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While available evidence supports the role of genetics in the pathogenesis of placental abruption (PA), PA-related placental genome variations and maternal-placental genetic interactions have not been investigated. Maternal blood and placental samples collected from participants in the Peruvian Abruptio Placentae Epidemiology study were genotyped using Illumina’s Cardio-Metabochip platform. We examined 118,782 genome-wide SNPs and 333 SNPs in 32 candidate genes from mitochondrial biogenesis and oxidative phosphorylation pathways in placental DNA from 280 PA cases and 244 controls. We assessed maternal-placental interactions in the candidate gene SNPS and two imprinted regions (IGF2/H19 and C19MC). Univariate and penalized logistic regression models were fit to estimate odds ratios. We examined the combined effect of multiple SNPs on PA risk using weighted genetic risk scores (WGRS) with repeated ten-fold cross-validations. A multinomial model was used to investigate maternal-placental genetic interactions. In placental genome-wide and candidate gene analyses, no SNP was significant after false discovery rate correction. The top genome-wide association study (GWAS) hits were rs544201, rs1484464 (CTNNA2), rs4149570 (TNFRSF1A) and rs13055470 (ZNRF3) (p-values: 1.11e-05 to 3.54e-05). The top 200 SNPs of the GWAS overrepresented genes involved in cell cycle, growth and proliferation. The top candidate gene hits were rs16949118 (COX10) and rs7609948 (THRB) (p-values: 6.00e-03 and 8.19e-03). Participants in the highest quartile of WGRS based on cross-validations using SNPs selected from the GWAS and candidate gene analyses had a 8.40-fold (95% CI: 5.8–12.56) and a 4.46-fold (95% CI: 2.94–6.72) higher odds of PA compared to participants in the lowest quartile. We found maternal-placental genetic interactions on PA risk for two SNPs in PPARG (chr3∶12313450 and chr3∶12412978) and maternal imprinting effects for multiple SNPs in the C19MC and IGF2/H19 regions. Variations in the placental genome and interactions between maternal-placental genetic variations may contribute to PA risk. Larger studies may help advance our understanding of PA pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Plant-soil Interactions: Ecological Aspects and Evolutionary Implications   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Building on the concept of plants as ecosystem engineers, and on published information on effects of particular plant species on soils, we review the evidence that such effects can provide a positive feedback to such plants. Based on case studies involving dune formation by Marram grass, N supply by N2-fixing plants, depression of N availability by ericaceous plants, islands of fertility in deserts, mull- and mor-forming temperate forest trees, and formation of peatbogs, as well as similar other cases, we conclude that there is strong evidence for plant-soil feedbacks in a variety of ecosystems. We argue, moreover, that these feedbacks could have played a role in the evolution of the plant species in question. These ideas are based mainly on correlative observations, and need further testing.  相似文献   

A phylogeny of the Cambrian solenopleuropsine trilobites is constructed to evaluate the importance of differential speciation, extinction and developmental constraints in the evolutionary history of the clade. The transformation of the Pardailhania–Solenopleuropsis ( Manublesia )– Solenopleuropsis ( Solenopleuropsis ) lineages occurred during the mid Caesaraugustian–early Languedocian interval, with all measured morphological variables exhibiting continuous and gradual changes. Several evolutionary trends show tendencies towards an increase in tuberculation and its complexity on the anterior part of the cephalon. A mid Caesaraugustian anagenetic tendency is related to the influence of constant environmental conditions, whereas a late Caesaraugustian–early Languedocian cladogenetic tendency seems to have been an adaptative response to unstable environments. The Solenopleuropsinae clade has a well-preserved continuous fossil record over its full biogeographical range in the Mediterranean region. The sympatric evolution in centrally located populations (Mediterranean area) follows the model of phyletic gradualism, whilst a peripheral population in Avalonia gave rise (by allopatric speciation) to a distinct species, characterized by a variation in the relative size of the palpebral lobes, which may be evidence of a parallel evolution in the trends of ornamentation.  相似文献   

