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Intraclutch Hatch Synchronization in Pheasants and Mallard Ducks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Synchronization of hatching within clutches of precocial bird species can be achieved either by acceleration or retardation, i.e. by shortening or prolonging the incubation period. The ability of mallard ( Anas platyrhynchos ) and ring-necked pheasant ( Phasianus colchicus ) embryos to accelerate or retard hatching was tested by incubating separate clutches, of which three eggs had 2 d longer or shorter incubation time than the others, and observing their individual time of pipping (breaking of the shell). Mallard embryos were able to delay hatching by on average 0.6 d (43% of the eggs delayed at least 1 d), but were better at acceleration (on average 1.3 d; 91% of the eggs accelerated more than 1 d). Conversely, pheasant embryos were only able to accelerate by 0.4 d (50% accelerated more than 1 d), but were better at delaying the hatching (1.2 days; 77% delayed more than 1 d). This difference between the species may depend on different degrees of relatedness within clutches in pheasants and mallards. It may also be an effect of the more developed sensory and neuromuscular systems in galliforms; a reduction of the incubation period would mean that the development of, for example, locomotion would be insufficient at hatching.  相似文献   

A new strain of avian paramyxovirus type 6 (APMV-6), JL, has been isolated from mallard ducks in China, and its complete genome has been sequenced and analyzed. This work is the first announced complete genome sequence of APMV-6 from mallards.  相似文献   

Stathmin is an inhibitor of microtubule formation, as highly expressed in the lateral nucleus (LA) of the amygdala as well as in the thalamic and cortical structures that send information to the LA about the learned and innate fear. So we assume that STMN1 genetic variation may also affect the physical activity so as to influence the Residual Feed Intake (RFI) of duck. The Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in duck Stathmin gene were screened by sequencing and genotyped by restriction endonuclease Msp I, EcoR I, Xho I, Taq I, EcoR II. A total of five SNPs (c.187 ?15G > A, c.187 ?110T > C, c.379 ?95G > A, c.379 ?318C > T, c.426 C > T) were detected in duck STMN1 gene. The c.187 ?15G > A is near the 3′ splice site of intron 2, which has a putative effect on the STMN1 pre-mRNA secondary structures. The c.187 ?15G > A genotypes had significant effect on RFI of Peking drakes (P < 0.01). Individuals with heterozygous genotypes were more productive than that with homozygous genotypes, which suggested a molecular heterosis in c.187 ?15 alleles on RFI. The current study is the first step to confirm the relationship between STMN1 gene polymorphisms and RFI. Supplemental material is available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Animal Biotechnology for a figure of linkage disequilibrium between SNPs and table about frequencies of haploype.  相似文献   

Here, we report the genomic sequence of a Chinese reassortant H5N2 avian influenza virus which possessed the polybasic motif PLREKRRK-R/GL at the hemagglutinin cleavage site. Phylogenetic analysis showed that all eight genes were of the Eurasian lineage, five of which were highly homologous to the endemic clade 2.3.4 H5N1 viruses and their H5N5 reassortant descendants. These data suggested that novel multisubtypic NA reassortants bearing the H5N1 backbone could be generated through genetic reassortment in H5N1 circulating regions, which will help in understanding the evolution and segment reassortment mechanism of H5 subtype avian influenza viruses.  相似文献   

The Réunion grey white-eye (Zosterops borbonicus) is a single-island endemic passerine bird that exhibits striking geographically structured melanic polymorphism at a very small spatial scale. We investigated the genetic basis of this color polymorphism by testing whether the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R), a gene often involved in natural melanic polymorphism in birds, was associated with the observed plumage variation. Although we found three non-synonymous mutations, we detected no association between MC1R variants and color morphs, and the main amino-acid variant found in the Réunion grey white-eye was also present at high frequency in the Mauritius grey white-eye (Zosterops mauritianus), its sister species which shows no melanic polymorphism. In addition, neutrality tests and analysis of population structure did not reveal any obvious pattern of positive or balancing selection acting on MC1R. Altogether these results indicate that MC1R does not play a role in explaining the melanic variation observed in the Réunion grey white-eye. We propose that other genes such as POMC, Agouti or any other genes involved in pigment synthesis will need to be investigated in future studies if we are to understand how selection shapes complex patterns of melanin-based plumage pigmentation.

