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The F0F1-ATPase of the inner mitochondrial membrane catalyzes the conversion of a proton electrochemical energy into the chemical bond energy of ATP (Boyer, P.D., Chance, B., Ernster, L., Mitchell, P., Racker, E., and Slater, E.C. (1977) Annu. Rev. Biochem. 46, 955-1026). To assess the role of the membrane potential (delta psi) in this process and to study the effect of very short pulses on ATP synthesis, we employed a high voltage pulsation method (Kinosita, K., and Tsong, T.Y. (1977) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74, 1923-1927) to induce a delta psi of controlled magnitude and duration in a suspension of submitochondrial particles and F0F1-ATPase vesicles. Cyanide-treated submitochondrial particles were exposed to electric pulses of 10-30 kV/cm of magnitude (generating a peak delta psi of 150-450 mV) and 1-100 microseconds duration. Net [32P]ATP synthesis from [32P]Pi and ADP was observed with maximal values of 410 pmol/mg X pulse for a 30 kV/cm-100-microseconds pulse. This corresponds to a yield of 10-12 mol of ATP per mol of F0F1 complex per pulse. As many as 4 nmol/mg were produced after pulsing the same sample 8 times. By varying the ionic strength of the suspending medium, and consequently the pulse width, it is clearly shown that the synthesis was electrically driven and did not correlate with Joule heating of the sample. Titrations using specific inhibitors and ionophores were performed. The voltage-induced ATP synthesis was 50% inhibited by 0.11 microgram/mg of oligomycin and 2.4 nmol/mg of N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. Ionophores and uncouplers had varying degrees of inhibition. The dependence of ATP synthesis on pulse width was nonlinear, exhibiting a threshold at 10 microseconds and a biphasic behavior above this value. Isolated F0F1-ATPase reconstituted into asolectin vesicles also synthesized ATP when pulsed with electric fields. A 35 kV/cm pulse induced the synthesis of 115 pmol of ATP per mg of protein, which corresponds to approximately 0.34 mol of ATP per mol of F0F1-ATPase. This synthesis was also sensitive to oligomycin and dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. The possibility of turnover of the ATPase in microseconds is considered.  相似文献   

Dimethylsulfoxide [Me2SO, 30% (v/v)] promotes the formation of ATP from ADP and phosphate catalyzed by soluble mitochondrial F1-ATPase. The effects of this solvent on the interaction of beef-heart mitochondrial F1 with the immobilized ATP of Agarose-hexane-ATP were studied. In the presence of Me2SO, F1 bound less readily to the immobilized ATP, but once bound was more difficult to elute with exogenous ATP. This suggests that not only was the binding affinity for adenine nucleotide at the first binding site affected but that adenine nucleotide binding affinity at the second and/or third sites, which interact cooperatively with the first site to release bound nucleotide, was also affected. A reduction in the binding of [3H]ADP to these sites was shown. A change in the conformation of F1 in 30% (v/v) Me2SO was demonstrated by crosslinking and by the increased resistance of the enzyme to cold denaturation.  相似文献   

Initial rates of succinate-dependent ATP synthesis catalyzed by submitochondrial particles from bovine heart substoichiometrically coupled with oligomycin were found to have hyperbolic dependencies on contents of Mg x ADP, free Mg2+, and phosphate. The results suggest that Mg x ADP complex and free phosphate are true substrates of the enzyme; and an unordered ternary complex of Fo x F1-ATPase, Mg x ADP, and phosphate is generated during the catalysis. The presence of free Mg2+ is required for the reaction. Mg2+ was a noncompetitive activator of ATP synthesis relative to Mg x ADP and a competitive activator relative to phosphate. The decrease in steady-state values of Deltamu(H)+ (by the inhibition of succinate oxidase with malonate) results in the decreased value of Vmax and in a slight decrease in Km for the substrates and Mg2+ without changes in affinity for the substrates. Based on these results, a kinetic scheme of ATP synthesis is proposed.  相似文献   

