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Global diversity of aquatic macrophytes in freshwater   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aquatic macrophytes are aquatic photosynthetic organisms, large enough to see with the naked eye, that actively grow permanently or periodically submerged below, floating on, or growing up through the water surface. Aquatic macrophytes are represented in seven plant divisions: Cyanobacteria, Chlorophyta, Rhodophyta, Xanthophyta, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta. Species composition and distribution of aquatic macrophytes in the more primitive divisions are less well known than for the vascular macrophytes (Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta), which are represented by 33 orders and 88 families with about 2,614 species in c. 412 genera. These c. 2,614 aquatic species of Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta evolved from land plants and represent only a small fraction (∼1%) of the total number of vascular plants. Our analysis of the numbers and distribution of vascular macrophytes showed that whilst many species have broad ranges, species diversity is highest in the Neotropics, intermediate in the Oriental, Nearctic and Afrotropics, lower in the Palearctic and Australasia, lower again in the Pacific Oceanic Islands, and lowest in the Antarctic region. About 39% of the c. 412 genera containing aquatic vascular macrophytes are endemic to a single biogeographic region, with 61–64% of all aquatic vascular plant species found in the Afrotropics and Neotropics being endemic to those regions. Aquatic macrophytes play an important role in the structure and function of aquatic ecosystems and certain macrophyte species (e.g., rice) are cultivated for human consumption, yet several of the worst invasive weeds in the world are aquatic plants. Many of the threats to fresh waters (e.g., climate change, eutrophication) will result in reduced macrophyte diversity and will, in turn, threaten the faunal diversity of aquatic ecosystems and favour the establishment of exotic species, at the expense of native species. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

Aquatic macrophytes such as Elodea nuttalli, Vallisneria natans, Alterranthera philoxerides that are widely distributed in water environments of Lake Taihu basin were used as substrate of solid state fermentation to produce crude protein extraction. The effects of single-strain fermentation and mixed strains fermentation of aquatic macrophytes on the production of crude protein extraction and cellulase activity are analyzed, respectively. The experimental results showed that the crude protein content of products with mixed strains fermentation is higher than that with single-strain fermentation. The crude protein content of V. natans fermented by Aspergillus niger and Candida utilis is the highest among the aquatic macrophytes examined in this study. V. natans is used as the substrate to be fermented by C. utilis and A. niger; their ratio is 1:1 at 28 ± 1 °C for 72 h. The crude protein of fermented V. natans is as high as 49.54%, with 128.82% of its increase rate. The cellulose activity reaches a maximum of 4.21 μ/ml at 84 h of fementation of V. natans. Thus, the solid state fermentation of aquatic macrophytes to produce crude protein extraction is promising, which make aquatic macrophytes a potential resource and thus is beneficial to the long-term ecological restoration of eutrophic lakes.  相似文献   

The Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil, is a large, seasonal wetland, which exhibits high macrophyte productivity at the beginning of the rainy season, when the floodplain becomes flooded. During inundation, from December through May, there is rapid turnover of decomposing macrophyte litter, which is subsequently colonized and consumed by various organisms. In this paper, the variation in the carbon and nitrogen isotope signatures of decomposing macrophytes and detritus was determined to provide an isotopic baseline for the elucidation of higher trophic levels. Seven abundant macrophyte species, Cyperaceae sp., Pontederia lanceolata, Cabomba furcata, Salvinia auriculata, Eichhornia crassipes, Nymphaea amazonum and Paspalum repens, were exposed in mesocosm decomposition experiments lasting 21 or 100 days. Stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen and the atomic C/N ratios were determined for decomposing plant material, particulate organic matter (POM), the microbial film, and aquatic invertebrate larvae. The 13C values for the macrophytes did not change during decomposition. However, the variability of 15N was high (range of ± 6 ) due to microbial activity. There was no consistent difference in the isotopic signatures of macrophytes and POM. C/N ratios decreased from 17 to 50 in macrophytes, to 7 to 12 in POM. The isotopic signatures and C/N ratios of the microbial film were the same as those of POM. We concluded that heterotrophic processes did not fractionate stable carbon isotopes but caused an increase in the variability of stable nitrogen ratios and a change in the C/N ratios in our experimental system. Therefore, it was not possible to distinguish fresh and senescent material or even POM when used as a food source. The 13C values of the aquatic larvae were closely coupled to those of the carbon source provided.  相似文献   

