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An association of contemporaneous Jurassic mega- and miospores with reworked Carboniferous mega- and miospores is described from the Lower Lias rocks of northeast Scotland. The assemblage is compared with other accounts of reworked spores in Jurassic sediments. It is suggested that such reworking was particularly common in the Lower Jurassic of northern Europe and that four situations exist in the literature concerning probable cases of reworking: (1) the spores are recognised as reworked; (2) the identity of the spores as Carboniferous species is recognised and the “range” of these species is extended into the Jurassic; (3) the reworked spores are not recognised as such, and are incorrectly assigned to Jurassic genera and species; (4) the spores are recognised as Carboniferous, but their origin is attributed to contamination rather than reworking. In conclusion, the contrasting preservational features exhibited by the reworking and contemporaneous megaspores are discussed and interpreted as the result of differing depositional and postdepositional histories.  相似文献   



The Middle Jurassic was a critical time in the evolutionary history of ichthyosaurs. During this time interval, the diverse, well-studied faunas of the Lower Jurassic were entirely replaced by ophthalmosaurids, a new group that arose sometime prior to the Aalenian-Bajocian boundary and by the latest middle Jurassic comprised the only surviving group of ichthyosaurs. Thus, the Middle Jurassic Aalenian-Bathonian interval (176–165 million years ago) comprises the time frame during which ophthalmosaurids not only originated but also achieved taxonomic dominance. However, diagnostic ichthyosaur remains have been described previously from only a single locality from this interval, from the Bajocian of Argentina.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this paper, we describe a new species of ichthyosaur based on a partial articulated specimen from the Middle Jurassic of southwestern Germany. This specimen was recovered from the Opalinuston Formation (early Aalenian) and is referable to Stenopterygius aaleniensis sp. nov. reflecting features of the skull and forefin. The genus Stenopterygius is diverse and abundant in the Lower Jurassic of Europe, but its presence has not previously been confirmed in younger (Middle Jurassic) rocks from the northern hemisphere.


This specimen represents the only diagnostic ichthyosaur remains reported from the Aalenian. It bears numerous similarities in size and in morphology to the Lower Jurassic species of the genus Stenopterygius and provides additional evidence that the major ecological changes hypothesized to have occurred at the end of the Toarcian took place sometime after this point and most likely did not occur suddenly. There is currently no evidence for the presence of ophthalmosaurids in the northern hemisphere during the Aalenian-Bathonian interval.  相似文献   


Four large limestone blocks with dinosaur footprints have been discovered in a large landslide situated in the Sarca Valley (northeast Italy). The trampled sediments have been ascribed to the upper part (Pliensbachian) of the Lower Jurassic Calcari Grigi Formation, which in the Sarca Valley consists of oolitic‐bioclastic limestones. These carbonates were originally deposited on the western margin of the Trento Platform, a paleogeographic structural high that was located in the northern tropical belt at the westernmost end of Tethys. Several footprints form trackways of quadrupedal dinosaurs. The data suggest the presence, within the ichnoassociation, of possible prosauropods and basal Thyrephora. This inference is consistent with the chronological and geographical distribution of both prosauropods and Thyreophora.  相似文献   

The proposed stratotype section for the Pendleian–Arnsbergian stage boundary, located at Slieve Anierin in Ireland, contains diagnostic ammonoids but the sediments are thermally too mature to permit the recovery of palynomorphs. Detailed investigations undertaken on a prospective parastratotype section at Mirk Fell Gill in northern England however offers the prospect for the precise palynostratigraphic calibration of this boundary. Limited ammonoid and conodont data are available to support these conclusions. Previous work in the British Isles has equated this stage boundary with that between the Bellispores nitidus–Reticulatisporites carnosus (NC) and Stenozonotriletes triangulus–Rotaspora knoxi (TK) miospore zones of Owens et al. [Proc. Yorks. Geol. Soc. 41 (1977) 381–398] and Clayton et al. [Meded. Rijks Geol. Dienst 29 (1977) 1–71]. Data from the Mirk Fell Gill section will be compared with datasets from deposits of similar age in China to assess the degree of change in palaeobiogeographical composition across the Euramerican landmass.  相似文献   

