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Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) is a promising fish species of growing interest in European aquaculture. In fish farming, viral infections are a constant threat therefore, understanding fish defence mechanisms is a main priority to avoid economic losses. Mx proteins are involved in the innate antiviral response of fish. They are induced by type I interferons (alpha and beta) and are essential to investigate viral defence mechanisms in fish, due to the difficulty in tracking interferon activity in these species. In this study a full-length Senegalese sole Mx cDNA has been RT-PCR cloned, resulting in 2322bp coding for 623 amino acids. The sequence accounts for the main characteristics of Mx proteins but lacking nuclear localisation signal (NLS), which suggests cytoplasmic localisation. The alignments of Senegalese sole Mx sequence showed the highest identity with the flatfish species, 80.1% identity with flounder and 78.9% with halibut. The spatial and temporal expression pattern has been analysed in control and challenged fish by RT-PCR. In control fish a constitutive level of sole Mx expression has been obtained and a clear induction was observed after treatment with Poly[I:C], which supports a putative role for the Mx in Senegalese sole viral defence. These findings contribute to increasing the knowledge of the role of interferon pathway in fish innate immunity and to develop new tools to fight virus infections in the culture of this species.  相似文献   

This study tested whether differences in sensitivity between the upper and lower olfactory epithelia of Solea senegalensis are associated with different odorant receptors and transduction pathways, using the electro‐olfactogram. Receptor mechanisms were assessed by cross‐adaptation with amino acids (L‐cysteine, L‐phenylalanine and 1‐methyl‐L‐tryptophan) and bile acids (taurocholic acid and cholic acid). This suggested that relatively specific receptors exist for 1‐methyl‐L‐tryptophan and L‐phenylalanine (food‐related odorants) in the lower epithelium, and for taurocholic acid (conspecific‐derived odorant) in the upper. Inhibition by U73122 [a phospholipase C (PLC) inhibitor] suggested that olfactory responses to amino acids were mediated mostly, but not entirely, by PLC‐mediated transduction (IC50; 15–55 nM), whereas bile acid responses were mediated by both PLC and adenylate cyclase–cyclic adenosine monophosphate (AC–cAMP) (using SQ‐22536; an AC inhibitor). Simultaneous application of both drugs rarely inhibited responses completely, suggesting possible involvement of non‐PLC and non‐AC mediated mechanisms. For aromatic amino acids and bile acids, there were differences in the contribution of each transduction pathway (PLC, AC and non‐PLC and non‐AC) between the two epithelia. These results suggest that differences in sensitivity of the two epithelia are associated with differences in odorant receptors and transduction mechanisms.  相似文献   

Some of the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) broodstock reproductive constraints are related to sperm quality. Although they present two defined spawning season (spring and autumn), males gave semen during all the year thus an exhaustive annual sperm analysis is important to determine the seasonal changes in semen quality. Sampling was performed monthly during one year, analyzing different cellular parameters to better understand sperm quality limitations obstructing sole mass production. The percentage of progressive motile cells and their linear velocity showed a decrease from March (beginning of the first spawning season) to July (when the highest temperatures were observed), followed by a slight increase in August and October (second spawning season). DNA fragmentation values showed highest values between the two spawning seasons and decreased to the end of the year. The percentage of apoptotic cells was lowest in March (beginning of the first spawning season) and the highest in November. The percentage of cells resistant to seawater exposure presented two peaks related with both spawning seasons. There was a tendency for the semen to attain a quality peak between the beginning and the middle of the first spawning season (March-May), followed by a pronounced decrease, achieving the lowest values during the months with the highest temperature. Also, the different males present in the broodstocks reach their sperm quality peak at different times, which will result in an unequal contribution for the next generation.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the ontogeny of the forebrain of the flatfish Senegal sole, Solea senegalensis, through different developmental stages before and after to metamorphosis. A first approach was made by conventional histological techniques, which allowed the determination of the main ontogenetic events. A second approach was to analyze the proliferation zones (PZ) during development and their locations, as well as the relation between them and the telencephalic asymmetry of the Senegal sole. The results show that before metamorphosis the Senegal sole goes through a fast development. The pituitary is visible 1 day after hatching (DAH), the inferior lobes of the hypothalamus appear 3 DAH, and the olfactory bulb and the differentiation between telencephalon and diencephalon are present around 4 DAH. In addition, by applying proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) immunohistochemistry by means of a monoclonal antibody against the PCNA and ABC complex, we were able to determine the PZs in the forebrain of pre- and post- metamorphic specimens. Although in both cases the PZs were similar, in premetamorphic animals they were thicker. However, PZs were observed in the pallium and subpallium, preoptic region, pretectum, epithalamus, dorsal and ventral thalamus, posterior tuberculum and hypothalamus. In all cases the PZs, mainly focusing on the telencephalon, were symmetrical in both hemispheres.  相似文献   

