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The human organic anion transport protein SLC21A6 is not sufficient for bilirubin transport 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
A recent study (Cui, Y., Konig, J., Leier, I., Buchholz, U., and Keppler, D. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 9626-9630) suggests that human OATP2 (SLC21A6), also known as OATP-C and LST1, mediates hepatic bilirubin transport. Because of methodologic concerns, this study was designed to examine this issue using a bilirubin transport assay that was validated in overnight cultured rat hepatocytes. These studies showed that cultured rat hepatocytes transported bilirubin with kinetics virtually identical to the transport of sulfobromophthalein. This assay was then used to quantify bilirubin transport by HeLa cells that had been stably transfected with OATP2 under regulation of a metallothionein promoter. Immunoblot analysis revealed abundant expression of OATP2 after incubation of cells for 48 h in zinc, whereas uninduced cells had no expression of this protein. In OATP2-expressing (zinc-induced) HeLa cells at 37 degrees C, the uptake of [35S]sulfobromophthalein was substantial (51.6 +/- 16.5 pmol/15 min/mg protein, n = 5) with little cell-associated ligand in non-expressing (uninduced) cells (0.54 +/- 0.16 pmol/15 min/mg protein, n = 5, p < 0.002). In contrast, there was no difference (p > 0.2) in cell-associated [3H]bilirubin in induced (OATP2-expressing) as compared with uninduced cells (11.25 +/- 3.02 pmol/15 min/mg protein versus 9.15 +/- 1.68 pmol/min/mg protein, respectively, n = 5) We obtained similar results in OATP2-transfected HEK293 cells that were used in the original report. The existence of a bilirubin transporter has been an important field of investigation for many years. Although the current study indicates that a role for OATP2 in hepatocyte bilirubin transport is unlikely, it provides new and sensitive tools that can be adapted to examine the function of putative bilirubin transporters in the future. 相似文献
Damkier HH Nielsen S Praetorius J 《American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology》2007,293(5):R2136-R2146
NaHCO(3) transporters are involved in maintenance of intracellular pH and transepithelial HCO(3)(-) movement in many rodent tissues. To establish the human relevance of the many investigations on rodents, this study aimed to map these transporters and a related polypeptide, NaBC1 [solute carrier 4 (SLC4)A11], to several human tissues by using PCR on reverse transcribed human mRNA and immunoperoxidase histochemistry. The mRNA encoding the electroneutral Na(+):HCO(3)(-) cotransporter (NBCe1; SLC4A4), was expressed in renal cortex, renal medulla, stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, colon, pancreas, choroid plexus, cerebellum, cerebrum, and hippocampus. NBCe2 (SLC4A5) and NBCn1 (SLC4A7) mRNAs were mainly found in kidney and brain tissues, as was mRNA encoding the Na(+)-dependent anion exchangers NCBE (SLC4A10) and NDCBE1 (SLC4A8). In addition to previous findings, NBCn1 protein was localized to human renal medullary thick ascending limbs and duodenal epithelial villus cells and NBCe2 protein to renal collecting ducts. Finally, the message encoding NaBC1 was found in kidney, stomach, duodenum, pancreas, and brain, and the corresponding protein in the anterior and posterior corneal epithelia, renal corpuscules, proximal tubules, collecting ducts, pancreatic ducts, and the choroid plexus epithelium. In conclusion, the selected human tissues display distinct expression patterns of HCO(3)(-) transporters, which closely resemble that of rodent tissues. 相似文献
Virkki LV Wilson DA Vaughan-Jones RD Boron WF 《American journal of physiology. Cell physiology》2002,282(6):C1278-C1289