中生代银杏类植物系统发育、分类和演化趋向   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:21  
长期以来银杏类植物化石分类都依据营养叶形态为基础。由于叶形态的多型性和异源性,导致分类和系统发育解释的紊乱。根据对保存完好的繁殖器官(胚珠器官)系统发育分析结果所作的银杏目分类表明中生代除了银杏和银杏科以外,至少还存在着3.5个已灭绝的科级单元。此方案把已知其繁殖器官的成员和仅仅根据营养器官建立起来的分类位置不明的属严格地区分开来,并注明各科的限定性特征和已知成员的地质地理分布。银杏目植物自古生代起源,至早中生代以后朝着不同的方向辐射,呈现出丰富的多样性并经历了错综复杂的演化过程,其总的演化趋向是退缩:叶片扁化、蹊化和融合;胚珠器官简化,胚珠增大、数目减少,珠柄趋于消失。  相似文献   

A new interpretation of human menstruation is presented, resulting from a cross‐disciplinary investigation of evolution, developmental biology, and physiology. A process evolutionarily associated with childbirth expresses itself as menstruation in women for whom frequent and continual failure to conceive has become the default situation. In humans and Old World primates, contractile uterine spiral arterioles evolved as the complement of the highly invasive hemochorionic placenta and is the selected phenotype. Placental progesterone withdrawal during the last stage of birth leads to arrested blood flow through maternal spiral arterioles, allowing detachment of the deciduous placenta with minimal maternal hemorrhage. In nonpregnant females, progesterone withdrawal from a degenerating corpus luteum initiates menstruation and stops blood flow through uterine spiral arterioles. Both events share similar physiological mechanisms and sequences. This explanation may improve our understanding of a recurrent event experienced by half of the human population and for a quarter of their adult reproductive life.  相似文献   

The material which forms the egg-shell in trematodes is an orthodihydroxyphenol-protein complex (Stephenson, 1947) which originates in the cells of the so-called vitellaria (Dawes, 1946). It has been found that both malachite and methyl green in aqueous solution have a marked and specific affinity for this material after formolsaline fixation. The same was found to be true for the egg-shell material in pseudophyllidean cestodes. These stains thus provide the helminthologist with a simple method by means of which the process of egg-shell formation in these groups may be worked out.  相似文献   

Situations where individuals have to contribute to joint efforts or share scarce resources are ubiquitous. Yet, without proper mechanisms to ensure cooperation, the evolutionary pressure to maximize individual success tends to create a tragedy of the commons (such as over-fishing or the destruction of our environment). This contribution addresses a number of related puzzles of human behavior with an evolutionary game theoretical approach as it has been successfully used to explain the behavior of other biological species many times, from bacteria to vertebrates. Our agent-based model distinguishes individuals applying four different behavioral strategies: non-cooperative individuals (“defectors”), cooperative individuals abstaining from punishment efforts (called “cooperators” or “second-order free-riders”), cooperators who punish non-cooperative behavior (“moralists”), and defectors, who punish other defectors despite being non-cooperative themselves (“immoralists”). By considering spatial interactions with neighboring individuals, our model reveals several interesting effects: First, moralists can fully eliminate cooperators. This spreading of punishing behavior requires a segregation of behavioral strategies and solves the “second-order free-rider problem”. Second, the system behavior changes its character significantly even after very long times (“who laughs last laughs best effect”). Third, the presence of a number of defectors can largely accelerate the victory of moralists over non-punishing cooperators. Fourth, in order to succeed, moralists may profit from immoralists in a way that appears like an “unholy collaboration”. Our findings suggest that the consideration of punishment strategies allows one to understand the establishment and spreading of “moral behavior” by means of game-theoretical concepts. This demonstrates that quantitative biological modeling approaches are powerful even in domains that have been addressed with non-mathematical concepts so far. The complex dynamics of certain social behaviors become understandable as the result of an evolutionary competition between different behavioral strategies.  相似文献   

