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《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(6):393-397
The guiña (Leopardus guigna) is a small felid found primarily in temperate mixed forests of southern Andean and coastal ranges in Chile and Argentina. It is considered a vulnerable species, and is one of the least studied felids in the world. In this study our main aim was to document the relationship between the activity pattern of the guiña and that of its main prey in the Valdivian rainforest (Comau Fjord, southern Chile) using a camera-trap survey. We documented the activity patterns of small mammals and two ground-foraging bird species, as these have been previously cited as the main prey of this felid. Guiñas showed two nocturnal activity peaks, at the beginning and the end of the night, and a weak peak of activity at midday. Small mammals consistently revealed nocturnal activity, whereas both birds were strongly diurnal. Our results revealed a high overlap between the activity patterns of guiñas and small mammals, whereas this was negligible for the bird species. These findings support the idea that small mammals are guiñas’ preferred prey in the Valdivian rainforest. Our study contributes to the understanding of the temporal relationships between the guiña and its prey, and may help to design effective management strategies to conserve this vulnerable felid.  相似文献   

Ring analysis was carried out on 39 Rhizophora mangle trees from two salineand one brackish forest sites on apeninsula in north Brazil. All trees showedconstant growth over their entire lifespan, however the distinctiveness of growthrings was greater in trees from the salineareas than in trees from the brackish site.The mean radial increments form a patternof three distinct groups (`fast', `medium',and `slow' growth). Although all threegrowth groups contained trees from eachstudy site, trees from the brackish and thefrequently inundated saline area presenteda significantly higher growth rate (3.3 mmy-1) than the trees growing in asaline, seldom inundated area. Radiocarbonanalysis showed that R. mangle formsannual rings in the region. The mean age ofeach forest, derived from the mean stemradius, the growth rates, and the treeaffiliation to each growth group, explainsforest's density and basal area. For thetrees from a saline area belonging to themedium growth group (mean increment 2.5 mmy-1), the cambial growth correlatessignificantly with the precipitation in thetransition months between the dry and therainy season. The slowest growing trees(1.2 mm y-1) showed a closerelationship between the ring width and thenumber of months with rainfall < 50 mm.Based on these results, we propose that thelocal abiotic factors influence theindividual growth rates but their effect onthe forest structure is modified by bioticfactors, such as neighborhoodcompetition.  相似文献   

Airborne input of minerals essential for plant growth is significantly more important for the Amazonian rain forest than elsewhere. Annual rates have been calculated to an average of 26.9 kg/ha/yr for phosphate phosphorus and 12.6 kg/ha/yr for potassium. Other nutrients show a similar amount. If these values are representative for Amazonia as a whole, the total amount of nutrient influx via the air (dry input and precipitation) attains a magnitude, which may be well above the level for assuming a local South American source of origin. Phosphate and potassium alone give an average of 15 to 25 million tons per year. It is concluded, therefore, that dust from the Sahara carried by the trade winds provides the bulk of this mineral input, thus influencing the stability and productivity of the Amazonian rain forest. If this conclusion holds true, the pleistocene forest dynamics in Amazonia should have been influenced not only by changes in the amount of rain fall, but also by the transatlantic transport of nutrients.  相似文献   

This study was designed to localize transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-) and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expression in the developing human gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. Immunohistochemical techniques using specific antibodies against human TGF- and EGFR were performed on digestive tissues of fetuses from 9 to 10 to 24 weeks of gestation, children and adults. In fetuses, TGF- and EGFR proteins were expressed in all epithelial tissues studied with a good correlation and from an age as early as 9 to 10 weeks of gestation, except for TGF- in the esophagus. The strongest TGF- immunostaining was noted in the stomach and the proximal colon. Unexpectedly, immunoreactive gut endocrine cells were observed with the two antibodies used. Relatively numerous in fetuses, they decreased in number with age and were rare in adults particularly along the colon. Enteroglucagon-secreting cells were shown to express TGF- while some gastrin, somatostatin and pancreatic glucagon cells were immunostained with EGFR antibodies. The presence of TGF- and of its recetor in digestive tract epithelium and pancreatic tissues early in fetal life suggests a functional role for TGF- during the developmental process of the digestive system. We demonstrate that TGF- is also produced by endocrine cells and might have an additional mode of action other than paracrine, at least during fetal life.  相似文献   

