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A lichen biodiversity study conducted in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (district) reports 958 species in 199 genera and 72 families. Cetrelia alaskana (Llano) W. L. Culb. et C. F. Culb. is new to West Siberia; Graphis elegans (Borrer ex Sm.) Ach., Porpidia hydrophila (Fr.) Hertel et A. J. Schwab, and Sclerococcum sphaerale (Ach.) Fr. are new to Siberia; Acarospora fusca B. de Lesd., Cliostomum tenerum (Nyl.) Coppins et S. Ekman, Pertusaria corallina (L.) Arnold, and P. stalactiza Nyl. are new to Russia. High diversity of epilithic lichens is ecologically due to a variety of ecotopes that include mountain habitats on the eastern spurs of the Subarctic and Northern Urals in addition to plain ones.  相似文献   

Entomological Review - The species richness in the order Heteroptera declines sharply to the north of the forest boundary. Here we present the results of a study of this group in the north of...  相似文献   

The fauna of water beetles in coastal areas of the Bolshezemelskaya Tundra and on the Vaygach and Dolgiy islands, Pechora Sea, comprises a total of 42 recorded species; in local faunas, the number of species decreases northward from 19–26 in southern mainland tundra to nine in typical tundra of the Vaygach Island. The faunal similarity between pairs of areas is 21%–52% (39%–52% between mainland areas). The family Haliplidae is represented by three species, Dytiscidae – 32 species, Helophoridae – four species, Hydrophilidae – two species and Hydraenidae – one species. Most of the species have large ranges both longitudinally and latitudinally. Cryophile species are rather few (five species, 12%). There are clear differences between the beetle assemblages of weakly brackish lakes marshes and waterbodies of the bedrock coast. The strongest preferences for particular habitats have been revealed in species associated with sand substrates in waterbodies or with the floodplain of a large river. The male genitalia and male protarsal claws of Agabus luteaster (Zaitzev, 1906), recently recorded as new to Europe, are illustrated for the first time as well as Ochthebius kaninensis Poppius, 1909.  相似文献   

Species composition, abundance, and spatial distribution of rotifer and crustacean zooplankton were studied in Lake Ziway from late April to early July 2004. A total of 49 rotifer species was recorded, with Anuraeopsis fissa, Brachionus angularis, Filinia novaezealandiae, and Trichocerca ruttneri being numerically dominant. Variation in abundance was extremely high, ranging from 2 to 1000+ individuals per litre. There was no significant difference in the distribution of rotifer species between inshore and offshore regions. Crustacean species richness was low, with only five cladoceran and three copepod species occurring in the open water. Moina micrura and Diaphanosoma excisum dominated the cladoceran community, whereas Thermocyclops decipiens was the dominant copepod. Although numerically dominant (75%), rotifers accounted for less than 30% of mean total zooplankton biomass. Peak abundance of crustaceans was observed in May and June, following the onset of the rainy season and increased phytoplankton production. Variation in the spatial distribution of crustacean species was neither observed horizontally between inshore and offshore areas nor vertically in the highly turbid and wind exposed deeper part of the lake. On the other hand, Moina micrura varied significantly in size between inshore and offshore areas. Adult M. micrura dominated offshore, whereas juveniles were more abundant inshore, suggesting a predominantly littoral selective predation on large and adult crustaceans by fish. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Climate warming is expected to have a large impact on plant species composition and productivity in northern latitude ecosystems. Warming can affect vegetation communities directly through temperature effects on plant growth and indirectly through alteration of soil nutrient availability. In addition, warming can cause permafrost to thaw and thermokarst (ground subsidence) to develop, which can alter the structure of the ecosystem by altering hydrological patterns within a site. These multiple direct and indirect effects of permafrost thawing are difficult to simulate in experimental approaches that often manipulate only one or two factors. Here, we used a natural gradient approach with three sites to represent stages in the process of permafrost thawing and thermokarst. We found that vascular plant biomass shifted from graminoid-dominated tundra in the least disturbed site to shrub-dominated tundra at the oldest, most subsided site, whereas the intermediate site was co-dominated by both plant functional groups. Vascular plant productivity patterns followed the changes in biomass, whereas nonvascular moss productivity was especially important in the oldest, most subsided site. The coefficient of variation for soil moisture was higher in the oldest, most subsided site suggesting that in addition to more wet microsites, there were other microsites that were drier. Across all sites, graminoids preferred the cold, dry microsites whereas the moss and shrubs were associated with the warm, moist microsites. Total nitrogen contained in green plant biomass differed across sites, suggesting that there were increases in soil nitrogen availability where permafrost had thawed.  相似文献   

