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In eukaryotes, nuclear export of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit requires the adapter protein Nmd3p to provide the nuclear export signal. Here, we show that in yeast release of Nmd3p from 60S subunits in the cytoplasm requires the ribosomal protein Rpl10p and the G-protein, Lsg1p. Mutations in LSG1 or RPL10 blocked Nmd3-GFP shuttling into the nucleus and export of pre-60S subunits from the nucleus. Overexpression of NMD3 alleviated the export defect, indicating that the block in 60S export in lsg1 and rpl10 mutants results indirectly from failing to recycle Nmd3p. The defect in Nmd3p recycling and the block in 60S export in both lsg1 and rpl10 mutants was also suppressed by mutant Nmd3 proteins that showed reduced binding to 60S subunits in vitro. We propose that the correct loading of Rpl10p into 60S subunits is required for the release of Nmd3p from subunits by Lsg1p. These results suggest a coupling between recycling the 60S export adapter and activation of 60S subunits for translation.  相似文献   

In fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the spnab2 gene encodes an ortholog of the budding yeast nuclear abundant poly(A)+ RNA-binding protein 2 (Nab2) that is an essential protein required for both mRNA biogenesis and nuclear export of mRNA to the cytoplasm. We have previously isolated three mutants (SLnab1–3) that showed synthetic lethality under the repressed condition of spnab2 expression. In this study, we isolated a novel rmn1 gene as a multicopy suppressor that complemented the defects in growth and mRNA export of SLnab1 mutant cells. The rmn1 gene contained three introns and encoded a 589 amino-acid protein with the RNA recognition motif (RRM) in the central region. The Δrmn1 null mutant was viable but showed a s light mRNA export defect. However, its over-expression caused a deleterious effect on growth accompanied by intense accumulation of poly(A)+ RNA in the nucleus. The combination of Δrmn1 with Δspnab2 or Δspmex67 also inhibited growth. In addition, Rmn1p was associated with Rae1p in vivo. These results suggest that rmn1 is a novel gene that is functionally linked to spnab2.  相似文献   

Small nucleolar RNAs constitute a family of newly discovered non-coding small RNAs, most of which function in guiding RNA modifications. Two prevalent types of modifications are 2'-O-methylation and pseudouridylation. The modification is directed by the formation of a canonical small nucleolar RNA-target duplex. Initially, RNA-guided modification was shown to take place on rRNA, but recent studies suggest that small nuclear RNA, mRNA, tRNA, and the trypanosome spliced leader RNA also undergo guided modifications. Trypanosomes contain more modifications and potentially more small nucleolar RNAs than yeast, and the increased number of modifications may help to preserve ribosome function under adverse environmental conditions during the cycling between the insect and mammalian host. The genome organisation in clusters carrying the two types of small nucleolar RNAs, C/D and H/ACA-like RNAs, resembles that in plants. However, the trypanosomatid H/ACA RNAs are similar to those found in Archaea and are composed of a single hairpin that may represent the primordial H/ACA RNA. In this review we summarise this new field of trypanosome small nucleolar RNAs, emphasising the open questions regarding the number of small nucleolar RNAs, the repertoire, genome organisation, and the unique function of guided modifications in these protozoan parasites.  相似文献   