Non-linear models were analysed to describe both the biological and commercial growth curves of the Segureña sheep, one of the most important Spanish breeds. We evaluated Brody, von Bertalanffy, Verhulst, logistic and Gompertz models, using historical data from the National Association of Segureña Sheep Breeders (ANCOS). These records were collected between 2000 and 2013, from a total of 129 610 weight observations ranging from birth to adulthood. The aim of this research was to establish the mathematical behaviour of body development throughout this breed’s commercial life (birth to slaughter) and biological life (birth to adulthood); comparison between both slopes gives important information regarding the best time for slaughter, informs dietary advice according to animals’ needs, permits economical predictions of productions and, by using the curve parameters as selection criteria, enables improvements in growth characteristics of the breed. Models were fitted according to the non-linear regression procedure of statistical package SPSS version19. Model parameters were estimated using the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm. Candidate models were compared using the determinative coefficient, mean square error, number of iterations, Akaike information coefficient and biological coherence of the estimated parameters. The von Bertalanffy and logistic models were found to be best suited to the biological and commercial growth curves, respectively, for both sexes. The Brody equation was found to be unsuitable for studying the commercial growth curve. Differences between the parameters in both sexes indicate a strong impact of sexual dimorphism on growth. This can emphasize the value of the highest growth rate for females, indicating that they reach maturity earlier.  相似文献   

This paper studies the genetic importance of growth curve parameters and their relevance as selection criteria in breeding programmes of Segureño sheep. Logistic and Verhulst growth functions were chosen for their best fit to BW/age in this breed; the first showed the best general fit and the second the best individual fit. Live weights of 41 330 individuals from the historical archives of the National Association of Segureña Sheep Breeders were used in the analysis. The progeny of 1464 rams and 27 048 ewes were used to study the genetic and phenotypic parameters of growth curve parameters and derived traits. Reproductive management in the population consists in controlled natural mating inside every herd, with a minimum of 15% of the females fertilized by artificial insemination with fresh semen; with the purpose being the herd genetic connections, all herd genealogies are screened with DNA markers. Estimates of growth curve parameters from birth to 80 days were obtained for each individual and each function by the non-linear regression procedure using IBM SPSS statistics (version 21) with the Levenberg–Marquart estimation method. (Co)variance components and genetic parameters were estimated by using the REML/Animal model methodology. The heritability of mature weight was estimated as 0.41±0.042 and 0.38±0.021 with the logistic and Verhulst models, respectively, and the heritability of other parameters ranged from 0.41 to 0.62 and 0.37 to 0.61, with the models, respectively. A negative genetic correlation between mature weight and rate of maturing was found.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1996,55(2):139-144
Indications of physiological integration in the clonal plant Thalassia testudinum Banks ex König from the Puerto Morelos reef lagoon, Mexican Caribbean, were deduced from synchronisation in the formation of ‘inactive shoots’, lateral rhizomes and inflorescences. ‘Inactive shoots’ (i.e. bare, pointed shoots with live roots attached) on a rhizome section often had similar numbers of leaf scars. Lateral rhizome sections were generally found in similar positions when a rhizome had more than one shoot bearing a lateral rhizome. Additionally, the position of lateral rhizomes and the number of leaf scars on inactive shoots were often similar when encountered on the same rhizome section. Synchronisation of flowering events was suggested by the similar position of inflorescence scars on different shoots on the same rhizome section. It is suggested that inactive shoots can play a role in density regulation of the clonal population, and that they possibly constitute a ‘dormant meristem bank’ analogous to ‘seed banks’, or ‘dormant bud banks’.  相似文献   

