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Within species, individuals with different sexes, morphs and age classes often show spatial segregation. Both habitat selection and social processes have been proposed to explain intraspecific spatial segregation, but their relative importance is difficult to assess. We investigated spatial segregation between age classes in the cave salamander Hydromantes (Speleomantes) strinatii, and used a hypothetico-deductive approach to evaluate whether social or ecological processes explain segregation pattern. We recorded the location and age class of salamanders along multiple caves; we measured multiple microhabitat features of different sectors of caves that may determine salamander distribution. We assessed age-class segregation, and used generalized mixed models and an information-theoretic framework, to test if segregation is explained by social processes or by differences in habitat selection. We found significant age-class segregation, juveniles living in more external cave sectors than adults. Multiple environmental features varied along caves. Juveniles and adults showed contrasting habitat selection patterns: juveniles were associated with sectors having high invertebrate abundance, while adults were associated with scarce invertebrates and low temperature. When the effect of environmental features was taken into account, the relationship between juveniles and adults was non negative. This suggests that different habitat preferences, related to distinct risk-taking strategies of age classes, can explain the spatial segregation. Juveniles require more food and select more external sectors, even if they may be risky. Conversely, adults may trade off food availability in favour of safe areas with stable micro-climate.  相似文献   

Honeybee workers, Apis mellifera, can reproduce in queenless colonies. The production of queen-like pheromones may be associated with their reproductive activity and induce nestmates to respond by feeding them. Such frequent trophallaxis could supply their protein needs for oogenesis, constituting a social pathway to worker reproduction. However, some individuals can develop ovaries without producing queen pheromones. The consumption of protein-rich pollen could be an alternative solitary pathway for them to satisfy this dietary requirement. In order to investigate the way in which workers obtain proteins for oogenesis, we created orphaned worker groups and determined ovarian and pheromonal development in relation to pollen consumption of selected workers. Individuals that did not consume pollen had significantly more developed ovaries and produced significantly more queen mandibular pheromone than workers that fed directly on pollen. Our results suggest that workers producing queen-like secretions are fed trophallactically. However, reproductive workers that lacked queen pheromones had consumed little or no pollen, suggesting that they also obtained trophallaxis. Although pollen consumption might contribute to sustaining oogenesis, it does not appear to be sufficient. Trophallaxis as a means of obtaining proteins seems to be necessary to attain reproductive status in queenless honeybee colonies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate explanations for social inequalities in health with respect to health related social mobility and cumulative socioeconomic circumstances over the first three decades of life. DESIGN: Longitudinal follow up. SETTING: Great Britain. SUBJECTS: Data from the 1958 birth cohort study (all children born in England, Wales, and Scotland during 3-9 March 1958) were used, from the original birth survey and from sweeps at 16, 23, and 33 years. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Subjects'' own ratings of their health; social differences in self rated health at age 33. RESULTS: Social mobility varied by health status, with those reporting poor health at age 23 having higher odds of downward mobility than of staying in same social class. Men with poor health were also less likely to be upwardly mobile. Prevalence of poor health at age 33 increased with decreasing social class: from 8.5% in classes I and II to 17.7% in classes IV and V among men, and from 9.4% to 18.8% among women. These social differences remained significant after adjustment for effects of social mobility. Health inequalities attenuated when adjusted for social class at birth, at age 16, or at 23 or for self rated health at age 23. When adjusted for all these variables simultaneously, social differences in self rated health at age 33 were substantially reduced and no longer significant. CONCLUSIONS: Lifetime socioeconomic circumstances accounted for inequalities in self reported health at age 33, while social mobility did not have a major effect on health inequalities.  相似文献   

Many environmental risk factors for common, complex human diseases have been revealed by epidemiologic studies, but how genotypes at specific loci modulate individual responses to environmental risk factors is largely unknown. Gene-environment interactions will be missed in genome-wide association studies and could account for some of the 'missing heritability' for these diseases. In this review, we focus on asthma as a model disease for studying gene-environment interactions because of relatively large numbers of candidate gene-environment interactions with asthma risk in the literature. Identifying these interactions using genome-wide approaches poses formidable methodological problems, and elucidating molecular mechanisms for these interactions has been challenging. We suggest that studying gene-environment interactions in animal models, although more tractable, might not be sufficient to shed light on the genetic architecture of human diseases. Lastly, we propose avenues for future studies to find gene-environment interactions.  相似文献   