Dimethylsulfoxide (Me2SO; 30%, v/v) promotes the formation of ATP from ADP and phosphate catalyzed by soluble mitochondrial F1 ATPase. The effects of this solvent on the adenine nucleotide binding properties of beef-heart mitochondrial F1 ATPase were examined. The ATP analog adenylyl-5'-imidodiphosphate bound to F1 at 1.9 and 1.0 sites in aqueous and Me2SO systems, respectively, with a KD value of 2.2 microM. Lower affinity sites were present also. Binding of ATP or adenylyl-5'-imidodiphosphate at levels near equimolar with the enzyme occurred to a greater extent in the absence of Me2SO. Addition of ATP to the nucleotide-loaded enzyme resulted in exchange of about one-half of the bound ATP. This occurred only in an entirely aqueous medium. ATP bound in Me2SO medium was not released by exogenous ATP. Comparison of the effect of different concentrations of Me2SO on ADP binding to F1 and ATP synthesis by the enzyme showed that binding of ADP was diminished by concentrations of Me2SO lower than those required to support ATP synthesis. However, one site could still be filled by ADP at concentrations of Me2SO optimal for ATP synthesis. This site is probably a noncatalytic site, since the nucleotide bound there was not converted to ATP in 30% Me2SO. The ATP synthesized by F1 in Me2SO originated from endogenous bound ADP. We conclude that 30% Me2SO affects the adenine nucleotide binding properties of the enzyme. The role of this in the promotion of the formation of ATP from ADP and phosphate is discussed.  相似文献   

S Beharry  P D Bragg 《FEBS letters》1989,253(1-2):276-280
Treatment of beef-heart mitochondrial F1 ATPase with 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) results in the incorporation of 1 mol DTNB/mol F1 without loss of ATPase activity. Incorporation is not prevented by ATP. Labeling occurs predominantly on an alpha-subunit, but also with a significant degree of modification of gamma- and epsilon-subunits. It is suggested that the modified sulfhydryl groups of the alpha-, gamma- and epsilon-subunits are in proximity so that only one can be modified by the reagent. Guanidine hydrochloride (0.3 M) dissociates F1 into its subunits. Eight sulfhydryl groups/mol F1 can be modified under these conditions. Guanidine hydrochloride does not cause dissociation of F1 in the presence of 30% (v/v) dimethylsulfoxide (Me2SO) and 2 mM ATP. Under these conditions a second molecule of DTNB is incorporated into F1 with nearly equal modification of the epsilon-subunit and an alpha-subunit. It is proposed that Me2SO and ATP induce a more stable conformation of F1, which is resistant to dissociation by guanidine hydrochloride, but in which the site of reaction with DTNB is made more accessible by the guanidine hydrochloride to permit the simultaneous modification of an alpha-subunit and the epsilon-subunit. This conformation is probably that which occurs during ATP synthesis by F1 in the presence of Me2SO.  相似文献   

Purified TF1 (F1-ATPase from a thermophilic bacterium PS3) synthesizes enzyme-bound ATP from medium Pi and enzyme-bound ADP in the presence of 50% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). Once ATP was formed on the enzyme, it was not released even after removal of DMSO and Pi from the solution. The half maximal concentration of medium Pi for ATP synthesis was 1mM. The pH optimum for enzyme-bound ATP formation was about 6.5. Under the optimum conditions, a yield of up to 0.8 mol of ATP/mol of TF1 was obtained.  相似文献   

