cypella aquatilis is described as a new species of the Iridaceae, occurring in the Brazilian states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Parana. The plant is remarkable by being submersed in streamlets and rivers, and by the vegetative proliferation in the inflorescence. Additionally, a new section, Nais , with C. aquatilis as the type species, and the new name C. exilis Ravenna to replace the illegitimate C. gracilis (Kl.) Bak. are proposed.  相似文献   

A new conifer,Austrohamia acanthobractea,sp.nov.,is described from the Jurassic Daohugou flora,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,China.The material consists of impressions represented by well-preserved ...  相似文献   

Abstract A new conifer, Austrohamia acanthobractea, sp. nov., is described from the Jurassic Daohugou flora, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China. The material consists of impressions represented by well‐preserved leafy twigs and branches as well as ovulate cones. Leafy shoots with at least two orders of branching; ultimate branchlets alternate or sub‐opposite with helically arranged leaves, decurrent at base with distal rounded tip; dorsiventrally flattened and univeined. Ovuliferous cones elliptical, less than 1 cm long, terminally borne on ultimate and penultimate branches, composed of helically arranged bracts with ovules disposed on their adaxial surfaces. The presence of similar, if not identical taxa, on both sides of the Pacific indicates the cosmopolitan distribution of primitive Cupressaceae between East Asia (Eurasia) and South America in the Pangaea.  相似文献   

The males of three new and rare species of the Malagasy endemic genus Paractenopsyllus Wagner, 1938 are described. Paractenopsyllus beaucournui, P. oconnori and P. raxworthyi have been collected on endemic small mammals and the black rat. As for others species of the genus, biotopes are rain-forests of the central highlands or the northern mountains of Madagascar. Two of the described species were collected at elevations lower than typical for the genus and below the limits of the highland bioclimatic zone. Morphological affinities between these new species and those already described provide taxonomic framework for the genus. An updated identification key is provided for the diagnosis of all the 20 Malagasy species of Leptopsyllinae.  相似文献   

The genus Hisonotus was resurrected as a member of the tribe Otothyrini (actually subfamily Otothyrinae). However, phylogenetic studies based on morphological and molecular data showed that Hisonotus is not monophyletic and independent lineages can be identified, such as the group composed of the species Hisonotus insperatus, Hisonotus luteofrenatus, Hisonotus oliveirai, Hisonotus paresi and Hisonotus piracanjuba, a lineage unrelated to that containing the type species of the genus Hisonotus (Hisonotus notatus). Herein, based in molecular and morphological data, a new genus is described to accommodate the lineage mentioned above, into which are also added three new species. This new genus can be distinguished from other genera of Otothyrinae by the following combination of characters: (1) a pair of rostral plates at the tip of the snout; (2) two large pre-nasal plates just posterior to the rostral plates; (3) a supra-opercular plate that receives the laterosensory canal from the compound pterotic before the preopercle; (4) a well developed membrane at anal opening in females; and (5) a V-shaped spinelet. A key to species of Curculionichthys is provided.  相似文献   

Job Kuijt 《Brittonia》1994,46(1):72-74
A large-leaved, apparently dioecious species ofIxocactus,I. macrophyllus, is described from Brazil.  相似文献   

陈祥盛 《昆虫学报》2002,45(2):34-36
记述采自我国新疆维吾尔族自治区的埃拉飞虱属一新种,新疆埃拉飞虱Elachodelphax xinjiangensis sp.nov.。模式标本保存于贵州大学昆虫研究所。新种与该属模式种E. metcalfi(Kusnezov,1929)近缘,但新种以头顶端半部、额基半部深褐色,颊黑褐色;阳基侧突端外角及基内角呈角状突出;阳茎背缘波曲,具4齿,腹缘中部凹陷,该处亦具4齿;膈下半部两侧不具小齿等特征可明显区别。  相似文献   

