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Nramp1 phagocyte intracellular metal withdrawal defense   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Natural resistance-associated macrophage proteins (Nramp) are multispecific symporters facilitating proton-dependent import of divalent metals. Nramp1 restricts microbial access to essential micro-nutrients such as iron and manganese within professional phagosomes. Increased understanding of Nramp1 roles in human phagocytes will be useful for future therapeutic approaches against selected infectious and immune diseases.  相似文献   

Stress inducible protein 1 (STI1) is a co-chaperone acting with Hsp70 and Hsp90 for the correct client proteins’ folding and therefore for the maintenance of cellular homeostasis. Besides being expressed in the cytosol, STI1 can also be found both in the cell membrane and the extracellular medium playing several relevant roles in the central nervous system (CNS) and tumor microenvironment. During CNS development, in association with cellular prion protein (PrPc), STI1 regulates crucial events such as neuroprotection, neuritogenesis, astrocyte differentiation and survival. In cancer, STI1 is involved with tumor growth and invasion, is undoubtedly a pro-tumor factor, being considered as a biomarker and possibly therapeutic target for several malignancies. In this review, we discuss current knowledge and new findings on STI1 function as well as its role in tissue homeostasis, CNS and tumor progression.  相似文献   

Nramp1 (natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1) is a phagosomal iron transport molecule. In addition to its anti-microbial activity, Nramp1 exerts a wide range of pleiotropic effects, including increased stability of Nramp1 mRNA and a variety of other mRNA species. Previously, we showed that the increased stability of Nramp1 mRNA is regulated by an oxidant-generated signaling pathway that requires PKC. In the current study, we show that inhibition of ERK1,2 and p38 MAP kinase activities decreases Nramp1 mRNA stability in Mycobacterium avium infected RAW264.7 cells expressing Nramp1(Gly169) but not in RAW264.7-Nramp1(Asp169) cells. Phosphorylation of ERK1,2 and p38 MAP kinases, which could be inhibited by the anti-oxidant BHA and a protein kinase C inhibitor, was higher in M. avium infected RAW264.7-Nramp1(Gly169) cells than in RAW26.47-Nramp1(Asp169) cells. These results suggest that generation of oxidants by Nramp1 iron transport activates MAP kinase signaling cascades that result in stabilization of Nramp1 mRNA.  相似文献   

Nramp1 (natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1) is an integral membrane protein with 12 putative transmembrane domains. As a proton-coupled divalent metal cation transporter, it is involved in defense against intracellular pathogens. Disease-causing mutation in Nramp1 occurring at glycine 169 located within the fourth transmembrane domain (TM4) suggests functional importance of this domain. In this paper, we study the three-dimensional structures of a peptide, corresponding to the TM4 of the wild-type Nramp1, in SDS micelles and 2, 2, 2-trifluoroethanol solvent using CD and NMR spectroscopies. We have found that an α-helix is predominantly induced in membrane-mimetic environments and the folding of the C-terminal residues is regulated by pH in SDS micelles. The peptide is embedded in SDS micelles and self-associated by coiled-coil interactions. The helix of the peptide in TFE is lengthened towards the N-terminus compared with those in SDS micelles at acidic pH and the self-association of the peptide is also observed in TFE. The fact that Mn2+ ions are accessible to Asp-14 located in the interior of SDS micelles is found and the binding affinity is increased with increasing pH. The self-association of the peptide may provide a path by which Mn2+ ions pass through the membrane.  相似文献   

Xue R  Wang S  Qi H  Song Y  Wang C  Li F 《Biochimica et biophysica acta》2008,1778(6):1444-1452
Nramp1 (natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1) is an integral membrane protein with 12 putative transmembrane domains. As a proton-coupled divalent metal cation transporter, it is involved in defense against intracellular pathogens. Disease-causing mutation in Nramp1 occurring at glycine 169 located within the fourth transmembrane domain (TM4) suggests functional importance of this domain. In this paper, we study the three-dimensional structures of a peptide, corresponding to the TM4 of the wild-type Nramp1, in SDS micelles and 2, 2, 2-trifluoroethanol solvent using CD and NMR spectroscopies. We have found that an alpha-helix is predominantly induced in membrane-mimetic environments and the folding of the C-terminal residues is regulated by pH in SDS micelles. The peptide is embedded in SDS micelles and self-associated by coiled-coil interactions. The helix of the peptide in TFE is lengthened towards the N-terminus compared with those in SDS micelles at acidic pH and the self-association of the peptide is also observed in TFE. The fact that Mn(2+) ions are accessible to Asp-14 located in the interior of SDS micelles is found and the binding affinity is increased with increasing pH. The self-association of the peptide may provide a path by which Mn(2+) ions pass through the membrane.  相似文献   

