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秋茄红树植物落叶分解的碎屑能量研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
测定了红树植物秋茄(Kandelia candel (L.) Druce)落叶在不同季节分解过程中碎屑的热值和富能有机化合物的变化。结果表明,季节间落叶的热值差别不大,平均为19.63 kJ/g干重或21.55 kJ/g 去灰分干重。各季节的落叶在其分解后的碎屑的热值均明显提高,且夏秋季快于冬春季,但它们与分解程度有相应的相关关系:分解初期上升,后期稍降,最大值出现在半分解期(失重50% )附近。碎屑的最大热值平均比落叶的热值提高17.67% (干重热值)或14.35% (失灰分干重热值)。分解中总能量的耗散稍慢于干物质的损失。随分解的进行,碎屑中粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维的能量增大,而无氮浸出物的能量减少。  相似文献   

红树植物秋茄落叶分解碎屑的有效能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定了福建红树植物秋茄各季节落叶分解碎屑中水解有效能(HAC)、无丹宁水解有效能(TFHAC)和化学有效能(CAC)的绝对含量和相对含量。测定结果表明:落叶中有效能的绝对含量和它占总能量的百分含量的季均值是:HAC4.06kJ/gDW,20.85%;TFHAC3.32kJ/gDW,16.68%。在半分解(失重率为50%)的碎屑中它们降为HAC1.75kJ/gDW,9.25% ;TFHAC1.64k  相似文献   

 通过对九龙江口秋茄红树林人工模拟凋落叶自然分解过程中落叶腐解与落叶腐解微生物变化的研究,结果表明:1.随落叶分解进程,落叶腐解微生物数量有了显著地变化;就细菌、放线菌和丝状真菌等三大类群微生物数量来看,整个过程以细菌占绝对优势,其数量在200×104一8800×104个/克干重,占三大类群微生物总数量的96—99%以上。这表明细菌是落叶分解起主要作用的微生物类群。2.微生物各生理类群中,以氨化细菌数量最多,在26×104一180×104个/克干重;而亚硝化细菌,反硝化细菌及纤维分解菌分别仅在0.03×104一0.24×104,0.03×104一0.10×104及1.14×104一7.33×104个/克干重。表明氨化细菌是有机物质无机化的主要生理类群。并且氨化作用、亚硝化作用和反硝化作用是同时进行;并随落叶腐解周期的延长(半腐解周期内)而加强,唯强度不一,它反映了该生境干、湿交替的沼泽化特点。纤维分解菌数量的变化较特殊,在落叶腐解第2周时,有了明显增多,至第4周达全周期的最高值,而以后周期都与初始叶面纤维分解菌的数量相近,甚至减少。从微生物活性的变化测定结果来看,与上述微生物生理类群的变化特点是相一致的。3.在该生境中,落叶腐解速度是很快的,当落叶入土1周后将近1/4有机物被腐解,至第6周达半腐解状态。随落叶腐解有机物质无机化程度的加速,残叶中单位叶重的可溶性总糖含量和全磷量都明显地减少,而全氮含量显著地增加。  相似文献   

胡宏友  张朝潮  李雄 《植物生态学报》2010,34(12):1377-1385
在室内人工模拟潮汐, 研究了4种盐度(0、10‰、25‰和35‰, 分别代表淡水、低盐、中盐和高盐)下秋茄(Kandelia candel)凋落叶分解过程中物质与能量动态的差异。结果表明, 高盐处理下的失重率和平均分解速率显著低于淡水和低盐处理, 而高盐下的半分解理论值则高于其他处理; 盐度对分解过程中的残叶氮磷变化动态有显著影响, 其中, 残叶氮的释放速率在实验后期会随着盐度的升高而上升, 高盐度下残叶总氮含量显著低于低盐或淡水处理; 而在分解第1周, 淡水或低盐处理能加速磷的释放, 但中高盐度残叶中总磷含量最终会低于淡水和低盐处理; 盐度同样能对残叶热值产生显著影响, 淡水和低盐处理下的碎屑热值要显著高于高盐处理下的残叶热值, 但不同盐度下分解的能量损失差异不显著。  相似文献   