We have functionally characterized Na+-driven bicarbonate transporter (NBC)4, originally cloned from human heart by Pushkin et al. (Pushkin A, Abuladze N, Newman D, Lee I, Xu G, and Kurtz I. Biochem Biophys Acta 1493: 215-218, 2000). Of the four NBC4 variants currently present in GenBank, our own cloning efforts yielded only variant c. We expressed NBC4c (GenBank accession no. AF293337) in Xenopus laevis oocytes and assayed membrane potential (Vm) and pH regulatory function with microelectrodes. Exposing an NBC4c-expressing oocyte to a solution containing 5% CO2 and 33 mM HCO elicited a large hyperpolarization, indicating that the transporter is electrogenic. The initial CO2-induced decrease in intracellular pH (pH(i)) was followed by a slow recovery that was reversed by removing external Na+. Two-electrode voltage clamp of NBC4c-expressing oocytes revealed large HCO- and Na+-dependent currents. When we voltage clamped V(m) far from NBC4c's estimated reversal potential (E(rev)), the pH(i) recovery rate increased substantially. Both the currents and pH(i) recovery were blocked by 200 microM 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS). We estimated the transporter's HCO:Na+ stoichiometry by measuring E(rev) at different extracellular Na+ concentration ([Na+]o) values. A plot of E(rev) against log[Na+]o was linear, with a slope of 54.8 mV/log[Na+]o. This observation, as well as the absolute E(rev) values, are consistent with a 2:1 stoichiometry. In conclusion, the behavior of NBC4c, which we propose to call NBCe2-c, is similar to that of NBCe1, the first electrogenic NBC. 相似文献
Glover M Mercier Zuber A Figg N O'Shaughnessy KM 《Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology》2010,88(10):986-995
Cation transport in the distal mammalian nephron relies on the SLC12 family of membrane cotransporters that include the thiazide-sensitive Na(+)-Cl? cotransporter (NCC). NCC is regulated through a scaffold of interacting proteins, including the WNK kinases, WNK 1 and WNK 4, which are mutated in the hypertensive Gordon's syndrome. Dynamic regulation of NCC function by kinases must involve dephosphorylation by phosphatases, as illustrated by the role of PP1 and PP2B in the regulation of KCC members of the SLC12 family. There are 2 phosphorylation-controlled regulatory pathways for NCC: type 1, mediated by WNK4 and affecting trafficking to the surface membrane, and type 2, affecting intrinsic transporter kinetics by phosphorylation of conserved N-terminal S/T amino acids. Using the Xenopus oocyte expression system, we show that PP4 inhibits NCC activity - but not trafficking to the surface membrane - by a mechanism that requires phosphatase activity and a conserved N-terminal amino acid of NCC, threonine 58. This action is distinct from WNK4 regulation of membrane trafficking. In the mouse kidney, PP4 is selectively expressed in the distal nephron, including cells of the distal convoluted tubule cells, suggesting that PP4 may have a physiological role in regulating NCC and hence NaCl reabsorption in vivo. 相似文献
Virkki Leila V.; Wilson Darren A.; Vaughan-Jones Richard D.; Boron Walter F. 《American journal of physiology. Cell physiology》2002,282(6):C1278
We havefunctionally characterized Na+-driven bicarbonatetransporter (NBC)4, originally cloned from human heart by Pushkin etal. (Pushkin A, Abuladze N, Newman D, Lee I, Xu G, and Kurtz I. Biochem Biophys Acta 1493: 215-218, 2000). Of the fourNBC4 variants currently present in GenBank, our own cloning efforts yielded only variant c. We expressed NBC4c (GenBank accession no.AF293337) in Xenopus laevis oocytes and assayed membrane potential (Vm) and pH regulatory function withmicroelectrodes. Exposing an NBC4c-expressing oocyte to a solutioncontaining 5% CO2 and 33 mM HCO elicited a large hyperpolarization, indicating that the transporter iselectrogenic. The initial CO2-induced decrease inintracellular pH (pHi) was followed by a slow recovery thatwas reversed by removing external Na+. Two-electrodevoltage clamp of NBC4c-expressing oocytes revealed largeHCO - and Na+-dependent currents. When wevoltage clamped Vm far from NBC4c's estimatedreversal potential (Erev), the pHirecovery rate increased substantially. Both the currents andpHi recovery were blocked by 200 µM4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS). We estimatedthe transporter's HCO :Na+ stoichiometryby measuring Erev at different extracellularNa+ concentration ([Na+]o)values. A plot of Erev againstlog[Na+]o was linear, with a slope of 54.8 mV/log[Na+]o. This observation, as well asthe absolute Erev values, are consistent with a2:1 stoichiometry. In conclusion, the behavior of NBC4c, which wepropose to call NBCe2-c, is similar to that of NBCe1, the firstelectrogenic NBC. 相似文献
