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一.古植物学和它的内容古植物学是研究古代植物和它们的生活的科学。它是植物学中的一个学科,也是古生物学中的一个学科。在理论上,它是专门探讨过去地质时代的植物形态、结构、分类、分布、生理、生态、生化和各地质时代的植被、古植物区系以及古植物群的起源、形成、发展和演替的科学。它一方面与研究现代植物的形态、解剖、分类、地理和植被的学科密切结合,共同研究植物的自然分类、系统发育、区系发展和植被变化的规律等等植物学上的重大问题,另一方面又与古动物学、地质学、地理学密切结合,共同研究地层划分与对比、古地理与古气候上的问题。在工作的进行中,古植物学往  相似文献   

陈雨霏  陈华慧  曾芝瑞 《微生物学报》2022,62(12):4700-4712
以甘油二烷基甘油四醚(glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers,GDGTs)为主的跨膜醚脂化合物是古菌和部分细菌细胞膜的重要组成成分。作为分子化石,GDGTs化合物对环境变化响应敏感,以其为基础的有机地球化学指标在定量重建海洋与陆地的古环境研究中发挥出独特的优势。然而,GDGTs指标在广泛应用的同时也不断出现适用性和准确性问题。其关键原因在于GDGTs的生物合成和生理机制研究相对匮乏,难以为指标提供分子生物学与生理学基础。近年来,在多学科的交叉融合下,古菌类异戊二烯GDGTs的生物合成研究取得了令人瞩目的进展。这些成果为脂类生物标志物的地学应用及生物源的确定提供了可靠的生物学基础和新的研究思路。本文综述了古菌类异戊二烯GDGTs的生物合成过程,提出了细菌支链GDGTs生物合成途径的假说,讨论了GDGTs生理过程的生物地球化学意义,并初步展望了GDGTs研究领域未来重要的发展方向。  相似文献   

论世界蒿属植物区系   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
林有润 《植物研究》1995,15(1):1-37
本文从多学科, 包括形态、地理分布、孢粉、古植物、谱系分支分析及化学成分等学科的研究, 论述了世界蒿属植物的系统分类及其种属地理、历史地理和区系地理.  相似文献   

古菌是生命的第三种形式,蕴含着生命演化早期的信息.古菌广泛分布于地球上的各种环境(包括极端自然环境),遗传与代谢多样性极为丰富,是元素生物地球化学循环的重要驱动者.同时,古菌及其代谢产物也展现出了独特的生物技术开发潜能. 20世纪70年代,我国科学家即开始研究古菌.世纪之交以来,我国古菌研究队伍迅速壮大,如今已经成为国际古菌领域的一支主要研究力量.他们在古菌系统发育与进化、生物地球化学作用、基本生物学过程、病毒与宿主免疫、开发利用等方面开展了系统的工作,取得了一系列具有国际水平的研究成果,为提升对古菌的认知做出了重要贡献.本综述简要介绍了我国科学家在古菌研究中取得的主要研究成果,并对学科的未来发展方向进行展望.  相似文献   

<正> 第一条:本会定名为"古脊椎动物学会".是中国古生物学会的二级学会,是我国古脊椎动物学界群众性的学术团体.第二条:本会的宗旨是团结全国古脊椎动物学工作者积极开展学术交流,提高古脊椎动物学研究的科学水平,为推动我国古脊椎动物学事业的发展,为在本门学科领域出成果、出人才,作出贡献.  相似文献   

古植物学是研究地史时期植物的形态、构造、分类、分布和进化关系的科学,它不仅是植物学的一个组成部分,同时又是古生物学的分支学科之一。古植物学的研究对象是保存在地层中的植物化石,植物化石是确定陆相地层的地质年代、推断古气候、古地理的良好标志。古植物学资料对解决地层问题,尤其对研究晚古生代以来的含煤、含油地层特别重要。此外,植物界的发生、发展和演化方面的研究,完全依赖于古植物学。植物学家研究现代植物,以丰富的根、茎、叶、花、果、实为依据。而古植物研究过程中所获得的各种器官,根本无法与完善的现代植物材料相比,因此,最大  相似文献   

新型产甲烷古菌研究进展   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
产甲烷古菌是一类能利用简单化合物产生甲烷气体的厌氧菌。近年来,随着测序技术的不断发展,科学家结合宏基因组学和其他技术先后发现了众多之前未被报道的新型产甲烷古菌。基因组分析等研究发现这几类新型产甲烷古菌具有独特的甲烷代谢通路以及广泛的生态分布,科学家推测它们在全球生态调节以及碳循环中可能起到了不可忽视的作用。然而,这些新型产甲烷古菌大部分尚未通过传统培养方法获得纯培养菌株,其确切的生理代谢机制和生态功能还有待深入研究。为了更加系统地了解这些新型产甲烷古菌,本文从它们的分类、系统发育地位、代谢机制、生态分布以及分离培养等方面进行了综述,并对新型产甲烷古菌未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