In medium containing 40% dimethylsulfoxide, soluble F1 catalyzes the hydrolysis of ATP introduced at concentrations lower than that of the enzyme [Al-Shawi, M.K. & Senior, A.E. (1992), Biochemistry 31, 886-891]. At this concentration of dimethylsulfoxide, soluble F1 also catalyzes the spontaneous synthesis of a tightly bound ATP to a level of approximately 0.15 mol per mol F1 [Gómez-Puyou, A., Tuena de Gómez-Puyou, M. & de Meis, L. (1986) Eur. J. Biochem. 159, 133-140]. The mechanisms that allow soluble F1 to carry out these apparently opposing reactions were studied. The rate of hydrolysis of ATP bound to F1 under uni-site conditions and that of synthesis of ATP were markedly similar, indicating that the two ATP molecules lie in equivalent high affinity catalytic sites. The number of enzyme molecules that have ATP at the high affinity catalytic site under conditions of synthesis or uni-site hydrolysis is less than the total number of enzyme molecules. Therefore, it was hypothesized that when the enzyme was treated with dimethylsulfoxide, a fraction of the F1 population carried out synthesis and another hydrolysis. Indeed, measurements of the two reactions under identical conditions showed that different fractions of the F1 population carried out simultaneously synthesis and hydrolysis of ATP. The reactions continued until an equilibrium level between F1.ADP + Pi <--> F1.ATP was established. At equilibrium, about 15% of the enzyme population was in the form F1.ATP. The DeltaG degrees of the reaction with 0.54 microM F1, 2 mM Pi and 10 mM Mg2+ at pH 6.8 was -2.7 kcal.mol-1 in favor of F1.ATP. The DeltaG degrees of the reaction did not exhibit important variations with Pi concentration; thus, the reaction was in thermodynamic equilibrium. In contrast, DeltaG degrees became significantly less negative as the concentration of dimethylsulfoxide was decreased. In water, the reaction was far to the left. The equilibrium constant of the reaction diminished linearly with an increase in water activity. The effect of solvent is fully reversible. In comparison to other enzymes, F1 seems unique in that solvent controls the equilibrium that exists within an enzyme population. This results from the effect of solvent on the partition of Pi between the catalytic site and the medium, and the large energetic barrier that prevents release of ATP from the catalytic site. In the presence of dimethylsulfoxide and Pi, ATP is continuously hydrolyzed and synthesized with formation and uptake of Pi from the medium. This process is essentially an exchange reaction analogous to the phosphate-ATP exchange reaction that is catalyzed by the ATP synthase in coupled energy transducing membranes.  相似文献   

The effect of polyamines on F1-ATPase catalyzed reactions has been studied through the use of submitochondrial particles and F1-ATPase. ATP degradation catalyzed by submitochondrial particles and F1-ATPase was inhibited by spermine and spermidine. Spermine's inhibition was much greater than spermidine's effect. In contrast, P1-ATP exchange and succinate dependent ATP synthesis catalyzed by submitochondrial particles were both stimulated by spermine. The inhibition of ATPase activity by polyamines probably occurs through polyamine's replacement of Mg2+ on ATP, for the following reasons. (a) The ATPase activity inhibited by spermine was partially recovered when Mg2+ was added. (b) Spermine bound to ATP and phospholipids but not to F1-ATPase; yet spermine inhibited the ATPase reaction catalyzed by F1-ATPase, a protein free of phospholipid. (c) The binding of spermine to ATP was inhibited by Mg2+. The ATP content in polyamine-deficient cells definitely was lower than that in normal cells. On the basis of these results, the possible role of spermine in keeping the ATP concentration at a high level is discussed.  相似文献   

Gao YQ  Yang W  Karplus M 《Cell》2005,123(2):195-205
Many essential functions of living cells are performed by nanoscale protein motors. The best characterized of these is F(o)F1-ATP synthase, the smallest rotary motor. This rotary motor catalyzes the synthesis of ATP with high efficiency under conditions where the reactants (ADP, H2PO4(-)) and the product (ATP) are present in the cell at similar concentrations. We present a detailed structure-based kinetic model for the mechanism of action of F1-ATPase and demonstrate the role of different protein conformations for substrate binding during ATP synthesis and ATP hydrolysis. The model shows that the pathway for ATP hydrolysis is not simply the pathway for ATP synthesis in reverse. The findings of the model also explain why the cellular concentration of ATP does not inhibit ATP synthesis.  相似文献   

The F1 and F1-inhibitor-protein complex synthesized tightly bound ATP from ADP and Pi when the organic solvents dimethylsulfoxide (20-50% v/v), ethylene glycol (20-60% v/v) or poly(ethylene glycol) 4000 and 8000 (30-50% w/v) were included in the assay media. There was no synthesis of tightly bound ATP in the absence of organic solvents. In the presence of 50% dimethylsulfoxide, maximal synthesis of ATP was obtained at pH values between 6.5 and 7.7. In both F1 and F1-inhibitor-protein there was no synthesis of ATP in the absence of MgCl2. The rate of ATP synthesis became faster as the MgCl2 concentration in the medium was raised from 0.1-10 mM. The Km for Pi of F1 was in the range of 0.8-1.5 mM. The Km for Pi of the F1-inhibitor-protein was much higher than that of F1 and could not be measured. In the presence of 10 mM MgCl2 and 2 mM Pi, the rate constants of ATP synthesis by F1 and F1-inhibitor-protein were 5.2-10.4 h-1 and 3.5-5.9 h-1 respectively. For both enzymes the rate constant of ATP hydrolysis was 0.69 h-1. The tightly bound ATP of F1 and F1-inhibitor-protein were hydrolyzed at a much slower rate when either the Pi concentration or the MgCl2 concentration was suddenly decreased. Both in presence and absence of Mg2+, 40-60% of the radioactive tightly bound ATP synthesized by F1 was hydrolyzed when non-radioactive ATP was added to the assay medium. This was not observed when F1-inhibitor-protein was used.  相似文献   

