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ABSTRACT. The following species are described from Indonesian birds: Isospora paddae n. sp. with oocysts 41.5–45.5 × 40.3–41.5 (44 ± 1.15 × 41.2 ± 0.38) and sporocysts 22.8–24.5 × 14.7–17 (24 ± 0.55 × 16.2 ± 0.81) from the Java sparrow, Padda oryzivora, and Isospora indonesianensis n. sp. with oocysts 39.3–43.6 × 37–40.8 (41.8 ± 1.3 × 39.6 ± 1.25) and sporocysts 25.6–28.4 × 15.2–18.5 (27.1 ± 1.05 × 16.8 ± 1.22) from the chestnut Munia, Lonchura malacca (L.). The host birds belong to the order Passerorida.  相似文献   

The ragged topography created by orogenesis generates diversified habitats for plants in Taiwan. In addition to colonization from nearby mainland China, high species diversity and endemism of plants is also present in Taiwan. Five of the seven Scutellaria species (Lamiaceae) in Taiwan, for example, are endemic to the island. Hypotheses of multiple sources or in situ radiation have arisen to explain the high endemism of Taiwanese species. In this study, phylogenetic analyses using both nuclear and chloroplast markers revealed the multiple sources of Taiwanese Scutellaria species and confirmed the rapid and recent speciation of endemic species, especially those of the “indica group” composed of S. indica, S. austrotaiwanensis, S. tashiroi, and S. playfairii. The common ancestors of the indica group colonized first in northern Taiwan and dispersed regionally southward and eastward. Climate changes during glacial/interglacial cycles led to gradual colonization and variance events in the ancestors of these species, resulting in the present distribution and genetic differentiation of extant populations. Population decline was also detected in S. indica, which might reflect a bottleneck effect from the glacials. In contrast, the recently speciated endemic members of the indica group have not had enough time to accumulate much genetic variation and are thus genetically insensitive to demographic fluctuations, but the extant lineages were spatially expanded in the coalescent process. This study integrated phylogenetic and population genetic analyses to illustrate the evolutionary history of Taiwanese Scutellaria of high endemism and may be indicative of the diversification mechanism of plants on continental islands.  相似文献   

Profound knowledge of demographic history is a prerequisite for the understanding and inference of processes involved in the evolution of population differentiation and speciation. Together with new coalescent-based methods, the recent availability of genome-wide data enables investigation of differentiation and divergence processes at unprecedented depth. We combined two powerful approaches, full Approximate Bayesian Computation analysis (ABC) and pairwise sequentially Markovian coalescent modeling (PSMC), to reconstruct the demographic history of the split between two avian speciation model species, the pied flycatcher and collared flycatcher. Using whole-genome re-sequencing data from 20 individuals, we investigated 15 demographic models including different levels and patterns of gene flow, and changes in effective population size over time. ABC provided high support for recent (mode 0.3 my, range <0.7 my) species divergence, declines in effective population size of both species since their initial divergence, and unidirectional recent gene flow from pied flycatcher into collared flycatcher. The estimated divergence time and population size changes, supported by PSMC results, suggest that the ancestral species persisted through one of the glacial periods of middle Pleistocene and then split into two large populations that first increased in size before going through severe bottlenecks and expanding into their current ranges. Secondary contact appears to have been established after the last glacial maximum. The severity of the bottlenecks at the last glacial maximum is indicated by the discrepancy between current effective population sizes (20,000–80,000) and census sizes (5–50 million birds) of the two species. The recent divergence time challenges the supposition that avian speciation is a relatively slow process with extended times for intrinsic postzygotic reproductive barriers to evolve. Our study emphasizes the importance of using genome-wide data to unravel tangled demographic histories. Moreover, it constitutes one of the first examples of the inference of divergence history from genome-wide data in non-model species.  相似文献   