Summary Cells of embryos carrying a lethal nucleolar mutation have been maintained in vitro for extended periods of time. Normally these mutants live only 9 to 12 days after fertilization but their cells in culture will survive for more than 3 months. The extent of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis was determined in primary cultures prepared from normal embryos and nucleolar mutants having different numbers of ribosomal RNA genes. We found that the accumulation of radioactivity into rRNA for normal and mutant embryos was similar in vivo and in vitro. In primary cultures of normal embryos which have two nucleoli per cell and mutant embryos which have only one nucleolus per cell, the incorporation of radio-activity into rRNA was similar even though the normal cells have twice as many rRNA genes. Thus the mechanism which regulates dosage compensation of the rRNA genes operates both in vivo and in vitro. This work was supported by Grant GB38651 from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The maturation of ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) is an important but incompletely understood process required for rRNAs to become functional. In order to determine the enzymes responsible for initiating 3' end maturation of 23S rRNA in Escherichia coli, we analyzed a number of strains lacking different combinations of 3' to 5' exo-RNases. Through these analyses, we identified RNase PH as a key effector of 3' end maturation. Further analysis of the processing reaction revealed that the 23S rRNA precursor contains a CC dinucleotide sequence that prevents maturation from being performed by RNase T instead. Mutation of this dinucleotide resulted in a growth defect, suggesting a strategic significance for this RNase T stalling sequence to prevent premature processing by RNase T. To further explore the roles of RNase PH and RNase T in RNA processing, we identified a subset of transfer RNAs (tRNAs) that contain an RNase T stall sequence, and showed that RNase PH activity is particularly important to process these tRNAs. Overall, the results obtained point to a key role of RNase PH in 23S rRNA processing and to an interplay between this enzyme and RNase T in the processing of different species of RNA molecules in the cell.  相似文献   

Fission yeast ptr1-1 is one of the mRNA transport mutants that accumulate poly(A)+ RNA in the nuclei at the nonpermissive temperature. We found that the ptr1+ gene encodes a homolog of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Tom1p, a hect type ubiquitin ligase. In ptr1-1, a conserved amino acid in the hect domain of Ptr1p is mutated. The ptr1+ gene is essential for growth and its mutation did not affect nuclear protein export. A ptr1-1 rae1-167 double mutant showed a synthetic effect on a growth defect, indicating that Ptr1p functionally interacts with an essential mRNA export factor Rae1p. We also isolated a multi-copy suppressor for ptr1-1 and found that it is the mpd2+ gene isolated as a multi-copy suppressor of cdc7-PD1.  相似文献   

The extent of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) export to the deep ocean depends upon the efficacy of the biological pump that transports primary production to depth, thereby preventing its recycling in the upper photic zone. The dinitrogen-fixing (diazotrophic) Trichodesmium spp. contributes significantly to oceanic C and N cycling by forming extensive blooms in nutrient-poor tropical and subtropical regions. These massive blooms generally collapse several days after forming, but the cellular mechanism responsible, along with the magnitude of associated C and N export processes, are as yet unknown. Here, we used a custom-made, 2-m high water column to simulate a natural bloom and to specifically test and quantify whether the programmed cell death (PCD) of Trichodesmium mechanistically regulates increased vertical flux of C and N. Our findings demonstrate that extremely rapid development and abrupt, PCD-induced demise (within 2–3 days) of Trichodesmium blooms lead to greatly elevated excretions of transparent exopolymers and a massive downward pulse of particulate organic matter. Our results mechanistically link autocatalytic PCD and bloom collapse to quantitative C and N export fluxes, suggesting that PCD may have an impact on the biological pump efficiency in the oceans.  相似文献   

We report the discovery and characterisation of a novel nucleolar protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We identified this protein encoded by ORF YIL019w, designated in SGD base as Faf1p, in a two hybrid interaction screen using the known nucleolar protein Krr1 as bait. The presented data indicate that depletion of the Faf1 protein has an impact on the 40S ribosomal subunit biogenesis resulting from a decrease in the production of 18S rRNA. The primary defect is apparently due to inefficient processing of 35S rRNA at the A(0), A(1), and A(2) cleavage sites.  相似文献   

Recent structural and functional characterization of the pseudoknot in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae telomerase RNA (TLC1) has demonstrated that tertiary structure is present, similar to that previously described for the human and Kluyveromyces lactis telomerase RNAs. In order to biophysically characterize the identified pseudoknot secondary and tertiary structures, UV-monitored thermal denaturation experiments, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and native gel electrophoresis were used to investigate various potential conformations in the pseudoknot domain in vitro, in the absence of the telomerase protein. Here, we demonstrate that alternative secondary structures are not mutually exclusive in the S. cerevisiae telomerase RNA, tertiary structure contributes 1.5 kcal mol(-1) to the stability of the pseudoknot (≈ half the stability observed for the human telomerase pseudoknot), and identify additional base pairs in the 3' pseudoknot stem near the helical junction. In addition, sequence conservation in an adjacent overlapping hairpin appears to prevent dimerization and alternative conformations in the context of the entire pseudoknot-containing region. Thus, this work provides a detailed in vitro characterization of the thermodynamic features of the S. cerevisiae TLC1 pseudoknot region for comparison with other telomerase RNA pseudoknots.  相似文献   

