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Abstract. The effects of vegetation cover, radiation, micro‐habitat variables and maritime influence on the floristic composition of a saxicolous community in Vingen, western Norway were studied. Particular emphasis is put on the local distribution of Fuscidea cyathoides, Ochrolechia tartarea, Ophioparma ventosa and Pertusaria corallina. Very little of the variation in the lichen community composition is directly related to measured micro‐environmental variables but variance partitioning shows that vegetation cover explains more of the floristic variation than radiation, maritime influence and microhabitat variables. Logistic regression analyses nevertheless indicate that the micro‐environment influences the spatial distribution of the four species. The high fraction of unexplained floristic variation, 91%, is suggested to result from (1) lack of fit of data to the response model; (2) some influential environmental variables that have not been recorded; (3) local historical factors that affect present day distribution and/or (4) apparent randomness in colonization. The results also agree with the view that the four lichen species in this study are able to co‐exist in the long‐term because of different spatial distributions resulting from different strategies with respect to ecology, dispersion and interaction.  相似文献   

During three years of research on epiphytic lichen communities as indicators of environmental change in northern Thailand plots were set up in a range of forest types between 400 and 1600 m in 1991/2 and revisited in 1993. Other areas were visited in 1993 and collections made in a wider range of geographical, altitudinal and vegetation conditions in Thailand. From this data factors influencing the distribution of lichens in a monsoon climate are outlined and characteristic components of the lichen flora given at family, generic and where possible specific level. Dominant taxa of the montane forests include hygrophilous macrolichens of the 'Lobarion' that are also a characteristic component of old growth fagaceous forests in Europe, whereas the evergreen forests are dominated by moisture-dependent crustose taxa with a trentepohlioid photobiont, and the deciduous dipterocarp forests by often brightly coloured xerophytic lichens with a trebouxioid photobiont. Taxa are proposed as indicators of forest type including those that are indicators of old-growth forests and of disturbance. Quantitative recording of selected taxa at genus and species level is suggested to estimate rates of change in monsoon forests in southeast Asia.  相似文献   

天山森林生态系统中朽木生地衣植物生态分布的DCA排序   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
应用DCA排序方法对天山森林生态系统中朽木生地衣植物的分布格局与海拔之间的相关性进行了分析.结果表明,不同海拔高度的不同类型的森林生态系统中分布着不同种类的朽木生地衣植物.分布于海拔800 m的主要地衣种类有脱落网衣(Lecidella elabens Fr., Kgl)、柳茶渍[Lecanora saligna (Schrad.) A. Zahlbr]等.分布于海拔900~1 100 m的有 刺小孢衣[Bryoria confusa (Awas.) Bodo & Hawksw]、叉小孢衣[Bryoria furcellata (Fr.) Bodo & Hawksw]等种类.分布于海拔1 300~1 760 m的有 粗皮石蕊[Cladonia scabriuscula (Del.) Leight.]、亚鳞石蕊[Cladonia subsquamosa (Nyl.) Vain]等种类;分布于海拔1 800~2 300 m的有 黑蜈蚣衣[Phaeophyscia nigricans (Flk.) Moberg]、美丽黑蜈蚣衣[Phaeophyscia rubropulchra (Degel.) Essl.]等种类.  相似文献   

In the tropics, corticolous lichen richness and cover tend to increase from the trunk base to the top of the crown of trees. In this study we calculated the total beta diversity of the lichen community along a vertical gradient on Quercus laurina in Mexican cloud forest. By comparing the richness and cover of the lichens by zone, we show that foliose and fruticose lichens are a minor component of the total lichen species richness, but have a higher cover than the crustose lichens. Five zones were identified along each phorophyte (n = 15) with a diameter at breast height >40 cm. A total of 92 species were identified. Of these, 38% were found only in a single zone, 51% were shared between the different zones and 11% occurred across all zones. Species richness and cover increased from the lowest to the highest zones of the phorophytes. Dissimilarity in species composition between the zones could be explained by species replacement. An indicator species analysis revealed that only a few species, e.g. Hypotrachyna vexans, H. cf. sublaevigata and Ramalina cf. sinaloensis prefer a particular zone. The results show that the lichen community associated with Quercus laurina phorophytes is highly diverse and suggest that species richness and cover are related to the zone and the various growth forms.  相似文献   

