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Abstract. The separate and combined effects of fire and cattle grazing on structure and diversity of productive Mediterranean grasslands in northern Israel were examined within a set of climatically and edaphically similar sites. Cover and height of green and dry plants in winter, and species richness and diversity in spring, were measured in paired transects on both sides of cattle fences, and on both sides of boundaries of both incidental and experimentally lit fires. Early in the first growing season after a fire, plant cover as well as height of green plants were reduced, compared to unburnt grassland. These structural effects of fire were similar to the effects of grazing, but they were greater in ungrazed than in grazed grasslands, indicating a fire-grazing interaction. The effects of fire were considerably attenuated in the second growing season after the fire. Species richness and diversity tended to be higher in grazed than in adjacent ungrazed grasslands. Richness consistently increased after a fire only in grazed grasslands with a strong perennial component. In ungrazed grasslands, and in predominantly annual grasslands, fires reduced species richness and diversity at least as often as they increased it. Fire and grazing should be regarded as two agents with distinct and interactive effects on the community, rather than as two alternative mechanisms of a general disturbance factor.  相似文献   

Abstract. The response of geophyte species diversity and frequency of individual geophyte species to cattle grazing was measured at 68 site pairs along fences separating ungrazed from grazed grassland and woodland on different geological formations in northern Israel. Over all site pairs, geophyte species density per 4 m2 was significantly greater in grazed (2.37) than in protected (1.96) sites of the same site pair. There was considerable variation between site pairs in the magnitude and in the direction of the grazing effect. Part of this variation could be explained by differences in site altitude and in geological formation. The positive effect of grazing on geophyte diversity was lower in sites with low productivity. Of 22 geophyte taxa for which sufficient data were available, nine indicated greater frequency in grazed sites compared to only two in ungrazed sites. In 11 other taxa the response was not consistent. A positive response to grazing was most common in geophytes with narrow leaves of the Iridaceae, Liliaceae and allied families. Conservation of the entire geophyte flora in Mediterranean vegetation requires livestock grazing at moderate to high intensities in parts of the area of each community, and light or no grazing in other parts.  相似文献   

Abstract. Competition and facilitation may occur simultaneously in plant communities, and the prevalence of either process depends on abiotic conditions. Here we attempt a community‐wide approach in the analysis of plant interactions, exploring whether in a semi‐arid environment positive or negative interactions predominate and whether there are differences among co‐occurring shrub species. Most shrubs in our plot exerted significant effects on their understorey communities, ranging from negative to positive. We found a clear case of interference and another case where the effect was neutral, but facilitation predominated and the biomass of annuals under most shrubs in our community was larger than in gaps. Effects on soil water and fertility were revealed as the primary source of facilitation; the build‐up of soil organic matter changed soil physical properties and improved soil water relations. Facilitation by shrubs involved decoupling of soil temperature and moisture. Sheltering from direct radiation had an effect on productivity, but significant differences in understorey biomass did not parallel understorey light environment. A positive balance of the interaction among plants, essentially mediated by changes in soil properties, is the predominant outcome of plant interactions in this semi‐arid community.  相似文献   

Question: We studied the interactive effects of grazing and dwarf shrub cover on the structure of a highly diverse annual plant community. Location: Mediterranean, semi‐arid shrubland in the Northern Negev desert, Israel. Methods: Variation in the biomass and plant density of annual species in the shrub and open patches was monitored during four years, inside and outside exclosures protected from sheep grazing, in two contrasting topographic sites: north and south‐facing slopes that differed in their dominant dwarf shrubs species: Sarcopoterium spinosus and Corydothymus capitatus, respectively. Results: Above‐ground biomass, density and richness of annual species were lower under the canopy of both shrub species compared to the adjacent open patches in the absence of grazing. Grazing reduced the biomass of annuals in open patches of both topographic sites, but not in the shrub patches. On the north‐facing slope, grazing also reduced plant density and richness in the open patches, but increased plant density in the shrub patches. At the species level, various response patterns to the combined effects of grazing and patch type were exhibited by different annuals. Protection against the direct impacts of grazing by shrub cover as well as species‐specific interactions between shrubs and annuals were observed. A conceptual mechanistic model explaining these interactions is proposed. Conclusion: In semi‐arid Mediterranean shrublands grazing and dwarf shrub cover interact in shaping the structure of the annual plant community through (1) direct impacts of grazing restricted to the open patches, (2) species‐specific facilitation/ interference occurring in the shrub patches and (3) subsequent further processes occurring among the interconnected shrub and open patches mediated through variation in seed flows between patches.  相似文献   