The multifunctional scavenger receptor stabilin-1 (STAB1, FEEL-1, CLEVER-1, KIAA0246) was originally identified as the MS-1 antigen, expressed by sinusoidal endothelial cells in human spleen. Extensive histological studies revealed that stabilin-1 is also expressed by tissue macrophages and sinusoidal endothelial cells in the healthy organism; its expression on both macrophages and different subtypes of endothelial cells is induced during chronic inflammation and tumorigenesis. In vitro induction of stabilin-1 in macrophages requires the presence of glucocorticoids. Stabilin-1 is involved in two intracellular trafficking pathways: receptor mediated endocytosis and recycling; and shuttling between the endosomal compartment and trans-Golgi network (TGN). The latter intracellular pathway of stabilin-1 trafficking is mediated by GGAs, clathrin adaptors that interact with the DDSLL motif in the cytoplasmic tail of stabilin-1. When expressed by alternatively activated macrophages, stabilin-1 mediates the uptake and targeting for degradation of acLDL and SPARC, a regulator of tissue remodeling. Likewise, stabilin-1 in macrophages is involved in intracellular sorting and lysosomal delivery of the novel stabilin- 1-interacting chitinase-like protein (SI-CLP). Indirect evidence suggests that stabilin-1 is involved in adhesion and transmigration in various cell types (including tumor cells, leukocytes, and lymphocytes); however, its rapid recycling and scant level of surface expression argue against its universal role in cell adhesion. In summary, stabilin-1 is a homeostatic receptor which links signals from the extracellular environment to intracellular vesicular processes, creating a potential impact on the macrophage secretion profile.  相似文献   

During the course of infection, many natural defenses are set up along the boundaries of the host-pathogen interface. Key among these is the host response to withhold metals to restrict the growth of invading microbes. This simple act of nutritional warfare, starving the invader of an essential element, is an effective means of limiting infection. The physiology of metal withholding is often referred to as “nutritional immunity,” and the mechanisms of metal transport that contribute to this host response are the focus of this review.  相似文献   

Understanding biological functions through molecular networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Han JD 《Cell research》2008,18(2):224-237
The completion of genome sequences and subsequent high-throughput mapping of molecular networks have allowed us to study biology from the network perspective. Experimental, statistical and mathematical modeling approaches have been employed to study the structure, function and dynamics of molecular networks, and begin to reveal important links of various network properties to the functions of the biological systems. In agreement with these functional links, evolutionary selection of a network is apparently based on the function, rather than directly on the structure of the network. Dynamic modularity is one of the prominent features of molecular networks. Taking advantage of such a feature may simplify network-based biological studies through construction of process-specific modular networks and provide functional and mechanistic insights linking genotypic variations to complex traits or diseases, which is likely to be a key approach in the next wave of understanding complex human diseases. With the development of ready-to-use network analysis and modeling tools the networks approaches will be infused into everyday biological research in the near future.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation is a critical step in regulating receptor transport through the endocytic pathway. AAK1 is a serine/threonine kinase that is thought to coordinate the recruitment of AP-2 to receptors containing tyrosine-based internalization motifs by phosphorylating the micro2 subunit. Here we have identified a long form of AAK1 (AAK1L) that contains an extended C-terminus that encodes an additional clathrin-binding domain (CBD2) consisting of multiple low-affinity interaction motifs. Protein interaction studies demonstrate that AAK1L CBD2 directly binds clathrin. However, in vitro kinase assays reveal little difference between AAK1 isoforms in their basal or clathrin-stimulated kinase activity toward the AP-2 micro2 subunit. However, overexpression of AAK1L CBD2 impairs transferrin endocytosis, confirming an endocytic role for AAK1. Surprisingly, CBD2 overexpression or AAK1 depletion by RNA interference significantly impairs transferrin recycling from the early/sorting endosome. These observations suggest that AAK1 functions at multiple steps of the endosomal pathway by regulating transferrin internalization and its rapid recycling back to the plasma membrane from early/sorting endosome.  相似文献   

Numb is an evolutionary conserved protein that plays critical roles in cell fate determination. Mammalian Numb displays a higher degree of structural complexity compared to the Drosophila homolog based on the number of encoding genes (Numb and Numb-like) and of alternative spliced isoforms. Accordingly, Numb proteins display a complex pattern of functions such as the control of asymmetric cell division and cell fate choice, endocytosis, cell adhesion, cell migration, ubiquitination of specific substrates and a number of signaling pathways (i.e. Notch, Hedgehog, p53). Recent findings indicate that, besides controlling such physiologic developmental processes, subversion of the above Numb-dependent events plays a critical role in disease (e.g. cancer). We will review here the multiple functions of mNumb and their underlying molecular mechanisms in development and disease.  相似文献   

