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Kinetic analyses were done to determine what effect factor Xa and protein S had on the activated protein C (APC)-catalyzed inactivation of factor Va bound to phospholipid vesicles or human platelets. In the presence of optimal concentrations of phospholipid vesicles and Ca2+, a Km of 19.7 +/- 0.6 nM factor Va and a kcat of 23.7 +/- 10 mol of factor Va inactivated/mol of APC/min were obtained. Added purified plasma protein S increased the maximal rate of factor Va inactivation only 2-fold without effect on the Km. Protein S effect was unaltered when the phospholipid concentration was varied by 2 orders of magnitude. The reaction on unactivated human platelets yielded a Km = 12.5 +/- 2.6 nM and kcat = 6.2 +/- 0.6 mol of factor Va inactivated/mol of APC/min. Added purified plasma protein S or release of platelet protein S by platelet activation doubled the kcat value without affecting the Km. Addition of a neutralizing anti-protein S antibody abrogated the effect of plasma protein S or platelet-released protein S, but was without effect in the absence of plasma protein S or platelet activation. Studies with factor Xa indicated that factor Xa protects factor Va from APC-catalyzed inactivation by lowering the effective concentration of factor Va available to interact with APC. From these data a dissociation constant of less than 0.5 nM was calculated for the interaction of factor Xa with membrane-bound factor Va. Protein S abrogated the ability of factor Xa to protect factor Va from inactivation by APC without affecting the interaction of factor Xa with factor Va. These combined data suggest that one physiological function of protein S is to allow the APC-catalyzed inactivation of factor Va in the presence of factor Xa.  相似文献   

Activated protein C (APC) cleavage of Factor Va (FVa) at residues R506 and R306 correlates with its inactivation. APC resistance and increased thrombotic risk are due to the mutation R506Q in Factor V (FV). To study the effects of individual cleavages in FVa by APC and the importance of regions near the cleavage sites, the following recombinant (r) human FVs were prepared and purified: wild-type, Q306-rFV, Q506-rFV, and Q306Q506-rFV. All had similar time courses for thrombin activation. Q506-rFVa was cleaved by APC at R306 and was moderately resistant to APC in plasma-clotting assays and in prothrombinase assays measuring FVa residual activity, in agreement with studies of purified plasma-derived Q506-FVa. Q306-rFVa was cleaved by APC at R506 and gave a low APC-resistance ratio similar to Q506-rFVa in clotting assays, whereas unactivated Q306-rFV gave a near-normal APC-resistance ratio. When FVa residual activity was measured after long exposure to APC, Q306-rFVa was inactivated by only < or = 40% under conditions where Q506-rFVa was inactivated > 90%, supporting the hypothesis that efficient inactivation of normal FVa by APC requires cleavage at R306. In addition, the heavy chain of Q306-rFVa was cleaved at R506 much more rapidly than activity was lost, suggesting that FVa cleaved at only R506 is partially active. Under the same conditions, Q306Q506-rFVa lost no activity and was not cleaved by APC. Therefore, cleavage at either R506 or R306 appears essential for significant inactivation of FVa by APC. Modest loss of activity, probably due to cleavage at R679, was observed for the single site rFVa mutants, as evidenced by a second phase of inactivation. Q306Q506-rFVa had a low activity-to-antigen ratio of 0.50-0.77, possibly due to abnormal Factor Xa (FXa) binding. Furthermore, Q306Q506-rFV was very resistant to cleavage and activation by FXa. Q306Q506-rFV appeared to bind FXa and inhibit FXa's ability to activate normal FV. Thus, APC may downregulate FV/Va partly by impairing FXa-binding sites upon cleavage at R306 and R506. This study shows that R306 is the most important cleavage site for normal efficient inactivation of FVa by APC and supports other studies suggesting that regions near R306 and R506 provide FXa-binding sites and that FVa cleaved at only R506 retains partial activity.  相似文献   

