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王思元  曾琦琛 《生物信息学》2018,25(10):104-109
柏林墙是柏林近代史上重要的一段政治事件遗迹与历史见证。从1990年6月至今,柏林政府对柏林墙遗址地区进行了不同层面的保护和开发。梳理了柏林墙与柏林城市发展的关系,从政府工作、遗址构筑物与户外公共空间3个方面,研究了柏林墙遗址地区的保护与规划内容,认为针对柏林墙遗址地区,德国政府及人民对历史予以足够的尊重,以政府为主导的多维度、持续性的规划工作对遗址地区起到了重要的保护作用。灵活多样、高品质的公共空间营造方式与丰富的纪念性活动,使得衰败的地区得以激活和复兴,为中国遗址地区保护与规划设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

胡凯富  郑曦 《生物信息学》2018,25(11):84-89
景观绩效研究为支撑、评价和指导景观实践提供重要科学依据。随着相关研究文献数量的大幅增长,传统文献梳理方式难以客观把握当前研究内容的宽度与深度。CiteSpace作为当前文献信息可视化分析的主要工具,为挖掘研究知识的网络结构和前沿动向提供技术支持。以Web of Science数据库所收录2000—2017年的景观绩效文献为研究对象,通过计量分析和人工检阅结合的述评方式,客观定量地呈现当前景观绩效研究的文献概况和发展脉络,进而系统揭示景观绩效研究的七大重点领域和两大前沿方向,为拓展中国当前研究内容和明确未来发展方向提供参考,以期推动中国景观绩效研究的进一步发展。  相似文献   

美国第43届神经科学年会于2013年11月9-13日在美国圣迭戈召开。本文根据作者的参会经历,对此次会议的概况、规模,以及内容作一简介,以期让读者了解神经科学这一研究领域的前沿以及美国神经科学年会的概况。  相似文献   

城市公园作为城市中自然景观的重要组成部分,发挥着为人们提供散步漫游、休憩交往场所的重要作用,其内部慢行系统的研究对提升城市公园整体景观品质和游览体验有着重要的意义。以城市公园慢行系统为研究对象,通过实地调研和理论研究相结合的方法,从选线和设计两大方面探讨了城市公园慢行系统的构建。最后以黄山市滨江游园慢行系统为例,对其内部慢行系统的选线规划、景观规划和细节设计进行了具体的规划和设计,对理论研究结果进行验证和反馈,以期为同类型项目提供指导和借鉴。  相似文献   

绿带作为管理城市空间发展的有效手段,在多个国家得以成功实践。首先对绿带的发展进行了基础研究,在此基础上,以法兰克福绿带体系规划历程为研究内容,紧密结合绿带与城市发展的关系,从历史的角度探索法兰克福不同城市发展阶段所采取的绿带规划方法。介绍以绿带促进城市转型、保护历史遗产的成功经验和以绿带控制城市扩张、构建城市开放空间系统、提供多功能城市服务的规划策略。通过分析法兰克福绿带的发展过程与成功经验,认识到中国绿带建设的不足,为中国已有绿带更新和新的绿带建设提供参考。  相似文献   

"欧亚大陆新近纪气候演化"国际研究团体成立于2000年,其前期工作主要集中在欧洲。随着研究的不断深入,亚洲地区的工作开始受到越来越多的关注。2010年11月在昆明举办了首届亚洲NECLIME年会,今年5月下旬又在南京成功召开了NECLIME研讨会,讨论的内容也有了更多的拓展。为使国内相关研究人员对这一国际研究团体及其目标有更多的了解,本文拟对NECLIME的发展史、研究进展和南京会议作一简要介绍,并对NECLIME的今后工作进行展望,以期对国内的相关研究提供帮助。  相似文献   

近年来,雨水花园因其在雨洪管理、生态保护等方面的作用而倍受重视,在美国、欧洲等地得到大力推广并取得了良好效果。文章结合ASLA获奖项目,研究了雨水花园在3类典型场地中的应用方式、实际效益等,对案例中的场地属性、形态、下垫面、雨水引导方式、雨水花园的形式、选用植被的特征以及每类场地的特殊性等加以总结和比较,认为雨水花园具有建造费用低,运行管理简单、生态环保、自然美观、易与场地环境结合等特点,可用于多类型的场地,在我国具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

选取具有国际影响力的中国、美国和英国三国的精准医学计划,简述计划主要目标和主要任务,从计划组织实施和数据管理共享方面进行比较分析,并总结获得的部分启示,以期为我国开展精准医学研究重点专项提供有益参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