Karin Johst  Martin Drechsler 《Oikos》2003,103(3):449-456
The survival of species in dynamic landscapes (characterised by patch destruction and subsequent regeneration) depends on both the species' attributes and the disturbance pattern. Using a spatially explicit model we explored how the mean time to extinction of a metapopulation depends on the spatial correlation of patch destruction in relation to the population growth and dispersal abilities of species. Two contrasting answers are possible. On the one hand, increasing spatial correlation of patch destruction increases the spatial correlation of population growth and this is known to decrease metapopulation persistence. On the other hand, spatially correlated patch destruction and regeneration can lead to clustered habitat patches and this is known to increase metapopulation persistence. Therefore, we hypothesised that some species are better off under spatially correlated and alternatively uncorrelated disturbance regimes. However, contrary to this hypothesis, in all kinds of cases spatial correlation reduced metapopulation persistence. We found this to be due to the fact that the spatial correlation of patch destruction causes increasing temporal fluctuations in the regional carrying capacity of the metapopulation and is hence generally disadvantageous for long-term persistence. The main consequence for conservation biology is that reducing spatial correlation in disturbances is likely to be a reliable strategy in a dynamic landscape that will benefit practically all species with a low risk of adverse side effects .  相似文献   

Annual nitrogen and phosphorus budgets for the whole North Sea taking into account the most recent data available were established. The area considered has a total surface of approximately 700,000km2 and corresponds to the definition by OSPARCOM (Oslo and Paris Commission) with the exclusion of the Skagerrak and Kattegat areas. Input and output fluxes were determined at the marine, atmospheric, sediment and continental boundaries, and riverine inputs based on river flows and nutrient concentrations at the river–estuary interface were corrected for possible estuarine retention. The results showed that the North Sea is an extremely complex system subjected to large inter-annual variability of marine water circulation and freshwater land run-off. Consequently, resulting total N (TN) and P (TP) fluxes are extremely variable from 1 year to another and this has an important influence on the budget of these elements. Total inputs to the North Sea are 8870±4860kTNyear–1 and 494±279kTPyear–1. Denitrification is responsible for the loss of 23±7% of the TN inputs while sediment burial is responsible for the retention of only of 2±2% of the TP input. For TN, due to the large variability on marine and estuarine fluxes, and to the uncertainty related to the denitrification rate, it was concluded that the North Sea could either be a source (1930kTNyear–1) or a sink (1700kTNyear–1) for the waters of the North Atlantic Ocean. For TP it was concluded that the North Sea is mostly a source (–4 to 52kTPyear–1) for the waters of the North Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

The transglutaminase (TGase) is present in the pollen tube where it most likely participates in the regulation of different activities including the organization of cytoskeletal elements (microtubules and actin filaments). In addition to a cytosolic form of TGase, new data suggest the existence of TGase forms associated with the internal membranes and with the cell wall of pollen tubes. This different localization extends the functional range of pollen TGase but also raises the question how TGase can be precisely (and in harmony with the pollen tube growth) redistributed in different cellular compartments. The discovery that TGase exists as different isoforms may suggest a pathway to achieve this result.  相似文献   

Tissue cultures have been successfully exploited to dissect cellular and molecular mechanisms of microbial infections. Most of the methods used in this model conclude with data describing host and pathogen 'average' responses. Microscopy, however, reveals that such interplay is very diverse and that both partners are composed of phenotypically heterogeneous populations. Thus, upon co-incubation in the plate assay, neither all cultured host cells are infected nor all pathogen cells inflict alterations in host physiology. Despite its obvious impact in data interpretation, the basis of this heterogeneity remains in most cases unknown. Addressing this issue is encouraging since may contribute to uncover novel interactions in the host-pathogen scenario.  相似文献   