New earthworm samples from Cyprus are assessed and discussed. A re-evaluation of specimens previously relegated to the Southern Alpine species Perelia nematogena (Rosa, 1903), revealed two independent species: Perelia phoebea (Cognetti, 1913 Cognetti, L. (1913): Escursioni zoologiche del Dr. E. Festa nell’Isola di Rodi V. Oligocheti. Bollettino dei Musei di zoologia ed anatomia comparata della R. Università di Torino, 28, 16. [Google Scholar]) ,described originally from Rhodes Island, (Greece) and an undescribed species Perelia makrisi sp. n. The new species is similar also to the Levantine Pe. galileana Csuzdi &; Pavlí?ek, 2005 and corroborates the hypotheses that the autochthonous earthworm fauna of Cyprus is of Levantine origin.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:FD1996DC-2FFC-42D5-A1D2-005B50E6FC64  相似文献   

陈祥盛 《昆虫学报》2002,45(Z1):34-36
 记述采自我国新疆维吾尔族自治区的埃拉飞虱属一新种,新疆埃 拉飞虱Elachodelphax xinjiangensis sp.nov.。模式标本保存于贵州大学昆虫研究所 。新种与该属模式种E. metcalfi(Kusnezov,1929)近缘,但新种以头顶端半部、额基半 部深褐色,颊黑褐色;阳基侧突端外角及基内角呈角状突出;阳茎背缘波曲,具4齿,腹缘 中部凹陷,该处亦具4齿;膈下半部两侧不具小齿等特征可明显区别。  相似文献   

报道蚌螨属Unionicola一新种。  相似文献   

Enantiostyly is a floral polymorphism characterized by style deflection to the right and left, which results in flowers with mirror images. To date, enantiostyly occurs only in species that offer pollen or nectar as floral resource. Here we describe the first case of enantiostyly in an oil-flower species. Janusia anisandra (A. Juss.) Griseb (Malpighiaceae) shows right and left-styled flowers in individuals occurring in an area of tropical dry forest in Northeastern Brazil. We described the floral morphology, investigate the reproductive system, and made focal observations of flower visitors behaviour. J. anisandra has morphological traits that are part of the floral conservatism found in the neotropical species of Malpighiaceae, which preserves features that are decisive for the interaction with oil-collecting bees of the Centridini tribe, performing a highly specialized pollination system. The six stamens (two major and four smaller), located in the center of the flower, characterizes heteranthery, an intrafloral polymorphism, in which the stamens differ in shape, size, and function and is commonly associated with enantiostyly. We identified the two floral morphs in the same individual, characterizing a monomorphic enantiostyly; each of the morphs differs by lateral displacement of the style to the right or to the left, always accompanied by one larger stamen. The species is moderately self-compatible. Four species of solitary bees of the genus Centris were registered visiting the two morphs of J. anisandra flowers. Centris aenea and C. fuscata were the main pollinators, performing 65% of the visits. This new discovery of a classical monomorphic enantiostyly in J. anisandra opens the way for investigations in the evolution of this system in oil-secreting flowers.  相似文献   

A new species of the lampyrid genus Oculogryphus Jeng, Engel, and Yang, O. shuensis sp. n. from China (Sichuan Province) is described and figured. The genus previously was known only from Vietnam, and the new species is the first representative of the genus in the Sino-Japanese zoogeographic realm. Some morphological variations of Oculogryphus and the allied genus Stenocladius are discussed and a modification to the most recent key to ototretine genera is proposed to accommodate Oculogryphus.  相似文献   

Abstract. The morphology and chaetotaxy of the first instar larvae of six species belonging to the genera Hipparchia, Kanetisa and Chazara are described. Specific characters are stated, drawn mainly from size, setal length and morphology, and the shape of the suranal plate. Several characters, other than chaetotaxy, that are of potential use in nymphalid systematics are discussed. The larval chaetotaxy is briefly compared with that of both heliconiine and danaine first instar larvae.  相似文献   

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