The measurement of enzymatic activities involved in xenobiotic biotransformation was carried out in adults of Solea solea and Solea senegalensis. The hepatic enzymes analysed were cytochrome P450 (CYP) related activities using eight fluorometric substrates and carboxylesterases (CbE). The conjugating activities of glutathione S-transferase (GST) and UPD-glucuronosyltransferase (UDPGT) were also assessed. Specific mammalian inhibitors were used as diagnostic tools for related activities of CYP1A (α-naphthoflavone; αNF), CYP2B6 and CYP2C19 (ticlopidine) and CYP3A4 (ketoconazole). The in vitro sensitivity to organophosphorous pesticides (OP) was tested in the S10 homogenate of brain (acetylcholinesterase-AChE) and liver (CbE). Furthermore, the pesticide chlorpyrifos oxon (CLPO) was used to explore the OP sensitivity of CbE of both species in two subcellular fractions (microsomes and cytosol), using two substrates. Overall, only two parameters confirmed species differences: EROD and cytosolic CbE being significantly elevated (p < 0.05) in the common sole, S. solea. A high inhibition of CYP1A related activities using several fluorometric substrates (ER, MR and CEC) after in vitro incubation with αNF confirmed all measure CYP1A1-related activities whereas ketoconazole was more specific for BFCOD (CYP3A4). Pesticide sensitivity was similar for brain AChE but hepatic CbE had a protective role that was species and pesticide dependent.  相似文献   

The intestinal epithelium of Senegal sole, Solea senegalensis Kaup is composed of three main cell types: epithelial, goblet and rodlet. The cytoplasm of columnar epithelial cells – enterocytes – has spherical lipid droplets. The dominant feature throughout the intestinal mucosa was goblet cells filled with numerous mucous droplets of high density. The cytoplasm of the rodlet cells contained peripheral filamentous, pycnotic nuclei, and numerous cytoplasmic inclusions (rodlets), with a very dense cylindrical core surrounded by flocculent material. Some physiological implications related to ultrastructural features of the intestine are also discussed.  相似文献   

The juveniles of Senegal sole, Solea senegalensis, Kaup 1858, and common sole, Solea solea (Linnaeus 1758) concentrate in estuarine and coastal nurseries of widely differing temperatures and salinities. Yet, little is known about the effect of these physiologically important variables on the gastric evacuation rates of these species. Gastric evacuation experiments were performed on juveniles of S. senegalensis and S. solea. Three temperatures were tested, 26, 20 and 14°C at a salinity of 35‰. A low salinity experiment was also carried out at 15‰, at 26°C. Experimental conditions intended to reflect conditions in estuarine and coastal nurseries where juveniles of these species spend their first years of life. The relation between stomach contents and time was best described by exponential regression models for both species. An analysis of covariance (ancova ) was performed in order to test differences in evacuation rate due to temperature and salinity (slope of evacuation time against stomach contents) for each species. While increasing temperature increased evacuation rates in both species (although not at 26°C in S. solea), the effect of low salinity differed among species, leading to a decrease in gastric evacuation rate in that of S. senegalensis and an increase in S. solea. Differences in gastric evacuation rate between species were related to its metabolic optimums and to its distribution in the nursery area where fish were captured. Implications for the habitat use of estuarine and coastal nurseries are discussed.  相似文献   

The spatio-temporal pattern of estuarine use by both Solea solea and Solea senegalensis was investigated between April 1995 and November 1996 by beam trawl surveys. Spatial and seasonal distribution and abundance were different for each species. The highest densities of S. solea were recorded in deeper, warmer, low salinity areas and where the sediment consisted of a high proportion of fine sand and presented a high abundance of amphipods. The 0-group individuals of this species first occurred on the nursery ground in April. Numbers peaked in June and July, and from October to April abundance was low. S. senegalensis had a wider distribution and its abundance was related to food availability. The 0-group individuals of this species occurred in the nursery areas later than S. solea, from June to August.  相似文献   

Human and rodent cells undergoing apoptosis were observed to express high levels of a novel 45,000 Mr protein. The protein, which we have termed apoptosis specific protein (ASP), was found in Burkitt lymphoma (BL) cells and in adenovirus-transformed human and rat embryo cells induced into apoptosis by a variety of stimuli, including serum deprivation, exposure to the Ca2+ ionophore, ionomycin, treatment with inhibitors of macromolecular synthesis (cycloheximide and actinomycin D), and cold shock. In BL cells treated with apoptotic stimuli, expression of the oncoprotein Bcl-2 was found to both protect from apoptosis and prevent expression of ASP. ASP was not detected either in viable cells or in cells dying passively by necrosis. Laser scanning confocal microscopy showed high levels of ASP in the cytoplasm of cells displaying the chromatin condensation and fragmentation patterns typical of apoptosis. Retention of ASP was observed even when DNA was no longer detectable, and two-color immunofluorescence staining indicated that the protein primarily colocalized with, but was clearly distinct from, nonmuscle actin. These findings, together with the observation that biochemical extraction of ASP was only possible under conditions which caused solubilization of the cytoskeleton, lead us to conclude that ASP forms part of, or at least strongly associates with, a modified cytoskeleton unique to cells undergoing apoptosis. While elucidation of its function will require further work, ASP constitutes a powerful marker for the diagnosis and quantitation of apoptosis in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