Cloning and functional characterization of human sodium-dependent organic anion transporter (SLC10A6) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Geyer J Döring B Meerkamp K Ugele B Bakhiya N Fernandes CF Godoy JR Glatt H Petzinger E 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2007,282(27):19728-19741
We have cloned human sodium-dependent organic anion transporter (SOAT) cDNA, which consists of 1502 bp and encodes a 377-amino acid protein. SOAT shows 42% sequence identity to the ileal apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter ASBT and 33% sequence identity to the hepatic Na(+)/taurocholate-cotransporting polypeptide NTCP. Immunoprecipitation of a SOAT-FLAG-tagged protein revealed a glycosylated form at 46 kDa that decreased to 42 kDa after PNGase F treatment. SOAT exhibits a seven-transmembrane domain topology with an outside-to-inside orientation of the N-terminal and C-terminal ends. SOAT mRNA is most highly expressed in testis. Relatively high SOAT expression was also detected in placenta and pancreas. We established a stable SOAT-HEK293 cell line that showed sodium-dependent transport of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, estrone-3-sulfate, and pregnenolone sulfate with apparent K(m) values of 28.7, 12.0, and 11.3 microm, respectively. Although bile acids, such as taurocholic acid, cholic acid, and chenodeoxycholic acid, were not substrates of SOAT, the sulfoconjugated bile acid taurolithocholic acid-3-sulfate was transported by SOAT-HEK293 cells in a sodium-dependent manner and showed competitive inhibition of SOAT transport with an apparent K(i) value of 0.24 mum. Several nonsteroidal organosulfates also strongly inhibited SOAT, including 1-(omega-sulfooxyethyl)pyrene, bromosulfophthalein, 2- and 4-sulfooxymethylpyrene, and alpha-naphthylsulfate. Among these inhibitors, 2- and 4-sulfooxymethylpyrene were competitive inhibitors of SOAT, with apparent K(i) values of 4.3 and 5.5 microm, respectively, and they were also transported by SOAT-HEK293 cells. 相似文献
The anion exchanger pendrin (Pds, SLC26A4) transports various anions including bicarbonate, chloride and iodide. In the kidney, pendrin is exclusively expressed on the luminal pole of bicarbonate-secretory type B intercalated cells. Genetic ablation of pendrin in mice abolishes luminal chloride-bicarbonate exchanger activity from type B intercalated cells suggesting that pendrin is the apical bicarbonate extruding pathway. The renal expression of pendrin is developmentally adapted and pendrin positive cells originate from both the uretric bud and mesenchyme. In adult kidney, pendrin expression and activity is regulated by systemic acid-base status, dietary electrolyte intake (mostly chloride), and hormones such as angiotensin II and aldosterone which can affect subcellular localization, the relative number of pendrin expressing cells, and the overall abundance consistent with a role of pendrin in maintaining normal acid-base homeostasis. This review summarizes recent findings on the role and regulation of pendrin in the context of the kidneys role in acid-base homeostasis in health and disease. 相似文献
Battula S Hao S Pedraza PL Stier CT Ferreri NR 《American journal of physiology. Renal physiology》2011,301(1):F94-100
