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Catechol-cephalosporins are siderophore-like antibiotics which are taken up by cells of Pseudomonas putida WCS358 via the ferric-siderophore transport pathway. Mutants of strain WCS358 were isolated that are resistant to high concentrations of these antibiotics. These mutants failed to grow under iron-limiting conditions, and could not utilize different ferric-siderophores. The mutants fall in three complementation groups. The nucleotide sequence determination identified three contiguous open reading frames, which were homologous to the exbB, exbD and tonB genes of Escherichia coli respectively. The deduced amino acid sequence of P. putida ExbB showed 58.6% homology with its E. coli homologue, but, unlike the E. coli protein, it has a N-terminal extension of 91 amino acids. The ExbD proteins are 64.8% homologous, whereas the TonB proteins only show 27.7% homology. The P. putida exbB gene could complement an E. coli exbB mutation, but the TonB proteins were not interchangeable between the species. It is concluded that P. putida WCS358 contains an energy-coupling system between the membranes for active transport across the outer membrane, which is comprised of a TonB-like energy-transducing protein and two accessory proteins. This system is similar to, but not completely compatible with, the E. coli system.  相似文献   

The initial step in the uptake of iron via ferric pseudobactin by the plant-growth-promoting Pseudomonas putida strain WCS358 is binding to a specific outer-membrane protein. The nucleotide sequence of the pupA structural gene, which codes for a ferric pseudobactin receptor, was determined. It contains a single open reading frame which potentially encodes a polypeptide of 819 amino acids, including a putative N-terminal signal sequence of 47 amino acids. Significant homology, concentrated in four boxes, was found with the TonB-dependent receptor proteins of Escherichia coli. The pupA mutant MH100 showed a residual efficiency of 30% in the uptake of 55Fe3+ complexed to pseudobactin 358, whereas the iron uptake of four other pseudobactins was not reduced at all. Cells of strain WCS374 supplemented with the pupA gene of strain WCS358 could transport ferric pseudobactin 358 but showed no affinity for three other pseudobactins. It is concluded that PupA is a specific receptor for ferric pseudobactin 358, and that strain WCS358 produces at least one other receptor for other pseudobactins.  相似文献   

Transport of ferric-siderophores across the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria is mediated by specific outer membrane receptors. To localize the substrate-binding domain of the ferric-pseudobactin 358 receptor, PupA, of Pseudomonas putida WCS358, we constructed chimeric receptors in which different domains of PupA were replaced by the corresponding domains of the related ferric-pseudobactin receptors PupB and PupX, or the coprogen receptor FhuE of Escherichia coli. None of the chimeric proteins composed of pseudobactin receptor domains facilitated growth on any of the original substrates, or they showed only an extremely low efficiency. However, these receptors enabled cells of Pseudomonas BN8 to grow on media supplemented with uncharacterized siderophore preparations. These siderophore preparations were isolated from the culture supernatant of WCS358 cells carrying plasmids that contain genes of Pseudomonas B10 required for the biosynthesis of pseudobactin B10. Hybrid proteins that contained at least the amino-terminal 516 amino acids of mature FhuE were active as a receptor for coprogen and interacted with the E. coli TonB protein. A chimeric PupA-FhuE protein, containing the amino-terminal 94 amino acids of mature PupA, was also active as a coprogen receptor, but only in the presence of Pseudomonas TonB. It is concluded that the carboxy-terminal domain of ferric-pseudobactin receptors is important, but not sufficient, for ligand interaction, whereas binding of coprogen by the FhuE receptor is not dependent on this domain. Apparently, the ligand-binding sites of different receptors are located in different regions of the proteins. Furthermore, species-specific TonB binding by the PupA receptor is dependent on the amino-terminal domain of the receptor.  相似文献   

