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Leaf and stem wax of Panicum virgatum contains hydrocarbons (4%), esters (3%), free acids (2%), free alcohols (1%), triterpene alcohols (2%), β-diketones (69%) and hydroxy β-diketones (6%). Principal free alcohols range in chain length from C26 to C32. β-Diketones consist almost entirely of tritriacontane-12,14-dione and the hydroxy β-diketone consists only of 5(S)-5-hydroxytritriacontane-12,14-dione. The configuration of the hydroxyl group is the same as that of hydroxy β-diketones from festucoid grasses but opposite to that of the hydroxy β-diketone from Andropogon species.  相似文献   

Epicuticular wax of Eragrostis curvula contains hydrocarbons (6%), esters (13%), acids (3%), alkanols (4%), tritriacontane-12,14-dione (47%), 5(S)-5-hydroxytritriacontane-12,14-dione (14%) as major components. The esters consist of triterpenol esters (42%) as well as alkanol esters. The free alkanols consist principally Of C16C32 components, resembling those of waxes from panicoid, and some other eragrostoid, grasses. Minor components are triterpenols (0.7%), triterpenones (0.5%), triacylglycerols (0.3%), secondary alkanols (0.1%) and 5-oxotritriacontane-12,14-dione (0.1%).  相似文献   

Epicuticular wax of albino maize seedlings contains alkanes (9.5 %), esters (23.3 %), aldehydes (14.1 %) and free alcohols (53.1 %). The wax compositio  相似文献   

The epicuticular waxes of the two sorghum varieties Alliance A and SD 102 have been analyzed, after separation of the leaf blades from the sheaths. The major constituents were found to be free fatty acids but small amounts of esters, aldehydes, alcohols, n-alkanes and sterols were also detected. The typical chain lengths of aldehydes, free alcohols and free fatty acids were C28 and C30.  相似文献   

Leaf and stem wax of triticales contain alkanes, esters, aldehydes, free alcohols, free acids, β-diketones and hydroxy gb-diketones. The wax compositions of the triticales investigated are closer to that of wheat than to that of rye.  相似文献   

Leaf waxes from Panicum miliaceum, P. texanum and Setaria italica have been analysed; the principal components are hydrocarbons, esters, al  相似文献   

Leaf wax of a glaucous variety of Poa ampla contains hydrocarbons (5%, C23–C35), esters (9%, C36–C56), free acids (3%, C16–C34), free alcohols (6%, mainly C26); hentriacontane-14,16-dione (14%), 5-oxohentriacontane-14,16-dione (1%); hydroxy β-diketones (56%) and unidentified material (6%). The hydroxy β-diketones, which are more abundant in this wax than in others, were shown by 13C NMR to consist of 4-hydroxy (15%), 5-hydroxy (70%) and 6-hydroxy (15%) hentriacontane-14,16-diones.  相似文献   

Epicuticular wax from mature plants of Sorghum bicolor SD-102 was compared with that from panicles and seedlings of the same variety at the fourth-fifth leaf stage of growth. The composition of wax from SD-102 panicles was quite different from that of mature leaf blades and sheaths. Free fatty alcohols were the dominant class of wax from SD-102 seedlings and C32 was the major homologue of alcohols and aldehydes. For comparison purposes, the epicuticular waxes from whole plants of two other S. bicolor varieties, Alliance A and Martin A, grown up to the tasseling stage, have been analysed. The major wax components were free fatty acids. The typical chain lengths of aldehydes, free alcohols and free fatty acids were C28 and C30.p-Hydroxybenzaldehyde was not a wax component of the studied varieties of sorghum.  相似文献   

The major components of Sporobolus airoides wax were hydrocarbons (37%, C27–C33), those of Bouteloua curtipendula and Eragrostis trichoides waxes esters (28% and 31%, respectively) and those of Muhlenbergia wrightii wax free alcohols (57%, almost entirely C28). Free alcohols formed 22% of the wax from B. curtipendula, 19 % of the wax from E. trichoides and 10% of the wax from S. airoides; the compositions ranged from C26 to C32 with C32 the major component. These alcohol compositions are similar to those found for other species in the subfamily Eragrostoideae. The esters contain 32–46% of acylated triterpenols, principally α- and β-amyrins. Aldehydes were present in all the waxes except for that from S. airoides.  相似文献   

