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The atomic resolution structure of Pf1 coat protein determined by solid-state NMR spectroscopy of magnetically aligned filamentous bacteriophage particles in solution is compared to the structures previously determined by X-ray fiber and neutron diffraction, the structure of its membrane-bound form, and the structure of fd coat protein. These structural comparisons provide insights into several biological properties, differences between class I and class II filamentous bacteriophages, and the assembly process. The six N-terminal amino acid residues adopt an unusual "double hook" conformation on the outside of the bacteriophage particle. The solid-state NMR results indicate that at 30 degrees C, some of the coat protein subunits assume a single, fully structured conformation, and some have a few mobile residues that provide a break between two helical segments, in agreement with structural models from X-ray fiber and neutron diffraction, respectively. The atomic resolution structure determined by solid-state NMR for residues 7-14 and 18-46, which excludes the N-terminal double hook and the break between the helical segments, but encompasses more than 80% of the backbone including the distinct kink at residue 29, agrees with that determined by X-ray fiber diffraction with an RMSD value of 2.0 A. The symmetry and distance constraints determined by X-ray fiber and neutron diffraction enable the construction of an accurate model of the bacteriophage particle from the coordinates of the coat protein monomers.  相似文献   

Two NMR experiments are designed for selective excitation of spin I=5/2 nuclei that exhibit residual quadrupolar splittings. The I=5/2 Jeener-Broekaert experiment is preferred to the four-quantum filtration experiment as it is shown to be a more sensitive technique in experimental practice. Both techniques are applied to (17)O-enriched water in biological systems. The occurrence of water which displays a residual (17)O quadrupolar splitting is demonstrated for the first time in a model biological system and an excised tissue sample. The resulting (17)O NMR spectra are shown to have the characteristics predicted in computer-simulated I=5/2 NMR spectra.  相似文献   

Highly oriented fibres of the cylindrical bacteriophage Pf1 have been produced by drying a concentrated solution in a magnetic field of 8 Tesla. Substantial improvement in the alignment of the phage parallel to the fibre axis is demonstrated by X-ray diffraction. This effect is due to the intrinsic diamagnetic anisotropy of the viruses and to their co-operative behaviour.  相似文献   

When cells of Rickettsia rickettsii were suspended at different temperatures in growth medium free of host cells, ultrastructural changes were observed in some of these organisms. Depending upon the temperature and length of incubation, loosely organized cells developed into compact, intensely stained, rod-shaped organisms. These compact cells closely resembled the morphology of the original culture of Rickettsia used for inoculation. Morphological changes were primarily noted in cells maintained at 21 degrees C. The viability of the cells was also affected by the temperature of incubation.  相似文献   

The molecular structure of filamentous bacteriophage Pf1 has been determined to 7 Å resolution by analysis of X-ray diffraction data from partially oriented fibers of virus particles. The continuous intensity distribution along layer-lines was measured by numerically separating contributions from overlapping layer-lines. The data were phased by an iterative refinement technique that used the known spatial extent and high α-helical content of the virus particle to refine a structural model. This refinement converges to a unique structural solution that is consistent with the X-ray data and with information derived from physical and chemical studies. The coat protein consists of two α-helical segments: one, almost parallel to the particle axis, is centered at a radius of about 15 Å; the other, at about 25 Å radius, is tilted by about 25 ° to the particle axis. This structure is consistent with every generalization about α-helical packing. The inner and outer segments interlock along most of their length with a crossing angle of 20.5 °. The inner α-helical segments also interact with symmetry-related copies of themselves, as do the outer segments. The double layer of tightly packed, intricately interlocked α-helices forms a stable, 20 Å thick protein coat around the viral DNA.  相似文献   

This paper presents some further evidence for our model of DNA translocation into Escherichia coli cells by bacteriophage T4 (see Tarahovsky, Y. S., Khusainov, A. A., Deev, A. A., Kim, Y. V. 1991. FEBS Lett. 289:18-22). When lowering the temperature, we succeeded in slowing down the infection process and in observing a few separate stages by electron microscopy. Also, potassium leakage at different temperatures was measured. At 0-6 degrees C the phage was found to be irreversibly adsorbed on the cell surface, its tail to be contracted, and the outer membrane to be invaginated. Membrane fusion and formation of broad intermembrane bridges with a hole for potassium leakage were shown to start above 7 degrees C. At about 17-20 degrees C the diameter of the bridge decreased considerably, which could correspond to the sealing of the membrane.  相似文献   