Wilkinson EB  Feener DH 《Oecologia》2007,152(1):151-161
Species must balance effective competition with avoidance of mortality imposed by predators or parasites to coexist within a local ecological community. Attributes of the habitat in which species interact, such as structural complexity, have the potential to affect how species balance competition and mortality by providing refuge from predators or parasites. Disturbance events such as fire can drastically alter habitat complexity and may be important modifiers of species interactions in communities. This study investigates whether the presence of habitat complexity in the form of leaf litter can alter interactions between the behaviorally dominant host ants Pheidole diversipilosa and Pheidole bicarinata, their respective specialist dipteran parasitoids (Phoridae: Apocephalus sp. 8 and Apocephalus sp. 25) and a single species of ant competitor (Dorymyrmex insanus). We used a factorial design to manipulate competition (presence/absence of competitors), mortality risk (presence/absence of parasitoids) and habitat complexity (presence/absence of leaf litter). Parasitoid presence reduced soldier caste foraging, but refuge from habitat complexity allowed increased soldier foraging in comparison to treatments in which no refuge was available. Variation in soldier foraging behavior correlated strongly with foraging success, a proxy for colony fitness. Habitat complexity allowed both host species to balance competitive success with mortality avoidance. The effect of fire on habitat complexity was also studied, and demonstrated that the immediate negative impact of fire on habitat complexity can persist for multiple years. Our findings indicate that habitat complexity can increase dominant host competitive success even in the presence of parasitoids, which may have consequences for coexistence of subordinate competitors and community diversity in general.  相似文献   

At the AHA meeting 2009 it was reported by the press media (and meanwhile published in the N Engl J Med by Slaughter et al., 3 December 2009), that a ‘new type of device more than doubles the two-year survival rate among heart failure patients. The new device, called HeartMate II, improves survival, is more durable, and is linked to better quality of life. The device works by pumping blood continuously rather than simulating a heart beat as older pumps do. The pump is connected to equipment outside the body – a small computer and batteries that the patient wears in a belt pack or harness using a wire from the patient’s abdomen. The FDA has approved the device only as a temporary bridge to transplant.’  相似文献   

Abstract. Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa has played a central role in the encroachment of woody plants in southern Texas, grasslands and savannas by acting as a nurse plant for various shrubs that establish in its understory. To test for continued facilitation of established understory shrubs by Prosopis and to determine if established shrubs compete with the Prosopis nucleus, selective removal experiments were conducted and monitored over a 2–5 yr period. Short-term (1–3 days) and long-term (2 yr) growth and physiological activities (midday net photosynthesis and leaf/shoot water potential) of two common understory shrubs, Zanthoxylum fagara and Berberis trifoliolata, growing with Prosopis, were generally comparable to those of individuals occurring in clusters where Prosopis was removed. Shrubs growing with an intact Prosopis occasionally showed significantly higher leaf-[N] and pre-dawn water potentials than those in clusters lacking a live Prosopis, especially under drought conditions; however, these differences did not translate into greater midday leaf gas exchange or shoot growth. By comparison, removal of understory shrubs elicited large increases in Prosopis net photosynthesis, annual trunk growth in each of the 5 yr monitored, and seed pod production in three of the four years monitored. Seven of 26 Prosopis plants in experimental clusters with an intact understory died over a 5-yr period, compared to only two of the 26 plants in clusters with the cleared understory. Results indicate that (1) the founding overstory Prosopis plant may continue to facilitate understory shrubs following their establishment, but these beneficial effects appear to be small and transitory, and (2) the understory shrubs have a pronounced negative effect on Prosopis, such that competition between overstory and understory woody plants is strongly asymmetrical. These findings suggest that understory shrubs will likely persist despite changes in microclimate and soils (potentially) that occur after the Prosopis plant, which facilitated their ingress or establishment, has died. Soil resource depletion by shallow-rooted understory shrubs appears to be a primary factor contributing to the demise of the deeply rooted, overstory Prosopis plants, especially on upland sites with duplex soils where below-ground competition is accentuated.  相似文献   

Wild barley: a source of genes for crop improvement in the 21st century?   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The development of new barleys tolerant of abiotic and biotic stresses is an essential part of the continued improvement of the crop. The domestication of barley, as in many crops, resulted in a marked truncation of the genetical variation present in wild populations. This process is significant to agronomists and scientists because a lack of allelic variation will prevent the development of adapted cultivars and hinder the investigation of the genetic mechanisms underlying performance. Wild barley would be a useful source of new genetic variation for abiotic stress tolerance if surveys identify appropriate genetic variation and the development of marker-assisted selection allows efficient manipulation in cultivar development. There are many wild barley collections from all areas of its natural distribution, but the largest are derived from the Mediterranean region. The results of a range of assays designed to explore abiotic stress tolerance in barley are reported in this paper. The assays included; sodium chloride uptake in wild barley and a mapping population, effects for delta 13C and plant dry weight in wheat aneuploids, effects of photoperiod and vernalization in wild barley, and measurements of root length in wild barley given drought and nitrogen starvation treatments in hydroponic culture. There are examples of the use of wild barley in breeding programmes, for example, as a source of new disease resistance genes, but the further exploration of the differences between wild barley and cultivars is hampered by the lack of good genetic maps. In parallel to the need for genetic studies there is also a need for the development of good physiological models of crop responses to the environment. Given these tools, wild barley offers the prospect of a 'goldmine' of untapped genetic reserves.  相似文献   