Abstract Insects feeding on ten species of wild crucifer were investigated. Differences in host plant range and insect community structure were examined with regard to anti-herbivore defense mechanisms. Most of the crucifer species deterred insect herbivory by disappearing in the summer or by lowering their intrinsic quality as food for insects. Species with these defense mechanisms were exploited by only a few specialized herbivorous insects that seemed to have counter defenses. The plants without these defense mechanisms were used by many herbivorous insect species. Rorippa indica lacked direct defenses, but supported a low total density of herbivore individuals. This crucifer has an indirect defense mechanism: ants attracted to floral nectar defended the plant from deleterious herbivores. Crucifers that disappeared seasonally lacked other anti-herbivore defense mechanisms. This suggests that the phonological response is an alternative other responses to herbivore attack.  相似文献   

The history of life seems to be characterized by three large-scale trends in complexity: (1) the rise in complexity in the sense of hierarchy, in other words, an increase in the number of levels of organization within organisms; (2) the increase in complexity in the sense of differentiation, that is, a rise in the number of different part types at the level just below the whole; and (3) a downward trend, the loss of differentiation at the lowest levels in organisms, a kind of complexity drain within the parts. Here, I describe the three trends, outlining the evidence for each and arguing that they are connected with each other, that together they constitute an evolutionary syndrome, one that has recurred a number times over the history of life. Finally, in the last section, I offer an argument connecting the third trend to the reduction at lower levels of organization in “autonomy”, or from a different perspective, to an increase in what might be called the “machinification” of the lower levels.  相似文献   

Evolutionary developmental biology is quickly transforming our understanding of how lineages evolve through the modification of ontogenetic processes. Yet, while great strides have been made in the study of neontological forms, it is much more difficult to apply the principles of evo-devo to the miserly fossil record. Because fossils are static entities, we as researchers can only infer evolution and development by drawing connections between them. The choices of how we join specimens together??juveniles to adults to study ontogeny, taxon to taxon to study evolution??can dramatically affect our results. Here, I examine paedomorphism in the fossil hominin species Australopithecus africanus. Using extant African apes as proxies for ancestral hominin morphology, I demonstrate that Sts 71 is most similar to a sub-adult African ape, suggesting that A. africanus is paedomorphic relative to the presumed ancestral form. I then plot ontogenetic size and shape in extant great apes, humans, and A. africanus in order to assess patterns of ontogenetic allometry. Results indicate that ontogenetic allometry in A. africanus, subsequent to M1 occlusion is similar to that in modern humans and bonobos; gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans share a different pattern of size-shape relationship. Combined with results from the analysis of paedomorphism plus knowledge about the developmental chronologies of this group, these findings suggest that paedomorphism in A. africanus arises relatively early in ontogeny.  相似文献   

A molecular phylogenetic hypothesis is presented for the anoplocephaline cestodes of placental mammals based on sequence data from the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene, the nuclear-encoded 28S rRNA gene and the internal transcribed spacer region I of rRNA (ITS1). The material consists of 35 species representing nine genera of cestodes, with emphasis on taxa parasitising rodents and lagomorphs in the Holarctic region. The resulting phylogenies show considerable disagreement with earlier systematic and phylogenetic hypotheses derived from morphology. Specifically, the results contradict the view of uterine morphology being the primary determinant of deeper phylogenetic splits within Anoplocephalinae. Also, the role of genital duplication as a means of generic divergence was not found to follow consistently the pattern suggested by earlier hypotheses. Colonisation of novel host lineages has evidently been the predominant mode of diversification in anoplocephaline cestodes of placental mammals; evidence for phyletic co-evolution was obscure. The phylogenies consistently distinguished a large monophyletic group including all species from arvicoline rodents (voles and lemmings), primarily representing the genera Anoplocephaloides Baer, 1923 and Paranoplocephala Lühe, 1910. Phylogenetic relationships within the “arvicoline clade” of cestodes were generally poorly resolved. Consistent support for nodes above and below the unresolved polytomy indicates a rapid radiation involving a nearly simultaneous diversification of many lineages, a scenario also proposed for the arvicoline hosts.  相似文献   