正山西省位于古老的华北板块,自二叠纪(距今2.99~2.52亿年)至今,其境内的陆相地层中保存了内容丰富、种类多样的古脊椎动物化石,这其中,尤以二叠-三叠系的早期四足类以及新生界的古哺乳动物倍受瞩目,例如中三叠统二马营组的"中国肯氏兽动物群"、保德三趾马动物群等动物群在国际学术界颇负盛名,而对山西省古脊椎动物化石的研究,几乎是与古脊椎动物学这一学科在中国的诞生、发展和进步同步进行的。早在1920~1921年,即有奥地利古生物学家  相似文献   

怎样才能知道一个地区的古温度、古盐度和古地球化学的特征呢?这是地质工作者们所关心的问题。近年来,国外新兴起一门研究化石的边缘学科——生物地球化学,它主要是使用化石的化学特征来判定古地理条件。我国古生物学工作者也开展了这方面的尝试,并获得了初步成果。在此谨将这门学科的内容概略地介绍一下,以供参考。  相似文献   

此间在美国新墨西哥州阿尔市开克市召开的古脊椎动物学会第53届年会上,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所副所长李传夔研究员当选为该会的荣誉会员。李传夔是继我国著名古脊椎动物学家杨钟健(已故)和周明镇之后第三位获此殊荣的中国科学家,这项荣誉是终身的。古脊椎动物学会共有三十名荣誉会员,除我国的周明镇和李传资研究员之外,其余二十八名均为欧美各国的著名古脊椎动物学家及对该学科有卓越贡献的人。古脊椎动物学会在颁发这一荣誉给李传勇时,高度评价了他在哺乳动物险齿类进化的理论研究中取得的优秀成果、对中国古脊椎动物学…  相似文献   

Krt Pormeister 《Bioethics》2019,33(3):347-356
This paper explores the legal and ethical concept of human subject research in order to determine whether genetic research with already available biosamples and data falls within this concept. Although the ethical concept seems to have evolved to recognize research based on data as human research, from a supranational legal perspective this form of research is not considered human subject research. Thus human subject research regulations do not apply and therefore do not invoke the requirement of obtaining consent prior to using an individual’s biosample or genetic data in research. Furthermore, it remains ambiguous in both the legal and ethical realm whether the use of biosamples or genetic data without additional links to the individual would invoke the same safeguards as research involving additional or specific identifiers. Seeing that research based on already available biosamples and genetic data is not governed by rules concerning human subject research, the second part of the paper analyses whether any consent requirements apply for the further use of already available bio‐samples or genetic data in research. Whereas further use of biosamples is subject to considerably lax consent requirements under Article 22 of the Oviedo Convention, under the General Data Protection Regulation further use of genetic data might not be subject to a prior consent requirement at all, unless it is stipulated in national laws. When it comes to clinical trials, however, sponsors will have the possibility under Article 28(2) of Regulation 536/2014 to obtain open consent for further use of data in any kind of future research.  相似文献   

当前生态学研究前沿正在走向城市,更加关注城市中人类福祉的多元化。而我们在工作中也深刻体会到,对于以人为核心的城市复合生态系统,有一些问题用已有学科是难以解决的。在这一情况下,提出了景感生态学这一研究方向。系统阐述了景感生态学的概念与内涵、学科框架、研究框架,从国家重大开发建设中的生态环境保障系统方案和景感生态规划与设计等方面总结了景感生态学的研究进展,并就景感生态学发展方向和重点提出展望。  相似文献   

In recent years, the concern for human research subject protection has increased markedly in the United States. The nature of research subject participation in controlled-exposure environmental health research is such that the individual subject bears the risk of participation, while the benefits of such research accrue to society. Therefore, particular attention must be paid when designing studies to protect the health and safety of human research subject. This paper outlines principles for the appropriate selection of pollutants to which humans can be exposed, and the principles that should be used to protect the health and safety of human research subject.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to establish if a correlation exists between the choice of an elective subject, namely subjects "Depression" and "Diabetes", and levels of depressiveness in medical students. Three groups of third year medical students attending School of medicine, Rijeka University, were tested for the level of depression using Beck's self-evaluation scale. The groups consisted of 30 non-randomly selected students that had enrolled elective subject "Depression" and 29 non-randomly selected students that had enrolled elective subject "Diabetes", and the third group of 30 randomly selected third year medical students that had enrolled none of the previously mentioned elective subjects. Median age of participants in this research was 25.24. The results showed no statistically significant difference in overall level of depressiveness among the groups. By testing for the difference between group pairs, there was a statistically significant difference between depressiveness in students attending "Depression" and "Diabetes", the latter being significantly more depressed (M = 8.30 in "Depression" group; M = 11.41 in "Diabetes" group; p = 0.04). In total there were 33 males and 56 females that participated in this research. Gender difference was also tested, and there was no statistically significant difference between sexes among groups. The difference was found only within the group of students attending "Depression" elective subject, where females scored significantly higher on Beck's questionnaire (z = 2.26; p = 0.03). The analysis of difference between items of the Beck's questionnaire showed statistically significant difference in the item "Feeling of rejection", where students attending elective subjects other then "Depression" scored significantly higher; differences in the items "Urge for punishment" and "Suicidal tendencies" were also found between "Diabetes" and "other elective subjects" group, in favor of "Diabetes" group; in the item "Weight loss" students attending "Diabetes" elective subject scored significantly higher then their peers in both other groups. The results indicate the possibility of a protective role of psycho-educative component provided to the students attending elective subject on depression within medical school environment, that has repeatedly been shown to be stressful and demanding and is beneficial for the onset of depressive disorders.  相似文献   