由中国实验动物学会主办的"第十届中国实验动物科学年会"将于2012年9月在江苏省扬州市举办。会议秉承往届年会的学术交流活动形式与内容,就实验动物与动物实验及相关学科进行学术交流。一、会议形式与内容:会议以大会综合报告和分会专题报告相结合的交流形式。1、大会综合报告将组织和邀请国内外相关专家就实验动物科学及其相关学科的发展与展望、前沿与热点、理论与技术等方面做特邀报告。2、分会专题报告将以实验动物相关学科为主进行学术研讨、  相似文献   

城市绿地的科学评价为绿地规划及管理提供数据支撑,对建设可持续发展的健康城市有着重要的作用。本文提出在新数据环境下对城市绿地建立形态、品质、活力及服务水平等方面的评估指标体系,并且在“大模型”的理论基础上,对中国287个地级及以上城市中心城范围内的绿地进行多尺度的评估,同时选取遵义进行城市绿地品质和活力的案例研究。研究解决了城市绿地空间数据的提取、城市中心城范围的界定等关键问题,使城市绿地的评估更具客观性、统一性和可比性。结果表明:在绿地斑块尺度,中国城市绿地整体紧凑度较高,且多数绿地分布在市中心附近。在城市尺度,中国城市平均绿地服务水平为57.45%,其中副省级城市绿地服务水平普遍较高,地级市最低。本文分析得出中国区域城市绿地格局的不足与问题,以期为未来城市绿地的建设提供参考。  相似文献   

This Commentary describes a call for submissions for the upcoming Special Issue focused on the science presented at the 20th IUPAB Congress to be held in conjunction with the 45th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Biophysical Society and the 49th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 20th International IUPAB Congress will take place as a virtual meeting this year from October 4 to 8, 2021. This triennial IUPAB Congress will be held in loose conjunction with the 45th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Biophysical Society and the 49th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. To act as a complement to this virtual meeting, the Biophysical Reviews journal will base a Special Issue on the scientific topics of the meeting contributors selected from the range of invited speakers and poster presenters. This Special Issue will also work to highlight the host country’s (Brazil) National Biophysical Society. Finally, this Special Issue will also serve to publish the meeting abstracts in supplemental form.Review articles from IUPAB Congress speakers and poster presenters to the IUPAB Congress and associated conferences (the 45th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Biophysical Society and the 49th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) are solicited. Similar to the SI based on the 19th IUPAB Congress held in Edinburgh summarizing Commentaries from session chairs are also requested (Hall and dos Remedios 2017). The Special Issue for the 20th IUPAB International Congress will be prepared and edited by the current authors (Rosangela Itri, Mauricio Baptista, Richard Garratt, and Antonio Jose Costa-Filho).  相似文献   

The 22nd Annual Barrels Meeting blew into Evanston, near the Windy City, in November 2009 as the meeting was hosted on the Evanston, IL campus of Northwestern University. The longest running satellite meeting to the Society for Neuroscience Meeting annually brings together researchers from around the world focused on the development, function, behavior, and physiology of the rodent whisker-to-barrel system and other associated cortical and subcortical areas. The 2009 edition of the meeting was focused on three central themes: the molecular development and developmental plasticity in barrel cortex, optical analysis of barrel cortex function, and the coding of touch. The main symposia were complemented by short talks, data blitz sessions, and a poster session.  相似文献   

The current issue (volume 13 issue 6, 2021) is a Special Issue jointly dedicated to scientific content presented at the 20th triennial IUPAB Congress that was held in conjunction with both the 45th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Biophysical Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Biofísica - SBBf) and the 50th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular – SBBq). In addition to describing the scientific and nonscientific content arising from the meeting this sub-editorial also provides a look back at some of the high points for Biophysical Reviews in the year 2021 before going on to describe a number of matters of interest to readers of the journal in relation to the coming year of 2022.