应用AFLP技术探讨半夏属五个种的亲缘关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用扩增酶切片断多态性(AFLP)方法研究半夏属内5个种之间的亲缘关系。应用POPGENE及SPSS软件对所得“1”、“0”二元矩阵进行遗传距离,遗传相似性及聚类分析。实验发现鹞落坪半夏与虎掌之间的遗传差异小,鹞落坪半夏可能是虎掌的一个特化分支群体;虎掌和鹞落坪半夏组与本属其他种之间遗传差异较大,相似性较小;盾叶半夏和滴水珠是姐妹群关系,盾叶半夏虽然叶形与同属其他种有显著差异,但遗传距离及相似性分析对比不支持其独立于半夏属其他种,而作为完全独立进化类群的结论。为半夏属分类及系统进化关系提供了分子生物学证据。  相似文献   

Complete mitochondrial (mt) DNA sequences of two lancelets, Epigonichthys maldivensis and E. lucayanus, were compared with those of two Branchiostoma lancelets and several deuterostomes previously surveyed. The mt-gene order of E. lucayanus was quite different from that of E. maldivensis, the latter being identical to the two Branchiostoma species. A remarkable genomic change in E. lucayanus mtDNA was an inversion, indicating the possibility of recombination of the mt-genome. Gene rearrangements, probably attributable to tandem genome duplications and subsequent random deletions, were observed in two parts. Short major unassignable sequences of the examined lancelets were regarded as a part of putative regulative elements, judging from some sequence similarity to the conserved sequence block (CSB) in mammalian mtDNA. The considerable mt-genome reorganization in E. lucayanus seemed to have affected the nucleotide substitution pattern, suggested by base composition analyses. The present analysis also suggested that AGR codons in lancelet mtDNA were likely to correspond to serine residue, rather than glycine. Furthermore, the AGG codon, so far reputed to be unassignable in lancelet mtDNA, was found twice in E. maldivensis, indicating the availability of all four AGN codons in some lancelets. This finding lends support to an alternative hypothesis regarding the evolutionary history of AGR-codon assignment in extant chordates, rather than that previously proposed. A molecular phylogenetic tree of the Epigonichthys and Branchiostoma species based on DNA sequences of the 13 mt-protein genes doubted the monophyly of the former genus, unlike the prevailing classification based on their different gonadal arrangements.Reviewing Editor: Dr. Axel Meyer  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is reviewing some reduction results to deal with systems of nonautonomous ordinary differential equations with two time scales. They could be included among the so-called approximate aggregation methods. The existence of different time scales in a system, together with some long-term features, are used to build up a simpler system governed by a lesser number of state variables. The asymptotic behavior of the latter system is then used to describe the asymptotic behaviour of the former one. The reduction results are stated in two particular but important cases: periodic systems and asymptotically autonomous systems. The reduction results are illustrated with the help of simple spatial SIS epidemic models including either periodic or asymptotically autonomous terms.  相似文献   

Capture-recapture studies are frequently used to monitor the status and trends of wildlife populations. Detection histories from individual animals are used to estimate probability of detection and abundance or density. The accuracy of abundance and density estimates depends on the ability to model factors affecting detection probability. Non-spatial capture-recapture models have recently evolved into spatial capture-recapture models that directly include the effect of distances between an animal’s home range centre and trap locations on detection probability. Most studies comparing non-spatial and spatial capture-recapture biases focussed on single year models and no studies have compared the accuracy of demographic parameter estimates from open population models. We applied open population non-spatial and spatial capture-recapture models to three years of grizzly bear DNA-based data from Banff National Park and simulated data sets. The two models produced similar estimates of grizzly bear apparent survival, per capita recruitment, and population growth rates but the spatial capture-recapture models had better fit. Simulations showed that spatial capture-recapture models produced more accurate parameter estimates with better credible interval coverage than non-spatial capture-recapture models. Non-spatial capture-recapture models produced negatively biased estimates of apparent survival and positively biased estimates of per capita recruitment. The spatial capture-recapture grizzly bear population growth rates and 95% highest posterior density averaged across the three years were 0.925 (0.786–1.071) for females, 0.844 (0.703–0.975) for males, and 0.882 (0.779–0.981) for females and males combined. The non-spatial capture-recapture population growth rates were 0.894 (0.758–1.024) for females, 0.825 (0.700–0.948) for males, and 0.863 (0.771–0.957) for both sexes. The combination of low densities, low reproductive rates, and predominantly negative population growth rates suggest that Banff National Park’s population of grizzly bears requires continued conservation-oriented management actions.  相似文献   