Proteolysis of factor Va by factor Xa and activated protein C   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Bovine Factor Va, produced by selective proteolytic cleavage of Factor V by thrombin, consists of a heavy chain (D chain) of Mr = 94,000 and a light chain (E chain) of Mr = 74,000. These peptides are noncovalently associated in the presence of divalent metal ion(s). Each chain is susceptible to proteolysis by activated protein C and by Factor Xa. Sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoretic analysis indicates that cleavage of the E chain by either activated protein C or Factor Xa yields two major fragments: Mr = 30,000 and Mr = 48,000. Amino acid sequence analysis indicates that the Mr = 30,000 fragments have identical NH2-terminal sequences and that this sequence corresponds to that of intact E chain. The Mr = 48,000 fragments also have identical NH2-terminal sequences, indicating that activated protein C and Factor Xa cleave the E chain at the same position. Sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoretic analysis indicates that activated protein C cleavage of the D chain yields two products: Mr = 70,000 and Mr = 24,000. Amino acid sequence analysis indicates that the Mr = 70,000 fragment has the same NH2-terminal sequence as intact D chain, whereas the Mr = 24,000 fragment does not. Factor Xa cleavage of the D chain also yields two products: Mr = 56,000 and Mr = 45,000. The Mr = 56,000 fragment corresponds to the NH2-terminal end of the D chain and Factor V. Functional studies have shown that both chains of Factor Va may be entirely cleaved to products by Factor Xa without loss of activity, whereas activated protein C cleavage results in loss of activity. Since activated protein C and Factor Xa cleave the E chain at the same position, the cleavage of the D chain by activated protein C is responsible for the inactivation of Factor Va.  相似文献   

Safa O  Morrissey JH  Esmon CT  Esmon NL 《Biochemistry》1999,38(6):1829-1837
Factor VIIa, in complex with tissue factor (TF), is the serine protease responsible for initiating the clotting cascade. This enzyme complex (TF/VIIa) has extremely restricted substrate specificity, recognizing only three previously known macromolecular substrates (serine protease zymogens, factors VII, IX, and X). In this study, we found that TF/VIIa was able to cleave multiple peptide bonds in the coagulation cofactor, factor V. SDS-PAGE analysis and sequencing indicated the factor V was cleaved at Arg679, Arg709, Arg1018, and Arg1192, resulting in a molecule with a truncated heavy chain and an extended light chain. This product (FVTF/VIIa) had essentially unchanged activity in clotting assays when compared to the starting material. TF reconstituted into phosphatidylcholine vesicles was ineffective as a cofactor for the factor VIIa cleavage of factor V. However, incorporation of phosphatidylethanolamine in the vesicles had little effect over the presence of 20% phosphatidylserine. FVTF/VIIa was as sensitive to inactivation by activated protein C (APC) as thrombin activated factor V as measured in clotting assays or by the appearance of the expected heavy chain cleavage products. The FVTF/VIIa could be further cleaved by thrombin to release the normal light chain, albeit at a significantly slower rate than native factor V, to yield a fully functional product. These studies thus reveal an additional substrate for the TF/VIIa complex. They also indicate a new potential regulatory pathway of the coagulation cascade, i.e., the production of a form of factor V that can be destroyed by APC without the requirement for full activation of the cofactor precursor.  相似文献   

The activation of bovine protein C by factor Xa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A complex composed of factor Xa and phospholipid vesicles assembled in the presence of calcium ions catalyzes a discrete cleavage of the heavy chain of bovine protein C that is indistinguishable from that produced by thrombin as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This cleavage generates an active site capable of hydrolyzing small substrates and inactivating factor Va function in the prothrombinase complex. Activation of protein C by factor Xa requires both calcium ions and phospholipid vesicles and proceeds at a rate an order of magnitude greater than that observed for alpha-thrombin in solution. gamma-Carboxyglutamic acid-domainless protein C is not activated by factor Xa, consistent with the requirement for phospholipid and distinguishing this reaction from protein C activation by thrombin. Thrombomodulin serves as a cofactor for the factor Xa-catalyzed reaction, forming a 1:1 complex with factor Xa (apparent Kd = 5.7 X 10(-10) M) and stimulating the saturated rate of protein C activation by factor Xa (kcat = 149 min-1) to levels comparable with the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex. Protein C activation by factor Xa is not inhibited by the specific thrombin inhibitor dansyl-N-(3-ethyl-1,5-pentanediyl)amide but is inhibited by antithrombin III, tripeptide-chloromethyl ketones, and the monoclonal antibody alpha-BFX-2b that is highly specific for factor Xa. These data indicate that thrombomodulin is promiscuous in its role as a cofactor and suggest the existence of an alternative pathway for protein C activation in vivo.  相似文献   