Abstract. We studied the distribution of litter in a shrubland of the Negev with a semi‐arid Mediterranean climate of less than 200 mm of rainfall per year. Our focus was on the effects of litter on properties of landscape patches relevant to ecosystem processes (water runoff and soil erosion), annual plant community responses (seedling density, biomass production and species richness), and animal activity (soil disturbance by termites). Three 60‐m transects, extending across a pair of opposing north‐ and south‐facing slopes and their drainage channel, showed that litter accumulates not only under shrubs, but to a lesser extent also on the crusted inter‐shrub open areas. We used 35 experimental units (‘cells’, 0.5m × 1 m), each containing a crust and a shrub patch. Because runoff flows from crusted patches and is intercepted by shrub patches, the latter were in the lower third of the cells. Leaf litter was added in single and double amounts providing ca. 0.5 and 1.0 cm litter depth, to either, both, or none of the patches. Litter addition significantly decreased the amount of runoff, regardless of the location and amount of litter applied. Litter on the crust increased species number and seedling density of species with low abundance. Adding a double litter layer increased annual plant biomass production, while a single amount had no effect. Litter addition to the shrub patch affected neither biomass nor species richness. Litter addition to both patches at both quantities caused a large increase in termite activity. Termites caused disturbance by disrupting the crust, which may contribute to the reduction in runoff amounts. In the open, flat crust patches, annual plant communities are limited in their productivity and species richness, as there are few structures stopping the outflow of water, soil and seeds. Litter adds such structures, but affects the plant communities only when added to litter‐free crust. Litter accumulation and its patchy distribution have large impacts on landscape patch properties affecting resource distribution, plant productivity and diversity, and animal activity. Therefore, understanding litter distribution in relation to the patchy structure of the landscape of semi‐arid shrubland should be viewed as an important component of shrubland management.  相似文献   

Aim The scale of observation is important in detecting the spatial variation of biological assemblages, which should be taken into consideration for an appropriate plan of biogeographical conservation. We investigated whether (1) World Wildlife Fund’s ecoregion units are the appropriate scale for conserving ant diversity in Iran, (2) each ecoregion represents a distinct ant community composition and (3) patterns of diversity partitioning differ among four ecoregions. Location Iran, a sampling transect along four arid and semi‐arid ecoregions. Methods We applied hierarchical partitioning to data collected from a nested sampling design including four hierarchical levels: ‘local’, ‘landscape’, ‘ecoregional’ and ‘whole‐region’. Observed alpha and beta diversity components were compared with values of null distributions. Hierarchical cluster analysis was applied to evaluate similarity of ant species composition among ecoregions. Results Partitioning of whole‐region species richness showed that 85% of the species richness was generated by beta diversity among ecoregions and landscapes. The highest value of diversity was generated by beta diversity among ecoregions. Unlike whole‐region partitioning, separate partitioning within each ecoregion revealed that beta component among localities contributed to species richness of each ecoregion. Ecoregions showed different patterns of diversity partitioning. The alpha component contributed largely to the total diversity of two ecoregions, but for two other ecoregions, beta component contributed more than alpha component. Cluster analysis identified four discrete ant species compositions; however, it split landscapes of one ecoregion into two distinct groups. Main conclusions Whole‐region diversity partitioning indicates that ecoregions represent the appropriate scale for conserving ant diversity and that each ecoregion has a distinct ant fauna. However, different conservation strategies should be considered for different ecoregions owing to the differing scales of variation within them. Boundaries of ecoregions remain a subject for further studies. The influence of climate change on ecoregional boundaries should be considered and should be predicted with respect to future conservation maps.  相似文献   

Abstract. Vegetation changes in a semi‐natural grassland of wooded meadow type that had been grazed for centuries are described following the introduction of various management regimes: mowing each year, mowing every third year, burning, mechanical removal of woody plants, chemical treatment of woody plants, continuous grazing and abandonment. The experiment was established in southern Sweden in 1972 and has been in progress for 15 years. In 1972, 1980 and 1986 the botanical composition in these plots was investigated in permanent subplots. The study clearly demonstrates that mowing or grazing is necessary to preserve community structure and that mowing is to be preferred in cases where maintaining species richness is of primary concern. Mowing every third year delayed vegetation change and prevented woody species from spreading. Therefore, periodic mowing might be an alternative way to preserve the flora. In contrast, yearly burning does not seem to be a viable management in this type of semi‐natural grassland. To preserve the open landscape regeneration of woody plants has to be prevented. However, in plots where woody plants were removed the typical grassland flora declined. Abandonment resulted in closed forest.  相似文献   