The reaction of mitochondrial F1-ATPase with immobilized substrate was studied by using columns of agarose-hexane-ATP. Mg2+ was required for binding of the enzyme to the column matrix. The column-bound enzyme could be eluted fully by ATP and other nucleoside triphosphates. Nucleoside di- and mono-phosphates were less effective. At a fixed concentration of nucleotide the effectiveness of elution was proportional to the charge on the eluting molecule. The ATP of the column matrix was hydrolysed by the bound F1-ATPase to release phosphate, probably by a uni-site reaction mechanism. Thus the F1-ATPase was bound to the immobilized ATP by a catalytic site. Treatment of the bound F1-ATPase with 4-chloro-7-nitrobenzofurazan prevented complete release of the enzyme by ATP. Only one-third of the bound enzyme was now eluted by the nucleotide. The inhibition of release could be due either to the inhibitor blocking co-operative interactions between sites or to its increasing the tightness of binding of immobilized ADP at the catalytic site.  相似文献   

The effect of guanidine hydrochloride on ATPase activity, gel filtration, turbidity, and the fluorescence emission intensity of mitochondrial F1-ATPase was examined. Purified F1 from bovine heart mitochondria was slowly inactivated at low denaturant concentration, and inactivation was associated with delta and epsilon subunit dissociation. delta and epsilon subunits were bound together to form a stable and soluble heterodimer. In parallel, appearance of turbidity was observed. This was caused by the formation of alpha3beta3gamma non-covalent aggregates, as analyzed by SDS-PAGE. Short periods of exposition of the F1 complex to high concentrations of guanidine hydrochloride (0.8-3 M) again induced deltaepsilon dissociation as a heterodimer and the formation of an inactive alpha3beta3gamma subcomplex. This eventually dissociated progressively into single subunits caused by partial unfolding, as evidenced through changes of the protein intrinsic fluorescence emission. Our results suggest that the delta and epsilon subunits are loosely bound to alpha3beta3gamma , and play an important role in determining structural stability to isolated mitochondrial F1-ATPase.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial F(1)F(0)-ATPase normally synthesizes ATP in the heart, but under ischemic conditions this enzyme paradoxically causes ATP hydrolysis. Nonselective inhibitors of this enzyme (aurovertin, oligomycin) inhibit ATP synthesis in normal tissue but also inhibit ATP hydrolysis in ischemic myocardium. We characterized the profile of aurovertin and oligomycin in ischemic and nonischemic rat myocardium and compared this with the profile of BMS-199264, which only inhibits F(1)F(0)-ATP hydrolase activity. In isolated rat hearts, aurovertin (1-10 microM) and oligomycin (10 microM), at concentrations inhibiting ATPase activity, reduced ATP concentration and contractile function in the nonischemic heart but significantly reduced the rate of ATP depletion during ischemia. They also inhibited recovery of reperfusion ATP and contractile function, consistent with nonselective F(1)F(0)-ATPase inhibitory activity, which suggests that upon reperfusion, the hydrolase activity switches back to ATP synthesis. BMS-199264 inhibits F(1)F(0) hydrolase activity in submitochondrial particles with no effect on ATP synthase activity. BMS-199264 (1-10 microM) conserved ATP in rat hearts during ischemia while having no effect on preischemic contractile function or ATP concentration. Reperfusion ATP levels were replenished faster and necrosis was reduced by BMS-199264. ATP hydrolase activity ex vivo was selectively inhibited by BMS-199264. Therefore, excessive ATP hydrolysis by F(1)F(0)-ATPase contributes to the decline in cardiac energy reserve during ischemia and selective inhibition of ATP hydrolase activity can protect ischemic myocardium.  相似文献   