Alaskan shortraker rockfish population structure was analyzed by examining allelic variation at eight microsatellite loci. Samples were collected along the continental shelf and upper slope from the south end of Baranof Island to the western Aleutian Islands, and collections were pooled into eight geographically distinct groups. An exact test of homogeneity indicated population structure (p < 0.0006) among groups. The proportion of the total variation that was attributable to divergence among populations (θ = 0.0014) was not statistically significant, and no evidence of a geographic cline of structure was detected. Finer scale analyses that compared adjacent collections indicated that the collection from the southern end of the range differed from all remaining collections at three loci. Structure related to geographic location was detected by partitioning the variation among populations. The size distributions of shortraker rockfish varied among collections from east to west. The size differences may reflect divergent oceanographic and biological factors acting on populations that have restricted migration and movement. Alternatively, if there is substantial movement accompanied by lengthy reverse migration to natal grounds, the size differences may be related to ages of cohorts that are differentially distributed along the Pacific Rim. Further biological information including size, age composition, and age of maturity data, as well as information on other life history characteristics will be required to explain shortraker rockfish population structure.  相似文献   

To date, single neuron recordings remain the gold standard for monitoring the activity of neuronal populations. Since obtaining single neuron recordings is not always possible, high frequency or ‘multiunit activity’ (MUA) is often used as a surrogate. Although MUA recordings allow one to monitor the activity of a large number of neurons, they do not allow identification of specific neuronal subtypes, the knowledge of which is often critical for understanding electrophysiological processes. Here, we explored whether prior knowledge of the single unit waveform of specific neuron types is sufficient to permit the use of MUA to monitor and distinguish differential activity of individual neuron types. We used an experimental and modeling approach to determine if components of the MUA can monitor medium spiny neurons (MSNs) and fast-spiking interneurons (FSIs) in the mouse dorsal striatum. We demonstrate that when well-isolated spikes are recorded, the MUA at frequencies greater than 100Hz is correlated with single unit spiking, highly dependent on the waveform of each neuron type, and accurately reflects the timing and spectral signature of each neuron. However, in the absence of well-isolated spikes (the norm in most MUA recordings), the MUA did not typically contain sufficient information to permit accurate prediction of the respective population activity of MSNs and FSIs. Thus, even under ideal conditions for the MUA to reliably predict the moment-to-moment activity of specific local neuronal ensembles, knowledge of the spike waveform of the underlying neuronal populations is necessary, but not sufficient.  相似文献   



Chlamydia trachomatis is a common human pathogen that mediates disease processes capable of inflicting serious complications on reproduction. Aggressive inflammatory immune responses are thought to not only direct a person''s level of immunity but also the potential for immunopathology. With human immunobiology being debated as a cause of prevailing epidemiological trends, we examined some fundamental issues regarding susceptibility to multiple chlamydial infections that could have implications for infection spread. We argue that, compared to less-frequent exposure, frequent exposure to chlamydia may well produce unique immunobiological characteristics that likely to have important clinical and epidemiological implications.

Methods and Results

As a novel tool for studying chlamydia, we applied principles of modeling within-host pathogen dynamics to enable an understanding of some fundamental characteristics of an individual''s immunobiology during multiple chlamydial infections. While the models were able to reproduce shorter-term infection kinetics of primary and secondary infections previously observed in animal models, it was also observed that longer periods between initial and second infection may increase an individual''s chlamydial load and lengthen their duration of infectiousness. The cessation of short-term repeated exposure did not allow for the formation of long-lasting immunity. However, frequent re-exposure non-intuitively linked the formation of protective immunity, persistent infection, and the potential for immunopathology.