Factor VIII is represented as a series of heterodimers composed of an 83(81) kDa light chain noncovalently bound to a variable size (93 to 210 kDa) heavy chain. Activated protein C inactivates factor VIII causing several cleavages of the factor VIII heavy chain(s). When factor VIII subunits were dissociated and component heavy and light chains isolated, the heavy chains were no longer a substrate for proteolysis by activated protein C. However, when factor VIII heavy chains were recombined with light chain, the reconstituted factor VIII activity was inactivated by activated protein C. The rate of factor VIII inactivation catalyzed by activated protein C was reduced by the presence of free light chain. The extent of this inhibition was dependent upon the concentration of light chain. Control experiments indicated that this protective effect of free light chain was not the result of inhibition of the activated protein C - lipid interaction. Fluorescence analysis demonstrated binding between the factor VIII light chain, chemically modified with eosin maleimide, and activated protein C, modified at its active site by dansyl-Glu-Gly-Arg chloromethyl ketone. Similar to proteolysis of factor VIII by activated protein C, this binding was dependent upon a lipid surface. Based upon the degree of fluorescence quenching, a spatial distance of 26 A was calculated separating the two fluorophores. These results demonstrate direct binding of activated protein C to the factor VIII light chain and suggest that this binding is an obligate step for activated protein C-catalyzed inactivation of factor VIII.  相似文献   

The functional characterization of human platelet-released factor V and its activation by factor Xa and thrombin was studied by functional assessment of cofactor activity and Western blotting analyses of platelet releasates, obtained by stimulating washed suspensions of platelets with various agonists, including collagen, collagen with ADP, and the calcium ionophore A23187. Platelet factor V was released as a partially proteolyzed molecule that was bound to platelet microparticles, irrespective of the agonist used. Radiolabeled plasma factor V was not cleaved for up to 30 min following release when added to platelets prior to stimulation, suggesting that platelet factor V was stored in a partially proteolyzed form. Released platelet factor V possessed significant cofactor activity that was increased only 2-3-fold by either factor Xa or thrombin. The factor V subunits that expressed cofactor activity were isolated and found to consist of peptides of Mr = 220,000 and 150,000. Incubation of released platelet factor V with factor Xa or thrombin yielded the same cleavage pattern, in which two peptides of Mr = 105,000 and 74,000 appeared to be electrophoretically indistinguishable from thrombin-activated plasma factor V. Under the conditions of these studies, factor Xa activated platelet-released factor V 50-100 times more effectively than thrombin. This observation may be due in part to the existence of platelet factor V in a partially proteolyzed state, or its association with platelet microparticles following platelet stimulation. These data collectively suggest that platelet-released factor V may be the foremost initiator of prothrombinase complex assembly and function during the early stages of coagulation with additional cofactor activation accomplished by factor Xa.  相似文献   

Activated protein C inhibits the procoagulant function of activated factor V (FVa) through proteolytic cleavages at Arg-306, Arg-506, and Arg-679. The cleavage at Arg-506 is kinetically favored but protected by factor Xa (FXa). Protein S has been suggested to annihilate the inhibitory effect of FXa, a proposal that has been challenged. To elucidate the effects of FXa and protein S on the individual cleavage sites of FVa, we used recombinant FVa:Q306/Q679 and FVa:Q506/Q679 variants, which can only be cleaved at Arg-506 and Arg-306, respectively. In the presence of active site blocked FXa (FXa-1.5-dansyl-Glu-Gly-Arg), the FVa inactivation was followed over time, and apparent second order rate constants were calculated. Consistent with results on record, we observed that FXa-1.5-dansyl-Glu-Gly-Arg decreased the Arg-506 cleavage by 20-fold, with a half-maximum inhibition of approximately 2 nM. Interestingly and in contrast to the inhibitory effect of FXa on the 506 cleavage, FXa stimulated the Arg-306 cleavage. Protein S counteracted the inhibition by FXa of the Arg-506 cleavage, whereas protein S and FXa yielded additive stimulatory effect of the cleavage at Arg-306. This suggests that FXa and protein S interact with distinct sites on FVa, which is consistent with the observed lack of inhibitory effect on FXa binding to FVa by protein S. We propose that the apparent annihilation of the FXa protection of the Arg-506 cleavage by protein S is due to an enhanced rate of Arg-506 cleavage of FVa not bound to FXa, resulting in depletion of free FVa and dissociation of FXa-FVa complexes.  相似文献   