Using molecular dynamics, we study the unbinding of ATP in F(1)-ATPase from its tight binding state to its weak binding state. The calculations are made feasible through use of interpolated atomic structures from Wang and Oster [Nature 1998, 396: 279-282]. These structures are applied to atoms distant from the catalytic site. The forces from these distant atoms gradually drive a large primary region through a series of sixteen equilibrated steps that trace the hinge bending conformational change in the beta-subunit that drives rotation of gamma-subunit. As the rotation progresses, we find a sequential weakening and breaking of the hydrogen bonds between the ATP molecule and the alpha- and beta-subunits of the ATPase. This finding agrees with the "binding-zipper" model [Oster and Wang, BIOCHIM: Biophys. Acta 2000, 1458: 482-510.] In this model, the progressive formation of the hydrogen bonds is the energy source driving the rotation of the gamma-shaft during hydrolysis. Conversely, the corresponding sequential breaking of these bonds is driven by rotation of the shaft during ATP synthesis. Our results for the energetics during rotation suggest that the nucleotide's coordination with Mg(2+) during binding and release is necessary to account for the observed high efficiency of the motor.  相似文献   

The aurovertin-F1 complex was used to monitor fluorescence changes of the mitochondrial adenosine triphosphatase during multi- and uni-site ATP hydrolysis. It is known that the fluorescence intensity of the complex is partially quenched by addition of ATP or Mg2+ and enhanced by ADP (Chang, T., and Penefsky, H. S. (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 2746-2754). In the present study low concentrations of ATP (0.03 mM) induced a marked fluorescence quenching which was followed by a fast fluorescence recovery. This recovery could be prevented by EDTA or an ATP regenerating system. The rate of ATP hydrolysis by the aurovertin-F1 complex and the reversal of the ATP-induced fluorescence quenching were determined in these various conditions. ITP hydrolysis also resulted in fluorescence quenching that was followed by a recovery of fluorescence intensity. Under conditions for single site catalysis, fluorescence quenching was observed upon the addition of ATP. This strongly indicates that fluorescence changes in the aurovertin-F1 complex are due to the binding and hydrolysis of ATP at a catalytic site. Therefore the resulting ADP molecule bound at this catalytic site possibly induces the fluorescence recovery observed.  相似文献   

ATP hydrolysis by F1-ATPase is strongly inhibited by cationic rhodamines; neutral rhodamines are very poor inhibitors. Rhodamine 6G is a noncompetitive inhibitor of purified F0F1-ATPase and submitochondrial particles, however, an uncompetitive inhibitor of F1-ATPase (KI approximately equal to 2.4 microM for all three enzyme forms). Ethidium bromide is a noncompetitive inhibitor of F0F1-ATPase, submitochondrial particles and also F1-ATPase (KI approximately equal to 270 microM). Neither of the inhibitors affects the negative cooperativity (nH approximately equal to 0.7). The non-identical binding sites for rhodamine 6G and ethidium bromide are located on the F1-moiety and are topologically distinct from the catalytic site. Binding of the inhibitors prevents the conformational changes essential for energy transduction. It is concluded that the inhibitor binding sites are involved in proton translocation. In F1-ATPase, binding of MgATP at a catalytic site causes conformational changes, which allosterically induce the correct structure of the rhodamine 6G binding site. In F0F1-ATPase, this conformation of the F1-moiety exists a priori, due to allosteric interactions with F0-subunits. The binding site for ethidium bromide on F1-ATPase does not require substrate binding at the catalytic site and is not affected by F0F1-subunit interactions.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The possibility that the rate of ATP hydrolysis by F1-ATPase approaches the diffusion-controlled limits was investigated by measuring the values of kcat and kl (kcat/Km) as a function of increasing viscosity.
  • 2.2. The values of kcat/Km decrease significantly with increasing viscosity; further such decrease was lower when F1-ATPase hydrolyzed poor substrate such as Ca- and Mg-ITP or when the hydrolysis rates were measured at temperatures below 20°C.
  • 3.3. Viscosity also decreases cat, but only at high concentrations of viscosogenic agents.
  • 4.4. These results suggest that ATP hydrolysis is at least partly diffusion-controlled, although a general non-specific perturbation in the enzyme structure is also effected by viscosity.

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