The iron-limited Southern Ocean plays an important role in regulating atmospheric CO2 levels. Marine mammal respiration has been proposed to decrease the efficiency of the Southern Ocean biological pump by returning photosynthetically fixed carbon to the atmosphere. Here, we show that by consuming prey at depth and defecating iron-rich liquid faeces into the photic zone, sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) instead stimulate new primary production and carbon export to the deep ocean. We estimate that Southern Ocean sperm whales defecate 50 tonnes of iron into the photic zone each year. Molar ratios of Cexport ∶Feadded determined during natural ocean fertilization events are used to estimate the amount of carbon exported to the deep ocean in response to the iron defecated by sperm whales. We find that Southern Ocean sperm whales stimulate the export of 4 × 105 tonnes of carbon per year to the deep ocean and respire only 2 × 105 tonnes of carbon per year. By enhancing new primary production, the populations of 12 000 sperm whales in the Southern Ocean act as a carbon sink, removing 2 × 105 tonnes more carbon from the atmosphere than they add during respiration. The ability of the Southern Ocean to act as a carbon sink may have been diminished by large-scale removal of sperm whales during industrial whaling.  相似文献   

Proteins are translocated across the chloroplast thylakoid membrane by a variety of mechanisms. Some proteins engage a translocation machinery that is derived from the bacterial Sec export system and require an interaction with a chloroplast-localized SecA homologue. Other proteins engage a machinery that is SecA-independent, but requires a transmembrane pH gradient. Recently, a counterpart to this Delta pH mechanism was discovered in bacteria. Genetic studies revealed that one maize protein involved in this mechanism, HCF106, is related in both structure and function to the bacterial tatA and tatB gene products. We describe here the mutant phenotype and molecular cloning of a second maize gene that functions in the Delta pH mechanism. This gene, thylakoid assembly 4 (tha4), is required specifically for the translocation of proteins that engage the Delta pH pathway. The sequence of the tha4 gene product resembles those of the maize hcf106 gene and the bacterial tatA and tatB genes. Sequence comparisons suggest that tha4 more closely resembles tatA, and hcf106 more closely resembles tatB. These findings support the notion that this sec-independent translocation mechanism has been highly conserved during the evolution of eucaryotic organelles from bacterial endosymbionts.  相似文献   

A series of ts mutations in the GSP1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was isolated by error-prone PCR. A total of 25 ts gsp1 strains was obtained. Each of these mutants showed between one and seven different amino acid alterations. In several of these ts gsp1 strains, the same amino acid residues in Gsp1p were repeatedly mutated, indicating that our screen for ts gsp1 mutations was saturating. All of the ts gsp1 strains isolated had a defect in nuclear protein import, but only 16 of the 25 ts gsp1 strains had a defect in mRNA export. Thus, Gsp1p is suggested to be directly involved in nuclear protein import, but not in mRNA export. Following release from α-factor arrest, 11 of the ts gsp1 mutants arrested in G1; the remainder did not show any specific cell-cycle arrest, at 37° C, the nonpermissive temperature. While the mutants that are defective in both mRNA export and protein import have a tendency to arrest in G1, there was no clear correlation between the cell cycle phenotype and the defects in mRNA export and nuclear protein import. Based on this, we assume that Ran/Gsp1p GTPase regulates the cell cycle and the nucleus/cytosol exchange of macromolecules through interactions with effectors that were independent of each other, and are differentially affected by mutation. Received: 30 June 1997 / Accepted: 23 October 1997  相似文献   

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