Although there are no confirmed fossil records of mollusc parasitic nematodes, diverse associations of more than 108 described nematode species with slugs and snails provide a fertile ground for speculation of how mollusc parasitism evolved in nematodes. Current phylogenic resolution suggests that molluscs have been independently acquired as hosts on a number of occasions. However, molluscs are significant as hosts for only two major groups of nematodes: as intermediate hosts for metastrongyloids and as definitive hosts for a number of rhabditids. Of the 61 species of nematodes known to use molluscs as intermediate hosts, 49 belong to Metastrongyloidea (Order Strongylida); of the 47 species of nematodes that use molluscs as definitive hosts, 33 belong to the Order Rhabditida. Recent phylogenetic hypotheses have been unable to resolve whether metastrongyloids are sister taxa to those rhabditids that use molluscs as definitive hosts. Although most rhabditid nematodes have been reported not to kill their mollusc hosts prior to their reproduction, some species are pathogenic. In fact, infective juveniles of Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita vector a lethal bacterium into the slug host in which they reproduce. This life cycle is remarkably similar to the entomopathogenic nematodes in the families Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae. Also, the discoveries of Alloionema and Pellioditis in slugs are interesting, as these species have been speculated to represent the ancestral forms of the entomopathogenic nematodes. Development of the infective stage appears to be an important step toward the acquisition of molluscs as definitive hosts, and the association with specific bacteria may have arisen in conjunction with the evolution of necromeny.  相似文献   

Binding of the Type I isozyme of mammalian hexokinase to mitochondria is mediated by the porin present in the outer mitochondrial membrane. Type I hexokinase from rat brain is avidly bound by rat liver mitochondria while, under the same conditions, there is no significant binding to mitochondria from S. cerevisiae. Previously published work demonstrates the lack of significant interaction of yeast hexokinase with mitochondria from either liver or yeast. Thus, structural features required for the interaction of porin and hexokinase must have emerged during evolution of the mammalian forms of these proteins. If these structural features serve no functional role other than facilitating this interaction of hexokinase with mitochondria, it seems likely that they evolved in synchrony since operation of selective pressures on the hexokinase–mitochondrial interaction would require the simultaneous presence of hexokinase and porin capable of at least minimal interaction, and be responsive to changes in either partner that affected this interaction. Recent studies have indicated that a second type of binding site, which may or may not involve porin, is present on mammalian mitochondria. There are also reports of hexokinase binding to mitochondria in plant tissues, but the nature of the binding site remains undefined.  相似文献   

Hydrogen isotopic ratios of terrestrial plant leaf waxes (δD) have been widely used for paleoclimate reconstructions. However, underlying controls for the observed large variations in leaf wax δD values in different terrestrial vascular plants are still poorly understood, hampering quantitative paleoclimate interpretation. Here we report plant leaf wax and source water δD values from 102 plant species grown in a common environment (New York Botanic Garden), chosen to represent all the major lineages of terrestrial vascular plants and multiple origins of common plant growth forms. We found that leaf wax hydrogen isotope fractionation relative to plant source water is best explained by membership in particular lineages, rather than by growth forms as previously suggested. Monocots, and in particular one clade of grasses, display consistently greater hydrogen isotopic fractionation than all other vascular plants, whereas lycopods, representing the earlier-diverging vascular plant lineage, display the smallest fractionation. Data from greenhouse experiments and field samples suggest that the changing leaf wax hydrogen isotopic fractionation in different terrestrial vascular plants may be related to different strategies in allocating photosynthetic substrates for metabolic and biosynthetic functions, and potential leaf water isotopic differences.  相似文献   

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