Epicuticular waxes from whole plants of Agropyron dasystachyum var. psammophylum, A. riparium and A. elongatum contain hydrocarbons (5–8 %), long chain esters (12–15%) and free acids (2–5%). The major esters are C34C56 esters derived from C16C30 acids and alcohols (1-hexacosanol is the major alcohol) but C31, C33 and C35 esters (3–11%) are also present. The latter esters are C18 and C20 acid esters of C13 and C15 2-alkanols. A. dasystachyum wax contains 2% free alcohols, that of A. riparium contains 17% and that of A. elongatum 11% (1-hexacosanol is the major alcohol in each). Diesters (2%), C8C12 diols esterified by (E)-2-alkenoic acids, are present in A. riparium wax. Hentriacontane-14,16-dione is present: 29% in A. dasystachyum wax and 32% in A. riparium wax, but only 5% in A. elongatum wax. 25-Oxohentriacontane-14,16-dione forms 14% of A. dasystachyum wax and 27% of A. elongatum wax but the oxo β-diketones of A. riparium wax (5%) consist of both 10-oxo- and 25-oxohentriacontane-14,16-diones in the ratio 4:1. Hydroxy β-diketones of the waxes are 25- and 26-hydroxyhentriacontane-14,16-diones; in A. dasystachyum (20%) the ratio is 3:1, in A. elongatum (20%) the ratio is 9:1 but in A. riparium (5%) it is ca 1:2. The configuration of the hydroxyl group in the 26-hydroxy β-diketone is opposite to that in the 25-hydroxy derivative. The unusual composition of the oxygenated β-diketones of A. riparium confirms that this species should be regarded as separate from A. dasystachyum. Wax from A. elongatum also contains 4-hydroxy-25-oxohentriacontane-14,16-dione (4%) and an unusual oxo-β-ketol, 18-hydroxy-7,16-hentriacontanedione (2%), both these components are probably derived biosynthetically from the 25-oxo β-diketone which is the major component of this wax. Syntheses of racemic 18-hydroxy-7,16-hentriacontanedione and of a model β-ketol, 12-hydroxy-10-pentacosanone, are described.  相似文献   

Wax on leaves of rye and of hexaploid Triticale (60–70-day-old plants) contains hydrocarbons (6–8%), esters (10%), free alcohols (14-8%), free acids (3%), hentriacontane-14,16-dione (39–45%), 25 (S)-hydroxyhentriacontane-14,16-dione (13–11%) and unidentified (14–15%). Diesters (1–3%) are also present in rye wax. Compositions of hydrocarbons (C27-C33) and esters (C28,C58) are similar for both waxes. Free and combined alcohols of rye wax are mainly hexacosanol but alcohols of Triticale wax are mainly octacosanol. The composition of Triticale wax is close to that of its wheat parent Triticum durum (cv. Stewart 63). Esters of wax from ripe rye contain 58% of trans 2,3-unsaturated esters. *NRCC No. 14033.  相似文献   

The composition of epicuticular wax from plants of bread wheat (Demar 4 variety) at 3 stages of growth was studied. After germination for 30 and 130 da  相似文献   

Wax on leaves of Agropyron intermedium contains hydrocarbons (11%, C27–C33), esters (11%, C32–C60), free alcohols (180%, C26) 25-oxohentriacontane-14,16-dione (17%), 10-oxohentriacontane-14,16-dione (5y%), 25-hydroxyhentriacontane-14,16-dione (12%) and 26-hydroxyhentriacontane-14,16-dione (2%). Wax on spikes contains additional components, C25–C33cis 9-alkenes (32% of hydrocarbons), and more β-diketones, 25-hydroxy (17%) and 26-hydroxy (3%) hentriacontane-14,16-diones, 10,25-dioxohentriacontane-14,16-dione (1%) and 4-hydroxy-25-oxo-(2%), 25-hydroxy-10-oxo-(1.3%) and 26-hydroxy-10-oxo-(0.7%) hentriacontane-14,16-diones; free alcohols were very minor components (1%, C24–C32).  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation in four New Zealand species of Chionochloa, C. flavescens, C. pallens, C. rigida; and C. rubra, was investigated by examining the major carbon chain lengths of fatty acids, alcohols, aldehydes, wax esters and alkanes of the epicuticular waxes. The major even-carbon chain lengths ranged generally from C24 to C32 in the acids, alcohols and aldehydes; C29 to C33 in the alkanes; and even-carbon chains between C36 and C52 in the wax esters. A computer program was used to calculate the degree of similarity between samples in terms of chain length distribution. In C. rigida eastern and western South Island localities were identified; in C. flavescens Canterbury and Nelson, western South Island and southern North Island regions were recognized; and C. pallens and C. rubra were divisible into four regions; Canterbury, Nelson, western South Island and southern North Island. The possible elongation-decarboxylation pathways and the specificity of the enzymes in the biosynthetic pathways of epicuticular wax synthesis suggest the possibility that the northwest Nelson region could be a biogenetic centre from which wax synthesis has diversified along three routes, one to the western South Island, another to eastern South Island and the third to southern North Island. Identification of each of the four species based on the distribution of the carbon chain lengths in the individual lipid fractions is impossible unless the locality of collection is known. Intraspecific variation in lipid composition is not coincident with patterns of variation already reported.  相似文献   