Overall, these results provide interesting insights that should be verified with continued study. Nevertheless, these results appear to raise challenges for current evidence of the development of long-lasting immunity against chlamydia, and suggest the existence of a previously unidentified mechanism for the formation of persistent infection. The obvious next goal is to investigate the qualitative impact of these results on the spread of chlamydia.  相似文献   

四川西部阳蝇属二新种(双翅目:蝇科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
冯炎  杨世斌  范维都 《四川动物》2004,23(4):319-321
报道采自四川西部蝇科中的阳蝇属Helina Robineau-Desvoidy,1830的2个新种:映山红阳蝇Helina azaleella sp.nov,黑褐阳蝇Helina atereta sp.nov.。模式标本存中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所。  相似文献   

The existence of a negative relationship between fine sediment infiltration during the incubation period and salmonid embryo survival has often been discussed in the literature. However, few studies have specifically addressed this relationship in the field. We conducted a field experiment to examine the relationship between survival of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) embryos contained in incubation baskets and the patterns of fine sediment infiltration into the baskets during the incubation period. The results indicate that survival to pre-eyed (STPE), eyed (STE) and hatched (STH) stages of development were all negatively correlated with the percentage of fine sediment entering the baskets. STPE and STE were most strongly affected by silts and clays (<0.063 mm) although this size class represented only a small fraction of the grain size distribution inside the incubation baskets (0.03–0.41%). STH was most strongly correlated with the infiltration of medium sand (0.25–0.50 mm) material. On average, 66% of the implanted embryos survived to the pre-eyed stage of development compared to 63% for the eyed and 48% for the hatched stages of development.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to trace the decisive evidence for mixed infection of 2 Myxobolus species, M. episquamalis and Myxobolus sp., in the gray mullet, Mugil cephalus, from Korean waters. Mullets with whitish cyst-like plasmodia on their scales were collected near a sewage plant in Yeosu, southern part of Korea, in 2009. The cysts were mainly located on scales and also found in the intestine. The spores from scales were oval in a frontal view, tapering anteriorly to a blunt apex, and measured 7.2 µm (5.8-8.0) in length and 5.3 µm (4.7-6.1) in width. Two polar capsules were pyriform and extended over the anterior half of the spore, measuring 3.5 µm (2.3-4.8) in length and 2.0 µm (1.5-2.2) in width. In contrast, the spores from the intestine were ellipsoidal, 10.4 µm (9.0-11.9) in length and 8.4 µm (7.3-10.1) in width. The polar capsules were pyriform but did not extend over the anterior half of the spore, 3.7 µm (2.5-4.5) in length and 2.2 µm (1.8-2.9) in width. The nucleotide sequences of the 18S rDNA gene of the 2 myxosporean spores from scales and intestine showed 88.1% identity to each other and 100% identity with M. episquamalis and 94.5% identity with M. spinacurvatura from mullet, respectively. By the above findings, it is first confirmed that mullets from the Korean water are infected with 2 myxosporean species, M. episquamalis and Myxobolus sp.  相似文献   

记述采自四川省西部大雪山地区雏蝗属2新种,即雅江雏蝗Chorthippus yajiangensis,sp.nov.及康定雏蝗Chorthippus kangdingensis,sp.nov.,模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

Dogs, in the age range 1–3 years old, were randomly selected from the largest animal insurance database in Sweden for inclusion in the study. The study was performed in 1997, and a total of 680 dog owners were selected for the study. A total of 461 dog owners completed the survey, at an overall response rate of 68%. Data was compared to a recent gallup performed on a sample of all dogs in Sweden. The demographic statistics of the insured dog population were in many aspects similar to the total dog population of Sweden. Typical for both insured dogs and the total population of dogs were a low proportion of neutered dogs, that many dogs were bought at an early age, that many dogs were in contact with a "breeder" when sold, and a similar profile of health status. However, "dog breeders" seemed to have their dogs insured to a higher extent than the general dog owner. It was concluded that as the populations were alike in many respects, it is reasonable to use the insurance database for epidemiological studies on diet and exercise in Swedish dogs.  相似文献   

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