Inactivation of factor VIII by activated protein C and protein S   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Factor VIII was inactivated by activated protein C in the presence of calcium and phospholipids. Analysis of the activated protein C-catalyzed cleavage products of factor VIII indicated that inactivation resulted from the cleavage of the heavy chains. The heavy chains appeared to be converted into 93- and 53-kDa peptides. Inactivation of factor VIII that was only composed of the 93-kDa heavy chain and 83-kDa light chain indicated that the 93-kDa polypeptide could be degraded into a 68-kDa peptide that could be subsequently cleaved into 48- and 23-kDa polypeptides. Thus, activated protein C catalyzed a minimum of four cleavages in the heavy chain. Activated protein C did not appear to alter the factor VIII light chain. The addition of protein S accelerated the rate of inactivation and the rate of all of the cleavages. The effect of protein S could be observed on the cleavage of the heavy chains and on secondary cleavages of the smaller products, including the 93-, 68-, and 53-kDa polypeptides. The addition of factor IX to the factor VIII-activated protein C reaction mixture resulted in the inhibition of factor VIII inactivation. The effect of factor IX was dose dependent. Factor VIII was observed to compete with factor Va for activated protein C. The concentration dependence of factor VIII inhibition of factor Va inactivation suggested that factor VIII and factor Va were equivalent substrates for activated protein C.  相似文献   

Activation of human factor V by factor Xa and thrombin   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
D D Monkovic  P B Tracy 《Biochemistry》1990,29(5):1118-1128
The activation of human factor V by factor Xa and thrombin was studied by functional assessment of cofactor activity and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by either autoradiography of 125I-labeled factor V activation products or Western blot analyses of unlabeled factor V activation products. Cofactor activity was measured by the ability of the factor V/Va peptides to support the activation of prothrombin. The factor Xa catalyzed cleavage of factor V was observed to be time, phospholipid, and calcium ion dependent, yielding a cofactor with activity equal to that of thrombin-activated factor V (factor Va). The cleavage pattern differed markedly from the one observed in the bovine system. The factor Xa activated factor V subunits expressing cofactor activity were isolated and found to consist of peptides of Mr 220,000 and 105,000. Although thrombin cleaved the Mr 220,000 peptide to yield peptides previously shown to be products of thrombin activation, cofactor activity did not increase. N-Terminal sequence analysis confirmed that both factor Xa and thrombin cleave factor V at the same bond to generate the Mr 220,000 peptide. The factor Xa dependent functional assessment of 125I-labeled factor V coupled with densitometric analyses of the cleavage products indicated that the cofactor activity of factor Xa activated factor V closely paralleled the appearance of the Mr 220,000 peptide. This observation facilitated the study of the kinetics of factor V activation by allowing the activation of factor V to be monitored by the appearance of the Mr 220,000 peptide (factor Xa activation) or the Mr 105,000 peptide (thrombin activation). Factor Xa catalyzed activation of factor V obeyed Michaelis-Menten kinetics and was characterized by a Km of 10.4 nM, a kcat of 2.6 min-1, and a catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) of 4.14 X 10(6) M-1 s-1. The thrombin-catalyzed activation of factor V was characterized by a Km of 71.7 nM, a kcat of 14.0 min-1, and a catalytic efficiency of 3.26 X 10(6) M-1 s-1. This indicates that factor Xa is as efficient an enzyme toward factor V as thrombin.  相似文献   