This Editorial marks the last issue for the journal to be published in 2021 – a year that has been characterized by a mixture of hardship, frustration, and of late, (possibly) a slowly developing cautious optimism in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the last 2 years, the journal has had to rapidly adapt to suddenly altered plans of contributors, as the publication of scientific reviews and organization of conference-based special issues has necessarily taken a back seat to the realities of altered work practices and, in some cases, changed life and career plans. One such major change was directly concerned with the subject of this special issue (SI) on the scientific content associated with the 20th Congress of the IUPAB (International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics) conducted in concert with the 45th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Biophysical Society (SBBf) and the 50th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Biochemical and Molecular Biology Society (SBBq) (Itri et al. 2021). After discussing a few notable features of the SI, this editorial will introduce important developments occurring with the journal that relate to new feature commentaries and Institutional access arrangements. This Editorial will then close with a look back at some of the standout articles of 2021.  相似文献   

The Bicarbonate Transport Meeting was held as a satellite meeting of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Biology (CSBMCB): Membrane Proteins in Health and Disease. The meeting covered the modern history of bicarbonate transporter proteins and brought together the major workers in the field. Ron Kopito recounted the story of the first determination of the amino acid sequence for a bicarbonate transporter, AE1/Band 3, 25?years earlier while working with Harvey Lodish at Harvard, while Tomohiro Yamaguchi and Teruhisa Hirai presented up-to-date data on AE1 structure obtained using electron crystallography. The meeting further spanned the spectrum of bicarbonate transporters, with sessions devoted to Cl-/HCO3- exchangers, Na+/HCO3- co-transporters, the link to carbonic anhydrase, and the SLC26 family of bicarbonate transporters expressed broadly in humans, yeast, and bacteria.  相似文献   

Technology development in, and the application of, proteomics are emerging areas among chemical engineers and others who presented at the 2008 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting. Overall, the centennial meeting offered a broad current perspective on the discipline of chemical engineering as it enters its second century. Biomedical and biochemical engineering continue to grow as important facets of the discipline. Within these, the value and applicability of proteomics were demonstrated in a number of interesting presentations. This year, as in the recent past, the AIChE Annual Meeting was held in conjunction with the American Electrophoresis Society Annual Meeting. American Electrophoresis Society presenters offered further academic and industrial viewpoints on the still-developing role of proteomics and proteomic technologies in biological and clinical analyses.  相似文献   

The 8th International Coccidiosis Conference, held on 9--13 July 2001 in Palm Cove, Australia, was a showcase of the latest studies on widely known coccidia, including Eimeria and Toxoplasma in addition to the emerging or re-emerging parasites such as Neospora, Cryptosporidium and Cyclospora. This meeting was staged in conjunction with the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Society for Parasitology.  相似文献   

The sixth Wild Animal Models Bi‐Annual Meeting was held in July 2017 in Québec, with 42 participants. This report documents the evolution of questions asked and approaches used in evolutionary quantitative genetic studies of wild populations in recent decades, and how these questions and approaches were represented at the recent meeting. We explore how ideas from previous meetings in this series have developed to their present states, and consider how the format of the meetings may be particularly useful at fostering the rapid development and proliferation of ideas and approaches.  相似文献   

The annual meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) is a large and diverse gathering. At last year's meeting**The American Society for Cell Biology 38th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA; 12-16 December, 1998. Program chair: Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz., there were over 8000 attendees, and the topics discussed covered many areas of cell biology. It would be impossible to cover the entire meeting within a trends in CELL BIOLOGY report, so instead we are focusing on an aspect of it that provided some of the most interesting and fruitful discussions. On Saturday afternoon, before the main symposia began, there were 11 special-interest subgroup meetings. The atmosphere at these meetings was informal, and they encouraged open and frank discussion of data and issues. This report provides a brief summary of the discussions at seven of the special-interest subgroup meetings.  相似文献   

The 17th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Tissue Banks (EATB) was held in Edinburgh in November 2008 together with the British Association for Tissue Banking (BATB) and received excellent evaluation by its participants. The meeting included, for the first time, a cardiovascular symposium co-organised by EATB and BATB together with the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB). This was a first in terms of collaboration for the three associations. The many professionals involved in organising the meeting created an excellent clinical and scientific programme including regulatory issues and featured, also for the first time three interactive workshops about clinical donor cases, quality management and cardiovascular allografts.  相似文献   

The annual meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) is a large and diverse gathering. At last year's meeting**The American Society for Cell Biology 38th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA; 12-16 December, 1998. Program chair: Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz., there were over 8000 attendees, and the topics discussed covered many areas of cell biology. It would be impossible to cover the entire meeting within a trends in CELL BIOLOGY report, so instead we are focusing on an aspect of it that provided some of the most interesting and fruitful discussions. On Saturday afternoon, before the main symposia began, there were 11 special-interest subgroup meetings. The atmosphere at these meetings was informal, and they encouraged open and frank discussion of data and issues. This report provides a brief summary of the discussions at seven of the special-interest subgroup meetings.  相似文献   

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