Hydrogen-bearing species in the bone mineral environment were investigated using solid-state NMR spectroscopy of powdered bone, deproteinated bone, and B-type carbonated apatite. Using magic-angle spinning and cross-polarization techniques three types of structurally-bound water were observed in these materials. Two of these water types occupy vacancies within the apatitic mineral crystal in synthetic carbonated apatite and deproteinated bone and serve to stabilize these defect-containing crystals. The third water was observed at the mineral surface in unmodified bone but not in deproteinated bone, suggesting a role for this water in mediating mineral-organic matrix interactions. Direct evidence of monohydrogen phosphate in a 1H NMR spectrum of unmodified bone is presented for the first time. We obtained clear evidence for the presence of hydroxide ion in deproteinated bone by 1H MAS NMR. A 1H-31P heteronuclear correlation experiment provided unambiguous evidence for hydroxide ion in unmodified bone as well. Hydroxide ion in both unmodified and deproteinated bone mineral was found to participate in hydrogen bonding with neighboring water molecules and ions. In unmodified bone mineral hydroxide ion was found, through a 1H-31P heteronuclear correlation experiment, to be confined to a small portion of the mineral crystal, probably the internal portion.  相似文献   

Earlier studies using x-ray crystallography have shown that trimethylamine dehydrogenase (TMADH) from methylotropic bacteria exists as homodimers in the crystalline state. In this present hydrodynamic study we show that this is true also in dilute solution conditions and investigate the degree of swelling or relaxation of the protein in solution. Analytical ultracentrifugation was used to determine the molar mass and to investigate whether the homodimeric nature of this molecule in crystal form — as visualized by x-ray crystallography — is reproduced in dilute solution at temperatures between 4 and 40°C. The globular solution structure determined at 4 and 40°C is in good agreement with crystallographic data although trimethylamine dehydrogenase was found to be either more asymmetric in solution — or highly hydrated —, a phenomenon found to increase with temperature. In agreement with the crystallographic structure, the enzyme sediments as a homodimer with a molar mass of (163,000±5,000) g/mol. The concentration dependence of the sedimentation coefficient in the range of 0–1 mg/ml, indicates that no association or dissociation occurs. These findings are additionally supported by sedimentation equilibrium data in the concentration range of 0 to 1.8 mg/ml. Finally, from the sedimentation coefficient distribution at various temperatures, it was concluded that the enzyme is conformationally flexible and assumes an even more expanded structure at higher temperatures which is in good agreement with the hydrodynamic calculations performed. Correspondence to: S. E. Harding  相似文献   

Since human caliciviruses are responsible for viral gastroenteritis transmitted by contaminated foods and the viruses barely propagate in cell culture, feline caliciviruses were employed as a model for the measurement of their stability in marine water. Survival of four strains of feline calicivirus in marine water was measured when the seed viruses were diluted 1/10 with marine water and maintained at 4 degrees C, 10 degrees C, and 20 degrees C respectively. Among the virus strains studied, a considerable amount of infective viruses remained at 10 degrees C or lower temperature conditions even for a period of 30 days.  相似文献   

Respiratory gas exchange was investigated in human subjects immersed up to the shoulders in water at different temperatures (Tw = 25, 34, and 40 degrees C). Cardiac output (Qc) and pulmonary tissue volume (Vti) were measured by a rebreathing technique with the inert gas Freon 22, and O2 consumption (VO2) was determined by the closed-circuit technique. Arterial blood gases (PaO2, PaCO2) were analyzed by a micromethod, and alveolar gas (PAO2) was analyzed during quiet breathing with a mass spectrometer. The findings were as follows. 1) Immersion in a cold bath had no significant effect on Qc compared with the value measured at Tw = 34 degrees C, whereas immersion in a hot bath led to a considerable increase in Qc. Vti was not affected by immersion at any of the temperatures tested. 2) A large rise in metabolic rate VO2 was only observed at Tw = 25 degrees C (P less than 0.001). 3) Arterial blood gases were not significantly affected by immersion, whatever the water temperature. 4) O2 transport during immersion is affected by two main factors: hydrostatic pressure and temperature. Above neutral temperature, O2 transport is improved because of the marked increase in Qc resulting from the combined actions of hydrostatic counter pressure and body heating. Below neutral temperature, O2 transport is altered; an increase in O2 extraction of the tissue is even calculated.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction from fibers and magnetically oriented solutions has been used to study the effect of changes in environment on the helical symmetry and radial structure of the Pf1 virus particle. Detailed analysis of equatorial scattering to a spacing of 8-10 A was used to identify small radial motions of structural elements in the virus particle. R-factor ratios were used to determine the statistical significance of observed changes. Comparison of the structure of virus particles in fibers with those in solution indicated that the helical symmetry of the virions remains unchanged during fiber formation. In most fibers the virions appear to be slightly distorted by the tight packing of virus particles. This distortion results in an apparent increase in the radius of the virus particle of approximately 0.6 A. A change in the radius of the DNA is also observed. Increase in the concentration of solvent molecules during fiber formation results in penetration of the virus interior by some solvent components. NaCl is also able to enter the virus interior. The change in the helical symmetry of the virions at approximately 8 degrees C appears to be the same whether observed by diffraction from fibers or from solutions. Only subtle changes in radial structure are associated with the temperature transition.  相似文献   