Trial Registration

All sequences submitted to Genbank. Accession number: JX914505 to JX914564.  相似文献   

In some avian species, young birds capable of reproducing diminish their prospects of doing so by molting into a subadult plumage that accurately signals their subadult status. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the evolution of delayed plumage maturation, but testing them usually has involved interspecific comparisons that are hard to interpret. Mute swans (Cygnus olor) exhibit two phenotypes that differ in whether the birds have a gray subadult plumage (SAP phenotype) or molt immediately into an all white adult plumage (AP phenotype). The AP phenotype results from a recessive allele on the X chromosome; both phenotypes occur in the same population and even in the same brood. We compared costs and benefits of both phenotypes in mute swans on the Chesapeake Bay in 1972-1980 and on Long Island Sound in 1982-1989. Swans with the SAP phenotype had higher survival rates from hatching to fledging than AP swans. In the fall, when AP cygnets began to molt into their white plumage, their parents often attacked and drove them off while allowing SAP cygnets from the same brood to remain on their territories for several more months. SAP males had higher survival rates during their first 2 yr of life than AP males, but AP swans bred at a younger age than SAP swans. The only proposed hypothesis for the evolution of delayed plumage maturation that can explain its occurrence in mute swans is the status-signaling hypothesis. This hypothesis argues that males with subadult plumage honestly advertise their age and subordinate status while AP swans are cheaters and engaging in dishonest communication. SAP males acquire a longer period of parental care, suffer less aggression from older birds, and increase their survival but forgo the opportunity to breed at an early age. This is a unique example of how a single gene resulted in either honest or dishonest communication, changed a bird's relationship with its parents and potential mates, and altered the bird's chances to survive and to reproduce.  相似文献   

Rama S. Singh 《Genetics》1979,93(4):997-1018
An investigation, similar to our previously reported xanthine dehydrogenase study, was undertaken to examine the extent of hidden genic variation at nine loci (five larval proteins, three esterases and one aldehyde oxidase) by sequential application of various electrophoretic criteria employing pH, gel concentration and buffer variation. Polymorphic loci appear to fall into two distinct groups: weakly polymorphic, including larval protein 6, 7, 8, 10 and 13 and esterase-1 and -6; and highly polymorphic, including esterase-5, Xdh and possibly Ao. Monomorphic loci may belong to a third group different from all polymorphic loci. Bogota, a geographical isolate that is reproductively isolated from the mainland population, was found to be genetically distinct at four of the ten loci examined in detail so far, including Xdh, whereas previously it was found to be genetically distinct at none. These results are discussed in the light of balancing selection, neutral and mutation-selection hypotheses of genic variation in natural populations.  相似文献   

By means of simulations and DNA sequence analyses, standardized identity excess (a measure of linkage disequilibrium) between segregating nucleotide sites was studied as an effort to quantify the patchwork pattern among alleles of the major histocompatibility complex loci. It was found that the pattern under selective neutrality, and/or no intralocus recombination does not fit the observed pattern based on DNA sequences. However, the intensity and type of selection and the rate of recombination are difficult to estimate by comparing simulation results with the observed pattern. Received: 10 December 1999 / Accepted: 2 March 2000  相似文献   

Abstract: The mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) is the most harvested duck in North America. A topic of debate among hunters, especially those in Arkansas, USA, is whether wintering distributions of mallards have changed in recent years. We examined distributions of mallards in the Mississippi (MF) and Central Flyways during hunting seasons 1980–2003 to determine if and why harvest distributions changed. We used Geographic Information Systems to analyze spatial distributions of band recoveries and harvest estimated using data from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service Parts Collection Survey. Mean latitudes of band recoveries and harvest estimates showed no significant trends across the study period. Despite slight increases in band recoveries and harvest on the peripheries of kernel density estimates, most harvest occurred in eastern Arkansas and northwestern Mississippi, USA, in all years. We found no evidence for changes in the harvest distributions of mallards. We believe that the late 1990s were years of exceptionally high harvest in the lower MF and that slight shifts northward since 2000 reflect a return to harvest distributions similar to those of the early 1980s. Our results provide biologists with possible explanations to hunter concerns of fewer mallards available for harvest.  相似文献   