利用共词分析和可视化方法对生物信息学的关键词进行聚类分析,探讨该研究领域的学科分类和热点内容.以中国知网、中华医学会数据库中期刊论文为统计来源,对1998~2013年间的5 707篇生物信息学相关文献进行计量分析,提取出40个高频关键词.利用ROST软件得到关键词共词矩阵,在此基础上利用SPSS进行因子分析、聚类分析和多维尺度分析.结合因子分析和聚类分析将生物信息学领域主要研究内容分为7类,结合多维尺度分析对研究热点及变化趋势进行了初步探讨.研究结果较为客观地反映了当前生物信息学领域的学科分类和研究热点,为科研人员进行生物信息学研究提供一些思路.  相似文献   

Publication of medical research is both a monitor of the researcher''s ethics and an audit of the local or regional ethics committee that approved it. Selectivity of publication or of the intention to publish lessens this audit. Opinions differ about what is ethically allowable in clinical and benchtop medical research. Ethical permission and ethical monitoring of medical research are subject to a hierarchy of pyramidal controls, starting in hospital and ending with the local, institutional, or regional ethics committee. Currently, such committees function with widely varying degrees of efficiency and quality of output, and with differing viewpoints on many ethical issues. Without an a priori insistence by institutional ethics committees that there be an intention to publish all medical research involving human subjects, ethics committees cannot routinely be subject to the scrutiny or audit which they themselves demand of researchers.  相似文献   

We present here a bibliometric analysis of publications on photosynthesis research from 1992 to 2009 in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-Expanded) Web of Science. This has allowed us to examine the growing trends and the key topics on this subject. We have assessed the document type, language of the publications, publication output, subject category, journal distribution, countries and territories of these publications, institutions involved, hot topics and highly cited papers. The top 30 countries/territories were ranked according to their total number of articles (TA), single country articles (SCA), internationally collaborative articles (ICA), first author articles (FAA) and corresponding author articles (CAA). Research directions on the subject of photosynthesis were also investigated and evaluated by statistically analyzing the distribution of author keywords in the database. Our analysis indicates that “water”, “stress”, “carbon dioxide”, “nitrogen” and “climate change” are hot topics of research on photosynthesis during this period.  相似文献   

Environmental concern has been on the rise in recent years and a proposal for a circular economy (CE) as a tool for sustainable development has received attention from governments, practitioners, and academics. In this sense, the literature on the topic has grown from 12 scientific articles published in 2008 to 2355 in 2020, which represents an almost two hundredfold increase in around a decade. However, CE is a relatively new subject, and much research remains to be conducted; it is therefore important to gain an adequate understanding of the subject to address more specific, related issues. The purpose of this review is to identify the main trends in CE and their evolution. It presents an advanced bibliometric method consisting of a combination of co-word analysis and social network analysis developed to identify the main topics and trends in this field. The results show the evolution of research, frequency, and relevance of the terms studied, links between them, and their density and network visualisation. Bibliometric tools have further been applied to obtain the research outputs of the main journals, as well as the authors and research topics that have been addressed during this period. New directions for future research lines are also proposed.  相似文献   

If the completion of the first draft of the human genome represents the coming of age of bioinformatics, then the emergence of bioinformatics as a university degree subject represents its establishment. In this paper bioinformatics as a subject for formal study is discussed, rather than as a subject for research, and a selection of the taught, mainly graduate, courses currently available in the UK are reviewed. Throughout, the author tries to draw parallels between the integration of bioinformatics into biomedical research and teaching today, and that of molecular biology, two decades ago. Others have made this analogy between these two relatively young disciplines. Although research sources are referenced, the author makes no pretence of objectivity. This article contains his opinions, and those of a number of current bioinformatics course organisers whose comments on the subject were solicited in advance specifically for this paper. The course organisers kindly advised how they planned their curricula, and described the special strengths of their programmes. Comments from present and former students of several bioinformatics degree programmes were also solicited. Except where individuals are directly quoted, any opinions expressed herein should be considered the author's. Compared with its sister piece [Marion Zatz, in previous issue of Briefings in Bioinformatics pp. 353], this paper is less about funding policy--which, in the UK, has lately (if belatedly) been more generous towards bioinformatics teaching--than it is about practice and content; the requirements of the bioinformatics research communities, the corresponding emphases of bioinformatics courses, and the general market for holders of bioinformatics degrees. Individual courses are cited throughout as examples, but the final section contains a full annotated listing with URL addresses. Based on the author's own experience of practising and teaching bioinformatics, he describes the skills he believes will be most useful to bioinformaticians in the near future and suggests ways to prepare students of bioinformatics for a fall in demand for those abilities.  相似文献   

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