Question: How do environmental variables in a hyper‐arid fog desert influence the distribution patterns of terricolous lichens on both macro‐ and micro‐scales? Location: Namib Desert, Namibia. Methods: Sites with varying lichen species cover were sampled for environmental variables on a macro‐scale (elevation, slope degree, aspect, proximity to river channels, and fog deposition) and on a micro‐scale (soil structure and chemistry). Macro‐scale and micro‐scale variables were analysed separately for associations with lichen species cover using constrained ordination (DCCA) and unconstrained ordination (DCA). Explanatory variables that dominated the first two axes of the constrained ordinations were tested against a lichen cover gradient. Results: Elevation and proximity to river channels were the most significant drivers of lichen species cover in the macro‐scale DCCA, but results of the DCA suggest that a considerable percentage of variation in lichen species cover is unexplained by these variables. On a micro‐scale, sediment particle size explained a majority of lichen community variations, followed by soil pH. When both macro and micro‐scale variables were tested along a lichen cover gradient, soil pH was the only variable to show a significant relationship to lichen cover. Conclusion: The findings suggest that landscape variables contribute to variations in lichen species cover, but that stronger links occur between lichen growth and small‐scale variations in soil characteristics, supporting the need for multi‐scale approaches in the management of threatened biological soil crust communities and related ecosystem functions.  相似文献   

This work describes the lichen diversity found on the megalithic Dolmen of Sa Coveccada (Mores, Sardinia) until 2010. After that year, a restoration with chemical removal of lichen crusts took place, which destroyed a great part of the lichen communities. These were studied again after removal and lichen communities occurring on rock outcrops in the surroundings of the Dolmen and on a contiguous menhir were investigated as well for comparison. Before the restoration, 33 species had been recorded on the Dolmen, most being crustose, followed by foliose and fruticose forms. Among these, eight species are regarded as rare in Sardinia and five rare at lower elevations. Most of the recorded species are typical for eutrophic substrates and for meso- to xerophytic conditions. Studies on lichen diversity on archaeological monuments in Sardinia are limited. This is the first report on the lichens of a Sardinian dolmen. This paper questions whether the lichen diversity of such monuments should be preserved as lichens have been an important part of the monument ecosystem and of the landscape for many centuries. This work also aims to improve collaboration among lichen and monument experts, in order to avoid hasty restoration decisions.  相似文献   

O. L. Lange  H. Pfanz  E. Kilian  A. Meyer 《Planta》1990,182(3):467-472
Earlier experiments (T.D. Brock 1975, Planta124, 13–23) addressed the question whether the fungus of the lichen thallus might enable the algal component to function when moisture stress is such that the algal component would be unable to function under free-living conditions. It was concluded that the liberated phycobiont in ground lichen thalli could not photosynthesize at water potentials as low as those at which the same alga could when it was present within the thallus. However, our experience with lichen photosynthesis has not substantiated this finding. Using instrumentation developed since the mid-1970's to measure photosynthesis and control humidity, we repeated Brock's experiments. When applying “matric” water stress (equilibrium with air of constant relative humidity) we were unable to confirm the earlier results for three lichen species including one of the species,Letharia vulpina, had also been used by Brock. We found no difference between the effects of low water potential on intact lichens and their liberated algal components (ground thallus material and isolated algae) and no indication that the fungal component of the lichen symbiosis protects the phycobiont from the adverse effects of desiccation once equilibrium conditions are reached. The photosynthetic apparatus of the phycobiont alone proved to be highly adapted to water stress as it possesses not only the capability of functioning under extremely low degrees of hydration but also of becoming reactivated solely by water vapor uptake.  相似文献   

曾雪  王旭 《生物学通报》2009,44(6):52-53
在改变水螅栖息环境条件的情况下,对水螅进行有性生殖诱导。实验结果表明,当温度在11-27℃之间进行变化,照度100lx,每天光照8h,同时食物减半的情况下对水螅进行培养实验,水螅出现了有性生殖。  相似文献   