An histological and histochemical study was conducted on the stomach of adult Senegal sole, Solea senegalensis specimens. The stomach was made up of four distinct layers: mucosa, lamina propria-submucosa-, muscularis and serosa. Surface epithelial, glandular and rodlet cells were present in the mucosa. Cells of the columnar epithelium contained a basal nucleus. Numerous mitochondria, granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus consisting of several parallel cisternae and vesicles were observed in the cytoplasm of these cells. The lysosomes were small, round and dense. The gastric glands were numerous in the pyloric and fundic regions but absent in the cardiac stomach. These glands were formed by two cell-types: light and dark cells. The light cells were characterised by numerous mitochondria, while dark cells had slightly fewer mitochondria and a tubulo-vesicular system. Rodlet cells similar to those observed in other teleostean fish were present among the epithelial cells. Although the epithelial cells of the mucosa contained a weak presence of neutral and acid mucopolysaccharides/mucosubstances, these substances were abundant in the lamina propria-submucosa. Proteins rich in arginine, lysine, cysteine and cystine were rarely present in the mucosa and lamina propria-submucosa of stomach, while proteins rich in tyrosine were abundant in these layers. Acid phosphatase, and ATP-ase (pH 7.2 and 9.4) activities were detected in the mucosa and lamina propria-submucosa. Alkaline phosphatase activity was not detected.  相似文献   

Imsland  A. K.  Foss  A.  Conceição  L. E. C.  Dinis  M. T.  Delbare  D.  Schram  E.  Kamstra  A.  Rema  P.  White  P. 《Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries》2005,13(4):379-408
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries - A number of scientific studies have investigated aspects of soles(Solea soleaandS. senegalensis) ecology, population genetics and biology in their natural...  相似文献   

The distribution of galanin-like immunoreactive structures was studied in the brain of the Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis, using immunohistochemical methods. Periventricular immunoreactive cell bodies were observed in the rostral pole of the preoptic recess, within the pars parvocellularis of the nucleus preopticus parvocellularis. Another galanin-immunoreactive cell population was observed more caudal in the ventromedial hypothalamus, along the medial evaginations of the lateral recess. These cells appear within the cytoarchitectonic limits of the nucleus recessus lateralis pars ventralis. We found an extensive presence of galanin-immunoreactive fibres throughout the entire brain, although the most massive network of fibres was observed in the caudal olfactory bulbs, ventral telencephalon, preoptic area and around diencephalic ventricular recesses. Also, the hypophysis, ventricular mesencephalic area, median reticular formation and viscerosensory rhombencephalon displayed important plexuses of galanin-immunoreactive axons.The widespread distribution of these immunoreactive structures in the brain and pituitary of the Senegalese sole suggests an important role for galanin in neuroendocrine regulation of brain and adenohypophyseal functions.  相似文献   

We report on the linear and nonlinear dielectric properties of budding yeast (S. cerevisiae) cells, one strain of which has been genetically modified to express prestin. This motor protein plays a crucial role in the large electromotility exhibited by the outer hair cells of mammalian inner ears. Live cell suspensions exhibit enormous dielectric responses, which can be used to probe metabolic activity, membrane potential, and other properties. The aims of this study are: (1) to compare the dielectric responses of organisms expressing prestin from those of control specimens, and (2) ultimately to further develop dielectric response as a tool to study live cells, proteins, and lipids.  相似文献   

The micro‐anatomical changes associated with lordotic and kyphotic vertebral curvatures (VC) in juvenile and adult Senegalese sole Solea senegalensis are described. In addition, it is demonstrated that the tissue and cellular structures of individual vertebrae can be severely affected. Two main conformations were found in deformed juvenile specimens: flattened vertebrae with dorso‐ventral compression and trapezoidal vertebrae forming concave and convex sides under compressive and tensile stresses. Histological analyses revealed the occurrence of an ectopic cartilaginous tissue within the acellular bone, both in juveniles and adults, possibly to cope with altered mechanical stress in deformed vertebrae. The results suggest that the alteration in loading to which curved vertebral columns are subjected might trigger vertebral reshaping and differentiation of cells towards this ectopic tissue. In addition, mesenchymal cells appear to play an important role in its formation. It is here proposed that the acellular bone of S. senegalensis is capable of adaptively responding to altered loading regimes at the structural level by reshaping vertebrae and at the micro‐anatomical level by recruiting chondrocyte‐like cells to areas of altered mechanical stress.  相似文献   