The present paper emphasizes the applicability of palynological data as an aid to the solution of the problems related to the correlation of non-ammonitiferous Liassic strata in the Southern Alps with the ammonoid-based standard stages as recognized in the outer-Alpine part of Europe.In the Noriglio Grey Limestone Formation of the Vicentinian Alps, northeastern Italy, rich and well-preserved Liassic palynological assemblages can be abundantly found in the marly intercalations of its upper part; in the lower part palynological assemblages have appeared to be very rare. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the assemblages has indicated the presence of a single palynological assemblage zone. Minor compositional differences do not warrant a zonal subdivision.The overall composition of the assemblages is characterized by the general dominance of Circulina and smooth trilete spores in combination with a large amount of relatively rarely occurring forms of spores, pollen grains and other acid-resistant microfossils.Because of the presence of rich and well-preserved material, it has been possible to detect a relatively wide range of variability within species of Tigrisporites, Foveosporites, Porcellispora and Crassosphaera.Among the forms which could not be matched with previously described taxa the new formgenus Skarbysporites is formally erected together with the new species Skarbysporites elsendoornii, Skarbysporites puntii, Foveosporites visscheri and Tigrisporites jonkeri. Moreover, an emended diagnosis of Circulina is proposed, implicating the assignment to this formgenus of most forms generally included in Classo pollis. Also the generic diagnosis of Tigrisporites is emended.An evaluation of the Liassic palynological assemblages from the outer-Alpine part of Europe with special reference to their potential in characterizing the ammonoid-based chronostratigraphical subdivisions may indicate that two temporal subdivisions of the Liassic Series on the basis of palynological characteristics are now slowly becoming discernable: an assemblage zone characterizing the Hettangian, Sinemurian and Lower Pliensbachian, and an assemblage zone characterizing the Upper Pliensbachian and Toarcian.Because of the possibility of a correlation with the latter zone, the assemblages from the Noriglio Grey Limestone Formation can be reasonably regarded to be indicative of a Late Pliensbachian—Toarchian age of the source-strata.When considering the ammonoid evidence from the overlying “Cape San Vigilio Oolite” it may be concluded that the upper part of the lower subdivision of the Noriglio Grey Limestone Formation and the Rotzo Member represent the Upper Pliensbachian—Lower Toarcian.Because of its potential in correlating non-ammonitiferous strata from the Southern Alps with the successions in northwestern Europe, it is believed that palynology may earn a prominent place in regional Liassic chronostratigraphy.  相似文献   

Four species of actinosporeans are described from marine oligochaetes (all Tubificidae) from the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia. They developed in the coelom of the oligochaete and produced spores in groups of eight in the pansporocysts. The new genus Endocapsa is proposed within the family Sphaeractinomyxidae Janiszewska, 1957 on the basis that mature spores have small valve cell processes and non-protruding polar capsules. The type-species, Endocapsa rosulata n. sp., has three valve cell processes, which resemble a rosette, and submerged polar capsules. It infected Heterodrilus cf. keenani from Heron Island and morphologically similar parasites occurred in Thalassodrilides cf. gurwitschi and Heronidrilus sp. from Lizard Island. E. stepheni n. sp. has asymmetrical valve cell processes and submerged polar capsules. It was found in H. cf. keenani and H. queenslandicus from Heron Island. Sphaeractinomyxon leptocapsula n. sp. has thin widely spaced polar capsules and is described from Heronidrilus sp. from Lizard Island. S. ersei Hallett, O'Donoghue & Lester, 1998 infected Tubificidae gen. sp. from Heron Island and S. cf. ersei occurred in Bathydrilus sp., Thalassodrilides cf. gurwitschi and Limnodriloides lateroporus from Lizard Island.  相似文献   

Two ammonites belonging to the genusPictonia Bayle, 1878 (subgenusPachypictonia Schneid, 1940) are described from the Lower Kimmeridgian of the Subbetic of Western Andalusia, this being the first evidence of the presence of this genus in the Mediterranean (Tethydian) Upper Jurassic.  相似文献   

The goshawk Accipiter gentilis has recently been reintroduced into parts of Great Britain. During the course of a study of one population, lesions of stomatitis were observed in 14 young from five broods and all the affected birds died. Postmortem examination of three birds revealed live Trichomonas gallinae in exudate from one, and histological findings consistent with a diagnosis of trichomoniasis were made in this and one other bird. It is suggested that trichomoniasis may be a significant mortality factor in goshawks from Britain.  相似文献   