Plant–plant interactions are among the fundamental processes that shape structure and functioning of arid and semi‐arid plant communities. Despite the large amount of studies that have assessed the relationship between plant–plant interactions (i.e., facilitation and competition) and diversity, often researchers forget a third kind of interaction, known as allelopathy. We examined the effect of plant–plant interactions of three dominant species: the perennial grass Lygeum spartum, the allelopathic dwarf shrub Artemisia herba‐alba, and the nurse shrub Salsola vermiculata, on plant diversity and species composition in a semi‐arid ecosystem in NE Spain. Specifically, we quantified the interaction outcome (IO) based on species co‐occurrence, we analyzed diversity by calculation of the individual species–area relationship (ISAR), and compositional changes by calculation of the Chao‐Jaccard similarity index. We found that S. vermiculata had more positive IO values than L. spartum, and A. herba‐alba had values between them. Lygeum spartum and A. herba‐alba acted as diversity repellers, whereas S. vermiculata acted as a diversity accumulator. As aridity increased, A. herba‐alba transitioned from diversity repeller to neutral and S. vermiculata transitioned from neutral to diversity accumulator, while L. spartum remained as diversity repeller. Artemisia herba‐alba had more perennial grass species in its local neighborhood than expected by the null model, suggesting some tolerance of this group to its “chemical neighbor”. Consequently, species that coexist with A. herba‐alba were very similar among different A. herba‐alba individuals. Our findings highlight the role of the nurse shrub S. vermiculata as ecosystem engineer, creating and maintaining patches of diversity, as well as the complex mechanism that an allelopathic plant may have on diversity and species assemblage. Further research is needed to determine the relative importance of allelopathy and competition in the overall interference of allelopathic plants.  相似文献   

Question: What is the influence of refuse dumps of leaf‐cutting ants on seedling recruitment under contrasting moisture conditions in a semi‐arid steppe? Location: Northwestern Patagonia, Argentina. Methods: In a greenhouse experiment, we monitored seedling recruitment in soil samples from refuse dumps of nests of the leaf‐cutting ant Acromyrmex lobicornis and non‐nest sites, under contrasting moisture conditions simulating wet and dry growing seasons. Results: The mean number of seedling species and individuals were higher in wet than in dry plots, and higher in refuse dump plots than in non‐nest soil plots. The positive effect of refuse dumps on seedling recruitment was greater under low moisture conditions. Both the accumulation of discarded seeds by leaf‐cutting ants and the passive trapping of blowing‐seeds seems not explain the increased number of seeds in refuse dumps. Conversely, refuse dumps have higher water retention capacity and nutrient content than adjacent non‐nest soils, allowing the recruitment of a greater number of species and individual seedlings. Conclusions: Nests of A. lobicornis may play an important role in plant recruitment in the study area, allowing a greater number of seedlings and species to be present, hence resulting in a more diverse community. Moreover, leaf‐cutting ant nests may function as nurse elements, generating safe sites that enhance the performance of neighbouring seedlings mainly during the driest, stressful periods.  相似文献   

Question: What are the long‐term effects of grazing exclusion on the population structure and dynamics of, and interactions among, three dominant shrub species? Location: Grass‐shrub Patagonian steppe, Chubut, Argentina. Methods: Permanent plots were established in grazed paddocks and paddocks excluded from grazing in representative Patagonian rangelands. Shrub abundance, population size‐structure, short‐term (two 3‐yr periods) and long‐term (matrix models) population dynamics, and neighborhood interactions of three native and codominant shrub species (Mulinum spinosum, Senecio filaginoides and Adesmia volckmanni) were measured and analysed using different statistical approaches. Results: The total density of shrubs was 74% higher in paddocks excluded from grazing, owing mainly to increases in Mulinum (80%) and Senecio (68%) species. However, differences in size structure between ungrazed and grazed paddocks were only detected in Mulinum. Demographic rates differed between shrub species, time‐periods and grazing conditions. In particular, recruitment in the short term (especially in wet years) and population growth rate in the long term (λ) were higher in paddocks excluded from grazing only in Mulinum populations. Senecio populations showed a marginal increase in recruitment and mortality independent of the grazing condition in the wet and dry period. Grazing exclusion modified the balance of neighborhood interactions among the three shrub species. In grazing‐exclusion paddocks, there was a balance between positive and negative interspecific interactions, while in grazed paddocks there were more negative intraspecific and interspecific interactions, resulting in a net negative balance of neighborhood interactions. Conclusions: Our understanding of woody encroachment in arid rangelands can be informed through evaluation of direct and indirect effects of grazing exclusion on the abundance and demography of dominant woody species. In Patagonian arid steppes, the occurrence of woody encroachment in rangelands excluded from grazing can be explained by altered responses in plant‐animal and plant‐plant interactions among shrub species.  相似文献   