福建秋茄红树林碳氢氮素的动态研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郑文教  薛雄志  林鹏 《生态学报》1995,15(3):229-234
本文主要探讨了福建九龙江口20a生人工秋茄红树群落C、H、N素的含量、贮备及年动态。结果表明:(1)秋茄植物体不同组分C、H、N素含量有一定差异,含量范围分别为:C43.81%─51.22%、H4.50%─5.68%、N0.23%─1.80%,组分间差异程度顺序为C<H<N。原子数率为C(1)H(1.11─1.48)N(0.004─0.034)。(2)群落C、H、N素现存总库量分别为7457.53g/m ̄2、837.48g/m ̄2和73.61g/m ̄2,其中地上部分别占59.31%、58.40%和59.54%,地下部分别占40.69%、41.60%和40.46%。(3)群落年净固定C素、结合H素和吸收N素分别为1113.41g/m ̄2、124.37g/m ̄2和16.83g/m ̄2,其中用于群落自身增长而存留的分别为684.88g/m ̄2、77.15g/m ̄2和6.65g/m ̄2,经凋落物年输出的分别为428.53g/m ̄2、47.22g/m ̄2和10.18g/m ̄2。(4)群落年能量净固定量为43544kJ/m ̄2,年O_2净释放量为2969g/m ̄2。  相似文献   

茶园冬季乔木落叶的分解和矿质元素释放   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国南方存在着一种传统植茶方式——茶林复合生态系统,近年来人们已逐步认识到它在维持土壤肥力,抗御自然灾害和保证茶叶内质特性等方面的作用,然而对冬季乔木落叶分解和矿质元素释放的作用尚无报道。本文是对安徽省黄山市休宁县茶树-乌桕复合园和茶树-板栗复合园的冬季乔木落叶分解的研究,为全面认识茶林复合生态系统的性质提供依据。  相似文献   

本文对毛白杨落叶在土壤中的分解进行了为期一年的研究。结果表明:土壤微生物的活动导致落叶中氮、水溶性糖、钾和钙含量的变化,而落叶中磷、钠和镁的含量变化不显著;落叶分解可提高土壤中氮的含量,土壤中有效钾在分解前期也有明显提高。设计的室内保温保湿试验表明温度和湿度明显地影响分解程度,但对分解变化的趋势和微生物的演替影响较小。  相似文献   

红树植物秋茄热值及其变化的研究   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:21  
林光辉  林鹏 《生态学报》1991,11(1):44-48

Changes of caloric values and energy-rich organic compounds were studied in the detritus derived from mangrove Kandelia candel (L.) Druce leaf litter during the various in situ seasonal decomposition in Jiulong River Estuary, Fujian, China. The results showed that the caloric values varied little among the seasonal fallen leaves being a mean of 19.63 kJ/g dry wt or 21.55 kJ/g AF dry wt, the caloric values of detritus increased remarkably after decomposition but they more rapidly in summer and autumn than in winter and spring. The change was well in agreement with the degree of decomposition, being increased in the early decomposition period and slightly decreased in the later, with a peak at about the half-time of decomposition (50% weight loss). The maximum was averagely 17.67% of dry weight and 14.35 % of ash-free dry; weight basis over the initial values. The dissipation of total energy was somewhat slower than the loss of dry matter. As decomposition proceeds the energy of detritus was more and more contributed by raw protein, raw fat, raw fibers rather than by N-free extract. Therefore it is suggested that detritus at half-time of decomposition should be more important to marine detritivores from the viewpoint of energy supplement.  相似文献   

人工合成污水对秋茄幼苗的几个生态生理学指标影响初报   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:22  
人工合成污水对秋茄幼苗的几个生态生理学指标影响初报陈桂珠,缪绅裕(中山大学,广州510275)谭凤仪(香港城市理工学院,香港)黄玉山(香港科技大学,香港)Effectofsyntheticwastewateroneco-physiologicalin...  相似文献   