Cattybrook Claypit, on the northwest margin ofthe Bristol-Somerset Coalfield, yields an upper Westphalian A (Middle Carboniferous) fossil flora. Most of the fossils are of small plant fragments, transported mainly by winds into floodbasin muds. They represent a variety of plant-types, including pteridosperms, ferns, cordaites, sphenophytes and lycophytes. Of particular interest are finely preserved examples of Lonchopteris, and Corynepteris, which are generally scarce in British floras of this age. Also found at Cattybrook are plant fragments in a crevasse-channel sandstone. These are preserved nearer their original position of growth, and are thus more complete than those found in the floodbasin deposits. They include almost complete fronds of Karinopteris attached to a thick lianatype stem, and large pieces of a Sphenophyllum plant. This is now the best documented late Westphalian A flora in Britain.  相似文献   

Upper Aalenian to Upper Bathonian Haploceratidaefrom the Subbetic Zone are studied taxonomically, biostratigraphically and paleogeographically. The genera Lissoceras, Bradfordia, Toxamblyites and Poecilomorphus include nine species. Toxamblyites paviai is new. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions are discussed. Phylogenetic interpretations are proposed; Bradfordia, the first haploceratid, comes from the graphoceratids and two clades may be possible: (1) the Bradfordia with slightly developed ribbing evolved to Lissoceras and (2) the Bradfordia strongly ribbed evolved to Poecilomorphus via Toxamblyites.  相似文献   

A new subfamily, Pseudobrieniinae, including the new genus Pseudobrienia and the new species Pseudobrienia rasnitsyni, Kararhynchus jurassicus, and K. gratshevi, are described from the Middle-Late Jurassic of Karatau. K. occiduus Zherikhin et Gratshev, 1993 is redescribed.  相似文献   

The genus Phyllhermannia Berlese, 1916 is redefined. Two main groups of species are postulated within the genus, each being further divided into two subgroups. Known species reviewed completely or in part are: P. dentata, P. bimaculata, P. mollis and P. pulcher . New distribution records are given for the New Zealand species P. foliata, P. forsteri, P. mollis, P. phyllophora and P. rubra , together with a distribution map of all species. Some biogeographical comments are included for the genus. P. africana Balogh, 1958 is redescribed and a new species, P. collofi sp.n., is established. A key to the species of the world is provided.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. There are thirty-one British leptocerid species in nine genera. A key is provided to identify larvae of all species at the final (fifth) instar and many species are also separated at earlier instars. The work is based on British material for all but one species.  相似文献   

The status of the four currently recognised species in the Littorina saxatilis species-complex, i.e. Littorina nigrolineata Gray, L. arcana Hannaford Ellis, L. saxatilis (Olivi) and L. neglecta Bean is reviewed briefly, with notes on their characteristic features and location on the shore. Since the taxonomy of these rough periwinkles has only become stable relatively recently much of the previously published information on distribution is of little or no use. In this paper their distribution around the coastline of England and Wales (with some notes on Scotland) is described and discussed. L. saxatilis is found in a wide range of habitats from exposed peninsulas to estuaries on all shores where there is a suitable rocky or stony substrate; also in salt marsh pools. L. arcana has a more restricted distribution and is notably absent along much of the south English coast, central Cardigan Bay and possibly northern Scotland; it is not found in estuaries. L. nigrolineata has an even more restricted distribution, although it occurs both on exposed coasts and in estuaries; it has only been found by us in one locality on the east coast. L. neglecta is probably fairly widely distributed but we have few details so far. The implications of the different patterns of distribution are discussed.  相似文献   