The temporal variation of stoichiometry between consumed oxygen and oxidized carbon was investigated for the aerobic mineralization of leachates from aquatic macrophytes. Seven species of aquatic plants, viz. Cabomba piauhyensis, Cyperus giganteus, Egeria najas, Eichhornia azurea, Salvinia auriculata, Scirpus cubensisand Utricularia breviscapa, were collected from Òleo lagoon located in the floodplain of Mogi-Guacu river (São Paulo State, Brazil). After being collected, the plants were washed, oven-dried and triturated. In order to obtain the leachate, the fragments were submitted to an aqueous extraction (cold). Mineralization chambers were incubated at 20 °C containing leachates dissolved in water samples from Òleo lagoon to a final concentration of ca. 200 mg l–1on carbon basis. The chambers were maintained under aerobic conditions; the concentrations of the organic carbon (particulate and dissolved) and the dissolved oxygen were measured during approximately 80 days. Elemental analysis of the detritus and the concentrations of the remaining material (DOC and POC) were used to determine the amounts of mineralized organic carbon. The data were analyzed with first-order kinetics models, from which the daily rates of consumption (carbon and oxygen) and the stoichiometry (O/C) were determined. In the early phase of mineralization the O/C rates increased before reaching a maximum, after which they tended to decrease. For the mineralization of leachates from C. giganteus, S. auriculata and U. breviscapa, the decrease was relatively slow. For all substrata the initial values were smaller than 1, and ranged from 0.42 (S. cubensis) to 0.81 (C. piauhyensis). The maximum values were within the range from 0.58 (U. breviscapa) to 23.1 (E. najas) and at their highest 26th (C. piauhyensis) and 106th (C. giganteus) days. These variations are believed to be associated with the chemical composition of the leachates, with their transformations and alterations of metabolic pathways involved in the mineralization.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess AMF diversity in various plant species in lakes with low and relatively high P concentrations to elucidate possible correlations with environmental factors in order for better understanding the functioning of mycorrhizal fungi in submerged plants. A considerable diversity of AMF communities was observed in the lakes with low dissolved P concentrations, especially in the roots of Littorella uniflora. Glomus group A, Archaeospora and Acaulospora were the most frequent and diverse AMF lineages with eight, seven and four phylotypes at Littorella uniflora in at least six lakes with low dissolved P concentrations. In theses lakes, AMF were for the first time observed in the roots of J. bulbosus, a member of a family previously thought to be non-mycorrhizal. In the lakes with relatively high dissolved P concentrations, the frequency decreased from Acaulospora, found at three locations, to Archaeospora at two locations and Glomus group A and Paraglomus at one location.All chemical parameters of the surface water layer, except pH, revealed significant (p ≤ 0.01) differences between the lakes with low and relatively high dissolved P concentrations. Mean Mg2+, Ca2+, K+, NH4+, CO2, o-PO43− and HCO3 were 3, 13.5, 15.7, 19.5, 31 and 42.6 times higher, respectively, in the lakes with relatively high dissolved P concentrations compared to the lakes with low dissolved P concentrations. AMF occurred more abundantly with low phosphate and high redox values in the lakes than with high phosphate and low redox values. The pH-value, the total-calcium and total-phosphorus concentrations were strongly correlated with the occurrence of Glomus phylotypes 4 and Archaeospora phylotypes 5 and 8, and a bit less with Acaulospora phylotype 4 and Archaeospora phylotype 3. In such lakes the presence of a diverse AMF community still enables the uptake of sufficient P for isoetid plant species despite the prevailing ‘ultra-oligotrophic’ conditions. As a consequence, macrophyte plant communities in lakes with relatively high dissolved P concentrations are less dependent on AMF colonization for their development.  相似文献   

The aufwuchs of the epithelium of the freshwater sponge Spongilla lacustris was examined and compared qualitatively and quantitatively with that on three plant substrates common to its habitat: Nymphea odorata, Nuphar advena and Utricularia spp. Estimations of the percentage surface area with attached forms and the number of attached green algal filaments yielded significantly lower values for the sponge. Two theories explaining the mechanism effecting this reduced amount of aufwuchs are discussed.  相似文献   