红树植物秋茄和红海榄叶片元素含量及季节动态的比较研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
王文卿  林鹏 《生态学报》2001,21(8):1233-1238
研究了福建九龙江口秋茄(Kandelia candel L.)和红海榄(Rhizophora stylosa G.)成熟叶片N、P、K、Na、Ca、Mg和CI等元素含量的季节变化和元素间的关系。结果表明秋茄和红海榄同为红树科树种,生境相同且同属拒盐植物,但在元素积累及季节变化模式上存在较大差别。秋茄和红海榄叶片高盐分和Ca含量及低K/Na比,这是我们对盐渍生境的一种适应。秋茄无机渗透调节剂(主要指K^ 、Na^ 、Ca^2 、Mg^2 和CI^-)含量夏季高于冬季,而红海榄与之完全相反。秋茄能够通过主动积累有机渗透调节剂来适应低温,而红海榄不能。对秋茄和红海缆抗寒机制进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The absolute and relative contents of hydrolysis available calories (HAC), tanninfree HAC (TFHAC) and chemical available calories (CAC) of the detritus during the seasonal decomposition of mangrove (Kandelia candel (L.) Druce) leaf litter in Fujian, China was determined. Defined arbitrarily as the portion of total caloric content in detritus hydrolized with 1 mol/L HC1 for 6 h at 20 ℃, HAC is presumed to be a rough index of potential energy readily utilized by marine detritivores. TFHAC is the remaining calories of HAC devoid of tannin-attributed calories and CAC is defined as the total caloric content derived from raw protein, raw fat and soluble sugar. The results showed that in leaf litter, the seasonal mean caloric contents were 4.06 kJ/g DW or 20.85% of the total caloric content for HAC and 3.23 kJ/g DW or 16.68% of the total caloric content for TFHAC, which decreased to 1.75 kJ/g DW or 9.25% for HAC, and 1. 64 kJ/g DW or 8.20% for TFHAC in the detritus at half-life of decomposition. The difference in contents between HAC and TFHAC diminished as decomposition was progressed. The contents of CAC generally increased during decomposition, always higher than those of HAC and TFHAC, suggesting that some protein and fat in detritus are nonavailable to detritivores since they are hydrolyzed by week acid. The value of detritus HAC per unit ash-free dry weight (AFDW), as determined at the time when the detritus lost 23% of its initial weight, ranged from 16. 16 to 17.41 kJ/g AFDW and increased rapidly to a maximum of 24.00 kJ/g AFDW at 49% dry weight loss of detritus during decomposition. The detritus derived from mangrove fallen leaves had a low available caloric content and an moderate caloric value of HAC as compared with detritus of other marine plants. Finally, the relationship between HAC, TFHAC and CAC was discussed and some points of attention relevant to the application of those indices were given in relation  相似文献   

The accumulation and biocycle of Cu, Pb, Zn and Mn elements were studied in Kandelia candel (L.) Druce mangrove community of Jiulong River Estuary of Fujian. The pool amounts of Cu, Pb, Zn and Mn elements in the forest soil (0~30 cm in depth) were 6.86, 4.23, 25.64 and 134. 67 g · m-2, respectively. The respective element contents ranged from in different parts of the plant, 1.85~6.97, 0.37~3.74, 16.0~25.2 and 140~1405 μg· g-1 of Cu, Pb, Zn and Mn. The pool amounts of elements in standing crop of the community were 87.98, 40. 34, 335.34 and 8006.99 mg · m-2 for Cu, Pb, Zn and Mn respectively. The pool amounts of Cu, Pb, Zn and Mn elements in residues were: 593.06, 49.27, 2450.79 and 43486.70 μg · m-2 respectively. The biocycle of the elements in the community were described as follows: Annual uptake of Cu was 10. 17, Pb 4.32, Zn 49. 14 and Mn 2268. 16 mg · m-2; Annual return of Cu was 2.21, Pb 0.70, Zn 18.63 and Mn 1574.98 mg· m-2; Annual retention of Cu was 7.96, Pb 3.62, Zn 30. 51 and Mn 693.18 mg · m-2. The turnover periods of Cu, Pb, Zn and Mn were 40, 58, 18 and 5 year, respectively. The absorption, utilatizion and cycle coefficients were in the order of Mn〉Zn〉Cu〉Pb.  相似文献   