A single amino acid substitution between Asn and Ser at position 631 in the chicken Mx protein has been reported to determine resistant and sensitive antiviral activity. In this study, we investigate whether various kinds of chicken breeds and jungle fowls carry the resistant or sensitive Mx allelic gene by using the mismatched PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) technique. In total, 271 samples from 36 strains of 17 chicken breeds and from 3 kinds of jungle fowls were examined. The rates of the resistant Mx gene and sensitive gene were 59.2% and 40.8%, respectively. Only a Red jungle fowl captured in Laos carried the resistant Mx gene, and the other three Red jungle fowls from Indonesia and Gray and Green jungle fowls all had the sensitive Mx gene. These results were confirmed by the determination of amino acid sequences in the GTPase effector domain of jungle fowls.  相似文献   

Biogenesis of prostanoids is under the control of some polypeptide growth factors. Cytosolic phospholipase A2, a form specific for arachidonic acid containing phospholipids, is activated by a translocation mechanism regulated by growth factors, while prostaglandin H synthase isoforms are induced de novo in several cell types. No information is available as far as PGI2 synthase is concerned. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells were cultured under conditions favoring proliferation or differentiation or capillary-like network formation in the presence of collagen gels. Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF 0.5-4 ng/ml) was used as a mitogen, interleukin-1α (IL-1α 10-60 UI/ml) as a differentiating agent, and prostacyclin (PGI2) biosynthesis was evaluated. Under the first condition, basal PGI2 production was unaffected while, in the presence of IL-1α, a marked stimulation of PGI2 synthesis was observed. It is known that IL-1α is a potent inducer of PGH synthase, while it is not known whether PGI2 synthase is also induced. Two lines of evidence indicate that PGI2 synthase is a constitutively expressed not inducible enzyme: (a) proliferating nonproducing cells when added with PGH2 produce an amount of PGI2 not different from the amount produced by cells stimulated with IL-1α; (b) under this condition PGI2 synthase was immunodetectable either by immunofluorescence detected by confocal microscopy or by ELISA and, on microsomes isolated from endothelial cells, by Western blotting. It is concluded that the limiting step in the conversion arachidonate-PGI2 is represented solely by the level of PGH synthase. These results strongly suggest, but do not prove, the constitutive nature of the enzyme. The final demonstration requires the availability of a probe to detect mRNA level, a trial we are carrying out at the moment.  相似文献   

The role of metallothionein (MT) in free radical regulation and scavenging was investigated using two fish cell lines, the rainbow trout gonadal (RTG-2) cell line and the chinook salmon embryonic (CHSE-214) cell line. Exposure of RTG-2 cells to H(2)O(2) resulted in upregulation of both MT mRNA and MT protein and was also demonstrated by immunocytochemistry, confirming that MT was regulated by free radicals. We then compared the H(2)O(2) resistance in RTG-2 and CHSE-214 cells following metal treatment with Zn or Cd to induce MT. Comparison of survival of control cells and metal-exposed cells showed that metal treatment, which induced MT, significantly raised the H(2)O(2) tolerance in a dose-dependent manner in RTG-2 cells, while no increased H(2)O(2) resistance was observed in CHSE-214 cells. Transient over-expression of MT in CHSE-214: 59 cells also resulted in a dose-dependent increase in resistance to H(2)O(2) exposure. The raised resistance against H(2)O(2) in metal treated RTG-2 cells as well as transfected CHSE-214: 59 cells strongly demonstrate that MT is involved in the protection against H(2)O(2) and suggest a physiologically important function for MT when cells or whole organisms are exposed to oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The present paper reports the immunohistochemical distribution of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) structures in the brain of the Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis. In this study, we have used two antibodies against the salmon GnRH and chicken GnRH-II forms and the streptavidin–biotin-peroxidase complex method. Immunoreactive cell bodies are observed at the junction between the olfactory bulbs and the telencephalon (terminal nerve ganglion cells), in the ventral telencephalon, in the preoptic parvocellular nucleus, and in the synencephalic nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus. GnRH-immunoreactive fibres were found extensively throughout the brain, located in the telencephalon, preoptic area, hypothalamus, hypophysis, optic tectum, midbrain and rhombencephalon. The antisera used in this study against the two GnRH forms exhibited cross-reactivity on the same cell masses and did not allow cell populations expressing different GnRH forms to be discriminated clearly. However, anti-salmon GnRH immunostained the GnRH cells and fibres of the forebrain much more intensely, whereas the anti-chicken GnRH antiserum shows a higher immunoreactivity on synencephalic cells of the medial longitudinal fasciculus.  相似文献   

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