地衣是一种独特的菌藻共生体,能够在荒漠、高山、冻土等恶劣环境生存,具有特殊的生理结构和独特的生存环境.地衣及其内生真菌能够产生结构新颖、活性广泛的次级代谢产物,研究地衣及其内生真菌次级代谢产物对新型药用资源开发以及利用等方面都具有重要的意义.本文关注了近年来地衣及其内生真菌的次级代谢产物相关研究,并对其生物活性方面的研...  相似文献   

The relationship between distribution and abundance of epiphytic lichens on five different substrates (Fagus sylvatica, Pinus nigra, Quercus coccifera, Pinus heldreichii and Quercus pubescens) has been studied. For the first three substrates the above relationship has been studied hierarchically. It was concluded that this relationship is partly represented by the core-satellite distribution. This abundance-distribution pattern could probably be explained by more than one hypothesis and it is probably related with the life strategies of lichen species.  相似文献   

'Large' and 'small' fractions of laccase were found in the thalli of lichens Solorina crocea and Peltigera aphthosa. In both lichens, 'large', possibly dimeric, laccases were determined as 175 and 165 kDa (based on the gel filtration data), and 'small' ones were 76 and 97 kDa (according to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis data), respectively. By their substrate specificity, pH optima, and thermostability, they were typical laccases. The fractions of 'small' laccases of 45 kDa from S. crocea and 55 kDa from P. aphthosa consisted of two enzymes.  相似文献   

Epiphytic lichen vegetation onFagus sylvatica sas studied in 4 sites along an altitudinal gradient from 930 to 1500 m on SE facing slopes of Mount Olympos (Greece). The crucial factor determining the spatial heterogeneity of epiphytic lichens onF. sylvatica is the altitude and not the height on the trunk at which lichen community is established. 17 out of 26 taxa are confined to a particular elevation range, while another three are clearly ubiquitous in their distribution. The number of lichen species at breast height is higher than at the base of the trunks. The results were compared with those gathered earlier in an analogous study on the vertical distribution of epiphytic lichens onPinus nigra along an altitudinal gradient from 750 to 1510 m of the same mountain. Comparison suggests that spatial heterogeneity of epiphytic lichens onF. sylvatica is different from the one onP. nigra.  相似文献   

新疆北部松萝属地衣生态分布与地理区系成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据多年的实地调查资料和前人研究资料,对新疆北部松萝属地衣的种类以及它们的分布区、区系特征和垂直分布进行了初步研究。结果表明,分布在新疆北部的松萝属地衣共有22种,主要分布在天山和阿勒泰山,生长在树皮、树枝和朽木上。根据它们对环境的适应特征和选择性,将新疆北部松萝属地衣的主要地理成分分为环极北极及北方成分、北美-欧洲成分、世界广布种、北美成分、环极低北极及北方成分、欧洲成分、东亚—北美成分等7种。研究还发现分布在阿勒泰山和天山的松萝属地衣的垂直分布有明显的差异。阿勒泰山的地衣分布海拔比较高,分布范围比较广泛。  相似文献   

The carotenoid characteristic of lichen species of the genus Xanthoria is mutatoxanthin.  相似文献   

双叉犀金龟Allomyrina dichotoma是一种重要的森林资源昆虫,本文研究了环境温度(20℃、23℃、26℃、29℃、32℃)及菌糠含水量(35%、45%、55%、65%)对双叉犀金龟成虫寿命及子代数量的影响。结果表明,双叉犀金龟雌雄虫寿命均随温度的升高呈显著缩短,20℃~26℃下雌虫寿命在55~62 d之间,显著长于29℃~32℃处理;20℃~23℃下的雄虫寿命在33~48 d之间,显著长于26℃~32℃处理;环境温度及菌糠含水量均对双叉犀金龟成虫子代数量有显著影响,26℃时,4个菌糠含水量处理的平均子代数量为31.42 头/雌,显著高于其它温度处理,菌糠含水量55%~65%时,5个温度处理的平均子代数量为18.83~19.12 头/雌,显著高于其它菌糠含水量处理,其中以温度26℃、菌糠含水量55%处理的双叉犀金龟子代数量最高,达45.42 头/雌。各温度下双叉犀金龟繁殖子代数量均随时间的延长呈先上升后下降的趋势,各温度下产卵繁殖的高峰时间存在明显差异。在26℃时,双叉犀金龟各时间段子代数量均高于其它温度,在35~45 d时,达到产卵高峰期(12.33 头/雌),综合各指标,建议利用菌糠饲养双叉犀金龟时,其成虫最佳环境条件为26℃,菌糠含水量55%。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare a new mating system, called the Detection-Mating Area (DM Area), and a conventional mating system on the long-term reproductive performance of commercial pigs. The DM Area treatment basically involved detecting oestrous females in an arena closely surrounded on two sides by boars and mating these females in this arena. This mating system was designed to improve the physical and sexual environments of the pigs at mating. In contrast, the conventional treatment involved conducting oestrus detection and mating in the boar's accommodation pen. The study was conducted over an 18-month period at a commercial farm that housed 2400 breeding female pigs.