To obtain cDNAs encoding oxidosqualene cyclase (OSC), we cloned two cDNAs, KcCAS and RsCAS, from roots of Kandelia candel (L.) Druce and leaves of Rhizophora stylosa Griff. by homology based PCR method respectively. The deduced amino acid sequences of both OSCs showed 82% homology to cycloartenol synthases from Lotus japonicus (OSC5) and Ricinus cummunis (RcCAS), suggesting that these are cycloartenol synthases of K. candel and R. stylosa. The genes obtained were expressed in a lanosterol synthase deficient Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ERG7) strain, GIL77. GC–MS analysis identified the accumulated reaction product in the yeast transformant to be cycloartenol, indicating that both KcCAS and RsCAS encode cycloartenol synthase.  相似文献   

红松阔叶林倒木贮量动态的研究   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
在森林倒木研究的基础上探讨长白山红松阔叶林倒木贮量的动态,涉及红松阔叶林倒木分解及其贮量的动态规律。研究表明,倒木分解,除心腐木外,均由表及里进行;倒木分解速率在其它生态条件相同时因树种、直径和部位而异。红松阔叶林倒木贮量动态包括现有倒木贮量和倒木年输入量两个分解动态过程,现有倒木贮量在头100年其干重迅速减少,其中椴树比红松尤速,前者分解91%,后者为72%.林地倒木贮量动态与倒木年输入量分解动态相似,但前者在分解初期贮量增加较大,因为部分现有倒木未完全分解;100年后趋于一致,并恒定于16~17t·hm-2,直至群落的顶极阶段结束.  相似文献   

对位于中国红树林北缘区福鼎市的秋茄树〔Kandelia candel(Linn.)Druce〕天然林和人工林的高度结构和径级结构进行了分析,并以"空间替代时间"的方法研究了秋茄树天然林和人工林的空间分布格局以及天然林的种群结构特征。结果表明:不同滩位秋茄树天然林和人工林的高度结构及径级结构明显不一致。天然林中株高0.0~0.5和1.5~2.0 m的个体占多数;而人工林以株高1.5~2.0 m的个体为主,无株高0.0~0.5 m的幼苗,株高超过2.0 m的植株也极少,表明天然林的高度结构均匀而人工林的高度结构极不合理。根据基径(D)可将秋茄树种群分为13个径级,其中天然林不同径级个体数量随径级增大依次减少,而人工林中径级Ⅲ(6 cm≤D<10 cm)的植株数量最多,且没有径级Ⅸ(30 cm≤D<34 cm)以上的个体,表明天然林的径级结构良好。从分布格局看,天然林幼苗群呈现聚集分布,而其小树群、大树群和老树群均为随机分布;人工林无幼苗群和老树群,小树群呈均匀分布,大树群呈聚集分布。种群静态生命表分析结果表明:秋茄树天然林种群的期间死亡率和消失率在龄级1(D<2 cm)和龄级7(22 cm≤D<26 cm)达到最大,在其他龄级均较小且处于稳定状态;其个体生存率单调下降、累计死亡率单调上升,仅在龄级1时个体生存率高于累计死亡率,从龄级2(2 cm≤D<6 cm)开始均表现为累计死亡率高于生存率;其存活曲线属于典型的Deevey-Ⅲ型,表明秋茄树天然林种群中幼苗丰富但期间死亡率较高,成树的期间死亡率相对较低且个体数量稳定。  相似文献   

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