The effects of TNF gene deletion on renal Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(-) cotransporter (NKCC2) expression and activity were determined. Outer medulla from TNF(-/-) mice exhibited a twofold increase in total NKCC2 protein expression compared with wild-type (WT) mice. This increase was not observed in TNF(-/-) mice treated with recombinant human TNF (hTNF) for 7 days. Administration of hTNF had no effect on total NKCC2 expression in WT mice. A fourfold increase in NKCC2A mRNA accumulation was observed in outer medulla from TNF(-/-) compared with WT mice; NKCC2F and NKCC2B mRNA accumulation was similar between genotypes. The increase in NKCC2A mRNA accumulation was attenuated when TNF(-/-) mice were treated with hTNF. Bumetanide-sensitive O(2) consumption, an in vitro correlate of NKCC2 activity, was 2.8 ± 0.2 nmol·min(-1)·mg(-1) in medullary thick ascending limb tubules from WT, representing ~40% of total O(2) consumption, whereas, in medullary thick ascending limb tubules from TNF(-/-) mice, it was 5.6 ± 0.3 nmol·min(-1)·mg(-1), representing ~60% of total O(2) consumption. Administration of hTNF to TNF(-/-) mice restored the bumetanide-sensitive component to ~30% of total O(2) consumption. Ambient urine osmolality was higher in TNF(-/-) compared with WT mice (2,072 ± 104 vs. 1,696 ± 153 mosmol/kgH(2)O, P < 0.05). The diluting ability of the kidney, assessed by measuring urine osmolality before and after 1 h of water loading also was greater in TNF(-/-) compared with WT mice (174 ± 38 and 465 ± 81 mosmol/kgH(2)O, respectively, P < 0.01). Collectively, these findings suggest that TNF plays a role as an endogenous inhibitor of NKCC2 expression and function. 相似文献
Triton X-100 extracts of purified rat brain synaptosomes exhibited marked phosphorylation of an endogenous Mr 87,000 polypeptide following chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. The protein kinase catalyzing this reaction was insensitive to cyclic AMP, Ca2+, calmodulin, and phorbol esters. However, phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PIP) proved to be a potent inhibitor of the Mr 87,000 polypeptide phosphorylation at submicromolar concentrations, whereas phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidylglycerol were less potent inhibitors. Unsaturated fatty acids could also mimic the effects of PIP at levels above 4 micrograms/ml. The inhibitory effect of PIP largely reflected a profound increase in the apparent Km for Mg2+ such that increasing Mg2+ levels could partially offset the action of PIP. The PIP-sensitive protein kinase was enriched in hypotonic lysates of synaptosomes from which it was partially purified by DEAE-cellulose, hydroxylapatite, and gel permeation chromatography. This purification separated the enzyme from its Mr 87,000 substrate; however, the presence of this polypeptide in heat-inactivated alkali extracts of rat brain provided an exogenous source of substrate which could be used to assay enzyme activity. The relevance of these data to a possible role for PIP and Mg2+ in cellular signaling is discussed. 相似文献
Peerce BE 《Archives of biochemistry and biophysics》2002,397(1):1-10
We searched for new fluorescent probes of catalytic-site nucleotide binding in F(1)F(0)-ATP synthase by introducing Cys mutations at positions in or close to catalytic sites and then reacting Cys-mutant F(1) with thiol-reactive fluorescent probes. Four suitable mutant/probe combinations were identified. beta F410C labeled by 7-fluorobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole-4-sulfonamide (ABD-F) gave very large signal changes in response to nucleotide, allowing facile measurement of fluorescence and nucleotide-binding parameters, not only in F(1) but also in F(1)F(0). The results are consistent with the presence of three asymmetric catalytic sites of widely different affinities, with similar properties in both enzymes, and revealed a unique probe environment at the high-affinity site 1. beta Y331C F(1) labeled by ABD-F gave a large signal which monitored catalytic site polarity changes that occur along the ATP hydrolysis pathway. Two other mutant/probe combinations with significant nucleotide-responsive signals were beta Y331C labeled by 5-((((2-iodoacetyl)amino)ethyl)amino)naphthaline-1-sulfonic acid and alpha F291C labeled by 2-4'-(iodoacetamido)anilino)naphthalene-6-sulfonic acid. The signal of the latter responds differentially to nucleoside diphosphate versus triphosphate bound in catalytic sites. 相似文献
Hiroshi Morita Jun Deguchi Yusuke Motegi Seizo Sato Chihiro Aoyama Jiro Takeo Motoo Shiro Yusuke Hirasawa 《Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters》2010,20(3):1070-1074