研究不同水温(18℃和28℃)条件下,单剂量(10mg/kgb·w)强饲氟甲砜霉素,在斑点叉尾鮰(Ictaluruspunc-tatus)体内药代动力学特征.采用高效液相色谱紫外检测法可以同时检测血浆中氟甲砜霉素及其代谢物氟甲砜霉素的浓度.用3p97药代动力学软件处理药时数据.结果表明:在不同水温条件下氟甲砜霉素在斑点叉尾鮰体内的药时数据均符合一室开放式模型.药时规律符合理论方程C血浆=71921(e-0.036t-e-0.18t)和C血浆=91061(e-0.081t-e-0.301t).18℃和28℃的条件下,主要药代动力学参数:吸收半衰期T1/2ka分别为31845h和21301h,消除半衰期T1/2ke分别为191118h和81519h,达峰时间Tpeak分别为111136h和51953h,最大血药浓度Cmax分别为41074μg/mL和41226μg/mL,曲线下面积AUC分别为1741547(μg/mL)/h和811279(μg/mL)/h,平均驻留时间MRT分别为271581h和121290h,相对表观分布容积V/F(c)分别为11580L/kg和115121L/kg.采用氟甲砜霉素防治斑点叉尾鮰细菌性疾病,建议在18℃左右口服10mg/kg体重剂量的氟甲砜霉素,2d给药1次;在28℃左右口服10mg/kg体重剂量的氟甲砜霉素,1d给药1次.试验过程中在斑点叉尾鮰血浆样品中未检测到氟甲砜霉素的主要代谢物氟甲砜霉素胺.    相似文献   

The relationship between equilibration injury and equilibration dependence of the transverse relaxation time (T2) measurements was examined using NMR in two different seed species (sensitive-soybean and tolerant-wheat) differing in their sensitivity to seed equilibration conditions. The T2 values of both seed species declined with high temperature (45 degrees C) and low RH (5.5-1%) and, also with high temperature (45 degrees C) and high RH (74.5-100%) conditions. A comparison of injury based on electrolyte leakage, seed germination percentage and T2 indicated that membrane permeability increased both at high temperature (45 degrees C) and low RH (5.5-1%) and high temperature (45 degrees C) and high RH (74.5-100%) seed equilibration conditions. There was an increase in T2 until 11.5% and 5.5% RH in soybean and wheat species respectively, followed by a decline. Loss of seed viability during equilibration at very low RH (5.5-1%) at 45 degrees C, and similarly at high RH (74.5-100%) at 45 degrees C indicates that the changes in T2 are probably due to the loss of membrane injury.  相似文献   

The hydration of uncomplexed RNase T1 was investigated by NMR spectroscopy at pH 5.5 and 313 K. Two-dimensional heteronuclear NOE and ROE difference experiments were employed to determine the spatial proximity and the residence times of water molecules at distinct sites of the protein. Backbone carbonyl oxygens involved in intermolecular hydrogen bonds to water molecules were identified based on1 J coupling constants. These coupling constants were determined from 2D-H(CA)CO and 15N-HSQC experiments with selective decoupling of the 13CC nuclei during the t1 evolution time. Our results support the existence of a chain of water molecules with increased residence times in the interior of the protein which is observed in several crystal structures with different inhibitor molecules and serves as a space filler between the -helix and the central -sheet. The analysis of1 JNC' coupling constants demonstrates that some of the water molecules seen in crystal structures are not involved in hydrogen bonds to backbone carbonyls as suggested by crystal structures. This is especially true for a water molecule, which is probably hydrogen bonded by the protonated carboxylate group of D76 and the hydroxyl group of T93 in solution, and for a water molecule, which was reported to connect four different amino acid residues in the core of the protein by intermolecular hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

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