To evaluate the efficiency of oxygen (O2) uptake from water through the fish gill lamellar system, a cost function (CF) representing mechanical power expenditure for water ventilation and blood circulation through the gill was formulated, by applying steady-state fluid mechanics to a homogeneous lamellar-channel model. This approach allowed us to express CF as the function of inter-lamellar water channel width (w) and to derive an analytical solution of the width (wmin) at the minimum CF. Morphometric and physiological data for rainbow trout in the literature were referred to calculate CF(w) curves and their wmin values at five intensity stages of swimming exercise. Obtained wmin values were evenly distributed around the standard measure of the width (ws = 24 μm) in this fish. Individual levels of CF(wmin) were also fairly close to the corresponding CF(ws) values within a 10% deviation, suggesting the reliability of approximating [CF(wmin) = CF(ws)]. The cost-performance of O2 uptake through the gill (ηg) was then assessed from reported data of total O2 uptake/CF(ws) at each intensity stage. The ηg levels at any swimming stage exceeded 95% of the theoretical maximum value, implying that O2 uptake is nearly optimally performed in the lamellar-channel system at all swimming speeds. Further analyses of O2 transport in this fresh water fish revealed that the water ventilation by the buccal/opercular pumping evokes a critical limit of swimming velocity, due to confined O2 supply to the peripheral skeletal muscles, which is avoided in ram ventilators such as tuna.  相似文献   

In the floriculture region of Tenancingo in the State of Mexico, the application of stabilized organic matter, such as vermicompost and leachates, contributes to improve the quality of the soil and plant nutrition. However, it is important to know the chemical composition of a vermicompost and the mineralization process. This is because the amount and speed of nutrient release which will be available to the crop will depend on that knowledge. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of the application of a vermicompost and leachates on various quantitative variables of Solidago x hybrid, and the mineralization of organic carbon under aerobic incubations. Vermicompost (74 and 36 g/kg soil), leachates (5 and 10 L/kg soil), 0.33 g/kg soil of chemical fertilizer Ca (NO3)2, and not treated soil (control) were applied under greenhouse conditions to evaluate their effects on plant growth variables. Mixtures of 100 g of soil with vermicompost and leachates were made in the laboratory which were incubated during 9 weeks to obtain the potentially mineralizable organic carbon (Corg PM) and the rate of mineralization (k) after adjusting an exponential model. In the greenhouse experiment there were no statistical differences after applying vermicompost and leachates on the quantitative variables (number of stems per plant, diameter of the panicle, fresh weight, plant length and stem diameter) with respect to the control (p>0.05). The effect among the applied doses was evident only for variables such as fresh weight, panicle length and stem diameter with respect to the control. In incubated soils, k values ranged between 0.209-0.325 C mg/kg soil/week. Only with the application of leachates in high doses two pools of organic matter were shown: one soluble labile (102.9 mg/kg soil) and the other hydrolysable (819 mg/kg soil). The soluble, labile fraction favored nutrient availability immediately after its application to the soil. However, a single pool of hydrolysable organic C (987-1074 mg/kg soil) was found when vermicompost was applied. It was associated with a release of organic matter during crop development, and to a possible stimulation of microbial activity. High values of electrical conductivity in vermicompost and leachates (8.2-11.7 mS/m) suggest a moderate application of both products.  相似文献   

Aggregation dynamics and soil organic carbon (SOC) fractions collected from long-term tillage trials at two sites in Illinois were used to develop a model to simulate the aggregate dynamics and physical protection of SOC. We used two litter pools which are surface litter and root litter and three SOC pools which are directly measurable from the fractionation: loose particulate organic matter (LPOM), aggregate-occluded particulate organic matter (OPOM), and humified fractions (HF). Decay rates of all of five pools were modified by soil temperature and moisture. In the model, the decay rate of LPOM was not influenced by any type of physical protection and the OPOM decay rate was influenced by dry aggregate mean weight diameter (DMWD) size. The effect of DMWD on OPOM decay rate was expressed as logistic equation based on the threshold value beyond which OPOM decay rate was influenced by the reactive mass concept which is that it is primarily outer layer of aggregates that participates in chemical and biological reactions. The decay of HF was influenced by clay contents. The relative aggregate turnover modified the humification coefficients. The faster aggregate turnover speeded the carbon transfer from LPOM to OPOM by providing more chances for organic matter to be incorporated with macroaggregates and retarded carbon transfer from OPOM to HF due to the fact that there is not enough time for organic mater to be associated with microaggregates and clay particles. Simulated results were compared against actual SOC fraction contents obtained from two long-term tillage trials located in Illinois, DeKalb (silty clay loam) and Monmouth (silt loam). Both actual and simulated data showed that after 10 and 17 years of no tillage (NT) practice adoption, OPOM content was increased at the surface in Monmouth and HF content was increased at the surface in DeKalb. Agreement between the output of aggregate dynamics-based model and actual data suggested that DMWD size, relative aggregate turnover, and their interaction with soil moisture and clay contents can be used to predict the inconsistent effects of tillage practices on SOC sequestration.  相似文献   