Epicuticular wax of Cirsium arvense contains hydrocarbons (12%), esters (35%), free acids (3%), free alcohols (10%), triterpene acetates (8%) and 1,3-ditetradecanoyl-2-hexanoylglycerol (8%) as major components. Minor components are triterpene alcohols (3%) and nonacosan-10-ol (2%). The esters contain triterpene alcohol esters (19%) as well as esters of alkanols.  相似文献   

Epicuticular wax from Juniperus scopulorum contains hydrocarbons (16%), esters (11%), free acids (1%), nonacosan-10-ol (27%), nonacosane-diols (7%) and estolides (16%). The major hydrocarbon is tritriacontane; the principal esters are C34–C46, mainly octyl and decyl esters of C28-C36 acids; and the diols consist of nonacosane-4,10-diol (57%),5,10-diol (28%), 7,10-diol (11%) and 10,13-diol (4%). Hydrolysis of the estolides gave a mixture of acids, ω-hydroxy acids, , ω-diols, alcohols and hydroxy acids. The hydroxy acids are a new class of C28–C36 acids with the OH attached to either the eighteenth or twentieth carbon from the terminal methyl end; the major component is 13-hydroxydotriacontanoic acid. Syntheses of this acid and of nonacosane-4,10-dione and nonacosane-4,10-diol are described.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The morphology of the epicuticular leaf waxes of Wollemia nobilis (Araucariaceae) was studied with special emphasis on the relationship between the microstructure of epicuticular wax crystals and their chemical composition. Wollemia nobilis is a unique coniferous tree of the family Araucariaceae and is of very high scientific value as it is the sole living representative of an ancient genus, which until 1994 was known only from fossils. METHODS: Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), gas chromatography (GC) combined with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) were used for characterizing the morphology and the chemical structure of the epicuticular wax layer of W. nobilis needles. KEY RESULTS: The main component of the leaf epicuticular wax of W. nobilis is nonacosan-10-ol. This secondary alcohol together with nonacosane diols is responsible for the tubular habit of the epicuticular wax crystals. Scanning electron micrographs revealed differences in the fine structure of adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces that could be explained by gas chromatographic studies after selective mechanical removal of the waxes. CONCLUSIONS: SEM investigations established the tubular crystalline microstructure of the epicuticular wax of W. nobilis leaves. GC-MS and NMR experiments showed that nonacosan-10-ol is the major constituent of the epicuticular wax of W. nobilis leaves.  相似文献   

The amount of wax/cm2 on expanding primary leaves of Bonus barley depends on both the photo- and thermoperiods in which the seedlings are grown. With a temperature cycle of 15–10°, transfer of dark grown leaves to the light stopped leaf expansion and after 24 hr yielded 2·5 times more wax/cm2 than is characteristic for light grown leaves. This demonstrates that wax synthesis and extrusion is not directly correlated with leaf expansion. The relative amounts of the wax classes formed by the decarboxylation pathways (< 1%), the reductive pathways (89%) or only by elongation (10%) are the same in light and dark. Within the reductive pathways, however, light stimulates aldehyde formation. Both environmental parameters can strongly influence the chain length composition of the wax classes. In the light one chain length or one group of chain lengths dominates a given wax class. In the dark two prominent chain lengths or groups thereof are found. The major chain length in these two groups differs by two or more carbons.  相似文献   

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