2005~2009年,采用路线调查法和定点观察法对陕西红碱淖湿地鸥科鸟类组成及其分布进行了调查研究.结果 表明:红碱淖分布有鸥科鸟类4属10种,在此繁殖的有5种,其中有全球性濒危鸟类--遗鸥的最大种群在此繁殖.记述了鸥科鸟类最早发现时间段、分布状况及迁徙数量情况,也探明了繁殖种群数量.并从植被类型、水位变化、食物因素、湖心岛生境状况和环境气候等因素分析了红碱淖鸥科鸟类迁徙状况、种群数量变化、繁殖情况等.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - The species composition of ichthyoplankton in the open waters of the North Atlantic at the cross-section from 30° N to the equator is considered. The study was...  相似文献   

我国雪莲植物的种类、生境分布及化学成分的研究进展   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
本文对雪莲花的原植物种类、生境分布、生长习性做了分析整理,并对新疆雪莲、水母雪莲、雪兔子等六种雪莲植物化学成分研究进展进行了综述。从比较已有的实验结果中发现不同种雪莲在其特定生境下的化学成分既有属的同一性又存在种的特征性差异。这不仅为植物化学分类提供了证据,也为细胞大量培养选用品质优秀的原植物材料提供了资料  相似文献   

We studied the concentrations of insulin, cortisol and glucose in blood serum of two groups of inhabitants of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous okrug (YaNAO) settlements (indigenous population and those who arrived from Central Russia). The insulin level in all groups (in indigenous and non-native population, men and women) was above 9.0 μIU/mL. The insulin level in non-native women and men was higher than that in the indigenous people by 19% and 26%, respectively. The tendency of increasing insulin level with age was revealed in both the indigenous and non-native inhabitants. The highest level of insulin and glucose was observed in Samburg and Kharampur settlements; the lowest, in Gyda settlement. The cortisol level was higher in men than in women. The reduced cortisol/insulin index was observed in both groups of men. A most significant decrease in the cortisol/insulin index and an increase in HOMA–IR index were observed in nonnative men and women as compared with indigenous population. These data confirm the likelihood of the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus in the YaNAO population, especially among non-native inhabitants.  相似文献   

白湖湿地位于乌鲁木齐市西郊,是濒危物种白头硬尾鸭Oxyura leucocephala在国内的重要繁殖地。为了更好地保护该物种,于2007—2014年对白湖湿地的鸟类组成进行了调查,并对白头硬尾鸭的生物学特征进行了观察。结果显示,在研究区域共记录到鸟类137种,分属于14目36科89属,约占新疆鸟类总数的30%。居留型以旅鸟(58种,占42.33%)和夏候鸟(48种,占35.04%)为主,留鸟(17种,占12.41%)和冬候鸟(14种,占10.22%)比例较低,白湖湿地是鸟类迁徙的重要驿站和鸟类繁殖的重要栖息地。通过计算G-F指数发现,白湖湿地鸟类在科、属水平上的多样性较为丰富(DG=4.31,DF=22.57,DG-F=0.81)。白头硬尾鸭每年5月中旬迁徙至白湖湿地,10月中旬飞离,峰值数量最多可达45只。但调查发现,随着城市化进程不断推进,白湖湿地受到的人为干扰不断扩大,正导致这一鸟类栖息地环境严重恶化。  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - On the basis of material from expeditions to the Laptev Sea in 2014, information is presented on occurrence, spatial-bathymetric distribution, water temperature and...  相似文献   

The zooplankton communities of lakes, Sars, wetlands and ponds in Jammu-Kashmir Himalayas were examined. The waters are situated between 600–3800 m a. s. l. and, in the ordinates 30°–36° N. Significant variations in Rotifers and Crustacean distribution patterns were encountered. Some species having wide tolerance limits are more frequent while a few species due to their rigid environmental demands are restricted to few water bodies. Such species serve as good indicators of trophic evolution. The general distribution of these groups and their ecological implication have been discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

四川凉山彝族自治州湿地鸟类组成及变化探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文对有关四川凉山彝族自治州湿地鸟类的文献进行整理,并结合作者2004~2005年对凉山州湿地鸟类的调查成果,统计出凉山州湿地鸟类8目13科73种,其中国家I、II级保护鸟类7种,物种组成以非繁殖鸟为主。调查中首次记录了紫水鸡在四川的越冬种群。1992年和2005年泸沽湖和邛海湿地鸟类冬季调查结果对比表明,泸沽湖鸟类种数和数量锐减;而邛海的湿地鸟类组成有明显变动,物种稳定性差,说明泸沽湖和邛海湿地鸟类现状不容乐观,急需进一步的研究和保护。  相似文献   

Variability in the fore wing length and in the number and arrangement of eye-spots on the wings of Erebia jeniseiensis from the local population newly found in the Bolshezemelskaya Tundra is described.  相似文献   