Since 2003, H5N1-subtype avian influenza viruses (AIVs) with both a deletion of 20 amino acids in the stalk of the neuraminidase (NA) glycoprotein (A−) and a deletion of five amino acids at positions 80 to 84 in the non-structural protein NS1 (S−) have become predominant. To understand the influence of these double deletions in the NA and NS1 proteins on the pathogenicity of H5N1-subtype AIVs, we selected A/mallard/Huadong/S/2005 as a parental strain to generate rescued wild-type A−S− and three variants (A−S+ with a five-amino-acid insertion in the NS1 protein, A+S− with a 20-amino-acid insertion in the NA stalk, and A+S+ with insertions in both NA and NS1 proteins) and evaluated their biological characteristics and virulence. The titers of the AIVs with A− and/or S− replicated in DEF cells were higher than that of A+S+, and the A−S− virus exhibited a replication predominance when co-infected with the other variants in DEF cells. In addition, A−S− induced a more significant increase in the expression of immune-related genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of mallard ducks in vitro compared with the other variants. Furthermore, an insertion in the NA and/or NS1 proteins of AIVs resulted in a notable decrease in virulence in ducks, as determined by intravenous pathogenicity index, and the two insertions exerted a synergistic effect on the attenuation of pathogenicity in ducks. In addition, compared with A+S+ and A+S−, the A−S+ and A−S− viruses that were introduced via the intranasal inoculation route exhibited a faster replication ability in the lungs of ducks. These data indicate that both the deletions in the NA stalk and the NS1 protein contribute to the high pathogenicity of H5N1 AIVs in ducks.  相似文献   

Plompen, W. 2000. Plumage polymorphism in Terpsiphone and the rule of island drabness. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 316.

Many related bird species differ through their conspicuous plumage coloration characteristics. On islands, birds often have a drabber plumage coloration than their mainland counterpart. This rule is regarded as the main evidence for the species recognition hypothesis, because on islands mostly only one species per genus is present. In the absence of congeners there may be no benefit from a species specific badge, with drabness as a result. However drabness as such is not predicted by this species recognition hypothesis. In fact the only selective pressure caused by a species recognition mechanism, works in sympatry. Therefore on an island with no related species present, the elaborate coloration that originated in the mainland situation, is allowed to evolve in any sense, or may even not evolve at all. Taking this all together, if under the. species recognition hypothesis island taxa may evolve at random with respect to colouration, and island drabness is a well known phenomenon, then an additional mechanism inherent to the island situation is needed, that causes the degradation of any bright plumage colouration. As a consequence, island drabness in itself does not provide any information at all on the original mechanism that caused plumage elaboration on the mainland.  相似文献   

Most highly pathogenic avian influenza A viruses cause only mild clinical signs in ducks, serving as an important natural reservoir of influenza A viruses. However, we isolated two H5N1 viruses that are genetically similar but differ greatly in virulence in ducks. A/Chicken/Jiangsu/k0402/2010 (CK10) is highly pathogenic, whereas A/Goose/Jiangsu/k0403/2010 (GS10) is low pathogenic. To determine the genetic basis for the high virulence of CK10 in ducks, we generated a series of single-gene reassortants between CK10 and GS10 and tested their virulence in ducks. Expression of the CK10 PA or hemagglutinin (HA) gene in the GS10 context resulted in increased virulence and virus replication. Conversely, inclusion of the GS10 PA or HA gene in the CK10 background attenuated the virulence and virus replication. Moreover, the PA gene had a greater contribution. We further determined that residues 101G and 237E in the PA gene contribute to the high virulence of CK10. Mutations at these two positions produced changes in virulence, virus replication, and polymerase activity of CK10 or GS10. Position 237 plays a greater role in determining these phenotypes. Moreover, the K237E mutation in the GS10 PA gene increased PA nuclear accumulation. Mutant GS10 viruses carrying the CK10 HA gene or the PA101G or PA237E mutation induced an enhanced innate immune response. A sustained innate response was detected in the brain rather than in the lung and spleen. Our results suggest that the PA and HA gene-mediated high virus replication and the intense innate immune response in the brain contribute to the high virulence of H5N1 virus in ducks.  相似文献   

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