Two cyclic diarylheptanoids, acerogenins A (1) and B (2) have been isolated from the bark of Acer nikoense as inhibitors of Na+-glucose cotransporter (SGLT). Acerogenins A (1) and B (2) inhibited both isoforms, SGLT1 and SGLT2. Structure–activity relationship of acerogenin derivatives on inhibitory activity of SGLT as well as conformational analysis of 1 and 2 on the basis of J-resolved HMBC spectra and X-ray analysis were discussed. 相似文献
Hayashi M Otsuka M Morimoto R Hirota S Yatsushiro S Takeda J Yamamoto A Moriyama Y 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2001,276(46):43400-43406
Vesicular glutamate transporter is present in neuronal synaptic vesicles and endocrine synaptic-like microvesicles and is responsible for vesicular storage of L-glutamate. A brain-specific Na(+)-dependent inorganic phosphate transporter (BNPI) functions as a vesicular glutamate transporter in synaptic vesicles, and the expression of this BNPI defines the glutamatergic phenotype in the central nervous system (Bellocchio, E. E., Reimer, R. J., Fremeau, R. T., Jr., and Edwards, R. H. (2000) Science 289, 957-960; Takamori, S., Rhee, J. S., Rosenmund, C., and Jahn, R. (2000) Nature 407, 189-194). However, since not all glutamatergic neurons contain BNPI, an additional transporter(s) responsible for vesicular glutamate uptake has been postulated. Here we report that differentiation-associated Na(+)-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter (DNPI), an isoform of BNPI (Aihara, Y., Mashima, H., Onda, H., Hisano, S., Kasuya, H., Hori, T., Yamada, S., Tomura, H., Yamada, Y., Inoue, I., Kojima, I., and Takeda, J. (2000) J. Neurochem. 74, 2622-2625), also transports L-glutamate at the expense of an electrochemical gradient of protons established by the vacuolar proton pump when expressed in COS7 cells. Molecular, biological, and immunohistochemical studies have indicated that besides its presence in neuronal cells DNPI is preferentially expressed in mammalian pinealocytes, alphaTC6 cells, clonal pancreatic alpha cells, and alpha cells of Langerhans islets, these cells being proven to secrete L-glutamate through Ca(2+)-dependent regulated exocytosis followed by its vesicular storage. Pancreatic polypeptide-secreting F cells of Langerhans islets also expressed DNPI. These results constitute evidence that DNPI functions as another vesicular transporter in glutamatergic endocrine cells as well as in neurons. 相似文献
Perry C Quissell DO Reyland ME Grichtchenko II 《American journal of physiology. Cell physiology》2008,295(5):C1385-C1398
Cholinergic agonists are major stimuli for fluid secretion in parotid acinar cells. Saliva bicarbonate is essential for maintaining oral health. Electrogenic and electroneutral Na(+)-HCO(3)(-) cotransporters (NBCe1 and NBCn1) are abundant in parotid glands. We previously reported that angiotensin regulates NBCe1 by endocytosis in Xenopus oocytes. Here, we studied cholinergic regulation of NBCe1 and NBCn1 membrane trafficking by confocal fluorescent microscopy and surface biotinylation in parotid epithelial cells. NBCe1 and NBCn1 colocalized with E-cadherin monoclonal antibody at the basolateral membrane (BLM) in polarized ParC5 cells. Inhibition of constitutive recycling with the carboxylic ionophore monensin or the calmodulin antagonist W-13 caused NBCe1 to accumulate in early endosomes with a parallel loss from the BLM, suggesting that NBCe1 is constitutively endocytosed. Carbachol and PMA likewise caused redistribution of NBCe1 from BLM to early endosomes. The PKC inhibitor, GF-109203X, blocked this redistribution, indicating a role for PKC. In contrast, BLM NBCn1 was not downregulated in parotid acinar cells treated with constitutive recycling inhibitors, cholinergic stimulators, or PMA. We likewise demonstrate striking differences in regulation of membrane trafficking of NBCe1 vs. NBCn1 in resting and stimulated cells. We speculate that endocytosis of NBCe1, which coincides with the transition to a steady-state phase of stimulated fluid secretion, could be a part of acinar cell adjustment to a continuous secretory response. Stable association of NBCn1 at the membrane may facilitate constitutive uptake of HCO(3)(-) across the BLM, thus supporting HCO(3)(-) luminal secretion and/or maintaining acid-base homeostasis in stimulated cells. 相似文献