The plant-growth-stimulating Pseudomonas putida WCS358 was mutagenized with transposon Tn5. The resulting mutant colony bank was screened for mutants defective in the biosynthesis of the fluorescent siderophore. A total of 28 mutants, divided into six different classes, were isolated that were nonfluorescent or defective in iron acquisition or both. These different types of mutants together with the probable overall structure of the siderophore, i.e., a small peptide chain attached to a fluorescing group, suggest a biosynthetic pathway in which the synthesis of the fluorescing group is preceded by the synthesis of the peptide part. A gene colony bank of P. putida WCS358 was constructed with the broad-host-range cosmid vector pLAFR1. This genomic library, established in Escherichia coli, was mobilized into the 28 individual mutants, screening for transconjugants restored in fluorescence or growth under iron-limiting conditions or both. A total of 13 cosmids were found to complement 13 distinct mutants. The complementation analysis revealed that at least five gene clusters, with a minimum of seven genes, are needed for siderophore biosynthesis. Some of these genes seem to be arranged in an operon-like structure.  相似文献   

In a search for factors that could contribute to the ability of the plant growth-stimulating Pseudomonas putida WCS358 to colonize plant roots, the organism was analyzed for the presence of genes required for pilus biosynthesis. The pilD gene of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which has also been designated xcpA, is involved in protein secretion and in the biogenesis of type IV pili. It encodes a peptidase that processes the precursors of the pilin subunits and of several components of the secretion apparatus. Prepilin processing activity could be demonstrated in P. putida WCS358, suggesting that this nonpathogenic strain may contain type IV pili as well. A DNA fragment containing the pilD (xcpA) gene of P. putida was cloned and found to complement a pilD (xcpA) mutation in P. aeruginosa. Nucleotide sequencing revealed, next to the pilD (xcpA) gene, the presence of two additional genes, pilA and pilC, that are highly homologous to genes involved in the biogenesis of type IV pili. The pilA gene encodes the pilin subunit, and pilC is an accessory gene, required for the assembly of the subunits into pili. In comparison with the pil gene cluster in P. aeruginosa, a gene homologous to pilB is lacking in the P. putida gene cluster. Pili were not detected on the cell surface of P. putida itself, not even when pilA was expressed from the tac promoter on a plasmid, indicating that not all the genes required for pilus biogenesis were expressed under the conditions tested. Expression of pilA of P. putida in P. aeruginosa resulted in the production of pili containing P. putida PilA subunits.  相似文献   

We released genetically modified Pseudomonas putida WCS358r into the rhizospheres of wheat plants. The two genetically modified derivatives, genetically modified microorganism (GMM) 2 and GMM 8, carried the phz biosynthetic gene locus of strain P. fluorescens 2-79 and constitutively produced the antifungal compound phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA). In the springs of 1997 and 1998 we sowed wheat seeds treated with either GMM 2, GMM 8, or WCS358r (approximately 10(7) CFU per seed), and measured the numbers, composition, and activities of the rhizosphere microbial populations. During both growing seasons, all three bacterial strains decreased from 10(7) CFU per g of rhizosphere sample to below the limit of detection (10(2) CFU per g) 1 month after harvest of the wheat plants. The phz genes were stably maintained, and PCA was detected in rhizosphere extracts of GMM-treated plants. In 1997, but not in 1998, fungal numbers in the rhizosphere, quantified on 2% malt extract agar (total filamentous fungi) and on Komada's medium (mainly Fusarium spp.), were transiently suppressed in GMM 8-treated plants. We also analyzed the effects of the GMMs on the rhizosphere fungi by using amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis. Introduction of any of the three bacterial strains transiently changed the composition of the rhizosphere fungal microflora. However, in both 1997 and 1998, GMM-induced effects were distinct from those of WCS358r and lasted for 40 days in 1997 and for 89 days after sowing in 1998, whereas effects induced by WCS358r were detectable for 12 (1997) or 40 (1998) days. None of the strains affected the metabolic activity of the soil microbial population (substrate-induced respiration), soil nitrification potential, cellulose decomposition, plant height, or plant yield. The results indicate that application of GMMs engineered to have improved antifungal activity can exert nontarget effects on the natural fungal microflora.  相似文献   