Although the thrombin/thrombomodulin complex is considered the physiological activator of protein C, factor Xa (f.Xa) can also activate protein C in a reaction that is potentiated by glycosaminoglycans. To explore this phenomenon, we first examined the effect of glycosaminoglycans of varying degrees of sulfation on the kinetics of protein C activation by f.Xa in the presence of Ca2+ and phosphatidylcholine-phosphatidylserine vesicles (PCPS). Heparin increased the rate of protein C activation by f.Xa by 4-fold. In contrast, N-desulfated heparin had no effect on activation, whereas dextran sulfate, which is more sulfated than heparin, increased catalytic efficiency 21-fold. These data suggest that the capacity of glycosaminoglycans to catalyze protein C activation by f.Xa depends on their degree of sulfation. The affinities of individual glycosaminoglycans for protein C and f.Xa were measured in the absence or presence of PCPS by monitoring changes in extrinsic fluorescence when fluorescein-labeled f.Xa or protein C was titrated with the various glycosaminoglycans. Heparin binds protein C with low affinity in the absence or presence of PCPS. In contrast, the affinity of heparin for f.Xa is 86-fold higher in the presence of PCPS compared to that in the absence of PCPS. Similar results were obtained using surface plasmon resonance. These findings suggest that a high affinity glycosaminoglycan binding site is exposed when f.Xa binds to PCPS. The observation that heparin promotes f.Xa-mediated activation of prethrombin 1 only in the presence of phospholipid suggests that glycosaminoglycan binding modulates the active site of f.Xa. This study reveals that when f.Xa interacts with anionic phospholipids, glycosaminoglycans bind f.Xa more tightly, allosterically modulate its active site, and enhance its capacity to activate protein C.  相似文献   

Human protein C (HPC) is an antithrombotic serine protease that circulates in the plasma as several glycoforms. To examine the role of glycosylation in the function of this protein, we singly eliminated each of the four potential N-linked glycosylation sites by site-directed mutagenesis of Asn to Gln at amino acid positions 97, 248, and 313 (HPC derivatives Q097, Q248, and Q313) or at the unusual consensus sequence Asn-X-Cys at 329 (HPC derivative Q329). The cDNAs for wild type and each derivative were inserted into expression vectors and expressed both transiently and stably in human 293 and hamster AV12-664 cells. We demonstrate that N-linked glycosylation at position 97 in the light chain of HPC is critical for efficient secretion and affects the degree of core glycosylation at Asn-329. Glycosylation at position 248 affects the intracellular processing of the internal Lys-Arg (KR) KR cleavage site, and partial glycosylation at the sequence Asn-329-X-Cys is responsible for the natural alpha-glycoform. Altering the glycosylation pattern of the protein had no significant effect on the level of fully gamma-carboxylated HPC secreted from the 293 cell line. However, elimination of glycosylation sites in the heavy chain resulted in a 2- to 3-fold increase in anticoagulant activity. Utilizing synthetic substrate, both the Km and kcat were affected, depending on the specific glycosylation site eliminated. However, there were no significant differences in the inhibition kinetics by alpha-1-antitrypsin (association rate constants of 10-11 M-1s-1 and t1/2 of 27-29 min at 40 microM alpha-1-antitrypsin) or t1/2 in human plasma (17-18 min). A comparison of the rate of activation of each derivative by thrombin alone or in complex with thrombomodulin revealed that Q313 was activated approximately 2.5-fold faster than wt HPC, independent of calcium concentration. This increase in rate was due to an enhanced affinity of thrombin-thrombomodulin for Q313, as indicated by a 3-fold reduction in Km. Overall, our studies demonstrate that glycosylation at different sites in HPC affects distinct properties of this complex protein. Furthermore, we demonstrate the ability to improve the catalytic efficiency of this enzyme through carbohydrate modifications.  相似文献   

