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In summer form adults of Polygonia c-aureum, the ovary develops soon after emergence and eggs mature a few days later. However, in autumn form adults, having been kept in laboratory conditions, only several mature eggs are found about four weeks after emergence. The allatectomy during the larval period prevents egg maturation in adults of both forms. When the corpora allata from the summer form of both sexes are transplanted into allatectomized adults of the autumn or summer form, the ovary develops as in the case of summer form adults. But the corpora allata of both sexes of the autumn form are not effective in inducing the ovarian maturation. Environmental factors, especially day-length and temperature during the larval period, may act through the neuroendocrine system to induce the activity of the corpora allata in the adult life.  相似文献   

Abstract Corpora allata are the defined site of juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis in reproductive adult insects and their activity is regulated by intrinsic and extrinsic factors. In the adult lady beetle Coccinella septempunctata , it has been well established that the development of ovaries is controlled by JH (Guan 1987). The present study aims at the elucidation of the influence of some factors regulating reproduction of the lady beetle. They include topical application of JH analogues, presence of neuropeptides in the extract from the brain, as well as the development of ovary and type of food on CA activity. JH synthesis in CA is monitored with radiochemical assay and immunoelectrophoresis.  相似文献   

粘虫咽侧体对卵巢发育与成熟的作用   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
吴秋雁  郭郛 《昆虫学报》1963,(4):402-411
内分泌控制昆虫卵巢的发育与成熟已为大家所承认;特别是在直翅目、半翅目、鞘翅目、革翅目、双翅目等昆虫中卵巢的发育已证实由内分泌中心之一——咽侧体所调节。但在某些鳞翅目昆虫中所得的试验结果与上述结论不一致, 它们的卵巢发育似与咽侧体激素无关;这一事实已有分别用家蚕、天蚕蛾、蓖麻蚕等昆虫为材料的试验结果证明。我们分析了这些资料, 发现这些昆虫的卵巢皆在蛹期发育成熟, 成虫期均不取食。而在有些鳞翅目昆虫如粘虫等中, 它们的卵巢需要在成虫期获得补充营养后方能成熟, 我们怀疑粘虫卵巢发育成熟与内分泌的关系可能与上述几种昆虫不一样。 本试验用移植和结扎的方法证明了:(1)粘虫雌蛾卵粒中卵黄的沉积与咽侧体体积的变化相关, 交配后咽侧体体积增大时卵黄沉积最快;(2)粘虫卵巢的发育与成熟是受咽侧体激素的控制, 而与脑无直接关系;(3)激素控制粘虫卵巢发育与成熟的临界期为羽化取食后24小时;(4)粘虫成虫期雌雄两性咽侧体的体积均有明显变化, 雄性的比雌性的大1—3倍。 因此, 通过本工作说明了在鳞翅目昆虫中, 由于生殖腺在蛹期或成虫期发育的不同, 在生殖腺发育的内分泌控制机制上也有差别。  相似文献   

七星瓢虫(Coccmella septimpunctata)为了适应环境的变化,通过咽侧体产生保幼激素的活动调节其生殖作用。为了探索内外因素对咽侧体活动的影响,应用放射化学法及免疫电泳测定了食物、卵巢发育、脑神经肽、保幼激素类似物对卵黄发生期成虫保幼激素生物合成及血淋巴中卵黄原蛋白含量的影响。结果表明咽侧体活性受上述各种因子的影响。咽侧体活性与卵黄原蛋白含量及卵母细胞生长密切相关,说明有反馈作用。食物的质与量影响着咽侧体活性的变化。低剂量外源保幼激素类似物处理成虫则可促使咽侧体活性的变化。脑分泌的神经肽(allatotropin)可活化咽侧体。这些结果表明雌瓢虫保幼激素的生产主要是受起源于脑的促咽侧体信号的调节作用。  相似文献   

伏翼的季节性活动与温度及光等环境因子的关系   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
伏翼(Pipistrellus abramus Temminck)为夜行性食虫小蝙蝠类,广布于我国南北和邻近国家,常成小群栖息于城市近郊或小城镇房屋的瓦盖下及屋檐下空隙中。这种蝙蝠在许多地区都有冬眠现象。过去对其季节活动与环境因子关系缺少完整的研究。为此作者于1965-67,1977-79及1981年在上海郊区作了初步观察。结果表明伏翼在不同季节中,其飞出搜食活动具有明显的规律性变化。这种变化同环境因子,特别是温度和光等因子有密切关系。  相似文献   

Growing root tips usually constituted less than 1 per cent and mycorrhizal roots less than 6 per cent of the total root surface under a 34-year-old pine stand. Growing root tips usually constituted less than 1 per cent of the total root surface under a yellow poplar stand, although one sample taken in May contained 9 per cent of unsuberized roots. The water permeability of various types of roots was measured under a pressure gradient of 31 cm of mercury. It differed widely among individual roots, ranging from an average of 6.6. mm3/cm2/hr for suberized pine roots 1.33 mm in diameter, to 36.6 mm3 for suberized pine roots 3 mm in diameter, and 178 mm3/ cm2/hr for unsuberized roots grown in water culture. Water intake through a group of unsuberized roots grown in soil averaged 37.4 mm3/cm2/hr. The permeability of yellow poplar roots varied even more, ranging from essentially zero to 30,000 mm3/cm2/hr. It is concluded that the major part of water absorption in pine occurs through suberized roots, some through mycorrhizal roots, and relatively little through growing root tips. Likewise, in yellow-poplar most of the water probably enters through suberized roots. Further study is needed of the role of suberized roots in water and salt absorption.  相似文献   