A macroinvertebrate assemblage has been studied from the Thin Nodular Limestones Member (TNL) of the Fonte Coberta section (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal), giving special attention to its trace fossils. The assemblage was studied to analyse the influence of the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T‐OAE) on the macroinvertebrate community. The TNL consists of thin alternations of marl/limestone and nodular limestone beds, showing clear differentiations from bottom to top. Integrative analysis of the macrofossil assemblage for the studied interval, conducted for the first time in the Lusitanian Basin, reveals three major features: (1) abundant trace fossils with dominance or near exclusiveness of Thalassinoides, and a local record of Spongeliomorpha; (2) scarcity, but not extinction, of ammonoids; and (3) the absence of previously abundant brachiopods. The findings reveal a selective incidence of the T‐OAE on the macrobenthic community, with a major influence (extinction) of brachiopods, severe changes (diminution in abundance and diversity) on ammonoids and a minor effect on macrobenthic tracemakers. A complex relationship between different palaeoenvironmental conditions during the T‐OAE can be interpreted, discarding anoxic conditions in the seafloor, although low oxygen conditions in the water column are a possibility. The increase in seawater temperature and availability of nutrients on the seafloor would have played an influential role.  相似文献   

An Early Jurassic (Upper Pliensbachian) gastropod fauna from the Herforder Liasmulde (Herford Lias Syncline) near Bielefeld, Northwest Germany is described. This is one of the first detailed and illustrated reports of Pliensbachian gastropods from this area. Sixteen species are reported. Surface collecting yielded relatively large vetigastropods (pleurotomarioids amd trochomorphs). Bulk samples yielded abundant small caenogastropods (especiallyLevipleura blainvillei andKalchreuthia frankei) and cylindrobullinid opisthobranchs (e.g.Cylindrobullina dornend). These small species are also abundant in the Pliensbachian of South Germany (N Bavaria, Franconia). Therefore, this characteristic Pliensbachian microgastropod assemblage was widespread in Germany and probably also in other comparable marine deposits of Central Europe (e.g. the Paris Basin).   相似文献   

The following species are described, figured and/or recorded from the Great Barrier Reef at Heron Island or Lizard Island, Queensland, with comparative material reported from other areas of the ocean around Australia or New Guinea: Dinurus longisinus (new synonym: D. hippuri) from Seriola lalandi, Heron Island and Coryphaena hippurus, Papua New Guinea; Ectenurus trachuri from Caranx sexfasciatus, Diploprion bifasciatus, Pterocaesio marri, Seriola lalandi and Atherinomorus capricorniensis, Heron Island; Erilepturus hamati (with 25 new synonyms) from Lutjanus carponotatus, Lizard Island, Platycephalus bassensis, Coff's Harbour, NSW, P. fuscus, Coff's Harbour, NSW and Moreton Bay, Queensland, P. endrachtensis, Sillago analis, S. maculata, S. ciliata, Pseudorhombus arsius and Polydactylus sp. from Moreton Bay, Queensland and Lates calcarifer, Darwin, Northern Territory; Tubulovesicula angusticauda from Echeneis naucrates and Lethrinus miniatus, Heron Island and Anguilla reinhardtii, Moreton Bay and Bribie Island, Queensland; Elytrophalloides humerus from Trachinotus botla and T. coppingeri, Heron Island; Lecithochirium kawakawa from Euthynnus affinis Heron Island and Lizard Island: Lecithochirium cirrhiti (new synonyms: L. sammarae, L. nohu) from Sargocentron rubrum, Heron Island; Lecithochirium caesionis from Pterocaesio marri, heron Island; Plerurus digitatus (new synonyms: P. cynoglossi, P. atulis, P. scomberomori) from Plectropomus leopardus, Heron Island, Lutjanus erythropterus, Variola louti, Scomberomorus semifasciatus, Grammatorcynus bicarinatus and Carangoides embureyi, C. gymnostethoides, Lizard Island, Scomberomorus commerson, Heron Island, Lizard Island, New Britain, Papua New Guinea, Point Lookout, Queensland and Moreton Bay, Queensland, Euthynnus affinis Heron Island, Lizard Island and New Britain, Papua New Guinea, Sphyraena barracuda, Heron Island and Lizard Island, Scomberomorus munroi, S. queenslandicus and Saurida undosquamis, Moreton Bay, Queensland and Chirocentrus dorab, Bundaberg, Queensland. The Lecithochirium species-group Cirrhiti is considered indistiguishable from the species-group Lotellae.  相似文献   

The late Jurassic exogyrine oysterNanogyra virgula occurs in fine-grained low-energy sediments of the European epicontinental sea. It is interpreted as having lived cemented to hard substrates during early juvenile stages, but commonly reclining on soft, muddy substrates in the adult stage. This is supported by several morphological adaptations to such a mode of life.  相似文献   

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