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Ten individuals were divided into two feedback and no-feedback groups. The effect of abstract visual feedback was investigated in these two groups. Using eight electroencephalography (EEG) electrodes, the induced event-related desynchronization/synchronization of the EEG of three motor imagery tasks (left hand, right hand, and right foot) was analyzed by wavelet and spatial filtering methods. Linear discriminant analysis was used to classify the three imagery tasks. Each imagery task's total length was set to 3?s and 1?s of it was used for the classification. The classification result was shown to the subjects of the feedback group in a real-time manner as an abstract visual feedback. While the paired t-test of the first and third sessions of the training days confirmed the improvement of the motor imagery learning in the feedback group (p?<?0.01), the motor imagery learning of the no-feedback group was not significant.  相似文献   

The features of the spatial organization of bioelectric potentials in the cases of successful and unsuccessful creative imagination (refusal or poor quality of the product) under conditions of informational oversaturation. Two groups of subjects were compared: professionals (23 healthy students of the Department of Graphic Arts) and non-professionals (34 persons whose specialties were not linked with systematic visual imagination). During the experiments, the subjects were asked to mentally create a visual image based on two simple graphic elements, a right angle and a diagonal; after recording the EEG, they had to draw the image on paper and give it a title. The total number of elements exceeded 7 ± 2; hence, information processing at the conscious level was impossible, which caused the necessity of involving the mechanisms of unconscious information processing. The quality of the created product was evaluated with regard to the degree of success of performing the task and the features of spatial EEG organization. The EEG was recorded from 24 scalp sites of a subject using a SIT-EEG portable telemetric device. In the case of the successful performance of the task by professionals, the parameters of spatial organization of bioelectric potentials, i.e., spatial synchronization (linear processes) and spatial disorder (non-linear process) were strengthened compared to the base-line level in the frontal temporal areas of the right hemisphere and parietal occipital areas of the left hemisphere. Conversely, in the nonprofessionals, these parameters increased in the frontal temporal areas of the left hemisphere and parietal occipital areas of the right hemisphere. In the case a task was not successfully performed by the professionals, the spatial disorder of bioelectric potentials increased in all the cortical areas; in the nonprofessionals, only weak changes were observed. In all situations, the groups differed also in the parameters of coherence (Coh), spectral power (Sp) of bioelectric potentials, and informational energy, which reflects the level of expenditure of the brain’s energy for information processing. The evidence obtained is interpreted in terms of electroencephalographic correlates of successful task performance by professionals and nonprofessionals, i.e., their creative imagination under the conditions of informational over-saturation.  相似文献   

Comparative analysis of spatial organization of cortical biopotentials of men (n = 120) and women (n = 75) suffering from alcoholism and persons without addiction to alcohol (control groups) was carried out. Gender differences in the EEG spatial parameters under study (linear spatial synchronization in the brain cortex, non-linear spatial disorder, EEG coherence, and spectral power) were shown to be markedly less pronounced between the control groups (68 women and 85 men) than between the alcohol addicts. The obtained data allow us to explain the known fact of more serious and "malignant" character of alcoholism in women than in men in terms of neurophysiology. In alcoholics, the synchronization of low-frequency oscillations (delta and theta) was higher, whereas the synchronization of the higher-frequency spectrum part (beta1 and beta2) was lower in women than in men. This fact can be a neurophysiological basis of more progredient inhibitory-degenerative processes in women.  相似文献   

In adult healthy right-handed subjects, the expression and degree of synchronization of the EEG alpha-range rhythmic components in different areas of the right and left hemispheres, were studied in a state of quiet wakefulness and during solving of verbal and spatial tasks presented in the visual field. The EEG of quiet wakefulness was characterized by different distribution of the alpha-range rhythmic components in the right and left hemispheres; in the right hemisphere low frequencies (7.5-10.5 c/s) were more expressed and more coherent; in the left one--the high frequencies (10.5-13.5 c/s). The solving of tasks was accompanied--along with a decrease of the whole alpha-range power spectra both in the right and the left hemispheres--by a local increase of synchronization of certain components of this range; the increase was specific to the hemisphere and the kind of task. The increase of synchronization of low-frequency components was observed in the right hemisphere during solving of the spatial task and that of the high-frequency components was noticed in the left hemisphere during solving of the verbal task. On the basis of the data on hemispheric specificity of electric activity synchronization of the alpha-rhythm, a suggestion is made about a different character of the functional integration of the structures of the right and left hemispheres in the process of solving of spatial and verbal tasks.  相似文献   