Abnormalities in monoamine metabolism, including serotonin metabolism, have been implicated in the pathophysiology of affective disorders, schizophrenia, suicide, and other psychiatric disorders. Serotonin transporter protein (SERT) allows neurons to retrieve serotonin that has been released into a synapse. SERT is a site of action for several drugs with CMS effects, including both therapeutic agents (e.g., antidepressants) and drugs of abuse (e.g., cocaine). This gene had previously been physically mapped to chromosome 17. We used a PCR product corresponding to the 3 untranslated region of the gene as a probe to identify restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), which we then used to establish that the SLC6A4, genetic locus for SERT, is near 17q12 and probably flanked by D17S58 and D17S73 (a location consistent with observed crossovers). These data should be useful for linkage studies of neuropsychiatric disorders. (Joyce et al. 1993). Neurotransmitter reuptake sites (including also the norepinephrine transporter protein and the dopamine transporter protein) are logical candidate genes for susceptibility to psychiatric illness. We have previously (Gelernter et al. 1993) mapped the norepinephrine transporter protein to chromosome 16q21. We describe here linkage mapping of the serotonin transporter protein gene (gene symbol SLC6A4, for solute carrier family 6 (neurotransporter, serotonin), member 4), which was cloned in 1991 (Blakely et al. 1991; Hoffman et al. 1991) and previously assigned to chromosome 17, most likely to band 17q11.2, by in situ hybridization (Ramamoorthy et al. 1993). Our linkage results confirm the initial mapping of SLC6A4 and place it in the linkage map of proximal 17q. 相似文献
Yao SY Ng AM Loewen SK Cass CE Baldwin SA Young JD 《American journal of physiology. Cell physiology》2002,283(1):C155-C168
The human concentrative (Na+-linked) plasma membrane transport proteins hCNT1, hCNT2, and hCNT3 are pyrimidine nucleoside-selective (system cit), purine nucleoside-selective (system cif), or broadly selective for both pyrimidine and purine nucleosides (system cib), respectively. All have orthologs in other mammalian species and belong to a gene family (CNT) that has members in insects, nematodes, pathogenic yeast, and bacteria. Here, we report the cDNA cloning and functional characterization of a CNT family member from an ancient marine prevertebrate, the Pacific hagfish (Eptatretus stouti). This Na+-nucleoside symporter, designated hfCNT, is the first transport protein to be characterized in detail in hagfish and is a 683-amino acid residue protein with 13 predicted transmembrane helical segments (TMs). hfCNT was 52, 50, and 57% identical in sequence to hCNT1, hCNT2, and hCNT3, respectively. Similarity to hCNT3 was particularly marked in the TM 4-13 region. When produced in Xenopus oocytes, hfCNT exhibited the transport properties of system cib, with uridine, thymidine, and inosine apparent K(m) values of 10-45 microM. The antiviral nucleoside drugs 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine, 2',3'-dideoxycytidine, and 2',3'-dideoxyinosine were also transported. Simultaneous measurement of uridine-evoked currents and radiolabeled uridine uptake under voltage-clamp conditions gave a Na+-to-uridine coupling ratio of 2:1 (cf. 2:1 for hCNT3 and 1:1 for hCNT1/2). The apparent K50 value for Na+ activation was >100 mM. A 50:50 chimera between hfCNT and hCNT1 (TMs 7-13 of hfCNT replaced by those of hCNT1) exhibited hCNT1-like cation interactions, establishing that the structural determinants of cation stoichiometry and binding affinity were located within the carboxy-terminal half of the protein. The high degree of sequence similarity between hfCNT and hCNT3 may indicate functional constraints on the primary structure of the transporter and suggests that cib-type CNTs fulfill important physiological functions. 相似文献