Males of the red locust, Nomadacris septemfasciata, allatectomized 3–11 days after the moult to the adult stage did not exhibit any sexual behaviour and remained in a state comparable to adult diapause, while all the sham-allatectomized controls exhibited distinct sexual behaviour. Implantations of four pairs of active corpora allata (originating from sexually mature males of Locusta migratoria migratorioides) into the allatectomized males of the red locust led to sexual behaviour; in contrast, all those allatectomized males in which shamimplantations (appropriate surgical treatment without actual implantation of corpora allata) were performed remained in adult diapause showing no sexual behaviour.Comparison of the results with other data revealed that in some species of Acridids the corpora allata completely control (in a direct or indirect manner) male sexual behaviour, while in other species of the same family this control is either incomplete or perhaps does not exist at all. The presence or absence of a complete endocrine control of male sexual behaviour may perhaps be correlated with the fact that the species involved has or has not the ability to undergo a state of adult diapause.
Zusammenfassung Männchen der Roten Heuschrecke, Nomadacris septemfasciata, die 3–11 Tage nach der Häutung zur Imago allatektomiert worden waren, zeigten keinerlei sexuelle Aktivität und verharrten in einem der Adult-Diapause vergleichbaren Zustand, während alle scheinallatektomierten Kontrolltiere ausgeprägtes Sexualverhalten aufwiesen. Implantationen von 4 Paar Corpora allata (aus geschlechtsreifen Männchen von Locusta migratoria migratorioides stammend) in allatektomierte Männchen der Roten Heuschrecke führten zu Sexualverhalten; im Gegensatz dazu verharrten alle diejenigen allatektomierten Männchen, bei welchen Schein-Implantationen durchgeführt wurden (entsprechende operative Behandlung ohne Implantation von Corpora allata) in Adult-Diapause und zeigten keine sexuelle Aktivität.Vergleich der Ergebnisse mit anderen Daten lassen erkennen, daß bei einigen Acridier-Arten die Corpora allata das männliche Sexualverhalten (auf direkte oder indirekte Weise) beeinflussen, während dieser Einfluß bei anderen Arten der gleichen Familie entweder unvollständig ist oder überhaupt nicht auftritt. Vorkommen oder Fehlen einer vollständigen endokrinen Kontrolle des männlichen Sexualverhaltens mag vielleicht von dem Umstand abhängen, ob die betreffende Art die Fähigkeit hat, ein Stadium adulter Diapause zu durchlaufen oder nicht.

郭郛 《昆虫学报》1958,(4):355-360
昆虫咽侧体(corpora allata)虽然早在1828年为J.Muller解剖东方(虫非)蠊 Blatta orien-talis时发现,但直到本世纪三十年代才经Wigglesworth在吸血蝽蟓Rhodnius 中证实它是昆虫内分泌器官之一,对昆虫的蜕皮、变态、生殖等有密切的关系。 Heymons(1899)记载 Bacillus rossi(螳螂科)的咽侧体组织构造是呈同心层状的腺  相似文献   

广西黄花蒿类型调查研究   总被引:24,自引:5,他引:19  
李锋  韦霄  许成琼  傅秀红  黄正福   《广西植物》1997,17(3):231-234
本文报道广西黄花蒿类型调查结果。1)生长在石山上的黄花蒿类型植株长势比生长在平地、路边、土坡、房前屋后的类型差,且产量也较低。2)同一分布区内,生长在石山的黄花蒿类型,有效成分(青蒿素)含量明显高于生长在平地、路边的类型,前者比后者含量提高003%~028%。  相似文献   

广东大亚湾甲藻孢囊及其与锥状斯氏藻赤潮的关系   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
1999年12月至2001年1月,在大亚湾澳头海域用沉积物捕捉器(Sediment trap)及TFO重力采泥器对甲藻孢囊进行每月一次的周年监测,并同时研究了浮游植物的季节变化.结果显示,晚秋孢囊形成率最高(3.48105 cysts/m2d),冬季形成率较低,年平均为1.28105 cysts/m2d.锥状斯氏藻(Scrippsiella trochoidea)是大亚湾沉积物孢囊中的绝对优势种,除个别季节外,其形成率一般占孢囊总形成率的50%以上.2000年8月至9月,该海域发生了一次较大规模的锥状斯氏藻赤潮,最高细胞密度达4.0104 cells/mL.赤潮中后期,锥状斯氏藻孢囊包括暂时性孢囊和休眠孢囊大量形成,孢囊的形成减少了水体中营养细胞数量,是赤潮消退原因之一.    相似文献   

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