Complex EEG and stabilography investigation with separate and simultaneous performance of motor (voluntary postural control) and cognitive (calculation) tasks has been performed in 20 healthy subjects (22 +/- 0.7 yo.). Specific spatial and frequency reactive changes have been revealed during motor task performance. These included increase of coherence in alpha-band for long pair of channels in right hemisphere as well as in symmetric parietal-occipital regions in both hemispheres. Cognitive task performance has been accompanied by coherence increase for low bands (delta- and theta-) with higher activation in left hemisphere and frontal regions. In dual tasks where both components were performed worse comparing to control, performance led to reactive spatial and frequency changes of both--motor and cognitive--tasks, though these changes were less than during separate task performance. Decrease of coherence in alphal-band in frontal areas appeared as a zone of "conflict of interest - interferention". In dual tasks with better performance of each component comparing to control EEG coherence increased in each specific area as well as in areas of "conflict of interest".  相似文献   

Adolescence is characterized by an intense formation of interregional interaction of cortical areas. In this period, the activity of deep brain structures is significantly reorganizing and cortical-subcortical interaction is augmenting. Our objective was to assess the pattern of changes in the spatial structure of brain bioelectric potentials with age and characteristics of these structures in adolescents. For this purpose, studies of EEG were conducted in 230 subjects of both sexes aged 4 to 35 years. We quantified the interconsistent changes in correlations of oscillations of bioelectric potentials in 20-lead EEG, using the integrated index VOL. Age-related changes in the consistency of EEG correlations were analyzed both in the background state and during verbal activity (comprehension of texts in Russian and in English). Cognitive tasks were performed by subjects older than 8 years. It was discovered that spatial synchronization of EEG processes both in the background state and during cognitive tasks increased with age, but, after 20 years, the rate of changes decreases significantly. In adolescence (12–17 years), sex differences appear in the correlation of EEG processes between the left and right hemispheres in subjects performing verbal tasks. We observed saltatory changes in VOL indices in 12- to 14-year-old boys, whereas in girls of the same age, reorganization of systemic brain activity goes more gradually 1.5–2 years in advance.  相似文献   

Prestimulus EEG was recorded in the state of "operative rest" after the instruction and at the stages of formation, actualization, and extinction of unconscious visual set to perception of unequal circles. Two motivation conditions were used: (1) subjects were promised to be rewarded with a small money price for each correct response (a "general" rise of motivation) and (2) only correct assessments of stimuli of a certain kind were rewarded (a "selective" rise of motivation). In both conditions, additional motivation of subjects to the results of their performance led to an increase in EEG coherence most pronounced in the theta and alpha 1 frequency ranges in the left temporal area of the cortex. During the "general" rise of motivation the EEG coherence (as compared to the control group) was higher in a greater number of derivation pairs than during the "selective" rise. EEG coherence in "motivated" subjects was increased already at the stage of operative rest. Later on, at the set stages, no significant changes were revealed. Thus, the realized set formed by the verbal instruction, which increased motivation of subjects to the results of their performance, produced substantially more prominent changes in coherence of cortical potentials than the unconscious set formed during perception of visual stimuli.  相似文献   

Comprehensive EEG and stabilography investigation with separate and simultaneous performance of motor (voluntary postural control) and cognitive (calculation) tasks has been performed in 20 healthy subjects (22 ± 0.7 years). Specific spatial and frequency reactive changes have been found during motor task performance. These included an increase in coherence in the EEG α band for distant derivation pairs in the right hemisphere, as well as in symmetric parietal-occipital areas in both hemispheres. Cognitive task performance was accompanied by an increase in coherence for the slow bands (δ and θ) with a higher activation in the left hemisphere and frontal cortex areas. In performing the dual task, one could observe activation of spatial and frequency changes including both motor and cognitive tasks. In the dual tasks where both components were performed worse as compared to the control, reactive reorganization of EEG coherence was less pronounced than during the performance of separate tasks. A decrease in the coherence of the α1 band in the frontal areas appeared as a zone of “conflict of interest” or interference. In dual tasks with better performance of each component as compared to the control, EEG coherence increased in each specific area, as well as in the areas of “conflict of interests.”  相似文献   