Factor VIII, a cofactor of the intrinsic clotting pathway, is proteolytically inactivated by the vitamin K-dependent serine protease, activated protein C in a reaction requiring Ca2+ and a phospholipid surface. Factor VIII was inactivated 15 times faster than factor VIII in complex with either von Willebrand factor (vWf) or the large homodimeric fragment, SPIII (vWf residues 1-1365). Free factor VIII or factor VIII in complex with a smaller fragment, SPIII-T4 (vWf residues 1-272), were inactivated at the same rate, suggesting that this effect was dependent upon the size of factor VIII-vWf complex rather than changes in factor VIII brought about by occupancy of the vWf-binding site. Thrombin cleavage of the factor VIII light chain to remove the vWf-binding site eliminated the protective effects of vWf. In the absence of phospholipid, high levels of the protease inactivated both free and vWf-bound factor VIII at equivalent rates. Using the same conditions, isolated heavy chains and the heavy chains of factor VIII were proteolyzed at similar rates. Taken together, these results suggested that, in the absence of phospholipid, inactivation of factor VIII is independent of factor VIII light chain and further suggest that vWf did not mask susceptible cleavage sites in the cofactor. Solution studies employing fluorescence energy transfer using coumarin-labeled factor VIII (fluorescence donor) and synthetic phospholipid vesicles labeled with octadecyl rhodamine (fluorescence acceptor) indicated saturable binding and equivalent extents of donor fluorescence quenching for factor VIII alone or when complexed with SPIII-T4. However, complexing of factor VIII with either vWf or SPIII eliminated its binding to the phospholipid. Since a phospholipid surface is required for efficient catalysis by the protease, these results suggest that vWf protects factor VIII by inhibiting cofactor-phospholipid interactions.  相似文献   

The kinetics of inhibition of human and bovine alpha-thrombin and human factor Xa by antithrombin III were examined under pseudo-first-order conditions as a function of the concentration of pentosan polysulphate [a fully sulphated (beta 1-4)-linked D-xylopyranose with a single laterally positioned 4-O-methyl-alpha-D-glucuronic acid]. Double-reciprocal plots of the observed first-order rate constant against concentration of pentosan polysulphate gave straight lines, intercepts on the axes giving values for maximum increase in second-order rate constant (by calculation) and apparent dissociation constant. These values were: for human alpha-thrombin 1.52 X 10(7) M-1 . min-1 and 3.6 microM respectively, for bovine alpha-thrombin 6.56 X 10(6) M-1 . min-1 and 0.16 microM and for factor Xa 6.86 X 106 M-1 . min-1 and 20 microM. In the presence of pentosan polysulphate the dissociation constant for the initial complex of antithrombin III and thrombin was shown to be reduced from approx. 2 X 10(-3) M to 61 X 10(-6) M without apparent change in the limiting rate constant of 750 min-1. An oligosaccharide (primarily 8-10 saccharide units) prepared from heparin and with high affinity for antithrombin III but low potency in the thrombin-antithrombin III interaction did not diminish the rate of interaction catalysed by pentosan polysulphate. The catalysis was shown to be due to a weak electrostatic interaction, since it was completely reversed by concentrations of NaCl greater than 0.3 M. It is concluded that the mechanism is independent of the heparin high-affinity binding site on antithrombin III and is probably due to binding of the high-charge-density polysaccharide to the proteinase. It is calculated that the acceleration in rate achieved, although lower than that of heparin, approaches that required to be of physiological significance and may be of importance in the anticoagulation role of antithrombin III at sites of high charge density which may occur in vivo.  相似文献   

Homocysteine inhibits inactivation of factor Va by activated protein C   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We report the effect of homocysteine on the inactivation of factor Va by activated protein C (APC) using clotting assays, immunoblotting, and radiolabeling experiments. Homocysteine, cysteine, or homocysteine thiolactone have no effect on factor V activation by alpha-thrombin. Factor Va derived from homocysteine-treated factor V was inactivated by APC at a reduced rate. The inactivation impairment increased with increasing homocysteine concentration (pseudo first order rate k = 1.2, 0.9, 0.7, 0.4 min(-1) at 0, 0.03, 0.1, 1 mm homocysteine, respectively). Neither cysteine nor homocysteine thiolactone treatment of factor V affected APC inactivation of derived factor Va. Western blot analyses of APC inactivation of homocysteine-modified factor Va are consistent with the results of clotting assays. Factor Va, derived from factor V treated with 1 mm beta-mercaptoethanol was inactivated more rapidly than the untreated protein sample. Factor V incubated with [(35)S]homocysteine (10-450 micrometer) incorporated label within 5 min, which was found only in those fragments that contained free sulfhydryl groups: the light chain (Cys-1960, Cys-2113), the B region (Cys-1085), and the 26/28-kDa (residues 507-709) APC cleavage products of the heavy chain (Cys-539, Cys-585). Treatment with beta-mercaptoethanol removed all radiolabel. Plasma of patients assessed to be hyperhomocysteinemic showed APC resistance in a clot-based assay. Our results indicate that homocysteine rapidly incorporates into factor V and that the prothrombotic tendency in hyperhomocysteinemia may be related to impaired inactivation of factor Va by APC due to homocysteinylation of the cofactor by modification of free cysteine(s).  相似文献   