本文对雪莲花的原植物种类、生境分布、生长习性做了分析整理,并对新疆雪莲、水母雪莲、雪兔子等六种雪莲植物化学成分研究进展进行了综述。从比较已有的实验结果中发现不同种雪莲在其特定生境下的化学成分既有属的同一性又存在种的特征性差异。这不仅为植物化学分类提供了证据,也为细胞大量培养选用品质优秀的原植物材料提供了资料。  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities in inland water can cause species loss and displacement. Therefore, there is a need to regularly examine species composition, abundance and diversity of freshwater ecosystem as a means to monitor its health. Ichthyofauna of Ikere-gorge, Iseyin, Oyo State was studied for a period of 24 month, from January 2017 to December 2018. Ikere-gorge was divided into four strata, each comprises three fishing villages. One village in each stratum was randomly selected as sampling site. The catches were sorted into taxonomic groups (species and families) using standard fish identification keys. Forty-one fish species from 13 families were identified in which species richness varied among the sampling villages. Asamu had 34, Agatu had 30, Spillway had 39 and Irawote had 29 species. The freshwater fish species of Nigeria is the richest in West Africa and more than 15% of these fish species are found in Ikere-gorge. Mormyridae family was the most represented with 10 species. Cichlidae was the most abundant by catch and by weight. Sarotherodon galilaeus has the highest abundance by catch and by weight. Gnathonemus brucii was identified as a vulnerable species. The result obtained from this study show that conservation program should be urgently put in place to prevent some fish from extinction. There should be introduction of closed season to allow for proper recruitment of fish population. Likewise, minimum mesh size should be set to allow juvenile and immature fish to escape and allow them to spawn at least once before being vulnerable to gear. There should regulation to set maximum number of fishermen to be allowed to fish at a particular day, this is to reduce fishing pressure.  相似文献   

Seabirds were counted in September 1998 from the research vessel Professor Khromovand a motorboat in Pil'tun and Lunskii bays and in the contiguous areas of the eastern Sakhalin shelf. Data on the species composition, abundance, and distribution of seabirds are presented. A fairly high species diversity and significantly high density of seabirds were recorded in Pil'tun and Lunskii bays, which are the main areas where they concentrate during the summer months.  相似文献   

Synopsis Nile perch, Lates niloticus, and Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, were originally transplanted from Lake Albert in western Uganda to the African Great Lakes, Lake Victoria and Lake Kyoga, where they are partially implicated in reduction of the fish species diversity. Lake Albert is facing multiple environmental changes, including declining fish species diversity, hyper-eutrophication, hypoxia, and reduced fish catches. To examine the role of Nile perch and Nile tilapia in the food web in their native Lake Albert, we estimated their diets using stable nitrogen and carbon isotopes. In Lake Albert, the tilapiine congeners (closely related species), Tilapia zillii, Oreochromis leucostictus, and Sarethorodon galilaeus, and the centropomid Nile perch congener, Lates macrophthalmus, have narrower diet breath in the presence of the native O. niloticus and L. niloticus. A computerized parameter search of dietary items for five commercially important fish species (Hydrocynus forskahlii, Bagrus bayad, L. niloticus, Alestes baremose and Brycinus nurse) was completed using a static isotopic mixing model. The outcome of the simulation for most fish species compared favorably to previously published stomach contents data for the Lake Albert fishes dating back to 1928, demonstrating agreement between stable isotope values and analyses of stomach contents. While there were some indications of changes in the diets of L. niloticus and A. baremose diets over the past 20 years in parallel with other changes in the lake, for the most part, food web structure in this lake remained stable since 1928. The Lake Albert fish assemblage provides insight into the invasion success of L. niloticus and O. niloticus.  相似文献   

猫儿山是华南地区的最高峰,为了了解其鸟类随着海拔高度变化的规律,利用网捕法和样线法对猫儿山地区的鸟类组成及分布格局进行了研究。结果表明,猫儿山地区共有鸟类268种,隶属于16目51科,其中留鸟130种,夏候鸟51种,冬候鸟15种,旅鸟72种。依据不同海拔的典型植被类型把猫儿山地区分成7类生境,其中低海拔的农田生境鸟类多样性最丰富,有156种。随着海拔的升高,猫儿山鸟类种数逐渐减少,G-F指数也表现相似的规律。猫儿山鸟类在区系组成上主要以东洋界鸟类为主,在181种繁殖鸟中,东洋界鸟类有149种,古北界鸟类有15种,其余为广布种。随着海拔的升高,东洋界的鸟类所占的比例逐渐降低,而古北界的鸟类所占的比例逐渐升高。猫儿山鸟类组成的垂直分布格局的形成是多种因素共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

The hydropsychids of two Mediterranean river basins in southern Spain (Guadaira and Guadalete) were investigated from January 1988 to January 1989. The distribution of hydropsychids along an environmental gradient related to altitude varied depending on species. Two distinct species assemblages were observed. one located in the lower altitude sites (the “downstream assemblage” comprising Hydropsyche pictetorum, Hydropsyche exocellata and Cheumatopsyche lepida) and the other in the upper-most areas (the “upstream assemblage” comprising Hydropsyche punica, Hydropsyche infernalis, Hydropsyche instabilis), which displayed a statistically significant preference for this type of habitat. Finally, H. pictetorum, selected the lowest sites. From a temporal point of view most species displayed a high variability in density dynamics between sites, suggesting a strong plasticity in life-cycle phenology.  相似文献   

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