Abstract. Question: What are the grazing effects in the spatial organization and the internal structure of high and low cover patches from a two‐phase vegetation mosaic? Location: Patagonian steppe, Argentina. Methods: We mapped vegetation under three different grazing conditions: ungrazed, lightly grazed and heavily grazed. We analysed the spatial patterns of the dominant life forms. Also, in each patch type, we determined density, species composition, richness, diversity, size structure and dead biomass of grasses under different grazing conditions. Results: The vegetation was spatially organized in a two‐phase mosaic. High cover patches resulted from the association of grasses and shrubs and low cover patches were represented by scattered tussock grasses on bare ground. This spatial organization was not affected by grazing, but heavy grazing changed the grass species involved in high cover patches and reduced the density and cover of grasses in both patch types. Species richness and diversity in high cover patches decreased under grazing conditions, whereas in low cover patches it remained unchanged. Also, the decrease of palatable grasses was steeper in high cover patches than in low cover patches under grazing conditions. Conclusions: We suggest that although grazing promotes or inhibits particular species, it does not modify the mosaic structure of Patagonian steppe. The fact that the mosaic remained unchanged after 100 years of grazing suggests that grazing does not compromize population processes involved in maintaining patch structure, including seed dispersal, establishment or biotic interactions among life forms.  相似文献   

Whereas warming enhances plant nutrient status and photosynthesis in most terrestrial ecosystems, dryland vegetation is vulnerable to the likely increases in evapotranspiration and reductions in soil moisture caused by elevated temperatures. Any warming‐induced declines in plant primary production and cover in drylands would increase erosion, land degradation, and desertification. We conducted a four‐year manipulative experiment in a semi‐arid Mediterranean ecosystem to evaluate the impacts of a ~2°C warming on the photosynthesis, transpiration, leaf nutrient status, chlorophyll content, isotopic composition, biomass growth, and postsummer survival of the native shrub Helianthemum squamatum. We predicted that warmed plants would show reduced photosynthetic activity and growth, primarily due to the greater stomatal limitation imposed by faster and more severe soil drying under warming. On average, warming reduced net photosynthetic rates by 36% across the study period. Despite this strong response, warming did not affect stomatal conductance and transpiration. The reduction of peak photosynthetic rates with warming was more pronounced in a drought year than in years with near‐average rainfall (75% and 25–40% reductions relative to controls, respectively), with no indications of photosynthetic acclimation to warming through time. Warmed plants had lower leaf N and P contents, δ13C, and sparser and smaller leaves than control plants. Warming reduced shoot dry mass production by 31%. However, warmed plants were able to cope with large reductions in net photosynthesis, leaf area, and shoot biomass production without changes in postsummer survival rates. Our findings highlight the key role of nonstomatal factors (biochemical and/or nutritional) in reducing net carbon assimilation rates and growth under warming, which has important implications for projections of plant carbon balance under the warmer and drier climatic scenario predicted for drylands worldwide. Projected climate warming over the coming decades could reduce net primary production by about one‐third in semi‐arid gypsum shrublands dominated by H. squamatum.  相似文献   

Abstract. Large‐scale disturbances, notably fire and grazing, structure grass and shrubland dynamics in semi‐arid environments. We studied early post‐fire succession in two burned grasslands, one unburned grassland, and one shrubland near the burned area. We observed three processes: (1) establishment of a ‘phantom’ community comprised of fugitive species. Although transient, these species increase diversity and recharge the seed bank before the next disturbance; (2) regeneration of the original community by persistence of resprouter species and by auto‐replacement; (3) early stages of invasion by seedlings of the shrub Fabiana imbricata, which germinate next to shrubland and create new F. imbricata patches. Weed invasion was principally due to the ruderal exotic species Verbascum thapsus from the nearby road verge and by rapid increase of Rumex acetosella cover, another exotic species present before the fire. Although post‐fire climatic conditions are particularly important in semi‐arid environments, succession depends greatly on the regeneration strategies and dispersal abilities of the species present in the burned area. The phantom community occurs only at the first stage of succession when there is little competition for resources. We could call this process ‘the race for occupation of the area’. The second stage, when competition for resources becomes progressively more important, could be called ‘the effort to maintain space’.  相似文献   

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