In order to control for the effects of the stockperson, an analysis was conducted on the reproductive performance of female pigs in which one stockperson assisted the matings in both treatments over a 12-month period. Gilts mated in the DM Area treatment had a higher (P<0.05) total litter size and a higher (P<0.01) litter size born alive than gilts mated in the conventional treatment (10.31 vs. 8.96 and 9.50 vs. 8.29, respectively). Although gilts in the DM Area treatment had a higher farrowing rate (93.2 vs. 87.9%), this difference was not significant (P>0.05). There were no significant (P>0.05) differences found between the reproductive performance of sows in the two treatments; however this comparison was confounded by sows in the DM Area treatment having a lower number of matings per oestrus than those in the other treatment. Observations on the sexual behaviour of pigs at 145 matings indicated that the boars in the DM Area treatment displayed a higher (P<0.05) number of bouts of courting behaviour directed towards the female than boars in the conventional treatment (8.3 and 6.4, respectively). These very limited observations on sexual behaviour suggest that changes in the courting behaviour of bears may be associated with changes in litter size. While there was some indication from the results of progesterone analysis of blood samples taken from unmated gilts that there may have been some differences between treatments in the sexual age of gilts at matings, these differences are unlikely to explain the differences in litter size between treatments. Further research is required to identify the component (s) of the DM Area treatment that are responsible for the improvement in litter size in gilts and to further examine the effects of the two treatments on the reproductive performance of sows.  相似文献   

Serratia marcescens biovar A2/A6, isolated from an Indonesian freshwater source, was identified based on extensive morphological, biochemical and genetic characterization. Formation of pigment was found to be strongly influenced by environmental conditions. Placket-Burman design was used to analyze the effect of carbon and nitrogen sources. Based on results of physiological and biochemical studies, the optimum conditions for growth and pigment formation were incubation 30°C in a neutral to slightly alkaline medium containing lactic acid and beef extract.  相似文献   

Fourteen lichens, 10 green algal lichens and four cyanolichens, as well as a cyanobacterium emitted significant quantities of H2S (0.01–0.04 pmol g dw–1 s–1) and DMS (0.005–0.025 pmol g dw–1 s–1) but were sinks for COS (0.015–0.14 pmol g dw–1 s–1). In contrast, exchange of CH3SH and CS2 were sporatic and inconsistent. Although some interspecific variation occurred for the first three gases, exchange rates were relatively uniform and were not influenced by irradiance conditions. In contrast to DMS and H2S emission, COS uptake was strongly influenced by degree of thallus hydration. Because lichen dominated systems cover extensive terrestrial habitats, COS uptake is potentially important in the world's sulfur budget.  相似文献   

Glucose-limited chemostat cultures of Candida utilis were cultivated at various pH levels (3.0–7.5), temperatures (15–37.5°C), dilution rates (0.06–0.42 hr?1), and with different nitrogen sources (NH and NO). The ratio of total nucleic acid to protein increased with increase in dilution rate at constant temperature and decreased with increase in temperature at constant dilution rate. The pattern of these variations is consistent with the hypothesis that the nucleic acid to protein ratio is a function of the ratio of the actual dilution rate to the critical dilution rate corresponding to each one of the cultivation temperatures. This ratio is called “reduced dilution rate.” A basis is proposed on which various microorganisms may be compared with respect to the ratios of cell protein to nucleic acid, RNA, ribosomal RNA, and polysomes.  相似文献   

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