We released genetically modified Pseudomonas putida WCS358r into the rhizospheres of wheat plants. The two genetically modified derivatives, genetically modified microorganism (GMM) 2 and GMM 8, carried the phz biosynthetic gene locus of strain P. fluorescens 2-79 and constitutively produced the antifungal compound phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA). In the springs of 1997 and 1998 we sowed wheat seeds treated with either GMM 2, GMM 8, or WCS358r (approximately 107 CFU per seed), and measured the numbers, composition, and activities of the rhizosphere microbial populations. During both growing seasons, all three bacterial strains decreased from 107 CFU per g of rhizosphere sample to below the limit of detection (102 CFU per g) 1 month after harvest of the wheat plants. The phz genes were stably maintained, and PCA was detected in rhizosphere extracts of GMM-treated plants. In 1997, but not in 1998, fungal numbers in the rhizosphere, quantified on 2% malt extract agar (total filamentous fungi) and on Komada's medium (mainly Fusarium spp.), were transiently suppressed in GMM 8-treated plants. We also analyzed the effects of the GMMs on the rhizosphere fungi by using amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis. Introduction of any of the three bacterial strains transiently changed the composition of the rhizosphere fungal microflora. However, in both 1997 and 1998, GMM-induced effects were distinct from those of WCS358r and lasted for 40 days in 1997 and for 89 days after sowing in 1998, whereas effects induced by WCS358r were detectable for 12 (1997) or 40 (1998) days. None of the strains affected the metabolic activity of the soil microbial population (substrate-induced respiration), soil nitrification potential, cellulose decomposition, plant height, or plant yield. The results indicate that application of GMMs engineered to have improved antifungal activity can exert nontarget effects on the natural fungal microflora.  相似文献   

A novel acyl-CoA dehydrogenase that initiates beta-oxidation of the side chains of phenylacyl-CoA compounds by Pseudomonas putida was induced by growth with phenylhexanoate as carbon source. It was identified as the product of gene PP_0368, which was cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli. This phenylacyl-CoA dehydrogenase was found to be dimeric with a subunit molecular mass of 66 kDa, to contain FAD and to be active with phenylacyl-CoA substrates having side chains from four to at least 11 carbon atoms. The same enzyme was induced by the aliphatic alkanoate octanoate. The optimal aliphatic substrates for the enzyme were palmitoyl-CoA and stearoyl-CoA, a property shared with mammalian very-long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenases. The FAD in the enzyme was reduced by aromatic and aliphatic substrates, with changes to the oxidation-reduction potential. Chemical reduction by dithionite ion and oxidation by ferricyanide ion showed that the enzyme can accept four electrons: two to reduce the flavin and two to slowly reduce an unknown acceptor, which in its reduced form interacts with the oxidized flavin in a charge-transfer complex. The experiments identify for the first time an acyl-CoA dehydrogenase that oxidizes the activated forms of aromatic acids similar to those used to first demonstrate the biological beta-oxidation of fatty acids.  相似文献   

The rpoS gene which encodes a stationary phase sigma factor has been identified and characterised from the rhizosphere-colonising plant growth-promoting Pseudomonas putida strain WCS358. The predicted protein sequence has extensive homologies with the RpoS proteins form other bacteria, in particular with the RpoS sigma factors of the fluorescent pseudomonads. A genomic transposon insertion in the rpoS gene was constructed, these mutants were analysed for their ability to produce siderophore (iron-transport agent) and the autoinducer quorum-sensing molecules called homoserine lactones (AHL). It was determined that RpoS was not involved in the regulation of siderophore and AHL production, synthesis of these molecules is important for gene expression at stationary phase. P. putida WCS358 produces at least three different AHL molecules.  相似文献   