In work the features of the biopotentials spatial organization are surveyed at successful and unsuccessful (abandoning or bad quality of a product) implementation of creative imagination in conditions of information over saturation. Two groups of the examinees have taken part in experiments: "professionals" (23 able-bodied examinees--students of faculty of an art graphics) and "nonprofessionals" (34 men, which specialty were not linked to systematic visual imagination). During experiment the examinees should mentally frame a visual object on the basis of two simple graphics units--right angle and diagonal, and after EEG registration to draw it on a paper and to give a title. The total number of units exceeded 7 +/- 2, i.e. the possibility of information processing at a realized level was unreal that reduced in necessity of connection of mechanisms of not realized information processes. Estimated quality of a framed product from the point of view successful and unsuccessful of implementation of the job and conforming to each of these variants of a feature of the EEG spatial organization, which shunted with the help of portable telemeter installation "SIT-EEG" from 24 items convexital surface of a head. Is shown, that at successful performance of the job in comparison with unsuccessful for "professionals" biopotentials spatial organization parameters--spatial synchronization (linear processes) and spatial disorder (the nonlinear processes) strengthen (in relation to a background) in frontal-temporal areas of the right hemisphere and parietal-occipital left ones. For "nonprofessionals" the value of these parameters was enlarged in an inverse direction: in frontal-temporal areas of the left hemisphere and in the right parietal-occipital. At unsuccessful performance of the jobs for "professionals" the body height ofbiopotentials spatial disorder almost in all cortical zones was marked, for "nonprofessionals" of change were weak. The between group differences in all situations for parameters ofbiopotentials coherence and spectral power are found also for "Informational - power" parameter mirroring a level of power expenditures of a brain on implementation of information processes. The obtained data are treated from the point of view ofelectroencephalographic correlates of successful and unsuccessful implementation of the job by "professionals" and "nonprofessionals" for creative imagination in conditions of information over saturation.  相似文献   

Correlation and coherence analyses of multichannel electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings from 18 subjects (mean age 25 years) were used for investigating the reorganization of systemic interactions between bioelectric potentials of the cortical areas of both hemispheres (20 EEG derivations) during verbal-mental activity connected with generating verbal units from simpler components. When generating either words from aurally presented phonemes or sentences from a set of words, the subjects exhibited specific changes in the spatial structure of the statistical relationships in the EEG, with a significant increase in the interhemispheric interactions. During performance of both tasks, the changes in the interhemispheric interactions were most pronounced in the temporal, temporo-parieto-occipital (TPO), inferofrontal, and occipital areas of both hemispheres. Phonemic synthesis was associated with a more marked increase in the contralateral interactions in the left hemisphere, and generating sentences from words, in the right hemisphere. The coherence analysis of the EEG showed the greatest changes in the Δ, ?, and β frequency bands, with rather slight changes in the α frequency band. For all frequency bands, changes in the EEG coherences were the greatest in Wernicke’s and the TPO areas of the right and left hemispheres during the performance of both tasks, especially during the phonemic synthesis. These findings suggest that neurophysiological processes underlying mental generation of words and sentences require coordinated activity of the left and right hemispheres, which is accompanied by an increase in the interhemispheric interactions in the EEG, especially in the temporal, inferofrontal, and TPO areas.  相似文献   

Features of spatial organization of neocortical potentials during mental creating of the original and standard visual images were studied. Intrahemispheric and interhemispheric coherence in different EEG frequency bands and temporal relations between relative changes in the index of linear (correlation coefficient) and non-linear (multiple entropy) processes in different neocortical areas were analysed. Number of decreased coherence values in the high-frequency alpha subband between remote neocortical points during creating of an original image was significantly lower than during creating of a standard image. During creating of the original image, the number of synchronously functioning pairs of neocortical areas and the mean level of linear correlation between the areas were higher, and correlation by the non-linear index, on the contrary, was lower than during creation of the standard image. The correlation between changes in different neocortical areas for both processes during creating of the original image was only positive, and that during creating of the standard image was both positive and negative. The conclusion was made that creative and reproductive types of visual imagination were different in the spatial distribution of coordinated changes in the linear and non-linear processes, mean magnitudes of these changes, and the character of hemispheric interaction. The data on different interhemispheric relations in diagonal and central bilateral directions raise a question about the radial representation of visual imagination.  相似文献   

Changes in face expression recognition and EEG synchronization arising from additional load on working memory were studied in healthy adults. Two types of additional task--semantic and visuospatial--were used to load working memory in an experiment with a visual set, formed to facial stimuli. During perception of new facial stimuli, both these types of additional task caused an increase of erroneous face expression recognitions in the form of assimilative illusions. Alpha-band (8-10 Hz) EEG synchronization analysis revealed that additional memory load causes a decrease of frontal attention system input in set-forming and set-shifting. As for theta-band (4-7 Hz) synchronization, it changed ambiguously at additional memory load--in right fronto-temporal region coherence function decreased; other coherence connections, especially intra-hemispheric and in the left hemisphere, increased. At issue is the crucial role of fronto-thalamic and cortico-hippocampal systems in plasticity of visual sets formed to facial expressions.  相似文献   