Many tree-ring-based climate reconstructions are based on the assumption that the climate reaction of trees is independent of their size. Here, we test this assumption for New Zealand kauri (Agathis australis), one of the longest tree ring-based proxies for the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The most recent kauri chronology contains a large amount of archaeological material, e.g. timber for which the original tree size is often unknown. We analyzed the climate–growth relationship of different-sized kauri in a pristine forest using different temporal scales, i.e. annually, monthly and daily data on tree growth and climate conditions. Trees of different life stages exhibited approximately the same seasonal growth peaks during austral spring (October and November). The dormancy period overlaps with the period where weekly air temperature maxima are below ca. 17–18 °C, and where the corresponding daily minima are below ca. 8 °C. However, both correlation functions between annual growth and seasonal climate as well as Kalman filter regressions between daily growth and climate conditions suggest an influence of tree size on the climate–growth relationship for kauri. Smaller trees (DBH < 40 cm) contain weaker climate signals than larger trees. Therefore, the precautionary stripping of near-pith material (first 20 cm) from kauri chronologies may result in more uniform responses to climate forcing and thus enhance the reliability of long-term climate reconstructions.  相似文献   

The Drosophila genome contains at least three loci for the Na,K-ATPase β-subunit; however, only the protein products of nrv1 and nrv2 have been characterized hitherto. Here, we provide evidence that nrv3 also encodes for a functional Na,K-ATPase β-subunit, as its protein product co-precipitates with the Na,K-ATPase α-subunit. Nrv3 expression in adult flies is restricted to the nervous system in which Nrv3 is enriched in selective types of sensory cells. Because Nrv3 expression is especially prominent in the compound eye, we have analyzed the subcellular and developmental distribution of Nrv3 within the visual cells and related this distribution to those of the α-subunit and of the β-subunits Nrv1 and Nrv2. Prospective visual cells express Nrv2 in the third larval instar stage and during the first half of pupal development. During the last third of pupal life, Nrv3 gradually replaces Nrv2 as the Na,K-ATPase β-subunit in the photoreceptor cells. Adult photoreceptors express Nrv3 as their major β-subunit; the visual cells R1–R6 co-express Nrv2 at a low level, whereas R7 and R8 co-express Nrv1. Notably, β-subunits do not co-distribute exactly with the α-subunit at some developmental stages, supporting the concept that the α-subunit and β-subunit can exist in the plasma membrane without being engaged in α/β heterodimers. The non-visual cells within the compound eye express almost exclusively Nrv2, which segregates together with the α-subunit to septate junctions throughout development.  相似文献   

Seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTF) currently occupy only 10% of the original area of their natural distribution. In the Marañón river valley, north western of Peru, occurs one of the most important SDTF of the neotropics. It has an endemic woody flora that represent 32% of the species, being threatened by its increasing fragmentation, and the knowledge of the ecology, forestry and conservation of the tree species is scarce. In this context this work presents the result of evaluation of the wood anatomy with emphasis to growth ring analysis, dating trees and stem growth rate determination of four tree species: Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan, Cedrela kuelapensis T.D. Penn. & Daza, Cordia iguaguana Melch. Ex I.M. Johnst., and Esenbeckia cornuta Eng., the last three being endemic and threatened with extinction. Our results determined that Cedrela kuelapensis showed the highest radial growth of the stem in relation to the other congeners of the neotropical region. Lower stem growth was observed for E. cornuta trees, according to the pattern of other tropical species. The results also indicate that populations of C. iguaguana and Esenbeckia cornuta in the zone are mainly composed by young trees exhibiting strong anthropic pressure due to the quality of their timber and, in consequence, more efforts are needed in the management of these resources to guarantee their sustainability.  相似文献   