To investigate the impact of genetically modified, antibiotic-producing rhizobacteria on the indigenous microbial community, Pseudomonas putida WCS358r and two transgenic derivatives were introduced as a seed coating into the rhizosphere of wheat in two consecutive years (1999 and 2000) in the same field plots. The two genetically modified microorganisms (GMMs), WCS358r::phz and WCS358r::phl, constitutively produced phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA) and 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG), respectively. The level of introduced bacteria in all treatments decreased from 10(7) CFU per g of roots soon after sowing to less than 10(2) CFU per g after harvest 132 days after sowing. The phz and phl genes remained stable in the chromosome of WCS358r. The amount of PCA produced in the wheat rhizosphere by WCS358r::phz was about 40 ng/g of roots after the first application in 1999. The DAPG-producing GMMs caused a transient shift in the indigenous bacterial and fungal microflora in 1999, as determined by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis. However, after the second application of the GMMs in 2000, no shifts in the bacterial or fungal microflora were detected. To evaluate the importance of the effects induced by the GMMs, these effects were compared with those induced by crop rotation by planting wheat in 1999 followed by potatoes in 2000. No effect of rotation on the microbial community structure was detected. In 2000 all bacteria had a positive effect on plant growth, supposedly due to suppression of deleterious microorganisms. Our research suggests that the natural variability of microbial communities can surpass the effects of GMMs.  相似文献   

The most universal cell-cell signaling mechanism in Gram-negative bacteria occurs via the production and response to a class of small diffusible molecules called N-acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs). This communication is called quorum sensing and is responsible for the regulation of several physiological processes and many virulence factors in pathogenic bacteria. The detection of these molecules has been rendered possible by the utilization of genetically engineered bacterial biosensors which respond to the presence of exogenously supplied AHLs. In this study, using diverse bacterial biosensors, several biosensor activating fractions were purified by organic extraction, HPLC and TLC of cell-free culture supernatants of plant growth-promoting Pseudomonas putida WCS358. Surprisingly, it was observed that the most abundant compounds in these fractions were cyclic dipeptides (diketopiperazines, DKPs), a rather novel finding in Gram-negative bacteria. The purification, characterization, chemical synthesis of four DKPs are reported and their possible role in cell-cell signaling is discussed. Received: 19 October 2001 / Accepted: 8 January 2002  相似文献   

To investigate the impact of genetically modified, antibiotic-producing rhizobacteria on the indigenous microbial community, Pseudomonas putida WCS358r and two transgenic derivatives were introduced as a seed coating into the rhizosphere of wheat in two consecutive years (1999 and 2000) in the same field plots. The two genetically modified microorganisms (GMMs), WCS358r::phz and WCS358r::phl, constitutively produced phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA) and 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG), respectively. The level of introduced bacteria in all treatments decreased from 107 CFU per g of roots soon after sowing to less than 102 CFU per g after harvest 132 days after sowing. The phz and phl genes remained stable in the chromosome of WCS358r. The amount of PCA produced in the wheat rhizosphere by WCS358r::phz was about 40 ng/g of roots after the first application in 1999. The DAPG-producing GMMs caused a transient shift in the indigenous bacterial and fungal microflora in 1999, as determined by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis. However, after the second application of the GMMs in 2000, no shifts in the bacterial or fungal microflora were detected. To evaluate the importance of the effects induced by the GMMs, these effects were compared with those induced by crop rotation by planting wheat in 1999 followed by potatoes in 2000. No effect of rotation on the microbial community structure was detected. In 2000 all bacteria had a positive effect on plant growth, supposedly due to suppression of deleterious microorganisms. Our research suggests that the natural variability of microbial communities can surpass the effects of GMMs.  相似文献   

The potential of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for verifying the identity of colonies stained by the immunofluorescence colony-staining (IFC) procedure was investigated. Using primers directed against conserved sequences of the pectate lyase-genes coding for isozymes PLa, PLd and PLe of Erwinia chrysanthemi , the authors confirmed the identity of 96% of 20 fluorescent target colonies, punched from IFC-stained samples with pure cultures. In pour plates with mixtures of Erw. chrysanthemi and non-target colonies from potato peel extracts, the identity of 90% of 113 target colonies was confirmed.
Using primers directed against sequences of the ferric-pseudobactin receptor gene pupA of Pseudomonas putida WCS358, the identity of 96% of 22 target colonies was confirmed in IFC-stained samples with pure cultures. In pour plates with mixtures of Ps. putida WCS358 and non-target bacteria from compost extracts, the identity of 59% of 108 fluorescent colonies was confirmed by PCR. It was shown that components from non-target bacteria lowered the threshold level of PCR for Ps. putida WCS358  相似文献   

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