Motor imagery (MI), sharing similar neural representations to motor execution, is regarded as a window to investigate the cognitive motor processes. However, in comparison to simple limb motor imagery, significantly less work has been reported on brain oscillatory patterns induced by compound limb motor imagery which involves several parts of limbs. This study aims to investigate differences of the electroencephalogram (EEG) patterns as well as cognitive process between simple limb motor imagery and compound limb motor imagery. Ten subjects participated in the experiment involving three tasks of simple limb motor imagery (left hand, right hand, feet) and three tasks of compound limb motor imagery (both hands, left hand combined with right foot, right hand combined with left foot). Simultaneous imagination of different limbs contributes to the activation of larger cortical areas as well as two estimated sources located at corresponding motor areas within beta rhythm. Compared with simple limb motor imagery, compound limb motor imagery presents a network with more effective interactions overlying larger brain regions, additionally shows significantly larger causal flow over sensorimotor areas and larger causal density over both sensorimotor areas and neighboring regions. On the other hand, compound limb motor imagery also shows significantly larger 10–11 Hz alpha desynchronization at occipital areas and central theta synchronization. Furthermore, the phase-locking value (PLV) between central and occipital areas of left/right hand combined with contralateral foot imagery is significantly larger than that of simple limb motor imagery. All these findings imply that there exist apparent intrinsic distinctions of neural mechanism between simple and compound limb motor imagery, which presents a more complex effective connectivity network and may involve a more complex cognitive process during information processing.  相似文献   

Features of neurophysiological organization of two main thinking types playing different roles in creative processes, i.e., divergent and convergent were studied with participation of 30 right-handed male subjects at the age from 30 to 50 years. Two tests were presented: (1) creation of many visual images on the basis of two simple geometrical figures (the model of divergent thinking) and (2) classification of a figure element with one of the offered standard samples (convergent thinking). The number of created images or correctly classified elements for five minutes served a criterion of performance productivity. It was found that performance of the divergent test with high productivity (as compared to low productivity) was characterized by a greater increase in non-linear interactions between the cortical potentials, especially in the axis right frontal--left occipital areas. At the same time, under conditions of high productivity, the number of active narrow-frequency spectral-coherent EEG bands increased. The data confirm the notion of neurophysiological organization of creative processes, according to which creative processes require the intensification of retrieval operations (both conscious and unconscious), based on extensive interhemispheric interaction and involvement of a system of EEG coherent structures oscillating with different frequencies.  相似文献   

Healthy adults were examined in three series of experiments with formation of an unconscious visual set: 1) the set was formed by repeated presentation of pairs of unequal circles (control); 2) an additional task of recognition of words/pseudowords was introduced into the context of the set-forming trials; 3) in the task additionally introduced, a subject had to spatially localize a certain target letter in a letter matrix. Scores of stability of the visual set to circles were compared. Coherence of the cortical electric activity in the alpha band was analyzed. We revealed a significant decrease in stability (rigidity) of the nonverbal visual set in the series with the additional task of spatial localization of the target stimulus. On the contrary, the set rigidity increased in the series with additional recognition of the verbal stimulus. EEG coherence patterns and behavioral data suggest that successful cognitive performance that demands dynamic situation-dependent shifts of unconscious sets takes place under conditions of alternation of tasks involving, predominantly, either the ventral ("what?") or dorsal ("where?") visual streams and, respectively, anterior or posterior systems of selective attention.  相似文献   

The latent periods of saccadic eye movements in response to peripheral visual stimuli were measured in 8 right-handed healthy subjects using Posner's paradigm "COST-BENEFIT". In 6 subjects, the saccade latency in response to visual target presented in expected location in valid condition was shorter than that in neutral condition ("benefit"). Increase in saccade latency in response to the visual target presented in unexpected location in valid condition versus neutral condition took place only in 4 subjects ("cost"). A decrease in left-directed saccade latency in response to expected target presented in the left hemifield and increase in saccade latency in response to unexpected left target in comparison with analogous right-directed saccades were observed in valid condition. This phenomenon can be explained by the dominance of the right hemisphere in the processes of spatial orientation and "disengage" of attention.  相似文献   