From a total woody flora of ca. 1000 species, a suite of 121 species forms an oligarchy dominating the cerrado biome. This mirrors patterns of dominance described in western Amazonian rain forests. Widespread sampling shows that across the biome this suite of species contributes on average 66% of the total species composition, and 75% of the total Importance Value Index in cerrado communities. An analysis of the floristic similarity between six cerrado phytogeographic provinces (southern, central and south-eastern, central-western, far-western, north-eastern, disjunct Amazonian) reveals great heterogeneity within the biome, principally of the less common species. Of the 951 species recorded from 375 floristic surveys across the biome, 494 species (more than half of the total) are found in only one of the provinces, with very few species (37, i.e., 3.9%) found in all six provinces. Each of the provinces contains a significant number of species which are apparently confined to it, ranging from 15 species (1.6% of the total woody cerrado flora) in the far-western province (primarily in the state of Rondônia) to 162 species (17%) in the central-western province. At the local level, floristic similarity can be very high. An analysis of the floristic composition of 13 sites within the Federal District shows a woody flora of 236 species, indicating that 25% of the total woody flora of the cerrado biome is represented in 0.3% of its area, illustrating the great conservation importance of this region. Floristic similarity between sites within the Federal District is high, although much of this similarity is accounted for by oligarch species which account for between 59 and 89% of total species recorded per site. Informed conservation judgements within the cerrado need to take account of regional floristic patterns to ensure maximum protection of biodiversity, as the majority of species are not geographically widespread within the biome.  相似文献   

Capsule A newly created wetland has been beneficial for the breeding of five heron species and for the settlement and expansion of Glossy Ibises in the region.

Aim To determine whether created wetland would lead to the establishment of a heron and ibis breeding colony, and if so, to determine its effects on the distribution of these species in the wider region.

Methods Number of pairs breeding at the new wetland and in the region were estimated annually from 1996 to 2008. We investigated whether the growth of the new colony was explained by redistribution of breeding pairs within the region.

Results Purple Herons, Squacco Herons and Glossy Ibises colonised the new wetland in 1996. Black‐crowned Night Herons settled in 1998, while Cattle and Little Egrets were the last species to establish in the mixed colony in 2001. The population increase was particularly marked for Glossy Ibises (which had bred in Doñana only sporadically through the 20th century). Our findings suggest that simple redistribution of pairs does not explain the formation and growth of the new colony. Since the first year of establishment numbers of Glossy Ibises and Purple Herons have shown a significant growth trend at both the new colony and in Doñana.

Conclusion The creation and management of a new wetland has been successful for the conservation of heron and egret species and promoted the expansion of the Glossy Ibis population across the western Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

Object recognition and classification by sensory pathways is rooted in spike trains provided by sensory neurons. Nervous systems had to evolve mechanisms to extract information about relevant object properties, and to separate these from spurious features. In this review, problems caused by spike train variability and counterstrategies are exemplified for the processing of acoustic signals in orthopteran insects. Due to size limitations of their nervous system we expect to find solutions that are stripped to the computational basics. A key feature of auditory systems is temporal resolution, which is likely limited by spike train variability. Basic strategies to reduce such variability are to integrate over time, or to average across several neurons. The first strategy is constrained by its possible interference with temporal resolution. Grasshoppers do not seem to explore temporal integration much, in spite of the repetitive structure of their songs, which invites for multiple looks at the signal. The benefits of averaging across neurons depend on uncorrelated responses, a factor that may be crucial for the performance and evolution of small nervous systems. In spite of spike train variability the temporal information necessary for the recognition of conspecifics is preserved to a remarkable degree in the auditory pathway.Abbreviations dB decibel - CV coefficient of variation - SNR signal to noise ratio  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate prospectively the effects of swaddling and consanguineous marriage on developmental dysplasia of the hip and associated risk factors. We screened by ultrasound 265 infants using the Graf method. The Pediatrics Department referred all newborn infants with suspected instability or a recognized risk factor to the orthopedic clinic. Risk factors of developmental dysplasia of the hip were searched and noted in these patients. Swaddling and consanguineous marriage were also determined and noted. We observed 164 of 265 infants (61.9 %) who had been swaddled and that 64 of 265 infants’ parents were in a consanguineous marriage (24.2 %). In the statistical analysis that was conducted for swaddling and consanguineous marriage, highly significant differences were found. Our study showed that the rate of developmental dysplasia of the hip is very high, 11.7 %, in our region, eastern Turkey. Also, we commonly see improper swaddling and consanguineous marriage in our region, which affects many infants.  相似文献   

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