亚热带河口的养殖塘是温室气体二氧化碳(CO2)的重要排放源,但其沉积物有机碳矿化动力学特征目前尚未厘清.以我国东南沿海亚热带闽江、木兰溪以及九龙江河口区的6个凡纳滨对虾(Penaeus vannamei)养殖塘为研究对象,对沉积物取样,并进行为期60 d的室内厌氧培养,对养殖塘沉积物CO2累积产量曲线利用一阶动力学模型...  相似文献   

The labile organic C (LC) and C management index (CMI) may be useful indicators of alterations of soil organic matter (SOM) in areas undergoing land use change (LUC) for biofuels production. However, there is no consensus on which methodology is best suited for quantifying LC and CMI. The main goal of this study was to assess alterations on LC contents and CMI values in sites undergoing the LUC native vegetation (NV)-pasture (PA)-sugarcane (SC) in south-central Brazil, and evaluated the sensitivity of different methods commonly used to assess LC and CMI, in order to select a best-suited method to quantify these indicators in tropical regions. The conversion NV-PA decreased the LC and CMI, whilst the conversion of PA-SC tended to increase the CMI. Accordingly, cropping sugarcane in areas previously used as pastures, as currently has been observed in Brazil, enhance SOM quality. The methodology used to quantify the LC and the CMI is critical to infer about LUC effects. Both methods proposed by Blair et al. (1995) and Diekow et al. (2005) were highly sensitive to the conversions evaluated in this research. However, Diekow et al. (2005) is the most suitable method to estimate the LC and CMI in sites undergoing LUC in Brazil, since the approach of Blair et al. (1995) notably overestimates these SOM quality indicators. We reiterate that the SOM changes are well expressed by the total soil organic C in areas undergoing LUC and, integrated approaches, such as the CMI, are quite suitable to evaluate the effects of LUC on SOM.  相似文献   

The nature of the particulate organic matter (POM) as well as its temporal and spatial distribution and dynamics in the Curonian Lagoon (south-eastern part of the Baltic Sea) were investigated. The organic matter was characterized by the organic carbon and nitrogen content, δ13C and δ15N signatures as well as POC/Chl-a and C/N ratios. Additionally, data on hydrological, chemical and biological parameters were used for better understanding the POM distribution and dynamics. The sampling was performed at 13 stations in the Curonian Lagoon and its outflow in the Baltic Sea during the 2012–2013 period. Samples were also collected at the Nemunas River mouth in order to test the riverine impact. Obtained results showed that isotopic values of carbon and nitrogen ranged from −36.1‰ to −25.2‰ and from −0.9‰ to 15.5‰, respectively. The isotopic composition, together with the low C/N molar (∼7) and POC/Chl-a ratios (<100) of the POM, suggested the dominance of living phytoplankton in POM throughout the year with the higher input of detrital material (C/N >10, POC/Chl-a ratios >100) in late autumn − winter.The results of multivariate analysis evidenced a spatial distinction of POM distribution in the northern-transitional and central confined areas and allowed us to distinguish the main driving factors. The seasonal variation of the δ13C and δ15N values in POM (towards higher δ13C and lower δ15N values in the summer − early autumn period and lower δ13C and higher δ15N values in the late autumn − spring period) was determined by combination of factors such as availability of inorganic carbon and nitrogen, the riverine discharge, seasonal phytoplankton succession and by the short-term saline water intrusion to the northern-transitional part of the lagoon.  相似文献   