Given that both auditory and visual systems have anatomically separate object identification ("what") and spatial ("where") pathways, it is of interest whether attention-driven cross-sensory modulations occur separately within these feature domains. Here, we investigated how auditory "what" vs. "where" attention tasks modulate activity in visual pathways using cortically constrained source estimates of magnetoencephalograpic (MEG) oscillatory activity. In the absence of visual stimuli or tasks, subjects were presented with a sequence of auditory-stimulus pairs and instructed to selectively attend to phonetic ("what") vs. spatial ("where") aspects of these sounds, or to listen passively. To investigate sustained modulatory effects, oscillatory power was estimated from time periods between sound-pair presentations. In comparison to attention to sound locations, phonetic auditory attention was associated with stronger alpha (7-13 Hz) power in several visual areas (primary visual cortex; lingual, fusiform, and inferior temporal gyri, lateral occipital cortex), as well as in higher-order visual/multisensory areas including lateral/medial parietal and retrosplenial cortices. Region-of-interest (ROI) analyses of dynamic changes, from which the sustained effects had been removed, suggested further power increases during Attend Phoneme vs. Location centered at the alpha range 400-600 ms after the onset of second sound of each stimulus pair. These results suggest distinct modulations of visual system oscillatory activity during auditory attention to sound object identity ("what") vs. sound location ("where"). The alpha modulations could be interpreted to reflect enhanced crossmodal inhibition of feature-specific visual pathways and adjacent audiovisual association areas during "what" vs. "where" auditory attention.  相似文献   

Cnanger of the spatial organization of biopotentials (spatial synchronization and disorder, spectral power and coherence) were analyzed during mental creating of visual images from two simple elements: the angle the oblique line. With the transition from the first to the fourth task, the total number of used elements increased from the number suitable for simultaneous presentation and conscious processing (less than 7 +/- 2) to a much higher number. Changes in the characteristics of the spatial organization of biopotentials associated with the increase in the number of the elements can be explained by a change in the information processing strategy, transformation of information processing strategy, i.e. the transition from the left-hemispheric successive (conscious) analyses to the right-hemispheric simultaneous (unconscious) processing. It was shown that this change in the information processing strategy was accompanied by an increase in the index of spatial disorder sensitive to complicated nonlinear processes. Subjects were divided in two groups with different forms of the reorganization of interhemispheric and fronto-occipital relationships of biopotentials. These data are interpreted in terms of different involvement of the unconscious intellectual processes of different layers (subconsciousness and superconsciousness) in the change in information processing strategy.  相似文献   

Complex analysis of EEG and thermographic parameters carried out in 10 healthy subjects and 34 patients, Chernobyl clean-up participants revealed a correlation between EEG and brain temperature changes in the baseline state and during mental arithmetic. During cognitive activity the maximal increase in the average EEG coherence and temperature shifts in healthy subjects were observed in the left frontotemporal and right parietotemporal areas. In patients changes in both parameters under study were most pronounced, the interhemispheric relations were impaired. The visual analysis revealed "flat" and "hypersynchronous" EEG types in patients. The dominant pathologic activity in the betal range indicative of mediobasal and oral brainstem lesions was characteristic of the flat EEG. This type of activity was observed in 60% of patients. In these cases, a general decrease in EEG coherence and temperature was most pronounced in the left hemisphere. The hypersynchronou EEG type (40% patients) was characterized by paroxysmal activity in the theta and alpha ranges suggesting diencephalic brain lesions. In these cases, EEG coherence and temperature were more variable; changes in the right hemisphere were significant, be it increase or decrease. Our complex approach to investigation of brain activity in different aspects seems to be promising in estimation of the brain functional state both in healthy persons and patients in remote terms after exposure to radiation. The specific hemispheric temperature changes revealed in Chernobyl patients especially during cognitive activity can be the sequels of postradiation disorders of vascular neuro-circulation. The EEG findings suggest subcortical disorders at different levels (diencephalic or brainstem) and functional failure of the right or left hemispheres in remote terms after exposure to radiation.  相似文献   

Coherence function of the EEG in the bands of 8-13 (alpha rhythm) and 14-25 Hz (beta rhythm) was analyzed in 35 healthy adult subjects during formation and testing of a visual cognitive set to pictures of faces with different emotional expressions. The intra- and interhemispheric coherences of the potentials in the frontal area and coherence between the right frontal and temporal derivation were shown to increase at the stage of set actualization. The results of the analysis confirm the suggestion that the frontal cortical areas are predominantly involved in formation and actualization of the set to facial emotional expression. The conclusion is based on the idea that the spatial synchronization of the brain electrical potentials is an index of the functional relations between the corresponding cortical areas and their cooperative involvement in a certain kind of activity (their simultaneous activation).  相似文献   

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