It has often been speculated, and some evidence suggests, that men and women differ in the elicitation of jealousy: Men appear to be more likely than women to become upset over threats to sexual exclusivity; whereas women are more likely than men to react negatively to potential loss of partner time and attention. Both adaptionist and traditional social learning theories have been used to explain these apparent gender differences. In the present article we outline both explanations and review the relevant psychological literature on gender differences in the elicitation of jealousy. We propose that the difference in men's and women's psychological mechanisms for elicitation of jealousy is best characterized (at least in this culture) as a greater sensitivity among men to cues indicative of possible sexual infidelity rather than greater emotional upset in response to the occurence of extradyadic sex on the part of one's mate. We also provide data testing a traditional social learning explanation for the elicitation of jealousy. Results of a survey administered to college students (N = 223) demonstrate the subtle nature of gender differences in the elicitation of jealousy within this culture. Men and women were most likely to differ (in the hypothesized directions) when items pertained to concern over a partner's potential extradyadic sex rather than to reactions to sexual infidelity that is suspected to have already occurred. Although men reported placing more value on sexual activity within dating relationships and women reported placing more value on emotional intimacy, these ratings of relationship rewards did not explain the gender differences in reported jealousy. Results failed to support a traditional social learning explanation of jealousy and are discussed with regard to evolutionary theory and directions for future research.  相似文献   

The main premise of this article is that various cognitive functions involved in signal analysis, memory, and decision making, all modulated by the animal's internal milieu, can generate selection for the forms of signals used in social interactions. Thus, just as an animal's view of its world, its Umwelt, determines how it interacts with its ecological niche, it can influence the evolution of its social niche. Thus, the brain is not only a landscape on which selection can act, but also it is a powerful source of selection on the animal's social niche.  相似文献   

The rapid evolution of drug resistance remains a major obstacle for HIV therapy. The capacity of the virus for recombination is widely believed to facilitate the evolution of drug resistance. Here, we challenge this intuitive view. We develop a population genetic model of HIV replication that incorporates the processes of mutation, cellular superinfection, and recombination. We show that cellular superinfection increases the abundance of low fitness viruses at the expense of the fittest strains due to the mixing of viral proteins during virion assembly. Moreover, we argue that whether recombination facilitates the evolution of drug resistance depends critically on how resistance mutations interact to determine viral fitness. Contrary to the commonly held belief, we find that, under the most plausible biological assumptions, recombination is expected to slow down the rate of evolution of multi-drug-resistant virus during therapy.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein, the product of the multidrug resistance (MDR1) gene, is an ATP-driven transmembrane pump that increases the resistance of cells by actively exporting toxic chemicals. In addition to transporting anticancer drugs, P-glycoprotein has been reported to extrude a variety of lipophilic drugs, such as calcium channel blockers, phenothiazines, cyclosporines etc. Interestingly, recent experiments suggest that steroid hormones may be physiologic substrates for P-glycoprotein. In addition, there exists a family of transporter genes with high structural homology to P-glycoprotein, the so-called ABC (ATP-binding casette) family. Although the physiological ligands for most of these transporters are unknown, there is increasing evidence that peptides may be transported by some of these proteins. Thus, the a-factor, a farnesylated pheromone with 13 amino acids, is exported from yeast cells by the product of the STE6 gene, a transporter protein with high homology to P-glycoprotein. Recently, we have cloned a novel member of the ABC-transporter gene family from neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid (NG-108-15) cells. This putative transporter gene ("NG-TRA") is expressed in the adrenal gland, kidney and in the brain. High amounts of NG-TRA mRNA are found in a variety of human brain tumors. Whether NG-TRA and/or other MDR-related transporters are involved in the transport of steroids, peptide hormones or growth factors remains to be established. If so, the cellular export of hormones by active pumps may represent a new mechanism of hormone secretion.  相似文献   

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