The currently observed Arctic warming will increase permafrost degradation followed by mineralization of formerly frozen organic matter to carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). Despite increasing awareness of permafrost carbon vulnerability, the potential long‐term formation of trace gases from thawing permafrost remains unclear. The objective of the current study is to quantify the potential long‐term release of trace gases from permafrost organic matter. Therefore, Holocene and Pleistocene permafrost deposits were sampled in the Lena River Delta, Northeast Siberia. The sampled permafrost contained between 0.6% and 12.4% organic carbon. CO2 and CH4 production was measured for 1200 days in aerobic and anaerobic incubations at 4 °C. The derived fluxes were used to estimate parameters of a two pool carbon degradation model. Total CO2 production was similar in Holocene permafrost (1.3 ± 0.8 mg CO2‐C gdw?1 aerobically, 0.25 ± 0.13 mg CO2‐C gdw?1 anaerobically) as in 34 000–42 000‐year‐old Pleistocene permafrost (1.6 ± 1.2 mg CO2‐C gdw?1 aerobically, 0.26 ± 0.10 mg CO2‐C gdw?1 anaerobically). The main predictor for carbon mineralization was the content of organic matter. Anaerobic conditions strongly reduced carbon mineralization since only 25% of aerobically mineralized carbon was released as CO2 and CH4 in the absence of oxygen. CH4 production was low or absent in most of the Pleistocene permafrost and always started after a significant delay. After 1200 days on average 3.1% of initial carbon was mineralized to CO2 under aerobic conditions while without oxygen 0.55% were released as CO2 and 0.28% as CH4. The calibrated carbon degradation model predicted cumulative CO2 production over a period of 100 years accounting for 15.1% (aerobic) and 1.8% (anaerobic) of initial organic carbon, which is significantly less than recent estimates. The multiyear time series from the incubation experiments helps to more reliably constrain projections of future trace gas fluxes from thawing permafrost landscapes.  相似文献   

Macrophytes play a key role in stabilizing clear‐water conditions in shallow freshwater ecosystems. Their populations are maintained by a balance between plant grazing and plant growth. As a freshwater snail commonly found in shallow lakes, Radix swinhoei can affect the growth of submerged macrophytes by removing epiphyton from the surface of aquatic plants and by grazing directly on macrophyte organs. Thus, we conducted a long‐term (11‐month) experiment to explore the effects of snail density on macrophytes with distinctive structures in an outdoor clear‐water mesocosm system (with relatively low total nitrogen (TN, 0.66 ± 0.27 mg/L) and total phosphorus (TP, 36 ± 20 μg/L) and a phytoplankton chlorophyll a (Chla) range of 14.8 ± 4.9 μg/L) based on two different snail densities (low and high) and four macrophyte species treatments (Myriophyllum spicatum, Potamogeton wrightii, P. crispus, and P. oxyphyllus). In the high‐density treatment, snail biomass and abundance (36.5 ± 16.5 g/m2 and 169 ± 92 ind/m2, respectively) were approximately twice that observed in the low‐density treatment, resulting in lower total and aboveground biomass and ramet number in the macrophytes. In addition, plant height and plant volume inhabited (PVI) showed species‐specific responses to snail densities, that is, the height of P. oxyphyllus and PVI of M. spicatum were both higher under low‐density treatment. Thus, compared with low‐density treatment, the inhibitory effects of long‐term high snail density on macrophytes by direct feeding may be greater than the positive effects resulting from epiphyton clearance when under clear‐water conditions with low epiphyton biomass. Thus, under clear‐water conditions, the growth and community composition of submerged macrophytes could be potentially modified by the manual addition of invertebrates (i.e., snails) to lakes if the inhibitory effects from predatory fish are minor.  相似文献   

A simple model was developed to estimate the contribution of nitrogen (N) mineralization to the N supply of crops. In this model the soil organic matter is divided into active and passive pools. Annual soil mineralization of N is derived from the active pool. The active pool comprises stabilized and labile soil organic N. The stabilized N is built up from accumulated inputs of fresh organic N during a crop rotation but the labile N is a fraction of total N added, which mineralizes faster than the stabilized N. The passive pool is considered to have no participation in the mineralization process. Mineralization rates of labile and stabilized soil organic N from different crop residues decomposing in soil were derived from the literature and were described by the first-order rate equation dN/dt =-K*N, where N is the mineralizable organic N from crop residues andK is a constant. The data were groupedK 1 by short-term (0–1 year) andK 2 by long-term (0–10 years) incubation. Because the range of variation inK 2 was smaller than inK 1 we felt justified in using an average value to derive N mineralization from the stabilized pool. The use of a constant rate ofK 1 was avoided so net N mineralization during the first year after addition is derived directly from the labile N in the crop residues. The model was applied to four Chilean agro-ecosystems, using daily averages of soil temperature and moisture. The N losses by leaching were also calculated. The N mineralization varied between 30 and 130 kg N ha–1 yr–1 depending on organic N inputs. Nitrogen losses by leaching in a poorly structured soil were estimated to be about 10% of total N mineralized. The model could explain the large differences in N- mineralization as measured by the potential N mineralization at the four sites studied. However, when grassland was present in the crop rotation, the model underestimated the results obtained from potential mineralization.  相似文献   