Salmonella survive and replicate within mammalian cells by becoming secluded within specialized membrane-bound vacuoles inaccessible to the host defense mechanisms. Delayed acidification of the vacuole and its incomplete fusion with lysosomes have been implicated in intracellular Salmonella survival. Nramp1 confers to macrophages resistance to a variety of intracellular pathogens, including Salmonella, but its precise mode of action is not understood. We investigated whether Nramp1 affects the maturation and acidification of Salmonella-containing vacuoles (SCV). A mouse-derived macrophage line (RAW/Nramp1(-)) devoid of Nramp1 and therefore susceptible to infection was compared with isogenic clones stably transfected with Nramp1 (RAW/Nramp1(+)). Intravacuolar pH, measured in situ, was similar in Nramp1-expressing and -deficient cells. SCV acquired LAMP1 and fused with preloaded fluid-phase markers in both cell types. In contrast, although few vacuoles in RAW/Nramp1(-) acquired mannose 6-phosphate receptor, many more contained M6PR in RAW/Nramp1(+) cells. Shortly after closure, SCV in RAW/Nramp1(-) became inaccessible to extracellular markers, suggesting inability to fuse with newly formed endosomes. Expression of Nramp1 markedly increased the access to extracellularly added markers. We propose that Nramp1 counteracts the ability of Salmonella to become secluded in a compartment that limits access of bactericidal agents, allowing the normal degradative pathway of the macrophage to proceed.  相似文献   

BRCA1 (breast cancer early-onset 1) alternative splicing levels are regulated in a cell-cycle- and cell-type-specific manner, with splice variants being present in different proportions in tumour cell lines as well as in normal mammary epithelial cells. The importance of this difference in the pathogenesis of breast cancer has yet to be determined. Developing an understanding of the impact of BRCA1 isoform ratio changes on cell phenotype will be of value in breast cancer and may offer therapeutic options. In the present paper, we describe the splicing isoforms of BRCA1 exon 11, their possible role in cancer biology and the importance of maintaining a balanced ratio.  相似文献   

A recently developed model for enterocolitis in mice involves pre-treatment with the antibiotic streptomycin prior to infection with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium ( S.  Typhimurium). The contribution of Nramp1/Slc11a1 protein, a critical host defence mechanism against S.  Typhimurium, to the development of inflammation in this model has not been studied. Here, we analysed the impact of Nramp1 expression on the early development of colitis using isogenic Nramp1+/+ and Nramp1−/− mice. We hypothesized that Nramp1 acts by rapidly inducing an inflammatory response in the gut mucosa creating an antibacterial environment and limiting spread of S.  Typhimurium to systemic sites. We observed that Nramp1+/+ mice showed lower numbers of S.  Typhimurium in the caecum compared with Nramp1−/− mice at all times analysed. Acute inflammation was much more pronounced in Nramp1+/+ mice 1 day after infection. The effect of Nramp1 on development of colitis was characterized by higher secretion of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IFN-γ, TNF-α and MIP-1α and a massive infiltration of neutrophils and macrophages, compared with Nramp1−/− animals. These data show that an early and rapid inflammatory response results in protection against pathological effects of S.  Typhimurium infection in Nramp1+/+ mice.  相似文献   

Understanding relationships among multiple ecosystem services   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
Ecosystem management that attempts to maximize the production of one ecosystem service often results in substantial declines in the provision of other ecosystem services. For this reason, recent studies have called for increased attention to development of a theoretical understanding behind the relationships among ecosystem services. Here, we review the literature on ecosystem services and propose a typology of relationships between ecosystem services based on the role of drivers and the interactions between services. We use this typology to develop three propositions to help drive ecological science towards a better understanding of the relationships among multiple ecosystem services. Research which aims to understand the relationships among multiple ecosystem services and the mechanisms behind these relationships will improve our ability to sustainably manage landscapes to provide multiple ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Xue R  Wang S  Wang C  Zhu T  Li F  Sun H 《Biopolymers》2006,84(3):329-339
Membrane protein Nramp1 (natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1) is a pH-dependent divalent metal cation transporter that regulates macrophage activation in infectious and autoimmune diseases. A naturally occurring glycine to aspartic acid substitution at position 169 (G169D) within the transmembrane domain 4 (TM4) of Nramp1 makes mice susceptible to Leishmania donovani, Salmonella typhimurium, and Mycobacterium bovis. Here we present a structural and self-assembling study on two synthetic 24-residue peptides, corresponding to TM4 of mouse Nramp1 and its G169D mutant, respectively, in 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoroisopropanol-d(2) (HFIP-d(2)) aqueous solution by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The results show that amphipathic alpha-helical structures are formed from residue Ile173 to Tyr187 for the wild-type peptide and from Trp168 to Tyr187 for the G169D mutant, respectively. The segment of the N-terminus from Leu167 to Leu172 is poorly structured for the wild-type peptide, whereas it is well defined for the G169D mutant. Both peptides aggregate to form a tetramer and the monomeric peptides in peptide bundles are structurally and orientationally similar. The intermolecular interactions in assemblies could be stronger in the C-terminal regions related to residues Phe180-Leu184 than those in the central helical segments for both peptides. The G169D mutation may change the size of the opening on the termini of assembly.  相似文献   

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