Factor VIII (FVIII) is activated by proteolytic cleavages with thrombin and factor Xa (FXa) in the intrinsic blood coagulation pathway. The anti-C2 monoclonal antibody ESH8, which recognizes residues 2248-2285 and does not inhibit FVIII binding to von Willebrand factor or phospholipid, inhibited FVIII activation by FXa in a clotting assay. Furthermore, analysis by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that ESH8 inhibited FXa cleavage in the presence or absence of phospholipid. The light chain (LCh) fragments (both 80 and 72 kDa) and the recombinant C2 domain dose-dependently bound to immobilized anhydro-FXa, a catalytically inactive derivative of FXa in which dehydroalanine replaces the active-site serine. The affinity (K(d)) values for the 80- and 72-kDa LCh fragments and the C2 domain were 55, 51, and 560 nM, respectively. The heavy chain of FVIII did not bind to anhydro-FXa. Similarly, competitive assays using overlapping synthetic peptides corresponding to ESH8 epitopes (residues 2248-2285) demonstrated that a peptide designated EP-2 (residues 2253-2270; TSMYVKEFLISSSQDGHQ) inhibited the binding of the C2 domain or the 72-kDa LCh to anhydro-FXa by more than 95 and 84%, respectively. Our results provide the first evidence for a direct role of the C2 domain in the association between FVIII and FXa.  相似文献   

To test whether neutral glycosphingolipids can serve as anticoagulant cofactors, the effects of incorporation of neutral glycosphingolipids into phospholipid vesicles on anticoagulant and procoagulant reactions were studied. Glucosylceramide (GlcCer), lactosylceramide (LacCer), and globotriaosylceramide (Gb(3)Cer) in vesicles containing phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) dose dependently enhanced factor Va inactivation by the anticoagulant factors, activated protein C (APC) and protein S. Addition of GlcCer to PC/PS vesicles enhanced protein S-dependent APC cleavage in factor Va at Arg-506 by 13-fold, whereas PC/PS vesicles alone minimally affected protein S enhancement of this reaction. Incorporation into PC/PS vesicles of GlcCer, LacCer, or Gb(3)Cer, but not galactosylceramide or globotetraosylceramide, dose dependently prolonged factor Xa-1-stage clotting times of normal plasma in the presence of added APC without affecting baseline clotting times in the absence of APC, showing that certain neutral glycosphingolipids enhance anticoagulant but not procoagulant reactions in plasma. Thus, certain neutral glycosphingolipids (e.g. GlcCer, LacCer, and Gb(3)Cer) can enhance anticoagulant activity of APC/protein S by mechanisms that are distinctly different from those of phospholipids alone. We speculate that under some circumstances certain neutral glycosphingolipids either in lipoprotein particles or in cell membranes may help form antithrombotic microdomains that might enhance down-regulation of thrombin by APC in vivo.  相似文献   

This report documents attempts to mimic the rate enhancement effect of thrombomodulin on human alpha-thrombin-catalyzed activation of human protein C in the absence of exogenous calcium. Specifically the following tryptamine analogs at 1 mM concentration were shown to enhance the protein C activation rate relative to a control with no added effector at pH 8.3 (50 mM Tris-HCl, 0.1 M NaCl, 37 degrees C): serotonin, 1.2; tryptamine, 2.9; 5-fluorotryptamine, 4.4; 6-fluorotryptamine, 7.2. At much higher levels, e.g. 10 mM, all of the above effectors, as well as indole, showed a moderate inhibition of human protein C activation. ATP, a platelet release product, showed a sigmoidal inhibition pattern similar to that found previously for thrombin amidase, clotting, and esterase activity (Conery, B.G., and Berliner, L.J. (1983) Biochemistry 22, 369-375). Overall, the enhancement factors for human alpha-thrombin activation of protein C with the tryptamine analogs described above were remarkable when considering the effect of a simple ligand versus the natural activator, thrombomodulin.  相似文献   

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