Running economy (RE), defined as the steady-state of oxygen uptake (O2) for a given running velocity, is a factor of sports performance the genetic component of which has seldom been reported to date. We studied this component using a heritability index (HI) in a group of 32 male twins, 8 monozygotic (MZ) and 8 dizygotic (DZ) pairs, all sportsmen with similar perinatal and environmental backgrounds. Zygocity was determined by the identity of erythrocytic antigenic, protein and enzymatic polymorphism, and human leucocyte antigen serologic types between co-twins. The subjects exercised twice on a treadmill, once until exhaustion and again at submaximal intensities. Pulmonary gas exchange was measured continuously using an automatic analyser system during both tests. Blood samples were obtained during the recovery period to determine lactate concentrations. No significant differences were observed between MZ and DZ, in respect of RE at any speed or in maximal O2 relative to body mass. Nevertheless, significant HI (P < 0.05) was found in maximal lactate concentrations (HI = 0.75) and in respiratory equivalent for oxygen at two speeds, 7 km · h−1 (HI = 0.71) and 8 km · h−1 (HI = 0.79), differences which probably suggest that there are differences in RE. In conclusion, we did not detect a genetic component in RE or in maximal oxygen uptake, but a genetic component for markers of anaerobic metabolism was present. Accepted: 5 November 1997  相似文献   

Indicators of soil fertility are needed for the effective management of organic farming systems. Sustainable management hinges upon our gaining an improved understanding of C and N dynamics. The influence of cropping systems and amendments applied in the Lakeland Wisconsin Integrated Cropping Systems Trial on total hydrolyzable organic N (THN) fractions and particulate organic matter (POM) was investigated after a decade in a conventional cash grain system (Conv) of continuous maize amended with inorganic fertilizer, an organic cash-grain system (Org-CG) that relied on legume N, and an organic animal-based system (Org-AN) that included alfalfa and manure additions. Maize yields had consistently ranked Org-CG < Conv < Org-AN. The THN and amino acid-N (AA-N) contents were ranked Org-AN > Org-CG > Conv. Amino sugar-N (AS-N) contents, which reflect microbially derived N, did not differ among systems and concentrations were quite high (346.5 mg AS-N/kg soil in the 0–50 cm depth). This, and soil variability were attributed to the sites’ history of manure application. The amount (1.3 g POM-C/kg soil) and proportion (≈7.5% of total SOC) of POM-C were quite low and did not differ among systems. Failure to accumulate SOC or POM in these soils, even under organic management, is attributed to rapid C decay and/or limited root growth. An N rate study was added the fall before samples were taken and N addition did increase yield in the Conv and Org-CG systems despite evidence of soil N surplus. This suggests that either amino N is unavailable to plants or that root N acquisition is limited by other constraints. Low POM-C contents accompanied by high AS-N and AA-N levels reveal an imbalance in these soils which are likely to be C limited. Based on this, we conclude excess N has prevented use of organic practices from enhancing soil quality at this site.  相似文献   

Here we present a stochastic biogeochemical model for the formation, transformation and mineralization of natural organic matter (NOM). The model is agent-based, with each software agent representing a single molecule of defined composition. Molecular properties and reactivities are estimated from composition and environmental parameters. Environmental parameters including temperature, pH, light intensity, dissolved O2, moisture and enzyme activities are user controlled. Time is treated in discrete steps, and during each step potential reaction probabilities are evaluated for each molecule based on its structure and the environmental parameters. When reactions occur, the molecular composition is modified accordingly. The model uses small natural products and biopolymers for inputs, and the composition of the molecules produced is constrained only by the inputs and reaction stoichiometries, not by pre-defined structures. Example simulations using the program AlphaStep are presented, in which the breakdown of biopolymers and the condensation of small molecules both lead to molecular assemblages with elemental composition and average properties similar to those of aquatic NOM. This batch-reactor model can be expanded to include spatial information and environmental feedback.  相似文献   

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